The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Well here's one for starters in todays TIMES !!!
From The Times
March 31, 2008
Prepare for a shock BNP victory
Forget Ken vs Boris - the real action is on the far Right
Tim Hames
Proof if proof was needed that 'The State' has taken over the BNP and are now running it using Nick Griffin as their puppet..
There is no need for activists when the media give you decent publicity.

"On April 10, 1606 the Virginia Company of London was granted a royal charter by King James I, awarding it a large tract of land in present day Virginia, Delaware and Maryland.
On May 13, 1607 three small ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery, arrived at Cape Henry, sailed up the James River, and landed at present-day Jamestown ("James Towne").
…In August 1619, more than a year before the landing of the ship Mayflower, a captured Dutch man-of-war, with a Spanish captain name Jope and an English pilot named Marmaduke, anchored in the James River near Jamestown. On board were "20 and odd" men and women of African descent. The Virginia colony was in need of laborers, while the captain and his crew were in need of supplies. A bargain was struck and twenty Negroes, the first of their race in the colonies, were sold to the colonists, fresh food and water was brought aboard, and the ship sailed away.
…According to the African-American Chairman of President William Clinton's Commission on Race, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin: These newcomers, who happened to be black, were simply more indentured servants. They were listed in the census counts of 1623 and 1624; and as late as 1651, Negroes whose period of service had expired were also being assigned land much the same way that it was being assigned to whites who had completed their indenture.
Franklin wrongly designated the first twenty Negroes in the colonies as indentured servants, instead of redemptioners. Indentured servants, in return for paying the cost of their passage to the New World, entered into a written contract while still in Europe to work for a specified owner, for a specified number of years, under determined conditions
...The length of the bound servitude, be it an extendable set number of years or durante vite (servitude for life) has no bearing on whether an individual is deemed a slave. The vast majority of whites and all blacks arrived in the colonies as redemptioners. They were generally of the underclass, including orphans, who were rounded up (often involuntarily) while still in their native country and transported to the New World. Whites were frequently transported in the same ships that were used for Africans.
One redemptioner who came to American in 1750 recalled his trip with horror: "To keep from starving, we had to eat rats and mice. We paid from eight pence to two shilling for a mouse, four pence for a quart of water."
Gittlieb Mittelburger in, Journey to Pennsylvania, recorded in 1750 that: The sale of human beings at the market on board the ship is carried on thus: …Every day Englishmen, Dutchmen, and High German people come from the city of Philadelphia and other places in part from a great distance, say twenty, thirty, or forty hours away, and go on board the newly-arrived ship that has brought and offers for sale passengers from Europe, and select among the healthy persons such as they deem suitable for their business
...White and black servants joined the same households - working, eating, sleeping and running away together. Their terms of service could be extended for a large number of minor offenses, including marrying or having children without permission. As a result of extensions, many white redemptioners served their whole life as a "servant."
...A child born to a female redemptioner could become the property of her owner and the mother's term extended. For example, George Cummins had the indenture of his white servant woman named Christian Finney extended by a year and her child bound for thirty-one years by order of the Carteret County Count on December 7, 1736. When she applied to the court for her freedom on June 9, 1744, the court ruled that she serve another five months to pay for the cost incurred by her owner to bring the earlier action. When she applied again 6 months later, she was ordered to serve an additional year for having a "Mulatto Child in the time of her servitude."
Before 1643 servants without indentures generally became freemen after a term of service varying from two to eight years. After 1643, the terms of servants "brought into the colony without indentures or covenants to testify to their agreement" were fixed at four to seven years, the period varying somewhat with the age of the servant. It was the custom and later the law that a redemptioner, white or black, received from his master at the time of his discharge a certain amount of property called "freedom dues." In 1660 Virginia custom was to give each new freeman "3 barrels of corn and suit of clothes."
...In 1651 Anthony Johnson [a negro] was given 250 acres as "head rights" for purchasing five incoming white redemptioners.
...In 1652 John Johnson, Anthony Johnson's eldest son, purchased eleven incoming white males and females, and received 550 acres adjacent to his father.
...There were a number of additional Virginia land patents representing grants to free blacks of from fifty to 550 acres for purchasing white redemptioners. For example, on April 18, 1667 Emanuel Cabew received fifty acres in James City County, and in 1668 fifty acres were deed to John Harris of Queen's Creek. Francis Payne paid for his freedom in 1650 by purchasing three incoming whites for his master's use.
The First Black Slave for Life.
In addition to owning white redemptioners, Anthony and Mary Johnson also owned black servants. In the 1640's John Casor was brought to the Virginia Colony, where he was purchased by Anthony Johnson. In 1653 Casor filed a complaint in Virginia's Northamption County Court, claiming that his master had unjustly extended the term of his servitude with the intent of keeping Casor his servant for life. In his formal written pleading Casor alleged: "Yt hee come unto Virginia for seaven or eight years of Indenture, yt he had demanded his freedom of Anth. Johnson his masfter; & further sd yt hee had kept him his servt seaven years longer than he should or ought." [Original spelling.]
Durante vite (servitude for life) had not existed in the colonies - except for a small number of white convicts transported from the British Isles - until Anthony and Mary Johnson won the judicial determination making John Castor their servant for life. It was not until 1670 that the Virginia legislature enacted durante vite by providing that "all servants not being Christians imported into this colony by shipping are to be slaves for their lives, but such servants as come are to serve, if boys or girls, until 30 years of age, if men or women, 12 years and no longer."
Blacks and Indians came to own, and abuse, whites in Virginia in such large numbers that in 1670 the House of Burgesses (legislature) proclaimed that " . . . noe negro or Indian though baptyised and enjoyned their own ffreedome shall be capable of any purchase of christians, but yet not debarred from buying any of their own nation." [Original spelling.] "Christian" was a euphemism of the period for Caucasian. Virginia's Slave Code of 1705 provided: "That no negroes, mulattos, Indians, although christians, ore Jew, Moore, Mahometans, or other infidels, shall at any time, purchase any Christian, nor any other, except of their own complexion, or such as are declared slaves by this act.""[73]
This aspect of slave history seems to have slipped by the media and academia without being noticed.
White Slaves, African Slave Traders, and the Hidden History of Slavery
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beleagured: Speaker Michael Martin's official spending has caused anger.
Westminster insiders privately predicted that the "staggering" scale of the expenditure – disclosed by the Commons authorities only after a Freedom of Information request – could be the final straw for his beleaguered position.
Only last week, the Speaker provoked a barrage of criticism after defying an FoI ruling by launching a legal challenge to prevent full details of MPs' second-home allowances being published.

