Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hughie !!!!!!! I have just been sick !

This pic shows a senior BNP activist welcoming a non-white BNP member at the Leeds Crown Court hearings for Griffin and Collett. Honestly, I spilt my drink when I saw this pic. This is Rajinder Singh with Nick Cass.


NorthWestNationalists said...

I thought Cass was an athlete ?

Anonymous said...

Nick Cass is no nationalist. he favours asians before true British nationalists.
I was invited to speak at a BNP meeting in Sheffield recently and Cass threatened to send in a security team over to eject me if I ever appeared.
In my opinion, Nick Cass is a race traitor and not fit to be in the BNP!

Anonymous said...

If Cass was an athlete why is he so fat ? He looks 8 months preggers.

Anonymous said...

Mr Singh is not a member of the BNP stop lieing

He supports what the BNP have to say because he witnessed it first hand when India was handed back in 1947 and he saw his father hacked to death by a rampaging muslim gang.To listen to him speak about the horrors he witnessed is a wake up call and an insight for what awaits us in this great country of ours or whats left of it...

delete if you want Pete.
this is fact not fiction like you`r intro...

NorthWestNationalists said...

Where those two lovely ladies paid to pose for the media by the BNP?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...