Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nick Griffin, is to sue the, BNP Rebels

Rumours are coming in thick, and fast, that, Griffin, is to sue the BNP Rebels for £20,000. Griffin, is claiming that they have brought the BNP into disrepute. And, we say, GRIFFIN, HAS LOST THE PLOT.

Please update us with what you know.


Anonymous said...

He's having a larf ain't he LMFAO

Martin Reynolds-Porno Pics and drugs.

Collett-Underage attempts, and praising Hitler on TV.

Hannam-Underage Attempts, and prize TWAT

Lecomber- Bombs, and beating up, Eddy Butler

The list is bleeding endless...

NorthWestNationalists said...

Well he will be using BNP money not his own.......and if he wins !!!

It's a win-win for Griffin.

Anonymous said...

"NorthWestNationalists said...
Well he will be using BNP money not his own.......and if he wins !!!

It's a win-win for Griffin."

I think we all know what a complete git this man is. He committed purgery in court so Darby could bag £30,000. Darby put out a smear leaflet on, Steve Edwards, so Edwards took Darby to court, but, Darby got Griffin to turn up at the court and state in front of the judge that he had done it. It got Darby off the hook and they bagged £30,000 in damages.

Anonymous said...

Griffin just wants to bankrupt the BNP so he can retire to his 160 Welsh acres, and caravan park.

Rebel said...

Griffin just wants to bankrupt the BNP so he can retire to his 160 Welsh acres, and caravan park.

Caravan Park??? I wonder how much he charges for a long weekend in late July... I'd want full toilet facilities though, and somewhere to hang my smalls.

Anonymous said...

Griffin is an absolute disgrace.

As NorthWestNationalist has said, he will use members money for his own personal benefit AGAIN.

The BNP has never given any REAL financial support to rank and file members who have suffered at the hands of the State.

tonydj said...

I may have already posted this but I think it got lost in "cyber space", apologises if I repeat myself.

Tha speed and alacrity with which the party leadership take "The Rebels" to court is in marked contrast to the refusal to do the same to Andy Sykes, Ian Cobain (Of Guardian exposure of Simone Clarke infamy) and their backers for mis-using BNP membership lists and other Data protection issues.

Did they fear a stronger case from the BBC and Fleet Street...or just their wealth? Or are the VoC leadership seen as an easier touch? the purpose of the leadership to keep the BNP in line as a safety valve / apple barrel rather than a force to oppose the establishment?

The decision to go after the VoC and leave Sykes / Cobain / Gwynne untouched DEMANDS an explaination.

NorthWestNationalists said...

An anonymous source says the hearing is TOMORROW/Friday at the High Court, Manchester.

More news when we get it...

Anonymous said...

erm, If griffin really has lost the plot and goes through with it I suspect he will live to regret it. I have to say I regard this obnoxious bi-sexual kleptomaniac as one of the greatest traitors in British history.

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