2008 list online
WTF is going on at the BNP?
We are being told that, John Walker (ALLEGEDLY), ex BNP treasurer, has uploaded the full 2008 list online. NWN can confirm the list is real after being contacted by members who are on the list.
(NWN does NOT have this list. It is on a website totally unconnected to us.)
If Griffin cannot keep the memberships secure he should resign.
Does anyone have anymore info?
For more info ... http://www.nwn-forum.co.uk/
Further Update:
The last entry on the membership list is, Sept 2008. John Walker, was sacked from his position as, BNP treasurer in, Sept 2008.
Latest disclosures:
Sharon Ebanks accuses Nick Griffin of lying!
See: Griffin the liar
1 – 200 of 442 Newer› Newest»Jesus H Christ! Its true, I've just seen my details. Who in the BNP has done this?
My details are too.
Just spoke to Collett who denies it is even true! I sent him the link and he says it's made up!!
Everyone on my branch is on there up to September 08!
I'm also on the list, what the fuck is going on? I could lose my job
Sounds like total bollocks to me. Have NWN made this up as just another excuse to attack Griffin? We know he is a twat but this just wont wash.
Sounds like total bollocks to me. Have NWN made this up as just another excuse to attack Griffin? We know he is a twat but this just wont wash.
18 November 2008 00:11
I can assure you its real. I've just made calls to friends and they ARE on the list. Put your surname up and I'll tell you your postcode if you don't believe it
No genuine nationalist would print this list.
No blog site should either.
Well done to NWN upon relaisation for taking it down.
I can't find it and I did a search. Is it a site, blog or what?
How many people are on it?
I'm not convinced, sorry guys.
It is there Clive, and no, you can't have the link, but if you care to offer your surname, we will give you your postcode, telephone number, employment status, and membership number.
Holy shit. Just what the fuck is going on? Did it get out over the weekend, was it stolen by reds hacked or what?
The BNP membership list seems to go 'walkabout' every 12 month or so.
I would like to write to them all and invite them to form a new and more democatic party!
I've just had a call, I'm on it to. I want my fucking member money back, like has been mentioned here, I could lose my fucking job. I'm bloody angry.
The most shocking thing is some of the comments by the names!
God help anyone who is in the army, the pison service, health care, police officer or a teacher.
You're all fucked!
For some reason too, a lot of the unmarried women have their ages by their names, is this for the benefit of a certain person or persons?
Me to, I'm on the list, I could be chucked out of the army. What is going on? Piss up in a brewery comes to mind. Who controls the membership list? Clearly old Griffo doesn't give a shit!
I want some answers, NOW
How can Griffin run a country if he can't run a membership list?
Have to say Im dubious too. It doesnt come up on google or any other search. Whats the point putting it online if no one can find it?
I have seen the list and it is gen.
Tommy Williams is on there too !
Ok see of you can get my membership number from my name and postcode.
Chris Hill
Any comments that appear by my name would also be most welcome.
Doesn't Tina Wingfield hold the list??
Tommy Williams? Well come on then what's the delay? Address please because you know he'd publish just about anyone's he don't like.
Re: Tommy Williams don't forget the comments net to his name - Cunt, wanker, hired arsehole, slanderer etc etc.
I notice that the membership numbers are not being given..Why not?
A hoax ????
Why can't we be given a link?
The list is still there, the BNP know it's there, yet they have done nothing. Curious?
even if it is true and it is online whats the worry. I cant find it after searching so why would any employers be able to
Fuck me, the reds have the list now.
OMG have you seen what has been written by LUAF? What if they give the list to ANTIFA? ANTIFA have just teamed up with BETA TAGAR! The Tagarines would petrol bomb us in our homes.
Anyone noticed that no one on SF has mentioned it?
even if it is true and it is online whats the worry. I cant find it after searching so why would any employers be able to
18 November 2008 10:43
Because the fucking reds now have it, and they will give it to anyone.
