Friday, October 20, 2006

Assistance for Germar Rudolf

On 15 November Germar will have spent one year in German detention - and his transfer from Stammheim to Mannheim will take place in mid-November.

His address will be

Germar Rudolf
Herzogenriederstr. 111
D- 68169 MannheimGermany
The trial will take place at the

Landgericht Mannheim
D 68159 Mannheim

Telephone: 0621 292 2919
Fax: 0621 292 1314

Tentative dates for trial:
14 & 16 November 2006
4, 6 & 21 December 2006
10, 22 & 29 January 2007

It is possible to visit Germar - individually or in a group of max. three persons.

Please write to germar so that he can organise this from his end. Visitors need to obtain permission from the presiding judge

Landgericht Mannheim
Judge Matthias Schwab
Tel.: 0621 292 2668
Fax: 062 292 1314

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