Thursday, August 09, 2007

What price Chris Jackson for BNP leader now ?

It's no wonder Nick Griffin charged the leadership election through in 30 days , and not allowing Chris Jackson to self promote.
Now we see what a shambles the Griffin regime really is.
Mr.Griffin though will have to be 'forced out' with a crowbar, he should do the honourable thing and step aside and resign. But will he ?
John Tyndall writing in SPEARHEAD magazine may offer us some clues as to reasons for all this turmoil;
I will endeavour to give my own up-to-date 'take' on the situation.
It is one which necessarily requires a certain amount of repetition, over which I hope readers will bear with me.
The repetition must begin with some words quoted in these pages in our March 1999 issue. (NWN: Nick Griffin got elected late in 1999, he campaigned for six months for his leadership challenge.)
They come from a report in The Express newspaper published on 18th February of that year, and they read:-

'Scotland Yard and MI5 are planning a huge covert operation to break up violent racist organizations. The Express has learned that intelligence officers will infiltrate far Right groups such as the British National Party.

'Other officers will tap telephones, open mail and scrutinise bank accounts and medical records. "We plan to close down these organizations by using every administrative device available to us," said a Yard source.'

I believe that we must constantly keep these words in the forefront of our minds if we are to make sense of what has been happening to our party in the near six years that have followed. And it is perhaps the right place and moment for a further quote:-

'More recently, as the National Front declined to a mere rump, the British National Party (BNP) has been seen as more dangerous. By the early 1990s MI5 had successfully recruited or turned several agents inside the BNP.'


Anonymous said...

The tragedy is that JT is not with us to lead a realignment (whether within the BNP or outside it).

Anonymous said...

The leadership challenge was a scam from start to finish but only to be expected from a tosser like Griffin.

Kind regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

Bill Jax...

Is it better to try to save the BNP by fighting within it?

Or to start a new party?

We have seen splits so many times before, that we need to examine the nature of the patriotic / nationalist movement and its leadership to see why this has been so.

I reckon that the root of the problem lies in the nature of the ambition of the leaders.

JT considered the NF of the 1970's and the BNP as his very own. These parties were the vehicle for him to express himself.

He was widely rumoured to be considering a purge after the Griffin leadership challenge. Just as Griffin is rumoured to be planning a purge after the Jackson challenge.

I also believe that JT could not and did not ever attempt to earn any kind of living except as leader of NF/BNP etc.

Hence he had two very intense motives for retaining control of the party.

These motives did not specifically exclude the advance of the nationalist cause, but neither did they include it.

Griffin exhibits the same motives, but in different proportions.

While JT was driven by ideas and self belief, Griffin childishly plays with ideas and has no deep seated belief or commitment. Look at how he has changed his position over the years. Look at the pompously titled "The International Third Position". Who did he think he was? The great new philosopher king of the new era? We expect children to be precocious, not adults.

While JT needed to earn a living, Griffin is driven by lust for money. Just look at his career, his rapid bankruptcy and host of money making schemes in the BNP. These are easy, get rich quick schemes. Most successful businesses are built by painstaking application over time. This requires a determined effort, sustained by a deep seated belief in the idea on which the business was founded.

Has Griffin ever demonstrated a deep seated belief in an idea? Political or business?

Has he ever demonstrated painstaking application to any one of the ideas he has promoted?

He HAS demonstrated determination and application in an idea - that of his own personal interest - but not the advancement of the nationalist cause.

If Griffin really had a deep seated belief in the nationalist cause, how could he bear to damage it by his handling of the finances?

JT was criticised for spending so much of the NF's resources on contesting 200 seats in the 1979 election. If that decision was a mistake, it was an honest one, made not for personal benefit but to advance the cause.

Can we really see Griffin being criticised for spending so much of the BNP's money on trying to promote the cause? If Griffin really had a deep seated belief in the nationalist cause, then he would be prone to make the same sort of mistake. Instead, he STARVES the nationalist cause of cash and resources.

The nature of the two leaders means that they attract people with similar motives.

With such intense motives, how could JT impose a higher discipline on his immediate supporters? That higher discipline being solely the advancement of the cause to the absolute exclusion of all personal ambition.

How could JT have asked any member to sacrifice his own interest, whether financial or ideological or whatever if JT quite obviously would not/ could not do the same?

These criticisms of JT are not meant to vilify the man or denigrate his achievement. Without him, it would not be possible to pose the questions at the start.