You have to laugh. All those redirection points, hush hush meetings, and the BNP goes and loses the most valuable piece of information it has. Each one of those names translates into money. Who wants to renew now knowing the BNP will just give your details up to a bunch of communist loonies, who damage cars, property, throw bombs, and threaten the lives of children? Oh yes, the reds paint nasty pictures of BNP members, but amongst their ranks, particularly in Manchester, are some of the most muderous scum that ever walked.
The membership should demand Griffin stand down over this breach, and other leader would. He has put thousands of members at risk, and proved unfit to lead.
Dear Anonymous,
Yes that's spot on, but why no membership number?
Chris Hill
Dear Anonymous,
Yes that's spot on, but why no membership number?
Chris Hill
18 November 2008 11:15
Not all of them have member numbers next to their names. Whoever did this, it took them 6 days to upload it from their source. There are more than 2000 A4pages of information
No membership numbers (well, not in most cases) makes me think it is the Excalibur mailing list.
Why the fuck are you showing comments that are clearly sent in from the great unwashed,who gives a fuck if they have a list or not. I'm proud to be a member.
"No membership numbers (well, not in most cases) makes me think it is the Excalibur mailing list.
18 November 2008 11:23"
We've been told it's John Walker, but we can't prove it.
"Why the fuck are you showing comments that are clearly sent in from the great unwashed,who gives a fuck if they have a list or not. I'm proud to be a member.
18 November 2008 11:25"
Bully for you, what about the other members?
Lancaster Unity are saying the list has been removed, but it hasn't. What are the BNP playing at? Why don't they send a legal letter to the service provider?
I can't believe you chaps are so surprised or worried! - The BNP "management" is an obvious target for infiltration by:
HM Govt, Mossad/CIA French and German intelligence services and "Far left" groups - probably others. If you stand as a council candidate all of your details are public domain anyway.
If a group started attacking nationalists it would provide a catalyst for massive support - they know that!
"Proud to be a member"
Are you proud the BNP is so careless with its members details? Do you think it will encourage MORE people or LESS to join the party in the future knowing it is so lacksydaisical with their personal information?
What about the high profile support the BNP, Simon Darby in particular, has crowed about? Will that be so forthcoming in the future?
What if someone gets attacked or loses their job as a result will you be proud of that?
This is a DISASTER for the BNP, both on a PR front and a security level. Heads should roll and Im afraid that the buck has to stop with the chairman. He has been good for the BNP but this is a blunder too far.
If he wont resign or says the error was someone elses then he should sack all of those involoved in the compilation and storage of members details, All of them.
He acted decisively over the "Rebels" he should act decisively now, if he doesnt he will lose face, the faith of the members and credibility as a responsible leader.
If this list contains my name, which I'm told it does, then it's not an Excalibur mailing list because I've never bought anything from them by mail or over the internet. I have of course bought Excalibur merchandise at meeting etc, but I've always paid cash. So this must be a membership list.
In August this year (at the EGM) Griffin claimed we had almost 10,000 fully paid up members. Can anyone filter out the actual paid up membership numbers from this list (I don't have the link to the list, so can't do it).
Is it true the BNP also have a list which has your IP from SF and the BNP forum next to your email and member number?
"Is it true the BNP also have a list which has your IP from SF and the BNP forum next to your email and member number?
18 November 2008 12:35"
Yes, I'm afraid it's true
The reccession means many of us could lose our jobs, add this info to it and its a dead cert. I'm really upset, how could they do this?
"Is it true the BNP also have a list which has your IP from SF and the BNP forum next to your email and member number?
18 November 2008 12:35"
Yes, I'm afraid it's true
18 November 2008 12:43
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY? Why do the BNP need that sort of information on us?
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY? Why do the BNP need that sort of information on us?
18 November 2008 12:49
So that if you say unfavourable things about Griffin, you get the chop :-)
I don't know what everyone is crying about. We/most of us stand as BNP candidates anyway. Name and address is freely there for everyone to see FROM THE COUNCIL.
Everyone put your Y fronts back on and wipe your arse before you do it. All you moaners out there make sure you are not standing by me when the real fight begins, I want someone who can stand up for themselves without blubbering.
Anonymous peter, Merseyside BNP said...
