The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
'The British Broadcasting Corporation has been struggling for several years against criticisms and claims of biased reporting concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and distorted coverage of the global fight against terror.
Following a diplomatic incident with Israel, the BBC appointed an editor known for his objective reporting, however, the true stance of the corporation’s editors remained the same. An internal memo, recently discovered by the British media, revealed what the BBC has been trying to hide. Senior figures admitted in a recent 'impartiality' summit that the BBC was guilty of promoting Left-wing views and anti-Christian sentiment.',7340,L-3318582,00.html
Richard McCann fears a "copycat" killer could be at large
The children of three of Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe's victims claim their mothers could have been killed by someone else who may still be at large.
One of them, Richard McCann, made the claim after talking to a senior police authority member at the time of the killings and wants the case reopened.
Mr McCann, whose mother Wilma was killed in 1975, said two other children of Sutcliffe's victims were concerned.
But West Yorkshire Police say there is no evidence to support the claims.
Mr McCann, whose mother Wilma was Sutcliffe's first victim, told BBC Look North he recently spoke to Ron Warren, deputy chair of West Yorkshire Police Authority at the time of the killings.
I'm concerned about a 'copycat' theory, after talking to people involved in the investigation
Richard McCann
He said he had studied press cuttings and was now "deeply concerned about Sutcliffe's confession".
Mr McCann said: "There is an element of doubt about this case and that frightens me.
"I had believed 100% that Sutcliffe carried out all the murders but now I'm concerned about a 'copycat' theory, after talking to people involved in the investigation."
He later contacted the children of two other victims - Patricia Atkinson and Irene Richardson - and said they are now equally concerned.
But retired detective Dick Holland, number two on the Ripper inquiry team, said there was absolutely nothing to support Mr McCann's fears.
Wilma McCann was the Ripper's first victim
In a statement to the BBC, West Yorkshire Police said: "These crimes were investigated at length by the force, resulting in Peter Sutcliffe being convicted.
"The investigation was also the subject of a lengthy and detailed enquiry by Sir Lawrence Byford.
"There is no new evidence to substantiate these claims."
Peter Sutcliffe was jailed in 1981 and given 20 life sentences for killing 13 women and attempting to kill seven more.
During the investigation valuable police resources were diverted after a hoaxer, who became known as Wearside Jack, pretended to be Sutcliffe.
Last week the hoaxer, alcoholic John Humble, from Sunderland, lost his appeal against an eight-year sentence for perverting the course of justice, after being arrested through DNA advances in 2005.
Humble's trial was told some of the Ripper's victims might not have died had he not diverted police with his hoax letters and tape.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

BNP Organiser gets gun to throat
In 1993 a North West BNP local Organiser got fingered by the 'reds'.
According to the book by Tilzey and Hann: NO RETREAT , they were both there, and in fact, they organised this scene.
Local Sinn Feinn /IRA gangster and Anti FascistAction/AFA hardman, and now deceased criminal, from his non-racist comrades Dessie Noonan, Noonan was the guy who threatened the BNP organiser with a gun.
Noonan got murdered by a low life yardie scum fairly recently. Noonan got carved and by a negro. So apt for one who publically called himself an anti-racist. Here is Mr Noonans murderer.
Nope, we cannot see him either.

Peter Rushton's review of No Retreat by Steve Tilzey and Dave Hann
[Page 15] The most usual criticism of the racial nationalist movement in Britain is that we are a gang of violent morons devoted to racial attacks and mindless vandalism. One national newspaper columnist recently described us as "racist thugs whose whole politics are based on violence and hate."
Our anti-fascist opponents have enjoyed a more benign public image. Their researches and exposés, endorsed by mainstream print and television journalists but usually originating from the magazine and intelligence network Searchlight, have been trumpeted widely by media magnates such as Robert Maxwell and Richard Desmond. Bishops, actors and pop stars have lined up for the cameras alongside Auschwitz survivors to denounce the politics of hate.
Yet there has always been another face of anti-fascism. For more than forty years Sir Oswald Mosley's political organisations faced well-financed and extremely violent efforts to drive them off the streets and wreck their meetings. The National Front, British National Party and others later became the main targets for this mostly Jewish and/or communist opposition, which was augmented from the early 1970s by new generations of anarchists and Trotskyists, and by the Irish republican movement which now saw itself as part of a worldwide anti-imperialist coalition (except when soliciting funds from Irish-Americans).
The new book No Retreat by two prominent anti-fascists from Manchester openly admits this aspect of their struggle. Steve Tilzey and Dave Hann were active in 'The Squad', a violent faction of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party which was expelled from the SWP and later became a tiny pro-IRA group called Red Action allied to other groupuscles in an umbrella alliance called Anti-Fascist Action.
The authors positively revel in their violent exploits, which mostly took place between 1977 and 1994 in South-East Lancashire and especially Manchester – then as now the capital of militant anti-fascism.
Here, for example, is Tilzey's account of an attack on NF paper sellers in Manchester city centre in 1978:
I was right at the front of our lot as we steamed in, hitting anyone who got in my way with a lead-filled chair leg. The element of surprise was on our side, and the Fronters were caught cold and flat-footed as we tore into them. Five or six of them were battered into the ground and stayed there. They were hit with all kinds of weapons, and a couple of them were begging for mercy as they attempted to shield themselves from the blows raining down on their heads. Not one of them fought back, or rather they were not given the chance to.
And here is Hann's description of an attack on BNP members at the Brunswick pub in Rochdale, Lancashire, in 1992:
I was about the fifth or sixth in the pub and the scene was already one of complete carnage. Bottles, pint pots, barstools and pool balls filled the air as the whole place erupted into complete mayhem. I saw Gerry battering some bonehead over the head with a bottle as he tried to make good his escape out the back door, and everywhere you looked anti-fascists were brawling with fascists... To add to the general confusion someone threw a big glass chandelier into the bar from the room upstairs, which exploded on the floor sending shards of glass flying everywhere.
Superficially then No Retreat seems more honest about the true nature of anti-fascism than almost all previous accounts. Yet on closer examination this book is revealed as yet another self-serving concoction of lies, evasions and distortions.
One of the most infamous incidents in Steve Tilzey's career was his imprisonment for kidnapping a young skinhead. Chapter 3 of No Retreat gives a partial account of this case, omitting several key facts. Tilzey does not tell us that the main purpose of the kidnapping was to threaten his victim and discover the address of the Barker family, well known NF activists who then lived in the Lancashire town of Littleborough.
He plays down the violence involved in the case – in fact the judge passing sentence said "the weapons you took with you are quite dreadful, capable of inflicting the most serious injuries and of killing in many cases."
And he attempts to disguise the identities of his accomplices in this and other acts of violence. One of the main characters in Tilzey's early chapters is identified only as JP. This is John Penny, SWP branch organiser and founder of the Squad, then a sociology lecturer at Mid-Cheshire College of Further Education, now 51 years old and living in Scotland.
Tilzey names "the Squad armourer" as Coops – this is Stephen Cooper, then unemployed, from the Wythenshawe district of Manchester. Mick B, named in the book as "a Squad member from Day One", is actually Michael Butroyd who then lived in Stockport. Other communist thugs referred to by Tilzey but not properly identified in the book include Mark Kent, Brian Broadley, Paul Hallatt, Robert Piatt and David Smith.
The subject on which No Retreat's authors are least candid is their relationship with Searchlight. Since Tilzey was Searchlight's main northern operative for many years, they can hardly deny any knowledge of each other, but Tilzey manages only a coy reference to Searchlight "passing information on to groups and individuals best placed to use it."
The Searchlight gang's intimate connections with the Jewish establishment and with British police, security and intelligence agencies make them embarrassing allies for hardcore leftists such as Tilzey and Hann. One imagines the embarrassment is mutual, especially after several incidents in 1992 and 1993, which forced [Page 16] at least a cosmetic split between Searchlight and AFA/Red Action.
In January 1993 a package containing 1lb of Semtex plastic explosive ripped the front off the world famous Harrods store in London. Well placed video surveillance cameras helped the police track down the two IRA bombers responsible, Jan Taylor and Patrick Hayes, who received thirty year prison sentences. There were red faces on the British left when it transpired that Hayes was one of the leaders of Red Action – less than two years earlier he had liaised with police as chief steward for an AFA march through East London protesting against John Tyndall's BNP.
A few weeks after the Harrods bombing Manchester-born Red Action member Liam Heffernan was arrested while trying to steal explosives from a quarry in Somerset. Heffernan was a prominent anti-fascist, but also an active terrorist for the INLA, an ultra-militant splinter from the IRA. He was sentenced to twenty three years in prison for his INLA activities.
The list of AFA contact addresses swiftly disappeared from issues of Searchlight after the Hayes and Heffernan arrests!
Tilzey and Hann choose to ignore the republican terrorist activities of two of their colleagues, but they hint very briefly at the even more sinister criminality closer to home in Manchester.
Hann gives a partly accurate account of the collapse of South Manchester BNP in 1993 after the branch organiser was singled out for intimidation by an anti-fascist gang. One member of this gang is identified in the book only as "Dessie, an anti-fascist from the Eighties who was by now a well-known local 'face' about town." Hann gleefully tells the tale of how Dessie personally threatened the BNP organiser, ordering him to tell AFA everything he knew about the party in the region.