But nobody is perfect and I believe these faults in JT have led to a man such as Griffin being able to take over. Griffin exaggerates a hundredfold those faults of JT. Where JT was not good on admin. Griffin is perversely very capable, knowing both how to improve procedures and how to exploit existing bad procedures to increase his grip.

Griffin cannot retain and in fact dare not retain anyone with any degree of selflessness. Such people are either disgusted by Griffin's associates and behaviour, or run out of patience and leave or are hounded out or expelled from the party.

Leadership of the party must be a duty that is feared, not welcomed.

It is not for reward, nor for mercy that we do what is right, but that it is so.

We must hold our leaders to that highest of standards.

And we must recruit a membership capable, willing and determined to do so.

Apologies for being so bief.

Anonymous said...

Remember, there is no point in removing Griffin to replace him with a gang of cranks and searchlight spies. JT used this 'MI5' nonsense to cover his own failings. Griffin is corrupt and not in the pay of MI5. Why in the world did JT let Griffin back in the Bnp? JT had no common sense and a terrible lack of judgement. Sitting around a table with the likes of John Woods speaks volumes.

Believe me, there are plenty who will not be getting back into the bnp should the likes of CJ take over, who's cards are well and truly marked. CJ is also aware of who these people are. Griffin will fall on his own sword and will not need to be pushed. It’s in his nature to do what he does, so sit tight and wait.

NorthWestNationalists said...

We think that many of the problems now arising in the BNP are entirely due to there being no educational, and especially idealogical training, within the party.

Ideology has been ripped out of the party.

We are nationalists and therefore we are, in this epoch, radicals.

Such is our predeermined path for Britain to run it's own affairs free from foreign control and free from class warfare.

We are against international capitalism AND Internatinal communism, in whatever guise they currently use for example; the Neo-cons of the USA.

The usage of Melonie Phillips as a prop at BNP meetings is damned disgraceful.

Philips is a zionist through and through. She thinks only for what is important for Israel - and nothing else.

Nationalist ideology is paramount for the BNP and the movement in general.

This site is, and will remain, true to that ideology, but with a modern slant . We move with the times as we all must.

That is why we must move forward with our technical plans such as internet radio/TV.

NorthWestNationalists said...

@Bill Jax

As a personal friend of JT, there would have been no, or very few expulsions . Only Lecomber would have been on his way out AFAIK.

JT would not have booted Griffin out just for challenging him.

Anonymous said...

After Griffin calling JT 'Pinhead' and Charles Parker 'Captain Hook' in Nationalism Today, what in the world did he let him back in for?

Charles Parker only had one arm and to be referred to in this way, just about sums Griffin up. So why did he let him back in?

NorthWestNationalists said...

Charles Parker was ex-SAS from WW2 .

So for Griffin to refer to a real war hero as such, is beneath contempt.

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin doesn't work for anyone else. In his own mind he might even be sincere. However, he is unable to distinguish between his own interests, those of the BNP and maybe even those of Britain.

Anonymous said...

So why did JT let Griffin back in?

Anonymous said...

Joe, I don't know what you mean by JT letting Griffo "back" in. He only let him in once. Please explain.

Anonymous said...

Yes, your right. But why let him in after the way he slagged him off in Nationalism Today? Calling someone 'Pinhead' and 'Captain Hook', is not the antics of a decent man. Especially when one only had one arm.

NorthWestNationalists said...

I have argued with JT and Joe Owens that in my opinion, Nick Griffin is state. There is too much of a plan behind his actions, plus his links with American rabbi Meyer Schiller and leading zionist Babs Amiel. Not to mention too much the cozy relationship with Don Black the owner of Stormfront and Griffins mate Jared Taylor.

There has not been one period throughout Mr.Griffins tenure that there has been no infighting,expulsions or 'balls-ups'.

All this is since 1999.

With all the uncertainty at the moment, the BNP will neither do nor say anything. They hope that the average BNP members will forget, and many will.

But the problem will not go away.

'We' have to plan for the takeover when it comes. We have to be ready.

And we will be ready, make no mistake.

In my 30+ years of active nationalism , Nick Griffin is the biggest problem we have ever faced. It is not Nick himself, he is not clever enough. It is the one's behind him.

True nationalists should work within the BNP and re-take it from the hijackers.

Anonymous said...

There is only one person behind Griffin. Why not do some digging?

B20 1LT

Anonymous said...

"Joe Owens said...

Yes, your right. But why let him in after the way he slagged him off in Nationalism Today? Calling someone 'Pinhead' and 'Captain Hook', is not the antics of a decent man. Especially when one only had one arm."