I don't know what everyone is crying about. We/most of us stand as BNP candidates anyway. Name and address is freely there for everyone to see FROM THE COUNCIL.
Everyone put your Y fronts back on and wipe your arse before you do it. All you moaners out there make sure you are not standing by me when the real fight begins, I want someone who can stand up for themselves without blubbering.
18 November 2008 13:01
Well just as long as I don't have to stand next to a numbrain no-hoper like you Peter from Merseyside I'll be quite happy.
Save us from dim bulbs and narrow minded jerks like peter please.
I prefer forward thinkers, people with intelligence and a rational approach.
I prefer people who think beyond the ends of their snotty noses thank you and those who can think of the bigger picture.
Not you peter, that's for sure.
Without doubt, the most damaging thing about this list, is the vast amount of BNP members who are also parliamentary candidates and members in other parties.
There are a lot of Jews on the list to, and I wonder what Lancaster Unity will do about that?
I'm told that Excalibur may have been given a copy of the list for mailing stuff to people their Christmas ideas gift list.
I am going to suggest that Searchlight (who have all ready exposed the building and its whereabouts) have probably been inside the building and removed the list by means foul and put it up on the web so as to protect themselves.
People on here who have not seen the list but "don't give a fuck" clearly have not the seen the names of 2 Scottish Premier footballers, half a dozen teachers, close to 100 serving soldiers and Prison officers, people who could be in real fucking trouble.
While some people clearly do not mind who knows about them, I don't fancy being a screw at some prison where some coon or reds can get worked up to have a go at some one.
Or, particularly in Yorkshire, I would not want the name of my pub to fall into the hands of the red cowards who of late have been attacking pubs late at night.
So just because you're some gobshite who the whole world knows about, grow up and spare a thought for those of us who have a lot to lose by this act of terrorism.
I'm told that Excalibur may have been given a copy of the list for mailing stuff to people their Christmas ideas gift list.
I am going to suggest that Searchlight (who have all ready exposed the building and its whereabouts) have probably been inside the building and removed the list by means foul and put it up on the web so as to protect themselves.
RUBBISH! There isn't a computer at the lock up, the computer is at Walkers home. Have the reds broken into Walkers home?
Ok, I could be sarcastic and say this didn't happen when I was data protection officer !! But I won't!!
To be serious, my name address etc has been in the public domain for years and I'm still alive and breathing. I've not seen the list so I will not comment on its accuracy, similarly I will not speculate on the source.
But PLEASE do not panic.
RUBBISH! There isn't a computer at the lock up, the computer is at Walkers home. Have the reds broken into Walkers home?
It could be a copy of labels? Plus, there are computers at Excalibur people's party laptops.
I can confirm that the list is genuine and online.
I have checked it against my membership lists.
Former B.N.P. Organiser.
I see the disbelievers have been kicked into action on Stormfront. Probably Collett and Hannam trying to quell any fears.
"I see the disbelievers have been kicked into action on Stormfront. Probably Collett and Hannam trying to quell any fears.
18 November 2008 13:50"
If they wish to think that, let them, but one pressing question on that list. When was Collett made Deputy Chairman of the BNP?
Written below is taken directly from the list online.
5 Biddenden Road
West Yorkshire
LS15 8XD
0113 266 3555
07968 179735
Dep Chairman - Head of Publicity Department
Anonymous said...
I see the disbelievers have been kicked into action on Stormfront. Probably Collett and Hannam trying to quell any fears.
To think a year or so ago Stormfront was pretty much THE place to find out what was happening in British nationalist politics. In comparison now it's a backwater.
To think a year or so ago Stormfront was pretty much THE place to find out what was happening in British nationalist politics. In comparison now it's a backwater.
18 November 2008 14:00
Thats because Arthur Kemp controls it for the BNP.
Google Earth is very good. Nice estate to live on if you can afford it.
What abour Mr Darby's nice Welsh bolthole. Can anyone help?
Below is a property owned by the BNP/Griffin. It appears to house John Walkers brother, as John is registered elsewhere.
William L.