• Mountain rescue chief says they could have saved top policeman on Snowdon
• Mystery of dark suited 'spooks' waiting at bottom of mountain
• Chinook helicopter appeared above body - but could not land
• 'Champagne was in police chief's rucksack'
The police chief who died on a blizzard-swept mountain might have survived if rescue services had been alerted earlier, according to the expert who masterminded the recovery of his body.
Peter Walker has provided the first detailed account of the hunt on Snowdon for Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Michael Todd.
His claims raise a series of disturbing questions about the death of Mr Todd, who was tipped as a future Scotland Yard Commissioner.
Mr Walker, 52, a veteran of hundreds of rescue operations, alleges that mountain rescue services were not called in to search for the police chief, who had been linked with a number of women, until hours after he was first reported missing.
He also claims that a mysterious group of dark-suited men were seen at the bottom of Mount Snowdon after Mr Todd's body was found. He believes the group, who did not identify themselves, were from the Security Services.
Mr Walker also reveals that a Chinook helicopter attempted to land close to where Mr Todd's body was found - an apparent breach of normal rescue procedure. And he says that a bottle of champagne was found in Mr Todd's rucksack.
A Disgrace!
The multi-millionaire son of Sir Oswald, who was a pal of Adolf Hitler, plays a concentration camp commandant in a FIVE-HOUR torture chamber video.
Mosley—the most powerful man in motor-racing—barks orders in German as he WHIPS two hookers dressed in striped uniforms reminiscent of AUSCHWITZ garb while girls in Nazi uniforms look on.
All rather reminiscent of, Martin Reynolds, and Nicholas Griffins personal Secretary, Lindsey Reynolds. The only difference being, the 'News of the World' never published the BNP photos. Why was that? Ah! yes, that's because the BNP is operated by the, STATE.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
We can see that Herr Griffin is not amused by recent BNP non victories in this secret video . BNP Advisory Council meetings have been scrapped and so, only Griffins chums get access.
But how many knew he behaved like this in private? (NWN:He does actually)
We know Griffin, but he kept his megalomania a big secret. Got to hand it to the reds, this is funny stuff about Nick Griffin !
Warning : The language is very strong.