This gentleman's full name is Dessie Noonan, recently described by a Manchester journalist as "the underworld equivalent of Robocop." He was head doorman at the notorious Konspiracy Club in Fennel Street, Manchester, from November 1989 until police closed it in December 1990. This was the era of 'Madchester', when Salford's white gangs controlled the booming ecstasy and amphetamine trade, while the black gangs of Moss Side and Cheetham Hill dominated the heroin business.
Noonan has several brothers whose names all begin with the letter D – their father's tribute to Dublin, the city of his birth. Dominic Noonan is a convicted armed robber; Damian became head doorman at the Hacienda, the most famous club in Europe and centre of the dance music craze until rampant drug dealing forced its closure in 1991; Derek was a partner in the Penny Black pub in Cheetham Hill, headquarters of Manchester's leading criminal gang.
Dessie himself, in the words of Manchester Evening News journalist Peter Walsh, "was a notorious enforcer who had emerged from a jail term for conspiring to pervert the course of justice by threatening to kill witnesses in a robbery trial – the witnesses were police officers."
In 1989 Dessie had joined members of the Manchester anti-fascist Squad in a brutal attack on a group of Ulster Loyalists in the Rusholme district. One of his cronies, Paddy Logan, infamously bit the earlobe off one of the Loyalists. Many years later in July 1999 Logan was shot dead by a hooded assassin at his home in the Withington area of Manchester, sparking off a bloody gangland feud. Dessie Noonan preferred life at the safer end of a gun.
At a New Year party in 1991 some of Damian Noonan's successors on the door at the Hacienda were threatened by a gun-toting 22-year-old named Tony Johnson. Known as 'White Tony' because he was the white co-leader of a predominantly black gang of drug dealers, Johnson was already in trouble with members of the Noonan family because of a dispute over the division of the spoils from a £362,000 security van robbery at Mumps Bridge, Oldham, in November 1990.
White Tony was pushing his luck. On February 22nd he was driving with a friend past Derek Noonan's Penny Black pub when his car was flagged down. Johnson was shot several times, and then finished off at point blank range while lying on the ground in the pub car park. Manchester police were instantly aware that this was one of Manchester's most important gangland murders. They arrested Dessie and Derek Noonan, together with two of their known criminal associates.
The Noonan gang were tried twice for Tony Johnson's murder. The first trial in 1992 collapsed, the second in 1993 ended in acquittals. Greater Manchester Police are not looking for any alternative suspects. In 1999 Damian Noonan was shot while on the door at the Phoenix Club in the city. He refused to cooperate with police inquiries.
It's no surprise that the authors of No Retreat are economical with the truth about their good friend Dessie, but what angers me far more are the devious attempts to advance Searchlight's disinformation agenda. Even while the authors (especially Hann) try to distance themselves from Searchlight the continuing connection is obvious. The book's first photo is of early Squad hero Graeme Atkinson – but readers are not told that Atkinson is the current European editor of Searchlight.
Someone called Mike L is given several favourable mentions. This is Mike Luft, the organiser of Searchlight's campaign against the BNP in Oldham.
Either directly or indirectly the book tries to promote Searchlight-inspired smears against several active nationalists, sometimes without giving their names but phrasing things so that any BNP or NF veteran would know who's who.
Most tiresome are the frequent exaggerations employed to make the Squad members sound more heroic and influential. A lengthy account of AFA's attack on Rochdale BNP at the Lord Nelson pub in 1992 omits to mention that the pub landlady praised the BNP on local radio that evening, saying that her premises would have been wrecked by the left-wing mob if the nationalists had not put up such able resistance! Moreover, no mention is made of the infamous Searchlight spy Tim Hepple, who provided most of the intelligence on which the later attacks chronicled in No Retreat were based.
Hann's story of AFA's attack on a BNP rally in Colne, Lancashire, in May 1993 suggests that the BNP members ran away from the fight "nearly fighting each other in their haste to get away." The truth was that (heavily outnumbered) the BNP took up position on [Page 17] a narrow bridge to even the odds, and AFA prudently decided to hold back. I know, because I was there!
The most ludicrous exaggeration involves AFA's trashing of the Hare and Hounds in Todmorden in June 1993. A photograph in the book shows BNP leader John Tyndall, regional organiser Ken Henderson and many other party activists outside the pub, with the caption "BNP supporters gather shortly before a violent visit by Anti-Fascist Action." The truth is that AFA deliberately attacked the pub before the main BNP force had arrived – only a handful of us were inside at the time to have our lunch spoiled and our beer spilled.
Hann's tale of the May 1994 local election in Rochdale is equally distorted. He brags that "the three BNP candidates and their agents had been smuggled into the town hall in the back of a police van" and that this must have been "pretty humiliating" for candidate Janet Appleyard, "who was also rumoured to be a member of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan." Since I was Mrs Appleyard's agent at the count I can say that no such humiliation occurred. We entered the town hall on foot through the front door, and we left via the front door as well (dodging a hail of bricks and bottles). Some of Hann's stories of violence during the count are correct, though he fails to mention the disgraceful partiality of the police and courts, who punished nationalists severely for defending themselves against the red mob. One nationalist, Mark Priestley, was dealt with especially severely because he was already serving a bind over.
Completely absent from No Retreat's narrative are a series of attacks against prominent nationalists and other enemies of Searchlight in the mid-90s. Serious assaults took place at the homes of BNP press officer Mike Newland, West Midlands BNP organiser Keith Axon, author and researcher Alexander Baron, and Heritage and Destiny editor Mark Cotterill, as well as the terrorist bombing of the BNP bookshop in Welling, Kent, which injured shop manager Alf Waite. One can only guess the reason for omitting these significant events. Perhaps some nationalist conspiracy theorists were right at the time in guessing that some or all of these attacks were carried out by professional agents of the state rather than the usual anti-fascist rabble.
The most suspicious cases involved transatlantic cooperation between anti-fascist and "animal rights" terrorists. This came to light in the late 1990s during Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigations into a spate of letter bombings.
Pipe bombs and letters booby-trapped with razor blades were sent in 1995 and 1996 to several prominent racial nationalists including Ernst Zundel, Don Black and Ed Fields, as well as to targets involved in medical research and the fur industry. Surveillance of the principal suspects led to the discovery of student identity cards from British universities stored in deposit boxes alongside bomb materials.
Mysteriously the Canadian authorities delayed prosecution of the terrorists involved – Darren Thurston and David Barbarash – then dropped the charges to avoid exposing their undercover operations.
While Thurston and Barbarash were engaged jointly in anti-fascist and animal rights terrorism, a British animal rights extremist group known as the Justice Department issued threats to British nationalists and carried out a letter bombing at the BNP bookshop in Welling.
Once again there were suspicions that the secret state was somehow involved – especially when it was discovered that the man who bombed the BNP had earlier escaped from police custody in Manchester. Many leftists have pointed out that Searchlight spy Tim Hepple was also involved in animal rights extremism, which is perhaps another reason why Tilzey and Hann make no mention of Hepple – the most important anti-fascist undercover operative of recent years – in their book.
(Many readers will already know that Volkert van der Graaf, who murdered the Dutch nationalist leader Pim Fortuyn in 2002, was also a veteran animal rights terrorist.)
As with their treatment of other aspects of the long war against racial nationalism, the authors of No Retreat step back from telling the whole truth. Even their own former comrades in Red Action have turned against Tilzey and Hann since publication, issuing the following statement:
Due to the controversy surrounding the launch of a book called No Retreat by Dave Hann and Steve Tilzey due out on November 1, which is presented by the authors as a true and honest account of their involvement in militant anti-fascism over two decades, we are now putting out this statement.
As preview copies of the book have not been made available we cannot comment with any authority on the contents.
Of the character of the authors we can say this. As a result of serious breaches of trust, Tilzey and Hann were either expelled or forced to resign from Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) and Red Action respectively.
Following the attempted theft of extremely important AFA intelligence data, Steve Tilzey was shown the door by AFA in 1993. Sometime in 1994 Dave Hann was arrested and charged in connection with a street robbery involving a gay man. It was many months before the national leaderships of RA or AFA were made aware of the charges. An immediate investigation revealed disturbing evidence of Dave Hann's involvement in similar anti-social activity. Shortly after his trial at Liverpool Crown Court, where his co-defendant pleaded guilty, Dave Hann resigned from Red Action. On being confronted with the testimony of former associates, and in the presence of two officers representing national AFA, and a leading anti-fascist resident in the city, Hann confessed his guilt and offered his immediate resignation from AFA. He also surrendered his involvement in the football fanzine Red Attitude with which AFA was publicly associated. Not long afterwards he left Manchester.
Red Action are curiously more worried by Hann's alleged violence when the victims are homosexuals rather than elderly patriots. Typically the Searchlight gang are unworried by this side of their stooge's character!
In conclusion I must echo the American writer Dorothy Parker. This is not a book to be set aside lightly; it should be hurled, with great force.
This review appeared in the Spring 2004 (number 15) issue of Heritage and Destiny, from PO Box 331, Blackburn, BB2 4RG. No Retreat by Steve Tilzey and Dave Hann, published by Milo Books, ISBN 1-903854-22-9, 2003. Softback, 283pp, from Milo Books, 10 Park Street, Lytham, Lancs, FY8 5LU price £7.99.
"I'd say they were scared of the TRUTH getting out, eh? What they've done to Axon and myself is illegal, and they know it.
It took 2 months for Keith to get a response, and I have yet to recieve what I am guilty of. Hacked emails has nothing to do with it.