5 Mechanics Lane
01244 823949
Proof of entitlement seen
John A.
1 Crossways
01244 520132
07815 146712
Sarah Walker (15) YBNP Sup Club
Google Earth is very good. Nice estate to live on if you can afford it.
What abour Mr Darby's nice Welsh bolthole. Can anyone help?
18 November 2008 14:12
Suprisingly, Darby, is a paid up member. I can't say the same for the lying Lee Barnes though, he isn't on the list.
Nr Welshpool
SY21 8EH
Activist. Change of address 21/9/06
Will their be a bird watching blog today? Or just spitting feathers?
What's all this about Mr Darby's nice Welsh bolthole then??
Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha ha [gasp] ha ha. [chokes]
Wouldn't it be better to keep comments to the NWN forum rather than on this blog?
Can someone who has the list do me a favour and tell me if a Mr Mark Proudfoot is on there? I suspect it is but would like clarification.
Incredible, but someone on Stormfront had published the link :O
Can someone who has the list do me a favour and tell me if a Mr Mark Proudfoot is on there? I suspect it is but would like clarification.
18 November 2008 14:58
There is no Proudfoot on the list
Incredible, but someone on Stormfront had published the link :O
18 November 2008 15:02
Who published it?
A message to Griffins rabid dogs.
NWN didn't publish the membership online, someone in the BNP did. Kindly take your vitriol out on them, and not us. We had the commonsense to leave the BNP. In Griffin, you get what you ask for.
Incredible, but someone on Stormfront had published the link :O
18 November 2008 15:02
Who published it?
Someone with the ID Blanco the Crusader. But now the thread has been removed.
Blanco the Crusader, is connected to the blog below, and the rebels.
We know for a fact the John Walker gave BNP accounts to the rebels. What else has he given them? We also know for fact that Walker plotted to overthrow Griffin, and was in talks with Barnbrook to challenge him.
On the subject of the rebels, they will have Griffin back in court in the next few weeks, and I hope they knock the bastards other eye out. The BNP is bankrupt, and cannot pay its solicitor bill.
Down with Griffin, Down with Griffin, Down with Griffin,Down with Griffin.......
''I'm also on the list, what the fuck is going on? I could lose my job''
i hope you do to be fair.
IPs are stored everywhere by most companies/internet facilities - its as a back up for offensive and spurious comment and bloggers who threaten other users online.
Bunch of lieing scumbags
We have allowed through some of the comments by the reds. We have done this to show their threats, and the serious nature of this list being published online.
The BNP have had all day to remove this list by legal means, and they clearly don't care because its still there.
For those of you who think NWN are reds, think on, we actually informed the BNP of this breach and provided them with the URL to the list.
Whoever gave away the list deserves a paddlin'
Awesome. Just awesome. Finally, you retards are getting what's coming to you.
Come on guys, out and proud.
Blows Rangers FC's anti-sectarian drives out of the water.
Where is the list? I want to check if I'm on it...
I can't believe it
I own a PC retail outlet and this could ruin me, It makes me want to puke on my shoes
If their really are famous people in the membership (I have no idea if their are) and they are exposed, then they could suffer financially.
As a result they could bring a civil claim for breach of the Data Protection Act and for distress if proved. Any claim could be expected to be a very significant amount. Plus their are a number of either way criminal offences for breach of the Act if proved.
Either way is their really any way back for the BNP now when the decent honest members find out they have been publicly exposed.
Who is responsible?
The rebels?
An individual acting alone?
Other professional sponsored elements?
Having had death threats from BNP activists in the past, when I was an active anti-BNP campaigner, I sincerely hope none of you suffer the same fate from extremist lefties.
I mean it, I hope they take the list down and you can go about your business without the burdon of fear I suffered.
I also hope the moderators allow this post to be published.
Fear causes violence and over-reaction and is more dangerous than aything else in society. I hope you all find a way to the middle ground. Much less fear here.
Best, J.
There are over 100 + viewing the blog as I write.
This is an NWN record !
I am an anti-nazi and did post a mocking and ambiguous post earlier (legal though)
However shouldn't you remove the names and address from the comments - otherwise you will be doing similar damage to original leak ?
