Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sweetie John - A North West standing joke !

Bloody hell ! We have seen him on our TV screens, on SHAMELESS, SHERLOCK HOLMES ,COACH TRIP and now SORTED. Any BNP meeting with a buffet or a social gathering with a buffet, and there he is, provided there is a buffet. I opened the BBC website and 'the sweet one' is even on there. Here he is, eating a black pudding.


Anonymous said...

Does Sweetie wear womens clothes at BNP meetings ?

Anonymous said...

Sweetie John always wears womens clothes. He is as tight as a ducks arse. He even goes to homeless shelters for his dinner, so robbing the homeless of meals. The same guy owns proerty up the Rossendale valley worth many £millions.

Anonymous said...

Why don't BNP organisers ban sweetie from meetings then if he wears womens clothing?

Anonymous said...

Sweety does nude modelling at Bury college too.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right.

Sweety attends BNP meeting in Rochdale ?


Anonymous said...

Yeh, but he only wears womens earrings and strappy gold womens sandals with small heels in the Winter. You don't want to see him in the Summer.

NorthWestNationalists said...

You have all missed the womens hair braids sweetie wears too! Arf Arf !

NorthWestNationalists said...

Oh, and we saw him wearing a very lovely black lace blouse in Bury.

Anonymous said...

Some senior BNP officials have seen the 'sweet one' wearing womens clothing at his own home. They have gone unannounced, knocked on his door and seen him through the window.. He wears bras and so on. He is a miserable old scroat too.

Anonymous said...

Sweety is 79 years old. If he cannot wear womens clothes at his age when can he wear womens clothes ?

Anonymous said...

The Sweet One is a top activist and very National Socialist in his views,
Its a pity a lot of the younger members dont walk the miles sweeto walks putting out leaflets.
Of course Sweetie manages this by wearing womens flip flops for that extra comfort.

Anonymous said...

Ive heard Sweetie is not feeling too well!
Me thinks he's on his period.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Sweet One is a top activist and very National Socialist in his views,
Its a pity a lot of the younger members dont walk the miles sweeto walks putting out leaflets.
Of course Sweetie manages this by wearing womens flip flops for that extra comfort.

12:41 PM
Oh ! Thatll be why he went on a coach trip programme with the "jewish" lady then wont it....

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...