Haven't heard it put this way before, but it's a great analogy.
I bought a bird feeder.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.
If you agree, pass it on; if not, continue cleaning up the poop!

Our Heroes and Heroine
Friday, March 28, 2008
Nick Griffin, charged with destroying the BNP?
If one stops to look at the record of this man, from his introduction to the NF at the age of 15 by his father, to the various calamitous events thereafter, one is left wondering if Griffin has ever been a member of the ‘Cambridge Apostles’
His past, is in the public domain for those who can be bothered to read, and to remove their heads from their furthest nether region, but the recent BNP events are intriguing sauce to add to his almost cooked goose.
When faced with the BNP rebels, one must ask, why didn’t Griffin call them into his office, sit them down and discuss it? Why did he choose to lambaste them so publicly, and with such vitriol, and lies, that even Hedder Hopper would be green with envy. The important question is, WHY?
The rebels insistence that, Mr Ian Cobain, of the ‘GUARDIAN’ newspaper was allowed to abuse the membership list, and get away with it, whilst they are being taken to court should make us look at this situation more carefully. What did Cobain achieve that the rebels did not? And, that is very easy to answer, so easy in fact that certain sources are now citing ,Mr Cobain, as the BNP’s man in the press. No other paper gives more column inches to the BNP than the ‘GUARDIAN’ and below is a list of what, Mr Cobain’s actions brought them.
'Exclusive: inside the secret and sinister world of the BNP'
'Protesters rally against 'BNP ballerina',,1989177,00.html
'BNP ballerina dances through protest by anti-racists'
'BNP ballerina defies rising clamour to sack her'
'BNP ballerina' to wed fellow far-right activist'
Now, remind us again, who was it that tipped the press off about this?
"Iain Duncan Smith today insisted that if Tory members elected him party leader he would act decisively against any party members exhibiting extremist views.
But Edgar Griffin, sacked as vice-president of the Duncan Smith campaign team in Wales after links to the far right British National party were revealed, insisted that his "reasonable" views on immigration and repatriation were typical of Tory grassroots opinion. He was "absolutely shattered" at his sacking, which was based on a "misunderstanding".

Don't say you're English
We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue
Fly the flag of Saint George or the Union Jack
PS. In ten years time we will most likely be ruled by Islam
The real English will have fled to better climes, leaving god only knows what behind.
Oh! How true!! ............ ......... ......... Pass it on