110's Viewing?
That's because this link is being copied and pasted around forums all over internetworldland.
Interesting reading.
I find it funny how people are panicking about it. It was your choice to join such a organisation, knowing full well the risks it could bring regarding employment, etc.
If you're all as proud to be a member of this organisation as you make out you are, then this list shouldn't bother you.
I hope nothing bad happens to the people on the list.
Ah man i don't know what to do about this. There was a report about a policeman getting fired for just having a BNP badge. I don't want to lose my job over this.
Just now my mate Chris rang me, he works in the public domain, and all he could do was scream, "Unbelievable Jeff!" Down the phone at me. I could not calm him down at all. We are all just confused about how something like this could happen.
I just hope the list does not fall into the wrong hands. As someone has pointed out, the last thing we need is more violence.
STORMFRONT is still not covering this story. Can you believe it ?
The list contains 12,215 names (not including family members under 18). By my reckoning of those in the Lancaster area, far more than half were lapsed members by 2007 and do not have a rejoining note attached to their details (ie. they’re still lapsed). There is no reason why the Lancaster area is any different from any other, so as of August 2008 we had only about 6000 paid up members! And this is not an old membership list, the latest entry is dared July 2008.
When Griffin claimed (at the EGM) in August this year that the membership was approaching 10,000 he was lying, it’s that simple. The 5% nomination mark needed to stand against him for the leadership, now becomes almost 10%, and given the revolving door membership situation this may well relate to something like 20% of the members with the required two years standing. Griffin is a dictator!
Chris Hill
bang out of order this, i hope those of you on the list are looking at legal action already! some cunt is about to post the link on here
Surely us BNP members should all sue them, possibly for 25k. I know some decent lawyers who are always happy when I put business their way.
HA!! HA!!
It's bollocks. It hasn't happened.
If if had, were is it?
I certainly cannot find it. If the bnp's enemies had it, it would without a doubt, be EVERYWHERE by now. And it isn't.
A Rumour, a lie and balls.
fear not.
STORMFRONT is still not covering this story. Can you believe it ?
18 November 2008 16:19
They are even bulling up that unfunny little jew Reg Varney over there on Stormfront.
I come for my news on the scene on this forum not the pathetic Stormfront.
That's just too funny. Phone numbers, email and addresses.....
You guys are completely screwed!
And yes, it is out there, it took me 5 minutes to find it.
so your all gonna get what you deserve, racist motherfuckers.
"so your all gonna get what you deserve, racist motherfuckers."
Keep it up, we like you showing what you're capable of.
It's bollocks. It hasn't happened.
If if had, were is it?
It's out there, believe me.
For the record I think this is way out of order - even though I despise the BNP's views - you are members of a legitimate political party.
No one should lose their job over their political affiliations.
You cant trust no-one, too many people have "carpenters Disease" and they join anything/everything. Its all run by the state!
When they are ready, they pull the carpet from under you.
Try some Leaderless Resistance!
There must have been a commie mole within the BNP organization. This is nothing short of political persecution at its worst.
Welcome to the Orwellian police state, ladies and gentlemen. Either chant "Diversity is our strength!" like good little sheeple, or else be exposed and denounced in a Two Minutes Hate by the mindless masses.
I am forced to agree with an earlier poster:
"For the record I think this is way out of order - even though I despise the BNP's views - you are members of a legitimate political party.
No one should lose their job over their political affiliations."
I might not like your views but I will defend to the death your right to believe them. That said, if there are people who have to hide their views to be in a job perhaps they are in the wrong job and should be a bit more proud of their beliefs.
The Griffin crew will no doubt blame the rebels/les enfant terribles, but I do wonder...
They managed to bug their phones, corrupt their computers etc, etc, but did not get the membership files back?
I think this could be a bit of double-entry on Griffin's behalf?
God knows, the last thing any of us should want is Martin Reynolds' wife big black dildo being slapped across our heads.