I know who uploaded the rude pic's of Martin Reynolds, and I know many many other things, don't I Mr Griffin
Hows it feel to know it's coming to an end, Nick?
Keep clicking on that SAVE THE BNP banner Mr Griffin, you ain't got away with it this time Oh, and should anything happen to me, I ain't the only one who knows about it "
NWN: Sharon Ebanks is about to spill all on the corruptness in the BNP under Nick Griffin, according to the above comments from M/S Ebanks website.

Nick Griffin attacks by name the 'United Front'
Nick Griffin has just pure lost it. He has isolated himself so much via his paranoia, that he has become like a modern day Nero. But he is fiddling the cash, while Britain is burning.
Mr Griffin has isolated so many nationalist groups, so many hundreds of individuals.
It is time for him to go...........forthwith !
Pic : Emperor Nero
Below is the url of the United Front group, they are even supporting Mr Griffin at his trial.
The 'NorthWestNationalists' are not.
We are the first but not the only British nationalist group that will not support Nick Griffin , ever.
He has shown that he will crap on fellow nationalists , and does not care if they go to jail.......witness Kevin Hughes.
There should be demos if not marches for Hughes. We don't know the fellow, but the only having demos for the Chairman of the BNP reeks of preference.
While we support the cause, we believe that Griffin will not be sent down, as he is a 'part of the State' now and has been taking the jewish shekels. His cozy chats with top Zionists such as 'Babs' Amiel, and his articles for the Jerusalem Post will make sure that he does not get any jail time.
John 8 : 44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
Read this groups message;

Peter Sutcliffe
John Humble
John Humble, the alcoholic fallguy for the ripper tape, who incidentally got over 8 years in jail, has lost his latest appeal against sentence.
This seems to be yet another cover-up by the Police to cover their sorry incompetent backsides.
The sad fact is that Margaret Thatcher was also involved in making sure that sicko Peter Sutcliffe was never allowed to speak, especially after hanging has been banned. It is this intervention by, at the time PM Margaret Thatcher, that makes this case a major worry for ordinary folk. According to one writer, the murders have not ceased.
The murder of Lesley Molseed (1975) was another cover up and is closely linked to this scenario. The very same Police Officer was involved in both the Ripper and the Molseed murders. This Police Officer was shown to be corrupt.
Just how many corrupt Police Officers have been helped by their peers ?
We, the Advisory Council were just finishing the very best AC meeting ever.
We were due to launch the biggest, and still is the biggest, nationalist election campaign ever.
We were organising for the 1999 Euro Election Campaign. We fought every seat/area in England, and Scotland too, which allowed our message to be broadcast to Ulster. Over 15 million leaflets went out.
Then, right at the closure of that meeting, held near Wolverhampton, Griffin threw his challenge in.
So for those who have a problem with any timing to rid the party of Nick Griffin ought to hear that fact.
I told him to his face.........
"Bad timing , Nick !"
To his credit , he agreed !
Demand a leader that gives us an annual conference EVERY YEAR
Demand a leader where the members elect the Advisory Council
Demand a shadow cabinet that shows we are a political party in training for government rather than a profit-making organisation for the leadership
Demand a leader who doesn’t sack members for exercising FREEDOM OF SPEECH
Demand transparency of ALL the accounts
Demand a leader who cares about the progress of councillors and actually bothers to phone them once in a while
Demand a leader who allows councillors to have input on policy
Demand a leader who doesn’t lie about you and stab you in the back for questioning the money
Demand a leadership that doesn’t raise funds by deception ripping the members off
Demand Nick Griffin steps down NOW !
There is a very busy thread flowing on SF UK at the moment. One poster abyss says that Griffin "will be forced to step down".
Now from one who knows Griffin well, and the fact he is like the other chameleonic parasites who infest such places as the Palace of will only prise him out of this job with a jemmy . Crikey, before he snatched John Tyndalls hand off for writing articles for SPEARHEAD, he was blowing part of his head off with his own shotgun as a part time forester. Griffin like Lecomber, were unemployable.
Today, 08:58 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Posts: 620
Re: Dirty tricks thread
Originally Posted by .:.BNP.:.
LOL LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I bet Griffin is ****ting it What will be uploaded to will be so explosive that a leadership challenge will not be needed. Griffin will soon be forced to step down
Highest echelons of US Government easily penetrated
FBI reveals investigation continues
On October 10, 2006, FBI spokesman Bill Carter confirmed that matters raised by Sibel Edmonds and shielded form public view by the invocation of the US States Secret privilege were still under internal investigation by the Bureau.
Sibel Edmonds
“Due to the fact that the allegations of Sibel Edmonds reflect internal administrative and investigative matters it would not be appropriate to respond to your inquiry. I will point out that the DOJ Office of the Inspector General has reviewed this matter and released a public report. I would refer this report to you for your review. The Inspector General's report concluded that the FBI did not adequately investigate allegations Ms. Edmonds made regarding a co-worker. After the OIG's initial classified report, the FBI conducted further investigation into Ms. Edmonds' allegations. That investigation is continuing.”*
Back in March of 2002, Edmonds was released from the FBI over her discovery of an array of espionage activities. Looking back, and with the benefit of new information from the FBI and elsewhere, it appears that the government of Turkey was spectacularly successfully in compromising FBI, CIA, DEA, DIA and DOS operations, and was also able to mount other espionage programs that allowed Turkish interests to obtain assorted military and WMD technology know-how, and garner US and Israeli military support for its bloody internal struggle against its significant and much maligned Kurdish population/opposition.
The Turks: Masters of Espionage
The Turks would not have been successful in staging what may be recorded as one of history’s finest intelligence coups had it not been for many sympathetic US military personnel, bureaucrats and politicians who, whatever their egotistical reasons, believed themselves to be acting in the USA's best interests. Certainly, no one can accuse them of not effectively representing their powerful Turkish clients whether in defeating US Congressional action recognizing the Armenian Genocide or ensuring that US corporations close lucrative deals in Turkey.
The sympathizers names are now overly familiar: Douglas Feith, Brent Scowcroft, William Cohen, Richard Perle, Michael Leeden, Bob Livingston, Marc Grossman, Paul Wolfowitz, Eric Edelman, Richard Armitage, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Dennis Hastert, et al. Rather than re-hash their affiliations and track records here, visit to find out more about their linkages to each other and Turkey (Israel too).
NWN: Once again we see the usual suspects being named.
Immigrants set Paris ablaze
The deployment came after more buses were torchedExtra police have been ordered into suburbs in the French capital, Paris, on the first anniversary of two deaths which sparked riots across the country.
An additional 4,000 officers were deployed amid reports two more buses had been attacked and set ablaze.
Earlier, at least 500 people marched in memory of the two teenage boys, both from immigrant families, who died.
Their deaths and the suggestion they had been running from police triggered three weeks of suburban clashes.
During the violence - between youths of mainly North African origin and police - more than 10,000 cars were set ablaze and 300 buildings firebombed.
Ahead of the anniversary police had reported an upsurge in violence. On Thursday, two buses were set ablaze.
For more.........
Apologies !
October 26 2006 at 07:53AM
Former United Nations chief weapons inspector Hans Blix on Wednesday described the United States-led invasion of Iraq as a "pure failure" that had left the country worse off than under the rule of Saddam Hussein.In unusually harsh comments to Danish newspaper Politiken, the diplomatic Swede said the US government had ended up in a situation in which neither staying nor leaving Iraq were good options."Iraq is a pure failure," Blix was quoted as saying. "If the Americans pull out, there is a risk that they will leave a country in civil war. At the same time, it doesn't seem that the United States can help to stabilise the situation by staying there."
War-related violence in Iraq has grown worse, with dozens of civilians, government officials and police and security force members being killed every day. At least 83 US soldiers have been killed in October - the highest monthly toll in 2006.
'Saddam would still have been sitting in office'Blix said the situation would have been better if the war had not taken place."Saddam would still have been sitting in office.
Okay, that is negative and it would not have been joyful for the Iraqi people. But what we have gotten is undoubtedly worse," he was quoted as saying.Blix led the UN inspectors that searched for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the US-led invasion in 2003.
He came under heavy fire from Washington when he urged US President George Bush to allow the weapons inspectors and the International Atomic Energy Agency to continue their work as a way to stave off a war.Ultimately a US-led coalition invaded Iraq and no such weapons were found. - Sapa-AP
NWN : Of course it was better under Saddam . This war is only for Israel. Saddam is what was needed in a total crap hole like Iraq. Not one drop of British blood should have been spilled over there, but warmonger Tony Blair knew otherwise.
Saddam Hussein also allowed a pluralistic society, where his second in command Tariq Aziz was/is a christian. The way this is going, the only winner is militant Islam or World Zionism.
NWN: This black guy seems to be a total fruitcake. Even 'inside' he was at it . Why do we have to put up with the rubbish of the World ?
No more measuring or touching men's muscles
Oct 26 2006
A MAN who terrified young men with bizarre requests to measure their muscles has been banned from three towns
Akinwale Arobieke was released from Walton jail today on license.
A Sexual Offences Prevention Order was passed against the 45-year-old, despite the fact that he has never been convicted of a sex crime.
He was banned from St Helens, Widnes and Warrington, cannot enter schools or sports grounds and cannot drive a car.
Arobieke, nicknamed Purple Aki, was jailed in 2003 on15 counts of harassment and one of intimidating a witness.
