Saturday, August 26, 2006

VNN showing porno

This post is a bit behind the times, but still true.

Earlier this year VNN decided to use porno, and not just any porno either. They showed white women with n*****s and animals having sexual intercourse.

Now what sort of white nationalist does that ?

The leader of VNN is some guy called Alex Linder. No-one seems to know who he is.

Well, I know who I am in the UK.

Linder actually looks a poof , with his hairy fairy hair.

'White' Will Williams decided to tell Linder to sod off.

Will Williams is known even here in the UK.

Will Williams has renown, he also knew Dr.Pierce .

Linder has allowed low intelligence rubbish to air their views about the UK, and I am sure other Countries. He has allowed VNN to even break it's own rules.

Linder has attacked me , using the braindead paid numbsculls like SID, here in the UK.

Williamson just drinks where he can, if the beer is free.

There is also the fact that he has been able to take all his kids away on hols , to Spain, and not for the first time this year .

Plus, he bought a people carrier. Though he has no Driving license.

And this is all just before Nick Griffin met him.

Linder is low class rubbish, as far as I am concerned.

The only real nationalist leader in the USA is David Duke.

VNN is very mysoginist too.

Alex Linder --- Bring it on !


Anonymous said...

VNN is a joke anyway, and thats when Sid's not pissed (rare occasion) I see he's all I love Nick at the minute, give it time and a few bottles of cider..........!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sids Dad lives with a negress , and his son who is also a big gherkin like him runs with blacks in Brighton.

  NWN has been talking to a top English Defence League official . Don't even think NWN follows that 'Tommy Robinson' bloke, or h...