Odinsdaughter, on SF is full of shit. She claims the full list has been live since Saturday. It hasn't, whoever did it took 6 days to complete if check the dates on there. This means 2 things. It was copied from a format into a more readable one which took time, or, it was hand typed from a document which makes them superhuman and worthy of the typist of the year award.
My bet, is it was copied and pasted onto the site from a WORKS spreadsheet.
HAHAHA!!! That's some funny shit right there!
Hope none of 'em lose their jobs or anything.
You can always ring Nick griffin and ask what is going on.
01938 820560
It is still up and Griffin's home number is on there plus his daughters mobile and the details of ma G. Plus someone with a Knighthood!
Whatever your views it cannot be correct to post identifiable private information like this.
NWN have you not reported the privacy breach directly. It is not like they are some small dodgy web hosting outfit.
This is all so funny. Better than asian bashing for a laugh. It is funny how those that dish it out don't seem to have any empathy for those who have to take their crap. But lo, when the chips fall in the other direction its all 'poor me'. Unfortunately 'the reds' seem to have more ethics than yourselves and aren't directing us curious seekers to it (again, just for a laugh - don't really need to know).
Where did you get Griffin's number from?
the list online is dated 15th on a blog site - the date is not possible to mess with.
If your gonna be in the BNP, you should all not care that your names have been splurted out on the internet.
If your getting shook and scared over it, then this really shows that you are a cowardly bunch.
Ha ha this my racist friends is comedy gold.
P.S its all over the internet now
"Ha ha this my racist friends is comedy gold.
P.S its all over the internet now
18 November 2008 18:34"
Look on the bright side you anti fascist scumbag. If harm comes to anyone on that list, the police will rip the guts out of your organisation, and then we'll kill you :-)
go over to housepricecrash theyre all talking about it, the links on their forums. estate agents,police,busuinessmen,from all walks of life
If you are worried about losing your jobs being in teh BNP, then you shouldn't be so racist. It is illegal after all.
As I see it something like this was bound to happen. Griffin has rough-trodden so many good nationalists that eventually someone was bound to do something 'over-the-top' just to revenge him.
dont you worry guys, i have directed the police to the list. Just to ensure that any of you that are police officers will be police officers no more lol. A lot of you can expect to lose your jobs. Happy Christmas!!! :)
Can someone check if there is a Ben Dover on the list i just need to be sure.
the more you talk about this list the more it will spread! Brilliant!
hopefully a large, sweeping round up of all BNP party members will occur and some lovely camps where smelly 'showers' will decrease the numbers or racist ijits alive on the planet.
much love,
a dark skinned, jewish human
I wonder how many people have saved a copy in Word?
Read the update on the front page at the bottom.
Enemies of Britain like to scare people into not joining the BNP by stealing the membership list and publishing it in the Guardian or the internet. It has made me finally want to join the BNP.
I just saw the name of my friend and girlfriend on the list. WTF!!!
Enjoy reading the papers tomorrow.
This is completely out of order. I don't agree with your views but you should be free to be a member of whichever political party without this going on - it's ridiculous.
I hope they get it off the web soon, it really is pretty much everywhere.
Convictions - monitor
18 November 2008 19:33
All the people on there with Irish names are you going to send yourselves home? Or did you take the soup and now lackey for your imperialist masters?
Hope you are all named shamed and shunned in your local communities.
Merry Christmas x
Anyone posting details of members, will have their posts deleted.
You have been warned.
I cant believe its not butter!
Re. those with Irish names. In my experience the Irish a bunch of rascist cunts. Fuck 'em.
Hugh Janus is in fact Beverley Kerry who seems to find all this funny.
BNP members details are out there, and Kerry/Odinsgal is having a laugh or a lulz as she puts it.
Putting these details out is a very serious security problem and Nick Griffin should resign.
Anon said...
Hugh Janus is in fact Beverley Kerry who seems to find all this funny.
That tart from Ilkeston is a nasty bit of goods. One moment she is doing the CUNTs work, the next she tries to make a big impression on SF as the know all.
Can you check if there is an R. Sole on the list please?
Yes, we reds have your list. Hell, we have your list all the way in Canada. :)
On your marks, get set...