He had pursued his teenage victims for three-and-a-half years, forcing them to let him feel their biceps and making them bend over while he leaned up against their backs.
Arobieke's obsessive behaviour had continued in prison, the court heard.
Merseyside police applied to a court for the prevention order.
Prosecutor Maria Leslie claimed he had measured a man's muscles then performed an indecent act on him.
James Benson, defending, said he had not been arrested or charged for anything in prison.
He said: "All the complaints made, false or proven, are contained to muscle touching, measuring and squatting."
Officers reclassified him from category C to B during his spell in prison.
Mr Benson said Arobieke had become a target for false allegations.
Arobieke had been charged with five indecent assaults on males under 16 and many more assaults of males over 16 before he was jailed in 2003, the court heard.
The charges were dropped after he admitted the other offences.
At one point Arobieke stepped in to ask his defending solicitor to seek permission for him to measure a person's muscles in private when they consented.
An order banning him from owning pictures of musclemen at home was not passed.
Deputy District JudgeAled Jones granted the interim order, which will last for a month when police will apply for another.
What he can't do . . .
UNDER the Sexual Offences Prevention Order, Arobieke is banned from:
* Approaching or talking to anyone under 18 on purpose.
* Working somewhere he will be around under-18s.
* Driving or being a passenger in a car, except a taxi.
* Leaving Merseyside without the chief constable's permission.
* Entering St Helens, Warrington or Widnes without police permission.
* Loitering outside or going into a gym or sports club.
* Entering a school, college or university without police permission.
* Touching, feeling or measuring muscles or asking people to do squat exercises is public.
* Measuring muscles in private without consent.
Friday, October 27, 2006
NWN: Don't worry folks, all is well on the good ship HMS Griffo ! May God Bless her, and all who sail in her. Let us sincerely hope this Captain does not go down with the ship. We need to turn the tanker around !
"With even committed multi-cultists such as the head of the Commission for Racial Equality and senior Labour ministers warning that Britain is a tinderbox of racial tension, it's not in the least bit surprising that the BNP is under attack with a wave of dirty tricks. The aim is to stop us capitalising on the new public mood, and to scare off the potential new recruits and donors who will be attracted to the party by publicity about the second round of the Leeds Two Free Speech Trial."This was the warning from Nick Griffin earlier today in discussions with a number of key party officials, including our Information Technology, Legal and Security departments. Among the dirty tricks being unleashed against us in the last few weeks are:A wave of ridiculous but potentially disturbing black propaganda rumours being injected into the party's 'grapevine' and posted on extremist Internet forums.
The latest example is the tale that two individuals who are facing disciplinary procedure for alleged breaches of the BNP Code of Conduct are being denied their right to a disciplinary tribunal. Of course, if this were true it would be a disgraceful and illegal abuse of leadership power, but the fact is that it's just one of a host of bare-faced lies;Important emails and items of post 'vanishing';A big media drive - particularly from the BBC - to 'talk up' UKIP over issues such as the East European immigration flood;Hacking attacks on computers and email accounts of party officials and councillors.
Bradford BNP Councillor Paul Cromie, for example, is now under investigation by the Standards Board after an unknown hacker hijacked his Hotmail email account and used it to send pornographic photos to everyone in his email address list, including council officials;The leaking of internal information stolen from various officials' email accounts and posted on opposition and 'false flag' extremist websites.
Now that we have discovered the weakness of cyberspace-stored email systems such as hotmail, yahoo and AOL, we are taking urgent steps to end this weakness, but there is no doubt that this information has been very useful to our opponents in recent months; Stories being run in newspapers about totally groundless allegations of 'dodgy BNP accounts'.
These are carefully crafted to fall just short of libelling the independent professional auditors and the staff of the Electoral Commission who scrutinise every penny in and out of all our central and regional accounts, including the Trafalgar Club and Excalibur. Ironically, the main source of this poison is a tiny clique whose own 'rival' political party is at present eight months late in submitting its own accounts to the Electoral Commission. But, of course, such people never let the truth get in the way of a good story;A team of journalists 'digging for dirt' on all our key officials and their families;A clear drive to bring together various 'rival' nationalist factions, ranging from Nazi cranks to liberal civic nationalists, in a united front (totalling about two dozen noisy troublemakers) to try to do down the BNP;Approaches by these groups and national newspapers to a few individuals who have fallen out with the party or who have been expelled for being disruptive or undesirable.
Naturally enough, such people are usually so bitter at finding out that the BNP is not run as a crony organisation that they'll make up just about anything in an attempt to get their own back;Hundreds of thousands of pounds being spent in BNP local council wards on research to identify our voters and issues, so as to enable the opposition parties to target our support base.BNP here for good"
This concerted campaign - which almost certainly includes other things that we don't even know about - is the flip side of the New Labour drive to claw back the white working class vote by playing the Islamic card. It all has an air of desperation about it, but we mustn't under-estimate just how much effort is being put in to trying to set us back. And we need all our officials, activists and supporters to hold their nerve and keep going through the barrage. The truth about silly tales on the grapevine soon comes out; 'scandals' in Sunday tabloids become tomorrow's chip paper; crank groups which are manipulated to get in our way quickly fall out among themselves and disintegrate. The British National Party, on the other hand, is here for good", is Mr. Griffin's message.
West Midlands Regional Organiser Simon Darby, who as Deputy Leader will guide the party on a day-by-day basis if Nick Griffin is found guilty and jailed at Leeds, is equally determined to keep the BNP moving ahead:
"They are trying to break us. But we know from experience that external pressure never breaks up a movement with as much dedication and justice on its side as we have. The only thing that could harm us is internal squabbling at the top, and I know that everyone who is anyone in this party is fully behind Nick, so whatever rubbish is thrown in an attempt to divide us it's not going to happen. “Especially if Nick gets sent down (and in the present climate the only realistic chance of that happening is if they totally rig the jury) the opposition will throw everything including the kitchen sink at us, but we'll weather the storm and come out even more hardened and stronger when it passes. Time's running out for the criminal Old Gang parties and their rotten anti-white genocide system. Together, we're on the verge of a political earthquake in this country."
NWN: We think Mr.Griffin protesteth too much ! And as always, Nick Griffin is never to blame, ever.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Had to attend with a friend yesterday at a Dentists in Rochdale. I was sat there and a group of three people then came in through the front door.
They all filed past me to sit to my left, when I noticed an obviously old jewish lady looking at me, no wonder others have said Mrs.Luft is a beauty ! . Then I noticed the last of the three to sit down almost next to was my arch enemy Mike Luft himself.
Mr.Luft has been a central figure in communist forces against British nationalists for many a year.He was also allowed by the old East German Communist Government free travel under that communist regime, though not sure if he was on speaking terms with murderer Erich Honeker. Modern day Germans would like to physically rip him to pieces simply for that.
In 1976, he was taken to the House of Lords by Scotland Yard detectives, for a precedent in Law which Luft lost. This was to do with the publishing and distributing of illegal smear leaflets when an election writ is in force.
Luft was just the 'fall guy' for the Jewish Chronicle/Redvers Press, which helped in publishing and printing these smear leaflets, it probably still does.
Luft has also been a mainstay for the communist jewish SEARCHLIGHT magazine which from its inception has been manned and run by scruffy jewish individuals - Luft is one of this small coterie.
While Luft has been instrumental in the intelligence section for Searchlight, he has also been involved in criminal violence against British nationalists. Both Tilzey and Hann in their book of lies and half truths make mention of 'Mike' being an handy lad with Anti fascist Action/AFA in the 1970's and 1980's. AFA was a criminal communist armed group and usually IRA led attack group .
I couldn't work out Lufts accent, but it is not local, he sounds like a fairy cake !
Crunch time in the north
Natasha Grzincic
June 2004
In the European elections British National Party leader Nick Griffin needs just 9 per cent of the vote to be elected as an MEP for the northwest of England. Natasha Grzincic reports on the anti-fascists battling to defeat him
Mike Luft does not look at all intimidating. With his diminutive stature, Rasputin beard, mild voice and muddied hiking shoes, it’s hard to imagine him getting confrontational with anyone, never mind the British National Party (BNP). But Luft is secretary of Oldham United Against Racism, a group formed in response to fascist activity in the town that sparked rioting in the summer of 2001. With the local and European elections taking place on 10 June Oldham United’s members have been spending most of the last few months pounding the streets, spreading the word about how racist the BNP really is. On this particular Wednesday, Luft is accompanied by two veteran peace activists, a couple from a neighbouring borough and the secretary of the recently resurrected local trades council.
The below link shows a list of pics that Luft recommends.
" The library has a collection of several thousand photographs which is being archived and indexed by our volunteer Mike Luft."
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 09:33:23 +0100
This illustrates the Judas Goat nature of pseudo patriotic papers like
the Daily Mail, making a great cause out of the Stephen Lawrence murder
implanting a guilt complex in native Britons, when every one knows this
is the reverse of the truth , black on white crime is the problem as the
British vote with their feet and abandon the cities to the jungle.
The fingerprint of enemy aliens is evident in the paper's editorial policy
likewise the 'Sun' the mantra is 'Wave the flag and breed with simians'.
Home Office release official figures as police claim that political
correctness is stifling the debate
Sunday October 22, 2006
The Observer
Nearly half of all victims of racially motivated murders in the last
decade have been white, according to official figures released by the Home
The data, released under Freedom of Information legislation, shows that
between 1995 and 2004 there have been 58 murders where the police
consider a racial element played a key part. Out of these, 24 have been where the
murder victim was white.
