Saturday, October 21, 2006

Griffin to expel the BNP reform Group now

Griffin is a total fruitcake now. Does he think the BNP Reform Group are just the few still in the BNP ?

Silly boy.

Griffin knows who I am anyway, and he cannot expel me again.

Most expelees are outside the BNP anyway due to his bumblings and draconian excesses in the past.

He has made far too many enemies and we will ensure that his days are now numbered in the BNP.

He cannot expel those he has already expelled, and there are hundreds of us now, and many of us make that a 'personal' crusade against him.

Mr. Griffin we are ready to do to you, what you did to us.

Surely that is fair ! N'est pas ?


Anonymous said...

It's time for the anti-Griffin forces in the movement to bury their differences.

What unites us - the need to restore honest nationalist politics - is far more serious than whatever has divided us.

Graeme said...

The Reform Group was the best thing the BNP had of ridding itself of the tyrant, Griffin!
If the group fails, then the last chance of saving the party will have elapsed.
New blood is coming into the party all the time but how many of these nepohytes are actually true nationalists?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...