Its on thepiratebay and spreading around the world like wildfire
Dont forget Nigerian fraudsters will be using this !
I must admit I'm rather torn over this: one the hand I'm on the list, but on the other I'm an estate agent adn am anticipating an unpturn on the currently stagnating housing market, since quite a few people may well be wanting to move in the near future. Swings and roudabouts, as they say.
Dave howard isn't on the list as far as I can see
Let's get a bit of sense in here.
If you are involved in radical politics you can't expect to necessarily remain anonymous. Indeed how can you 'fight for the country' in secret? What example does that set to others about your commitment?
When I was in the BNP in the 1990s(when it was still a party) we used to say that if you try to hide the reds come looking for you. Easier to be upfront.
Thousands of people are not going to lose their jobs or be murdered. Fear is the big threat.
It will emerge in time who is responsible. Should not have happened but it's not the end of the world. But bound to happen when those running it alienate so many people.
ROBERT SOLE, No match found.
If you're on the list now is the time to phone your bank - and all the other banks. And probably get a guard dog!
Luckily my name isn't on the list.
But some people I know are talking about it on GRcade.com
KEV777. sure i am on the list and i don't give a fuck and i don't think any true nationalist should. come on stand up and be counted it is the only way to get at the lefty bastards .
I suggest you all stop panicking and get to grips with the meaning and practise of state-sponsored 'disruptive action', which is the hidden face behind this latest attack. If the spooks and their assets in the BNP can throw you so easily with a stunt like this, what else can they do, when they get desperate?
Visit www.news-alliance.com for thorough information on how to combat the Secret State and its agents at work in all anti-Establishment organisations and political parties.
Finally, where is your 'leadership' at this time? This 'conduct' is beneath the so-called leadership of a Nationalist party.
The time has now come for the BNP to wake up to the sheer extent of the HUMINT security threats it faces....
Looks like the BNP will be winning a few seats next June after all this publicity, Party full of soldiers, Doctors, Nurses,etc what a result. This will be in every paper, news station tomorrow, this is worth millions of £££££££s in publicity.
I must admit I'm rather torn over this: one the hand I'm on the list, but on the other I'm an estate agent
A racist estate agent?!?! You must be a hit with the ladies!!
An internal BNP email doing the rounds is claiming Sharon Ebanks leaked the list and published it online. Lee Barnes and Eddy Butler claim its her.
Going to be fun paying visits to the addresses. Do you want to know the name and address of the first one of you we will visit on Thursday night?
Don’t you guys get it? You are all pawns for the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! The British Intelligence services run and control the opposition to the status quo. Griffin on the right Galloway on the left, it is all bullshit.
WAKE UP visit infowars.com
is Mike Hunt on the list? :(
Anonymous said...
Re. those with Irish names. In my experience the Irish a bunch of rascist cunts. Fuck 'em.
I hope that was meant to be ironic. Otherwise you're a fucking idiot, and just as bad as the racists you are criticising.
Anonymous said...
is Mike Hunt on the list? :(
Is that Sid talking about Beverley?
I have seen the list and it contains phone, email, address and other personal detials on BNP members.
I hope that each and everyone of you now feels what it is like to live with constant fear of the intimidation and victimisation caused by racists and narrow minded people like you.
I hope this is the end of the BNP. Unlike BNP members I will not use this information to target hatred and offence.
It can't be too recent. I joined in August 2008 and I'm not on it.
Brilliant, serves you all right for being narrow minded idiots. If you are worried about the consequences of your membership to the BNP then that should tell you what you are doing is wrong and what is acceptable behaviour towards all mankind.
It can't be too recent. I joined in August 2008 and I'm not on it.
That's OK, you will be on the next release ;)
Anti-gag said...
"Griffin is a dictator!"
Funny that innit? Just like all those other far right leaders.
NG thinks this is "water off a duck's back"!!!!
What a disgrace!
The BNP seems to be full of retired/unemployed people - who are obviously just miserable old bastards - teenagers - who obviously are being young and stupid - and some class A nutters.
Your party is a very unfunny joke.