The disclosure will add to the intense debate over multiculturalism in
British society. The figures also overturn the assumption that almost
all racial murders are committed against ethnic minority victims.
Senior police officers have admitted that 'political correctness' and
the fear of discussing the issue have meant that race crime against white
people goes under-reported. One chief constable has claimed that white,
working-class men are more alienated than the Muslim community.
Peter Fahy, the Chief Constable of Cheshire and a spokesman on race
issues for the Association of Chief Police Officers, said it was a fact that
it was harder to get the media interested where murder victims were young
white men.
'The political correctness and reluctance to discuss these things
absolutely does play a factor', he said. 'A lot of police officers and other
professions feel almost the best thing to do is try and avoid it for
fear of being criticised. We probably have all got ourselves into a bit of
state about this.
'The difficulty in the police service is that the whole thing is being
closed down because we are all afraid of discussing any of it in case
we say the wrong thing - and that is not healthy.'
Racial violence in Britain has become the subject of intense scrutiny
since the public inquiry in 1999 into the murder of black teenager Stephen
Lawrence. Most of the high-profile cases of hate crime have been
focused on young blacks, including Damilola Taylor and more recently Anthony
Walker, who was murdered with an axe at a Liverpool bus stop by white youths.
Yet these latest official figures give the most complete picture of
racially motivated murders in the UK, revealing the situation to be much more
complex. In March 2004 a white Scottish teenager, Kriss Donald, was
bundled into a car while walking in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow. He was
later beaten, stabbed 13 times, and set on fire. British Pakistani Daanish
Zahid was found guilty by unanimous verdict of the charges of racially
aggravated murder.
In the same year Christopher Yates, 30, a white man, was beaten to
death in an assault by a group of drunken Asian youths as he walked home in
Barking, East London.
Politicians and the authorities often face difficulty in raising the
issue of racial attacks on white victims for fear that far-right extremists
will try to exploit such events to stir up racial tensions.
Fahy also warned of caution in over-interpreting the figures. He said
that the 24 white victims also included those who were Jewish,
'dark-skinned' Europeans or gypsies. In addition, seven of those were killed by white
attackers, four by black, six by Asian, with seven whose racial
background was not identified.
Police have suggested that some white-on-white killings may be a result
of attacks between Scots, English, Irish and Welsh people.
Overall, there have been 10 black victims and 16 Asian victims. Of the
58 race murders, 18 have been where a white attacker has killed a black or
Asian individual and another 14 where one member of a minority group
has murdered another for racial reasons.
'This shows the complex society we are policing,' said Fahy.
'I will be honest with some of this discussion about the alienation of
Muslim people. Police officers would tell you there are a lot of young
people out there who feel alienated.
'There are a lot of young white working-class lads, particularly on the
more difficult estates, who are hugely alienated. Yet very little attention
is given to that.
'Sometimes we forget that ethnic minorities actually make up quite a
small percentage of the population.'
Three years ago Phil Woolas, MP for the Oldham East and Saddleworth
constituency, who is now Minister for Community Cohesion, said
'political correctness' was stopping racism against white people from being
As a result, he said, attacks on whites by black and Asian people are
not criticised by politicians and could harm race relations in Britain.
This weekend Woolas refused to comment, but a spokesman for the
Department for Local Communities and Government said: 'Racially motivated crime is
wholly abhorrent, whatever the background of the victim.
'This government has worked hard to improve the investigation and
prosecution of these crimes across all ethnic groups.'
In 1999 the Commission for Racial Equality published a report that
concluded that most racial crimes were committed against white people, although
it pointed out that at the time white people made up 94 per cent of the
population and that, proportionally, black and Asian people were still
far more likely to be victims of race attacks.
The report suggested that white people might also be more likely to
report a crime such as a street robbery carried out by a black person as a
racial incident.
A spokeswoman for the CRE said the Home Office figures raised some
interesting issues but she did not want to comment further until the
data could be properly analysed.

Due to all the furore lately about where all the BNP money has gone, there were no surprises that questions were asked of these two. John Walker was taken aback, as he could not ,or would not, answer the (awkward for him) questions about all the BNP national funds or lack of. One description said he was "gasping for air" when questioned.
Dave Hannam bored them with a description and tales of Ancient Egypt . Perhaps Towneley Hall would have been a more suitable venue for this positively delightful rendition to the happy faithful of Burnley BNP.
Perhaps an old English ballad from Mr.Hannam about Robin Hood might have been more appropriate. You know, 'taking from the rich to give to the poor'. Or was it the other way round ?

30 arrests at otherwise happy Eid
MORE than 30 people were arrested or cautioned on the second day of the Islamic Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations in Manchester.
But police chiefs insisted the day was largely peaceful and welcoming and that the vast majority of the estimated 10,000 people who attended yesterday, the second of three days of the celebrations, were well behaved.
A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police confirmed 22 people had been arrested and 11 cautioned yesterday.
Chf Supt Dave Keller said: "We estimate that between 5,000 and 10,000 people attended the Eid celebrations yesterday and the vast majority were extremely well-behaved.
"last night went very well and we hope that the rest of the Eid celebrations continue in the same peaceful and welcoming way.
"There were a small number of arrests and cautions which included possession of drugs, possession of fireworks, public order offences and motoring offences. In total officers made 22 arrests and issued 11 cautions."
NWN: So apart from all the arrests , all was well ! We will have to remember that when a 'footie match' is on.
Taylors Fish and chip shop Ricci ?
WHEN it comes to naming new babies, many parents are influenced by relatives or favourite celebrities, but one Stockport tot has a more unusual namesake.
Eleven-month-old Taylor is named after her mum's favourite chip shop, which she visited every day during pregnancy to satisfy her cravings for chips and curry.
Clare Ricci, 21 of Bredbury was hooked on meals from Taylor's Fish and Chip Shop in Woodley throughout her pregnancy and so when her daughter was born, Clare and partner James Cormley decided there was only one name for her.
Ms Ricci said: "My mum kept saying the baby was going to end up looking like chips and curry. It's quite a story for Taylor to tell her kids and grandkids. My family and friends weren't surprised at our choice as they knew I lived off the chips."
As Taylor is now on solid foods, inevitably she has taken a liking to{hellip}mashed-up chips and curry!
Anne Wallace, proprietor of Taylor's said everyone who works at the shop is very flattered at the honour and added: "It's quite a thing to have a baby named after us. It's unbelievable. Taylor has been coming in and she's a lovely little thing. We may even give her a job when she's older!"
Unusual baby names are becoming increasingly popular, with many new parents taking influence from the likes of Brooklyn Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple.
Urban myths of a baby named after Swedish furniture store Ikea turned out to be true and a jaundiced baby was named after yellow Tellytubby Laa Laa.
NWN : Hence, major reasons why this Country is in the state it is with idiots like this .
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Riots Grip Budapest
From correspondents in Budapest October 24th, 2006
POLICE fired rubber bullets and tear gas at far-right protestors on the streets of Budapest today as a divided Hungary marked the 50th anniversary of its anti-Soviet uprising.
Police also used water cannon to disperse thousands of demonstrators across the city, with one group of protestors battling to reach the parliament where Hungarian and foreign dignitaries held ceremonies to mark the 1956 uprising.
The main opposition right-wing Fidesz party, which has sought to compare Hungary’s current prime minister to the former Soviet oppressors, boycotted the official ceremonies led by the Socialist government.
That boycott, combined with the riots, torpedoed efforts to put on a show of national unity half a century after the failed revolt that sealed Hungary’s fate as a satellite state of Moscow until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.
Some of the protestors battling police in Budapest were Fidesz supporters, who have been out on the streets in their thousands every day for the past two weeks to demand the ouster of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany.
Others were far-right extremists equally opposed to Gyurcsany, who has admitted to lying to voters on the economy to win re-election in April. (…. Full Article Here)

Attention all Londoners !
If this person gets in a rail carriage you are in, get out rather rapidly and call the Police. Apparently he craps in dozens of them, and has caused over £60,000+ of damage due to the explosions from his back side. As if that wasn't bad enough, he wipes aforesaid excrement all over the walls and doors.
You could not make this up !
Dear All,
I am issuing this very hurried e-mail to a select number of 'Electronic Loose Cannon' / 'Electronic Watch on Zion' subscribers and not as a general release to my entire list as information to flesh-out this story is still coming it. Some time next week I will issue an ELC and ask the forgiveness of those who receive this if chunks of that ELC appear repetitive.Further to my e-mail of Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:03 PM, headed: "Media hush-up Police 'terror' raid on BNP officials?"
I have received a number of responses to my request for further information, in particular from ELC Subscribers and long-time Nationalists. (Special thanks to "R.B." and "B.B."). This additional information appears below, much in the raw state that I received it.This further information confirms my original impressions:
FIRSTLY: That for reasons unexplained, ALL national newspapers and ALL national, regional and local broadcasting media have suppressed this story. (The only exception to this was a very small note in the 'Diary' section of 'The Guardian' on 13/10/06!)Contrast this with the blanket, wall-to-wall, weeks-on-end coverage given to various recent Police anti-terror raids on Muslim sites.Some of the Muslims arrested in connection with these other raids may well be dangerous terrorists who, along with ALL other racial aliens, should never have admitted to our country and who must be returned to their lands of ethnic origin if Britain is not to be utterly destroyed in racial chaos and communal violence.....BUT, so far as I can recollect, the Police have not discovered at these Muslim locations of "a record haul of chemicals used in making home-made bombs" and "rocket launchers, chemicals, and a nuclear or biological suit" as apparently there has been in the case of this raid on men with BNP connections.