I have immense respect for Joe Owens. Not just the respect which comes from somebody who doesn't want to be hit, I mean real respect.

The reason for my respect is because I once spent a weekend in Liverpool trying to sell NF papers to an ungrateful public. As an NF official I was quite annoyed that our people allowed the BNP to peddle their wares alongside us. And then the reds came.

I was in the company of Neil R., Peter R., Mark S., Mark E-R., Mandy E. and Vera E. (not sure if all of them were at the sale), and I don't mind admitting that it was terrifying. One of the reds was a kick-boxer. Joe dealt with it. I'm no coward, nor am I shrinking violet, but I'll always be in his debt for that.

However I think he is allowing his personal issues with Nick to cloud his judgement. I'm basically with him on the security issue but it wasn't that straight-forward, was it Joe?

There is no future for the nationalist movement without the BNP. There is nobody even on the distant horizon who holds a candle to Nick Griffin, and it's stupid to pretend otherwise.

Let us move forward and get on with the business of winning our country back, and stop the bickering for once and for all.

NorthWestNationalists said...

West Mids said;

"There is nobody even on the distant horizon who holds a candle to Nick Griffin, and it's stupid to pretend otherwise."

We beg to differ.

We are also sure that your unequivocal support for that tripehound, will not find too many supporters in here.

Anonymous said...

"We are also sure that your unequivocal support for that tripehound, will not find too many supporters in here."

I dare say you are right, but then again you are a minority within British nationalism.

I will say one thing though, at least you have shown the decency to permit me a voice, to give the other side of the argument. Fair play to you for that much.

Anonymous said...

Hi west mids.

You are right regarding Griffin and yes, i suppose it is a personal thing. However, he cannot keep letting things like Lecomber be brushed under the carpet, nor allow the in-discipline to run riot in the party.

Also, the party as no ideology no more and is loosing it's way. Now i am not suggesting we go back to the right hand salute days, but sound ‘Racial Nationalism’ needs bringing back. And stop trying to turn idiots like Spence into Nationalists.

Anonymous said...

"There is nobody even on the distant horizon who holds a candle to Nick Griffin, and it's stupid to pretend otherwise."

Griffin has made bloody sure of it.

He has expelled and hounded out anyone who could have done his job BETTER and more HONESTLY. He has promoted egotistical idiots like Collett, thieves like Hannam, morons like Walker and lazy liars like Simon Darby. Why the hell would anyone with an ounce of sense want to join support or vote for such a shower of shite? They destroy everything for the decent member and terrified public.

The BNP ranks alongside the Labour party for its filth and corruption and the only difference between the two is the Labour party has brains. Both parties have sold out their principles, both parties are liars and cheats and frauds, both parties are overflowing with perversity and both parties make the general public apathetic and sick.

Kind regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

Although talented, sincere and honest, JT had his faults.

One of them, unfortunately was arrogance. Simply, JT thought that he could control Griffin, and that he was himself untouchable.

Unfortunately, he had alienated a lot of people of the years - not deliberately or even necessarily for any sensible reason, but simply by being tactless.

Griffin came along and offered a change (and of course, it has since been revealed that he was in touch with Zionist agents even then, and there can be no doubt that his campaign was 'helped').

But even so, JT was often his own worst enemy, and the birds came home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Much of what Sharon Ebanks says about Griffin and Co is true.

But it does beg the question - why did you put up with it for so long?

Why did you viciously threaten and slander decent people in your quest to defend the the very person you now denounce?

It only fell apart when the chief crook screwed you over the lawsuit money, didn't it?

What's to choose?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"Why did you viciously threaten and slander decent people in your quest to defend the the very person you now denounce?

It only fell apart when the chief crook screwed you over the lawsuit money, didn't it?"

When I was slandering, just as you'll find others now slander me, is because that is what you're told in the BNP.

When you first join the BNP you HONESTLY believe you have joined something that represents your views, something that will support you, something that understands your situation and you're also informed who the bad people are. just as I am now one of those bad people.

It didn't fall apart after my court costs at all, a big mistake that some are very keen to make. It actually happened 7 months before and I tried to warn people about the BNP accounts under the name 'Doomsayer' on VNN. The only person who spotted it was me was Joe Owens and like other BNP members you're left in a quandry with feelings of betrayal, physical sickness and wondering what the hell to do. In the end I decided what to do and that is to warn the general public not to vote BNP and to expose it for the scam and sham that it is.

You'll be pleased to know that Darby went to the press and gave them bullshit about me, Kevin Scott told the membership I was a thief, Lee Barnes told everyone I was a psychopath and to top it off the general BNP membership believe I was expelled for all these things.