Two teenagers were stabbed to death in London's bloodiest day of gang violence this year.
A 14-year-old was killed on his way home from school and a 17-year-old was stabbed to death after a dispute apparently started on a bus.
The killings of Amro Elbadawi, 14, in West Kilburn and Devoe Roach, 17, in Stamford Hill, were being treated as "gang-related" by police.
The deaths, which bring to 11 the number of teenagers killed in violence this year, came on the day Mayor Ken Livingstone launched his manifesto for tackling crime.
Mr Livingstone was appearing at Kilburn police station, a quarter of a mile from the scene of Amro's death. He was facing growing criticism for accusing the media of over-hyping violent crime and ignoring falls in other crimes, by saying "if it bleeds, it leads".
Detectives investigating Amro's death are looking into claims that it stemmed from a gang dispute in the playground of the Paddington Academy in Maida Vale. (NWN: Our emphasis. A playground ?).
Amro was attacked at 5.15pm in Dart Street, West Kilburn. Bleeding badly, he staggered into a health centre where doctors tried to revive him. He died an hour later in St Mary's Hospital, Paddington.
The boy, whose parents are Egyptian, was described on tribute websites today as a member of gang on the Mozart estate, where he lived with six siblings.
On MySpace, he was named as part of the SD Crew, whose initials were said to stand for "Street Dreamz/Street Disciples/Secret Dealers". The gang claims to consist of 50 "soldiers" and "yungas" - younger members.
Fellow members posted tributes, saying: "RIP Amro, I love you to bits, I won't 4get u I love u Amro, rest in peace bro, I will neva forget you."
Parents claimed a feud had been building at the academy for a week. "The atmosphere was like a pressure cooker," said one, who did not want to be named.
"Every day my son came home saying there was talk that someone was going to be stabbed in a big fight.
"Amro has two brothers and I'm worried about what will happen in the playground today."
Last night police sealed off a park in the neighbouring Queens Park Estate and arrested a 16-year-old boy. He was being questioned on suspicion of murder today.
A post-mortem examination was taking place at Westminster mortuary. Detective Chief Inspector Andy Mortimer who is leading the investigation said: "I would urge anyone who may have information to come forward."
Amro's death came just seven hours after Devoe, 17, was stabbed to death in Tottenham High Road, Stamford Hill, as he went on an errand with a friend.
The teenager from Stoke Newington, who attended Hackney Community College, was stabbed in the chest outside the Turnpike House pub.
Charles Quagraine, 45, a family friend, said: "They went to the shops and these boys asked Devoe what he was looking at. He was stabbed because someone thought he was looking at them, it's as stupid as that."
The killer fled up Ravensdale Road. Paramedics operated on Devoe in the street and he was taken to the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel but died about an hour later. He lived just a few streets away with his mother, Dionne.
No arrests have been made.
Lowell Speaks (
I have a message.
I have a message to all Maltese of goodwill.
I have a message to all those with the love of their country at heart.
I have given everything to my country and my people.
I have done everything to warn them of the impending nightmarish future for their children.
I have done everything I could. And now, I have been condemned for my struggle. Traitors in power want to imprison me and throw away the keys.
The church, the politicians, the media, the whole rotten establishment have betrayed the people. But they shall not prevail.
We, the common people will win in the end, this battle for freedom. This battle for the survival of our Country and our Progeny.
We will never surrender.
We will never let these traitors bend nor break us.
We will break them!
Norman Lowell
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yorkshire Antifascists 26.03.2008 11:41 Anti-racism Birmingham Leeds Bradford
Wednesday 26th March 12.30am
In the early hours of this morning the most recently used meeting venue of the fascist British National Party (BNP) was targetted by local anti-fascists.
The venue; The Middleton Arms pubic house recently played host to a private meeting of the Leeds BNP, whose guest speaker was Richard Barnbrook, London mayoral candidate, racist and fraudster.
The BNP are warned that they will continue to meet resistance and disruption to their activities as long as they are present in Leeds as will those that offer them resources and assistance.
Yorkshire Antifascists
NWN: More thug violence by communist/anarchist scumbags ! No condemnation by LUAF, again.