SECONDLY: The Police in this "BNP bomb-plot" case have been bending over backwards to try and play down the importance of the matter, the significance of the physical evidence their raids have uncovered, and, in particular, any "terrorist" implications. The approach of the Police seems to be part-and-parcel of the approach of the news media.The Police/Media approach in this "BNP" case is the obverse of the Police/Media approach in the case of the Police raids against Muslim locations in North London and elsewhere earlier this year when selected national broadcasting network camera-crews were given advance notice of the raids and were on the spot when front doors were hammered-in.
I speak from experience in this matter.In January 1995 I wrote, published and posted to 6,000 serving Police officers of all ranks throughout Britain a pamphlet called 'Tomorrow's Job', which detailed the way in which the Police service was having it culture changed in order that it would become the 'politically correct' shambles we see before our eyes today.The leaflets were posted in envelopes personally addressed to the recipients at their work locations -- information which is freely available to any member of the public who cares to consult 'The Constabulary Almanac' at their local reference library.
Treasury Solicitors eventually advised the Director of Public Prosecutions that my leaflet was legal, and so there was no prosecution, but ahead of that decision my printer -- at his work and home address -- and one of my supporters whose home address was used as the base address for my mail box facility, were subjected to dawn raids by Police.
By the time these raids had revealed that I was the author/publisher of the leaflet, the time limit on the search warrant had expired and anyway the Police realised I would have been alerted to an impending raid.
My printer's wife and young children were terrorised by Police smashing their way in to their home.
My supporter had only got to bed an hour before the raid having been up all night attending to the needs of his aunt who was in the last throes of Alzheimer's disease and who died a few weeks later.
His door was kicked-in because he didn't answer to the 6.00am knock promptly.You see what the Establishment can and will do to people it regards as a genuine threat, even if the issue of contention is a leaflet, not bomb-making chemicals, rocket-launchers or biological/nuclear suits.
But let us return to the present circumstances........The only explanation I can advance for the media and Police treatment of this "BNP" case all is that the Establishment realises that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are going badly for the U.S.-led coalition. Support for Britain's involvement is collapsing among "the political classes" and has all-but-evaporated among the general public.
As a result, desperate efforts are being made to hype-up the Muslim threat (from veils to bombs!) as a way of keeping the herd in a state of stampede -- and stampeding the correct direction!
The ludicrous "Bombs on Planes Plot" this summer was but one example of the propaganda techniques the Establishment is deploying to try and 'spook' the herd and excite a war fever.
And of course, this Establishment anti-Muslim campaign is keenly supported by Zionist-Jewry (a key component of the Establishment) not only because it serves as a distraction to current and daily acts of Israeli genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza and on the West Bank, but also to its war crimes so recently perpetrated in Lebanon.
Jews have the Britain's media and Body Politic by the scruff of the wallet (just see last week's 'Jewish Chronicle'!)
Thus the last thing the Establishment wants is a terrorist threat from anti-Muslim White Britons to divert attention from its ever-more-frantic campaign to stampede the public about Muslims.
If the BNP were viewed by the Establishment as a real threat to its power, it would lose no opportunity, such as this case presents, to put the boot in good and hard. There would have been a deluge of horrifying "news" coverage, widespread Police raids against anybody and everybody who had the remotest connection with the two men immediately involved (including against the leadership of the BNP).
It may be that the two men subjected to raids have only a loose connection with the BNP, or a formerly strong connection which has lapsed -- but when in the past have considerations as such as those ever got between an journalist or an Establishment-serving top cop and their "white racist" prey?
I repeat my remark of last Thursday:
".......The media's seeming suppression of news concerning this recent alleged bomb raid on the BNP, and media/Police soft treatment of Griffin and associates in respect of other serious matters, reinforces my belief that Griffin & Co have been granted some degree of Establishment protection. What have Griffin and his inner circle done to deserve this?"Prior to the appearance of the net Electronic Loose Cannon, if any of you have further information, please send it to me.
Confidentiality is assured.Martin Webster.==========================================
To: Martin Webster
===========================================From: [deleted] <[deleted]@[deleted].com>To: Martin Webster
Subject: Why Did The Dog Not Bark In The Night?Dear Martin,I have been pondering this story overnight and it seems to me the key is this (from the original Burnley Citizen piece):==="Superintendent Neil Smith moved to reassure residents and stressed:'It is not a bomb making factory' and added that it was not related toterrorism."Officers have been at the address since last Thursday and have beenconducting door to door inquiries. Forensic officers have seized his car forexamination."Supt Smith added:" 'We are making inquiries in relation to what we have found at his address and to establish what offences he may have committed. He's not a terrorist and it's not a bomb factory but we are interested in what we have seized from his house." 'It will take expert advice to establish exactly what he has got. He wasarrested under the Explosives Act on suspicion of possessing chemicalsubstances that aren't in themselves an offence to possess but if combinedmay be capable of making an explosion."===
My impression is that the correct way to decode this statement (which I think is the explanation for the nationalpress disinterest) is to look at what it DOESN'T say.
Although it was the finds at this house (Cottage's) that led them to the other house (Jackson's), this is not discussed.I rather imagine that both Cottage and Jackson were procuring materials for some third party.Cottage will appear again at Burnley Crown Court on October 23rd.-- [deleted]===========================================================
From: [deleted] <[deleted]@[deleted].com>To: Martin Webster
Subject: Re: Media hush-up Police 'terror' raid on BNP officials?
Three more just for infill:===,,1921188,00.htmlThe Guardian - 13th October 2006Guardian DIARYNow here's a conundrum: according to the Burnley Express, the Burnley Citizen and the Lancashire Telegraph, Robert Cottage, formerly of the BNP, and David Jackson, a retired dentist, appeared before magistrates last week accused of "possessing the largest amount of chemical explosive of its type ever found in Britain".A total of 22 chemical components were recovered from their homes, the papers reported, as well as rocket launchers, a nuclear/ biological protection suit and BNP literature.An exhaustive search of our extensive archives has failed to find a singlemention of this in any national daily. Furthermore, Mr John Reid has not, toour knowledge, appeared on our TV screens to enlighten us as to the terrifyingextent of this new threat to our nation's security. Then again, no one involvedwas a Muslim. Arf arf.
=== Today, 06 October 2006Chemicals Find: Two In CourtTWO Pendle men have appeared before Pennine magistrates accused of having "a master plan" after what is believed to be a record haul of chemicals used in making home-made bombs was found in Colne.Robert Cottage (49), of Talbot Street, Colne, and David Bolus Jackson (62),of Trent Road, Nelson, made separate appearances before the court charged withbeing in possession of an explosive substance for an unlawful purpose.The offences are under the Explosive Substances Act 1883. Both men wereremanded in custody to appear at Burnley Crown Court on October 23rd.Cottage was arrested at his home on Thursday, while retired dentist Jacksonwas arrested in the Lancaster area on Friday, the same day as he left a dentalpractice in Grange-over-Sands.The 22 chemical components recovered by police are believed to be the largesthaul ever found at a house in this country. Cottage is an ex-BNP member whostood as a candidate in the Pendle Council elections in May.Mrs Christiana Buchanan, who appeared for the prosecution in Jackson's case,alleged the pair had "some kind of masterplan". She said a search of Jackson'shome had uncovered rocket launchers, chemicals, BNP literature and a nuclearbiological suit.Police raided Cottage's Talbot Street home on Thursday of last week. The housewas taped off while forensics officers searched the premises. Neighbours weretold to stay in their homes for their own safety.Mr Cottage's car was also taken away for examination. Officers also made athorough examination of Jackson's Trent Road home and, again, officers wereon duty outside the house. Forensics officers examined the property.
===, 12 October 2006Media whiteout following possible BNP bomb plot arrestsMulti-ethnic community media groups condemn racist bias in British Media after its nationwide failure to report on potential BNP terrorist conspiracy.The British media has been condemned by leading minority ethnic community organisations after it buried news reports of a Police investigation which uncovered "a record haul of chemicals used in making home-made bombs".The find, which occurred in a raid of the homes of BNP member Robert Cottageand David Jackson was only reported in a local Lancashire newspaper.BBC Lancashire claimed to have missed the item which revealed the Policeuncovered an assortment of "rocket launchers, chemicals, and a nuclear orbiological suit". Officers, who also recovered BNP literature alongside the explosive chemicals, are reported to have said that this is the largest haul of this kind ever found at a house in Britain.Christiana Buchanan, who appeared for the prosecution in Jackson's case,asserts that both men had "some kind of master plan" although the police arereported to have backed down from this claim.Pickled Politics, a leading British Asian website, contacted the BBC and wasinformed that although the BBC national news team uses their own reportersand feeds from news wire services to feed them information, for some reason,neither of these channels fed the story back into "the system".It was also claimed that because the story was no longer 'contemporaneous' thisjustified them not publishing the story once they were publicly made aware of it.
