Friday, March 28, 2008

Norman Lowell sentenced to two years jail in Malta

Lowell Speaks (

I have a message.

I have a message to all Maltese of goodwill.

I have a message to all those with the love of their country at heart.

I have given everything to my country and my people.

I have done everything to warn them of the impending nightmarish future for their children.

I have done everything I could. And now, I have been condemned for my struggle. Traitors in power want to imprison me and throw away the keys.

The church, the politicians, the media, the whole rotten establishment have betrayed the people. But they shall not prevail.

We, the common people will win in the end, this battle for freedom. This battle for the survival of our Country and our Progeny.

We will never surrender.

We will never let these traitors bend nor break us.

We will break them!

Norman Lowell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Norman Lowell was on Thursday sentenced for two years imprisonment suspended for four years and fined €500 after he was found guilty of inciting racial hatred.

The leader of the right-wing Imperium Europa was also found guilty of insulting and denigrating the President of Malta .

Mr Lowell was being charged on four counts, three of which concerned racial hatred, in relation to public speeches he delivered between 2003 and 2006.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera presided over the case. Superintendent Peter Paul Zammit led the prosecution, while Dr Emmy Bezzina appeared for the defendant. –

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...