NWN : At last !
A BRITISH National Party member who tried to fight an election in York and in Scotland at the same time has now "quit" after his own party took an injunction out against him.
The BNP has taken legal action against six former officials including a man from York for alleged misuse of party data.Chairman of the BNP, Nick Griffin, has secured an injunction from Manchester High Court, preventing the group from using party property including a list of all its members.
Among the six who have contested the injunction is Ian Dawson, the party's former Group Support Officer.He stood in the City of York Council election for Acomb in April last year as one of nine BNP candidates while also hoping to win a seat in Scotland, through the regional party list system. He failed to win in either city.
The former Yorkshire Secretary and former York Organiser announced his "resignation" from the BNP on the internet in December, while challenging the internal management of the party. His decision to stand down, and the latest court action, follows months of internal wrangling within the party.
The other five former party officials involved in the court proceedings are Steve Blake, Sadie Graham, Matt Single, Kenny Smith and Nicholla Smith.Simon Darby, a BNP spokesman, said: "We, as a party, sought an injunction against the use of party equipment by the six people. The injunction was granted."He said the equipment concerned included the party membership list as well as mobile phones, digital duplicators and computers.
Another hearing is expected to take place in April.

Subject: Who's this again?
Perhaps the most "radical" Muslim supremacist openly operating in the United States is Joseph Cohen.... er.... Yousef al-Khattab.
. __,_._,___
Joseph Cohen pretending to be a radical Muslim in order to encourage attacks on Christians.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A muslim leader has accused the police of failing to tackle Asian gangs suspected of prostituting young white girls.
Officers are accused of being "over cautious" when investigating Muslim criminals because they fear being branded racist.
Prostitutes: Becoming easy targets for Asian pimping gangs
Last night Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said the police were differentiating between criminals on the basis of race.
He claimed, driven by fear of race riots in places like Blackburn and Oldham, officers were "overtly sensitive" and not clamping down on the sordid practice.
His controversial comments in this week's Panorama reignite a massively controversial issue which exploded over a Channel 4 documentary in 2004.
That programme which claimed Asian men in Bradford were grooming under age white girls for prostitution was pulled from C4's schedules.
This was because police claimed at the time that it could provoke racial violence during the local election campaign.
Now the BBC is to risk the wrath of police officials and campaigners by airing a programme which will look at the same issue.
Speaking as part of the Panorama investigation, which airs tomorrow (Thursday), Shafiq said: "I think the police are overcautious on dealing with this issue openly because they fear being branded racist and I think that is wrong."
"These are criminals they should be treated as criminals. They are not Asian criminals, they are not Muslim criminals, they are not white criminals. They are criminals and they should be treated as criminals."
He said that some of the criminals were Asian gangs looking to supplement their income, after the cost of drugs has fallen over the last few years.
Shafiq said "I am the only Muslim leader in the UK that speaks up against this sort of thing and I do it because these teenage girls are somebody's sisters and they are somebody's daughters. I have got two daughters and I wouldn't want that to happen to my daughters.
"If there is a drug dealer grooming a white teenager into prostitution then I don't want the police service or local authority not to be open about it."
Philip Davies, MP for Shipley, also raised concerns about the issue yesterday.
He said: "Everybody is affected by political correctness. The reason why it is so important is because things like this.
"Young girls are having their lives threatened and ruined because people pussyfoot around and they are too scared to do anything in case they make a mistake and are accused of racism.
For more........
(Issued to a small number of ELC subscribers)
Please see immediately below an e-mail I received yesterday from a North of England BNP official who requests support for Sadie Graham and her fellow Defendants in Nick Griffin & Simon Darby's High Court action which is set for a further hearing on 10th April at Manchester.
In the meanwhile, I copy advice tendered last week to a leading figure in the VoC group:
"The final battle you must win against Griffin is a POLITICAL battle. He runs the party like a Third World dictator. You and your associates must present to the membership:
1) A commitment that the BNP cease being run as a one-man dictatorship who hires and fires party officers at his own whim; who manipulates the party's finances in an untransparent way as if it were his own business; and who alters fundamental policy and enters into political alliances without a how-do-you-do or a by-your-leave to the membership.2) The terms of a properly-constructed party constitution in which the ultimate sovereignty over the party is exercised its governing body whose members are elected by the membership.3) A statement of the party's fundamental political principles to be incorporated as an annex to the party's constitution.Expressing and mobilising discontent with Griffin is not enough. Your group must campaign on the basis of a principled platform."
Martin Webster.
From: [deleted]To: Martin Webster
Hello Martin.
As you will know the Voice of Change six need money to fight there case against Griffin. would it be possible for you to alert your ELC subscribers to the need of the V of C six?
If so ask your subscribers to visit or go direct to the relevant page which is .
I believe that this case could prove to be a disaster for Griffin but it needs finance.
Yours sincerely [deleted]
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sanctuary for those who worked for British forces ·
The government is preparing to airlift up to 2,000 Iraqis out of their country to begin a new life in the UK, the first time that Iraqis will arrive here with their status as refugees assured.
Those hand-picked to come to Britain include translators and other staff who have supported British forces in Iraq. The plan follows controversy last year about the government refusing many interpreters sanctuary in the UK despite the fact their work could put their lives in danger.
Documents seen by the Guardian show the Home Office and Ministry of Defence are working with Migrant Helpline, a charity which provides advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers, to help the Iraqis to settle.
The scheme is due to run over a seven-month period beginning in April, with fortnightly flights of up to 100 people.
"The [Iraqis] will be accommodated for two days in Slough prior to being transported to resettlement areas in the north or in Scotland," the documents state.
NWN: Why don't they resettle them around Windsor ,Epsom or even Hale Barns, the posh millionaire area near Manchester airport ?
Yet another 'benefit' of the illegal Blair Iraq war for the British people.
Saturday, March 22, 2008