Offical Police ResponseLigali contacted Superintendent Neil Smith at Lancashire Police and was told and received this response from Nathan Skelton at the Lancashire Police Press office:"On Thursday 28th September 2006 we received information that Robert Cottage (DOB 15/8/57) of Talbot Street in Colne had purchased a variety of chemicals possibly with the purpose of making improvised explosive devises."His house was searched and Mr Cottage was arrested and later charged withpossession of an explosive substance with no lawful object, contrary to S4 (1)Explosives Substances Act 1883. These chemicals were not of any threat to the public but were illegal to possess. No bomb making equipment was found andthe incident was not believed to be terrorist related. As a result of investigationsat the home of Robert cottage another house was searched on Trent Road in Nelsonand David Bolais Jackson, 62yrs was arrested with the same offence."
October 20, 2006
British diplomat David Broucher describes to the Hutton Inquiry a meeting he had with David Kelly in February 2003. An audible gasp goes up when he recalls how the government scientist apparently predicted his own suicide. But evidence subsequently unearthed by Kelly's daughter, shows their one and only meeting actually took place in February 2002 - a whole year earlier. It would have made perfect sense in February 2003 for them to have discussed Resolution 1441, the September dossier and ‘the 45 minutes’ as Broucher claims; but wind back the clock to February 2002 and what do we find? None of them were in existence.
Was the whole Broucher-Kelly conversation a fabrication?
Had this civil servant been sent to help contrive one of the biggest cover-ups in British history? Discovered in July 2003 slumped against a tree with his left wrist slashed, the consensus was that Dr David Kelly had committed suicide after being pushed to the edge by the MoD. Media pundits concurred that being humiliated in front of a televised government committee was for him, the last straw.
But many of his colleagues were incredulous that this steely weapons expert, highly-respected and at the peak of his career, would have crumbled to the point of taking his own life. Kelly was a man ‘whose brain could boil water’; who had, in the course of his career, dealt skilfully with evasive and threatening Iraqi officials.
E-mails written just before his disappearance were upbeat, expressing his strong desire to return to Iraq and get on with the ‘real work‘. Asked by US translator and military intelligence operative Mai Pederson, if he would ever commit suicide, he had replied, ‘Good God no, I would never do that.’ Immediately after his death, Pederson asserted, ‘It wasn’t suicide’. This, for the establishment’s sensitive apparatus, was an alarming statement that could not be allowed to resonate. Any intimation of state-sponsored killing on British soil was politically seismic. The notion must be quashed, doubters turned. Additional motives had to be found to account for Kelly’s alleged final act.
A simple but ingenious plan was devised: a civil servant, skilled in the art of deception, would convey a startling piece of fiction, and convince the world that this ‘suicide’ had been Kelly’s answer to a thorny predicament.
Two days before he went missing on 17th July 2003, Dr Kelly gave evidence before a Kafkaesque Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC). It had been stated in the government’s September 2002 dossier that Iraq was capable of launching an attack on a British base within 45 minutes. The committee was convened to determine whether the weapons expert had been the source of Andrew Gilligan’s allegation on the BBC’s ‘Today’ programme, that in using ‘the 45 minutes’ knowing it to be false, intelligence and facts were being - in the words of MI6’s Richard Dearlove - ‘fixed around the policy‘.
Dr Kelly admitted that he had met Andrew Gilligan to discuss Iraq. However the crux of the issue - whether Kelly had accused the government of taking military action using shaky intelligence - could not be resolved: Kelly denied it, and the FAC construed it unlikely that Kelly was Gilligan’s source. It appeared he was off the hook.
Three days later the world was stunned when David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill.
Astonishingly, within hours of his body being found, Lord Chancellor and old flatmate of Blair, Charles Falconer, appointed the establishment’s Brian Hutton, to head an inquiry into his death Normally Inquiries take months to set up; this one took just five working days. The remit: ‘urgently, to conduct an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr Kelly’ conveniently circumvented the main issue. The ‘elephant in the room’ - whether or not the death was suicide - was skilfully avoided by framing the whole affair in terms of a ‘battle’ between the war-hungry government and Gilligan’s employer, the unrepentant BBC.' Had there been an inquest, witnesses would have been subpoenaed and cross-examined, their evidence given on oath. At the Hutton Inquiry, their version of events went unchallenged, no real investigation took place, and at the end of it, no verdict emerged - Hutton merely rubber-stamped the line that Dr Kelly took his own life.
But did he?
A detailed analysis of Hutton evidence by the Kelly Investigation Group indicated that Dr Kelly‘s body was moved - twice; and that ‘haemorrhage’, listed as the primary cause of death, was almost certainly a mistake. It is known that doctors rarely agree. But in this case, nine doctors - four of them surgeons - concurred that from a single transected ulnar artery Dr Kelly would have lost no more than a pint of blood: the tiny artery would have immediately constricted and retracted, and blood-clotting would have ensued. This is consistent with the paramedics‘ observation that there was remarkably little blood at the scene. As for the secondary cause - co-proxamol ingestion - tests revealed that the amount in his blood was only a third of what is normally fatal - and there was no alcohol in his system. The Coroner nonetheless declared himself ‘satisfied’ with Lord Hutton’s conclusion that the government scientist took his own life.
The Hutton Inquiry was for the most part a pedestrian affair, with civil servants, politicians and reporters obediently recounting their connections to Dr Kelly. But on 21st August 2003 one particular appearance set the proceedings alight. David Broucher, Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, was relaying an account of a meeting with David Kelly which he declared took place on 27th February 2003. The court heard how Broucher and Kelly had talked over the problem of achieving Iraqi compliance with the 1972 Convention on Biological Weapons. Resolution 1441 had been passed, putting pressure on the Iraqis to give up their weapons. They discussed the government’s September 2002 dossier, and all the difficulties with ‘the 45 minutes’. It seemed a straightforward account - but one phrase electrified the court.
When Broucher asked Kelly what he thought would happen if Iraq were invaded, Broucher said the weapons-expert responded: ‘I will probably be found dead in the woods' According to Broucher, Kelly had promised the Iraqis that the West would not bomb, as long as Iraq complied with weapons inspections. The diplomat said he had thought Kelly believed Iraqi intelligence might have him killed if he reneged on his promise. But now, in the light of the scientist’s apparent suicide, Broucher ‘realised’ Kelly meant he might be shamed into taking his own life. It was a breathtaking piece of courtroom drama: such prescient words from the grave!
But there is a massive problem with Broucher’s story. There is strong evidence that this meeting did not take place on 27th February 2003 - as he claimed - but on 18th February 2002. Everything hinges on this date.
If Broucher’s meeting took place in February 2003 then its content would be plausible. But since, as Hutton concedes in his report, it almost certainly took place in 2002, and not 2003, then none of the following makes sense: Resolution 1441 was not passed until 8 October 2002 . So it was not, as counsel Dingemans said, in force at the time, ‘The September dossier’ was not even at the draft stage in February 2002, and was not published until the September of that year, ‘the 45 minutes’ with all the problems it incurred, did not exist in February 2002 - it was not introduced until August of that year. Rather than be mesmerised by the magic phrase, ‘I will be found dead in the woods’, we must question whether the words were ever uttered.
Suspecting the substance of this meeting was invented to exert a particular effect, let us examine how and why it was done.
David Broucher had been a civil servant for nearly forty years - surely he would have kept careful records. Not this time it seems. His meeting with Kelly, he tells us, was convened at short notice, and so was not in his diary. Doing ‘the best that [he] can’ as Dingemans prompts, he dons the cloak of a gauche amnesiac who must dig into a ‘very deep memory hole’ to dredge up the content of a rendezvous which, he maintains, took place only 5 months before. He tells the inquiry he had only one meeting with Kelly, and to the best of his knowledge, this took place on 27th September 2002. But then, in trying to work out when the weapons expert could have been in Geneva at the same time as himself, he corrects that to 27th February 2003. Matters are further confused when he says they had tried to meet on 8th November 2002, but that had not proved possible; 27th February 2003 is his final date. But Broucher’s date is wrong - and he knows it. According to an entry in one of Kelly’s diaries, discovered afterwards by his daughter Rachel at his home, this meeting did not take place in February 2003, but in February 2002. Could there have been a mistake? All the evidence suggests not.
Rachel informs the inquiry that her father painstakingly recorded events in his diary after they happened. She relays a number of examples where her father’s original plans had changed, and the correct entry was made after the event. The one entry in Kelly’s diary mentioning Broucher reads: 'Monday 18th February 2002, 9.30, David Broucher, US mis' [mission] Rachel goes on to say that this entry gives details of her father’s flights both into Geneva on 17th February and out of Geneva on 20th February. Lord Hutton writes in his report: ‘Therefore it appears to be clear that Dr Kelly's one meeting with Mr Broucher was in February 2002 and not in February 2003‘. It can therefore be established with some confidence that Broucher met Dr Kelly not on 27th February 2003, but on 18th February 2002. And the start time was not ‘noon’ as Broucher claims for his 27th February 2003 meeting, but 9.30 a.m.
To tighten this up further, let us see where Kelly was on February 27th 2003 - the day Broucher claims they met. According to Kelly’s half-sister, Sarah Pape, the day after his daughter Ellen’s wedding on Saturday 22nd February 2003, he flew out to New York. Puzzled by Broucher‘s evidence, Pape remarks to the inquiry, ‘he certainly did not mention he was going to be flying almost straight back to visit Geneva.’ Broucher: … he [Kelly] did not attend a meeting in Baltimore on 28th February that he was due to attend, so my feeling is that he probably returned to Geneva - to Europe early and that he came to Geneva, because I did see him there.’ But according to another of Kelly’s diaries published on the Hutton website, on 27th February he was still in New York on UNMOVIC business. There is no entry to indicate that he had a meeting in Baltimore on Friday 28th February as Broucher claims - the diary entry records that on Friday 28th February he was on leave in New York, and that he did not return to London until Sunday 2nd March.