Feeling scared? Now see why people want your friends at Redwatch to be shut down?
Luckily people who oppose the BNP won't get involved in violence a la Redwatch.
We can beat you democratically.
And because your party is a shambles.
I found this list posted on Various Islamic Muslim Forums and Jewish Boards - some of the people on there are nutters and whackos! Shit knows what happens if alqaeda or IDF gets hold of that!
Feel proud, you have the rght to stand up for your political beliefs, thats what democracy is about.
"Going to be fun paying visits to the addresses. Do you want to know the name and address of the first one of you we will visit on Thursday night?
18 November 2008 21:15"
Your IP has been saved and will be forwarded to the police if you continue.
whats the fuss you should be proud to be a member. we should stand forward be counted and be seen.
there's an idea, save it to word then print off lots of copies and plaster them around the place.
if you are all so proud of the bnp, why hide it?
best laugh I've had for ages, you all deserve what you get.
The list is already in the hands of various mainstream media outlets, and is being trawled through as I speak. Some of you are right to be very worried indeed.
Oh my .. i've had to leave the phone off the hook as i've been getting prank calls all night. I can't believe i'm going to have to change my e-mail and phone number from this scandal! Blast the news for making it even worse - im sure theres literally hundreds of people searching as we speak! This is not fun!
ANTIFA have uploaded the list to wikileaks
Its on the BBC news site now.
there's an idea, save it to word then print off lots of copies and plaster them around the place.
if you are all so proud of the bnp, why hide it?
best laugh I've had for ages, you all deserve what you get.
18 November 2008 22:37
It isn't a matter of being ashamed. Its being scared of cunts like you who threaten to torch newborn babies. FUCK OFF
Why are you bothered?
If you believe in your views and are all above board, what's the problem?
Why the cowardice?
By the way, loads of forums have your names as well....
V interesting!
ha ha owned that'll teach u not to like lfs
"It isn't a matter of being ashamed. Its being scared of cunts like you who threaten to torch newborn babies."
18 November 2008 22:44
Wait, what? Who's torching newborn babies? I'm confused.
What's up with you cowards, many of us are in the public domain and already lost our jobs.
You talk about saving your country and you panic if you think someone knows you.
I thought the lefties were tossers but at least they don't pretend to be heroes
may all the fanjo's of the world unite and stop the spread of evil
The Telegraph has already got this story on the website.. Its going to be everywhere!
whats wrong with you all,be proud that you are members of a party that one day WILL make a difference, and will improve the lives of ordiary english people.anybody posting idle threats should go and get a life,better still join the BNP,thats what you really want to do,join the party that is right for you THE BNP.....d sinclair
I do not see the problem here, if you support an organisation, such as the BNP, you must either be stupid, or proud of being stupid. Now go forth and bask in all your glory. The membership list is, indeed, out there, it's on the internet, it's on websites and trackers far beyond the jurisdiction of mighty Britannia, so celebrate in your new found fame. A word of warning: Every scrupulous employer will be checking CVs and employees against this now.
Tell me though, how does it feel? No regrets I hope?
I hope they get it off the web soon, it really is pretty much everywhere.
Way too late - it's even into the file sharing networks now. If the mighty Microsoft can't get their stuff removed from there the BNP doesn't stand much chance.
If your e-mail address is in there, I'd be expecting a big increase in spam over the next few days too.
The fascists are angry!
how come BNP own the late Mr. William Leo Walker's home?
Man, that sucks. I'm no fan of the BNP or any other racist organisations but it's out of order posting it online- how would those threatening to visit these people feel if their positions were reversed?
I don't give a shit who know's any way.I'm proud to support the BNP which is why I have put up poster's in my window.
I notice Tony Lecomber is not on the members list.
That puts paid to what Searchlight was saying about him.
I wonder if the vile little twerp was behind and the attack at Bethnal Green?
im a member but my details are not on the list...
I’m on the list, and I welcome it being published. Our Marxist leaders who are unfolding 1984 before our very eyes have opened Pandora’s box.
To the leftys stirring up crap, I have just deleted 25 of your posts ! :-)
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