We have put this link to the top as it is deserving of 'mucho' exposure.
Brilliant stuff !
Friday, March 21, 2008

New bid to target BNP vote on May 1
By Leon Symons and Dana Gloger
The Jewish Chronicle today gives its backing to a community-wide campaign to prevent the British National Party from winning seats in the May 1 local and London elections.
In London, there are particular fears that the BNP could achieve the five per cent threshold needed to give it its first seat in the London Assembly. It is believed the BNP will contest seats in 23 councils in all.
A number of communal groups are working together to diminish the BNP’s chances. The Board of Deputies and the London Jewish Forum are campaigning under the slogan “Your Voice or Theirs”. The Board’s activities will concentrate on getting as many members of the Jewish community as possible out to vote.
Searchlight, the anti-Fascist magazine, is running its own nationwide campaign, called “Hope Not Hate”.
Gerry Gable, publisher of Searchlight, warned: “A low turnout will only benefit the BNP. Our advice is to get out and vote for any of the democratic parties, and lift the vote.
“Why should Jewish people be worried? Take a look at the BNP’s standard reading material and you will see antisemitism in almost every form. The BNP say they have changed, but they are the same Nazis they always were.”
Ruth Smeeth, the Community Security Trust’s anti-racism campaigns co-ordinator, who launched the “Your Voice or Theirs” campaign at the Board’s plenary meeting on Sunday, said: “The BNP has grown in strength in the last 10 years. They have candidates standing for the GLA for the first time and councillors for re-election. They could take as many as three seats in London.
“Last year, the BNP stood in a by-election in Stanmore and got five per cent of the vote. The London election is scary because, if the voting levels remain the same, they will need only an extra 5,000 votes to win a seat.”
She added: “The last elections clashed with European elections, but not this time. Then, the UK Independence Party got 11 per cent, but now it has collapsed and the BNP could capture that vote.
“The only way to stop this is to vote, and that is why we are launching this campaign backed by the Board, the London Jewish Forum, the Jewish Leadership Council and the CST.”
She told deputies that the Board’s campaign will be backed up with advertisements in the Jewish press and a dedicated website, while the Board will work with similar ethnic-minority campaigns such as Operation Black Vote to try to increase voting levels in other communities. Last year’s mayor of Barnet Council, Polish-born Eva Greenspan, will be the public face of the Board’s campaign on posters, as a migrant who would be sent “home” under the BNP’s policies.
Ms Smeeth warned: “Behind the scenes, the BNP is exactly who we think they are and we must remember that.”
Stop the BNP 21/03/2008
The British National Party, it likes to tell us, is unfairly maligned by its many political opponents. Why, far from espousing antisemitism, it merely seeks to restore British values that true patriots — among them loyal Jews — would naturally share (and whose handful of misguided Jewish-identifying members serve conveniently to emphasise the point). We are not so sure. The party has been working hard to remake its image, contesting council-ward, parish-council and local byelections using blonde local school activists or well-spoken middle-class family men, and is simply waiting for its electoral breakthrough so that it can gain its first sniff of political influence. That cannot be allowed to happen, and every JC reader needs to understand the significance of their casting their vote on May 1 — for any party other than the BNP and its fellow extremists. Apathy will only play into the fascists’ hands. So, from Amber Valley to Wrexham, from Broxbourne to Blackburn — and other areas where the BNP is likely to be active — you have a duty to turn out and vote. And especially in London, where they think they may just claim a victory, if you let them.
'Stone Cold' thinks the softening of BNP policy will have no effect on the enemies of nationalism. And how right he is !
Thursday, March 20, 2008