In the diaries Rachel found, there was no entry for Broucher in 2003, and no mention of any trips to Geneva that year. In a nutshell, neither Rachel’s diaries nor the Hutton website diaries contain an entry for Broucher or Geneva in 2003, whereas the entry in Rachel’s 2002 diary shows a meeting time, date and flight details. Thus there is convincing evidence that the Broucher/Kelly meeting took place on 18th February 2002. Let us now review the contents of their alleged conversation.
Had reporters been alert, they might have questioned how, despite Broucher’s poor recall of dates, he was nonetheless able to squeeze from his memory every twist and turn of his professed conversation with David Kelly. If he did not keep a record of the date of the meeting, presumably he did not keep contemporaneous notes. If he had, he would have dated and filed them. So how was he able to provide such a vivid and detailed account? Broucher claims Dr Kelly phoned him while in Geneva and suggested a meeting at very short notice. But why would Kelly have stopped off in the centre of Europe on the off-chance that Broucher would be free to see him - or that Broucher would even be in Geneva? Curious too that Kelly allegedly instigated this meeting, since it was Broucher who was ‘keen to pick his brains’ knowing him to be ‘a considerable expert on these issues in relation to Iraq.' According to Broucher, the meeting lasted about an hour. They began by discussing Iraq’s biological weapons capability.
Counsel Dingemans then raised the question of Resolution 1441 which ordered Iraq to allow weapons inspections within 45 days. Dingemans: 'And at this stage, we know that Resolution 1441 has been passed and there had been further subsequent inspections; Dr Kelly was not part of that team.' However when this meeting actually took place - February 2002 - 1441 had not been passed by the Security Council; it did not come into force until 8 November 2002. The alleged discussion then moved on to the possible use of force in Iraq.
Broucher ventured he did not understand why the Iraqis were courting disaster by refusing to give up whatever weapons remained. Kelly said the Iraqis were concerned that revealing too much about their state of readiness might invite an attack, but he had tried to reassure them that if they co-operated with weapons inspectors they would have nothing to fear. However, he also believed that the invasion might go ahead anyway, which would put him in a morally ambiguous position, for the Iraqis would consider he had lied to them. Thus we are provided with the first new suicide motive: guilt. The most telling indication that Broucher’s account is a falsehood, is his claim that he and Kelly discussed the dossier and ‘the 45 minutes’. The September dossier was published on 24 September 2002. A paper on WMD capabilities was commissioned in February 2002, and another followed in March; but the early papers were not for public consumption. Broucher’s says his task was to ’sell’ the dossier to the UN - this did not apply to the early papers. The dossier referred to by Broucher and Kelly - in which ‘every judgement… had been closely fought over’ - was clearly the September dossier. As for ‘the 45 minutes’, according to both Lord Butler and Lord Hutton, this piece of intelligence was submitted to MI6 on 29 August 2002 - 5 months after the date Broucher alleged the meeting took place. Thus there is no way Broucher and Kelly could have discussed it.
We can infer therefore, that the following passage is a complete fiction: ‘We did discuss the dossier. I raised it because I had had to… it was part of my duties to sell the dossier, if you like, within the United Nations to senior United Nations officials; and I told Dr Kelly that this had not been easy and that they did not find it convincing. He said to me that there had been a lot of pressure to make the dossier as robust as possible; that every judgement in it had been closely fought over; and that it was the best that the JIC could do. I believe that it may have been in this connection that he then went on to explain the point about the readiness of Iraq’s biological weapons, the fact they could not use them quickly, and that this was relevant to the point about 45 minutes.’
Broucher reminds us here of Kelly’s concern over the 45 minutes - as would later be conveyed to the BBC’s Andrew Gilligan. He then throws something else into the mix: he tells us that Kelly felt undervalued at the Ministry of Defence and would have preferred to go back to Porton Down: ‘He felt that when he transferred into the Ministry of Defence they had transferred him at the wrong grade, and so he was concerned that he had been downgraded.’
New suicide motive number two: job dissatisfaction because of unfair downgrading. Broucher has thus given us two new motives: guilt over a promise Kelly knew might be broken, and unhappiness with his position at the MoD. The diplomat then introduces the stunningly theatrical line he attributes to Kelly: 'I will probably be found dead in the woods.’ He terms this a ‘throwaway’ remark, affecting not to have thought it significant at the time.
But far from being ‘throwaway’, it was actually designed as the climax of the whole drama: it suggested that Kelly was, in a sense, predicting his own suicide.
Broucher was implanting the idea that 5 months in advance, Kelly would, under certain circumstances, contemplate suicide. However, since the actual date of this meeting was February 2002 (not 2003), it was not 5 months ago, but 17. Are we seriously to believe that way back in early 2002 David Kelly was predicting that a promise to senior Iraqis he had not yet made might have to be broken, possibly driving him to take his own life?
He would not have been making any promises to the Iraqis at the time - the previous round of inspections ended in 1998. While war was secretly on the agenda, it was not officially so. A secret memo to Tony Blair, dated 14 March 2002, revealed that UK Foreign Policy Advisor David Manning reported telling George W Bush at a dinner, that the Prime Minister ‘would not budge in his support for regime change’ in Iraq - an embarrassing revelation for Blair, who was outwardly insisting the reason for invasion would not be regime change, but failure to comply with weapons inspections. Publicly, an invasion of Iraq was barely on the cards in Britain at the time, and weapons inspections did not resume until 18 November 2002.
In summary, Broucher’s ‘conversation’ was a fabrication from start to finish. His ineffectual persona was a cover. The confusion he sowed around dates was to protect him from future ’blowback’. This diplomat was less the bumbling fool, more the conniving fox.
Oxford-educated barrister James Dingemans - Hutton‘s choice - took a soft-glove approach to witnesses, glossing over inconsistencies in their evidence. He and Broucher make an extraordinary duo. Nowhere else in the inquiry do we find such stilted language and tedious repetition. After a blow by blow account of the alleged conversation, with its ‘memory hole’ and ‘throwaway remark’, we are forced to go back over it when Broucher reads from an e-mail he wrote to press officer Patrick Lamb at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to alert him to the conversation he supposedly had with Kelly.
Once again we are told, absurdly, of Broucher’s ‘straining’ to dig up details of the meeting from a ‘very deep memory hole.’ Six more times we hear that ‘I will be found dead in the woods’ was a ‘throwaway remark’. By referring to it as an inconsequential throwaway remark, Broucher implies he was under no obligation to report it at the time. The casualness of the phrase belies the fact that this ‘throwaway remark’ was a pivotal part of the psyop; its purpose, to remind us of the primary newly-supplied motive - guilt.
On hearing of Kelly’s death, Broucher ‘realised’ that the scientist had not meant that he might be killed by the Iraqis, but ‘may have been thinking on rather different lines’ - an oblique way of inferring that Kelly was foreseeing he might be driven by his own conscience to take his own life. Thus we are lured into accepting the idea that Kelly had been envisaging suicide for months. Then, nauseatingly, Dingemans reinforces the ‘throwaway remark‘ and the ‘very deep memory hole’ yet again: Dingemans: 'In terms of strength of recollection, you have suggested that it was, as you thought at the time, a throwaway remark, and you have shown on the e-mails a very deep memory hole. Is that reasonable to characterise the way in which you had approached it at the time?' The hypnotic effect of this deliberate repetition allowed the new message to be implanted within the public mindset.
Given that we now know the actual conversation took place in 2002, it is clear that the whole David Broucher/dead-in-the-woods ‘event’ was staged to offer more persuasive grounds for David Kelly’s ‘suicide‘.
The new message: that after the invasion of Iraq, David Kelly, deeply unhappy with his lot at the MoD, and sick with guilt at having betrayed the Iraqis, had finally been driven to take his own life. Thus his ‘suicide’ was not simply a desperate reaction to government pressure, but a response to the dictates of his own conscience. It was a slick and clever operation, and the world fell for it. But as with most deceptions there was a flaw: the planners had not foreseen that Rachel Kelly would publicly highlight the relevant diary entry at the Hutton Inquiry - and send Broucher’s edifice of deceit toppling like a house of cards. Since they had met in 1998, Mai Pederson had become Kelly‘s close friend, introducing him to the Baha’i religion. After his death she told her Baha’i associates, ‘There will be more coming out on this… Don’t believe what you read in the papers.’
Her optimism was misplaced. Denied the right to have her identity disguised at the Hutton Inquiry, she was whisked out of sight. No more came out, no one else ‘talked‘. History had been suitably revised. The ‘dead-in-the-woods’ psyop- in conjunction with MoD silencing tactics - had been a success.
But why take the risk in setting up such an operation? Maybe Pederson was right in saying, ‘It wasn’t suicide’. At a highly-charged press conference in Asia after Kelly’s death, Blair was stunned by the question: ‘Is there blood on your hands, prime minister?’
We may never know.
But as his plane flew back to Britain, a TV journalist overheard Alastair Campbell ranting: 'This is what you wanted, you asked for this, so play the game Tony.'
* * It has been recently confirmed that this exchange between Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell did take place as described. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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