Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wigan BNP

Have a look at their new website.


Sir Henry Morgan said...

Thanks. Just started and need all the help we can get.

Anonymous said...

"Having left the miniscule British People's Party for the BNP and then quickly performing a never explained about turn, a lot of questions hang over Sid - such as, did he return to the BPP on Griffin's orders...?"

From here


Nationalist Enquirer said...

Hey, do you chaps have anything, anything at all on John Joytree? No matter how small, I want this man bad.
If you dont want to post on my blog, please reply here - no matter how small the info.

Anonymous said...

"Hey, do you chaps have anything, anything at all on John Joytree? No matter how small, I want this man bad.
If you dont want to post on my blog, please reply here - no matter how small the info."

Yes, he donates a hell of a lot of money to the BNP, but never shows up on the donor list.

Anonymous said...

Funny pic here...

Anonymous said...

And another set of JJT pics off VNN...

Anonymous said...

...or the source website of those pics.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...