People with interest-only mortgages could be in trouble if house prices continue to slide.
Homeowners with interest-only mortgages could be heading for disaster, according to a new report.
Mortgage advice firm claimed they were "storing up problems for the future" by switching to the loans, which are cheaper because only the interest on the original advance is repaid.
With a £155,000 mortgage at six per cent interest, you would pay £232,500 in total over the 25 years of an interest-only mortgage.
At that time, however, you would still owe the bank the full £155,000.
With a repayment mortgage, you would repay a total of £299,601 over 25 years but own your home outright when the deal ends.
Customers are supposed to invest money separately so that they can eventually pay off the debt - but many fail to do so.
The warning comes as Bank of England policy-maker Kate Barker predicted the credit crisis would make it harder for Britons to buy homes even if house prices fall this year.
Speaking at a housing and planning event, Ms Barker said: "We may see prices adjust downwards but there is no clear evidence that affordability will improve.
"Mortgages, particularly for first-time buyers, have become more difficult to get as a result of the credit crunch."
Banks are no longer able to access cheap cash and affordability constraints price out first-time buyers.
Francis Ghiloni from Mform said yesterday: "It is tempting to switch from repayment to interest-only.
"But unless borrowers have plans in place to eventually repay their loan, they may be simply storing up problems for the future.
"Getting to the end of the mortgage term and still owning the initial debt would be disastrous."
It came as the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) revealed banks were struggling to meet the mortgage demand in the face of the credit crunch.
For more......
NWN : The Bank of England had to bail out the Halifax/Bank of Scotland, yesterday. They have already bailed out the 'Northern Rock'. Other banks are taking advantage of the Bank of England too.
But will the Government help out the borrowers, you know, the public who have mortgages ?
Answers on a postcard to Gordon Brown, 10,Downing Street, London.

From: "Israel Shamir"
Subject: [shamireaders] Why Spitzer was "outed"?
Why Spitzer was ³outed²? Chuck Baldwin asks, and here we offer an answer from Greg Pallast to this question. 14th March 2008Thoughts
David Rubinson forwarded:The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked
A note on ³Prosecutorial Indiscretion²Back in the day when I was an investigator of racketeers for government, the federal prosecutor I was assisting was deciding whether to launch a case based on his negotiations for airtime with 60 Minutes. I¹m not allowed to tell you the prosecutor¹s name, but I want to mention he was recently seen shouting, ³Florida is Rudi country! Florida is Rudi country!²
Here is Eliot Spitzer's complete Washington Post Op Ed: Post - Thursday 14th February 2008; page A25

Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...