During the period of my awakening I had local elections to prepare for and the standing of 40 candidates nearly killed me, what was I to do, let them down, tell them the truth about the scummy BNP? THEN, I went and won in Kingstanding didn't I, yes, I did win, ask those who saw my votes. What was I to do then? I got the BNP more publicity in Birmingham than it has ever had and I had NO support whatsoever while they printed lie after lie about me but now I know that Darby helped them to print those lies. I busted my ass helping almost 2000 people in my 11 week period as an elected councillor, I had to collect information from the marked registers for the police, the labour party mounted a challenge, I appeared in court twice, was still the organiser and while all this was going on the rats in the BRUM branch were knifing me in the back for something I would have gladly given them except I didn't want it going to Rob Purcell. I had Griffin and Walker telling me the court costs would be paid but I KNEW THEY WOULDN'T BE PAID because I'd already learnt from someone who posts on this blog what a CUNT Griffin is. So, in the end I stayed on just to see if they would pay to satisfy a curiosity if you like.

Would I have stayed if they had paid? No way, not after Griffin and Walker covered up for two thieves in the Birmingham branch. And Griffin stated that money from a donor would be plowed into land in Croatia. Are you reading this Mr Robert Purcell and Mark Cattell? If you're thinking I'm being libelous you can think again, I have all the evidence, copies of petty cash books, emails and signed letters you scumbags and I will take you down.

Griffin made a grave error with me. I'm decent and decent people don't belong in the BNP, well, not for long. One of the main reasons people don't vote BNP enmasse is because they know the BNP isn't decent. All you have to do is scratch the surface and the whole thing just peels away to reveal the shit underneath. It makes me laugh that Griffin calls us Vermin, my boxing gloves are waiting for him to come to Birmingham and I won't stop at anything less than a TKO.

I pity those who now believe him and what they'll go through when they finally wake up.

I was a bloody fool and I admit it.

NorthWestNationalists said...

That is the end of anyone wishing to use this forum to attack Sharon Ebanks.

I was one who was on the end of her early nationalist diatribes.

She has apologised.

That is the end of the matter.

If anyone wants to attack her please go somewhere else.

I am too much of the old school to allow a woman to get jip.

Anonymous said...

NWN, you are the moderator of this site and it is within your gift to decide which posts are published and which are not. However one cannot have a debate if only one side of the argument is allowed to be heard.

I have a certain grudging admiration for Ms. Ebanks. I don't agree with her, but I admire her spirit in fighting for what she believes to be right. But if she's going to get involved in debate at this level, including her four-letter attacks on members of the BNP leadership, then she must expect to receive criticism in response.

By denying those who disagree with her the right of reply, are you not guilty of indulging in some of the very practices which you accuse Nick Griffin of?

NorthWestNationalists said...

@West mids;

I have a great deal of sympathy for your argument.

You conduct yourself quite well on this blog, and hence you are allowed to post.

Myself, I am banned from Stormfront a record SIX times even though I have never broken any rules.This is as a result of orders from Don Black and JJT/Andy Robertson.

I am also banned from VNN, even though I have never broken any rules.This is as a result of the last UK mod Pete 'sid' Williamson, the drunken idiot from Brighton.

Both of these yank sites have listened to Griffin and his cronies. Hence I am banned from posting.

The BNP has no forums whatsoever under the Griffin regime. This is where he and our people are apart.

So, as a Griffinite, you really have 'no leg to stand on' West Mids. Please try some democracy within the Griffin BNP.

The movement should be one for the members. BNP members should have a voice.

Do you not think it is a scandal that nationalists have to go to communist sites to read what is going on in our party ?

This must cease, and will cease under our persuasion.

We have had Griffin supporters even arguing on here, that we must tell lies to the electorate !

I have been in the struggle for over 30+ years. Telling the truth has always been our main weapon.

I will not change, and the growing numbers on this blog seem to support that view.

We are going to re-take the BNP, why ?

Because we have an ideology, and not because we want paying for the job !

Anonymous said...

There seems to be more nationalists outside the BNP than inside. At my local branch there are a lot of new idiots who have no idea. They are like tories.

Anonymous said...

We free nationalists will have an internet radio programme 'up and running' within 4 months.

We support NWN blogsite.

Nationalism cannot wait for the tactics of Griffin.

Anonymous said...

JT said the one regret he had over starting the BNP was allowing MARK COTTERILL to join.

JT said that Cotterill was a police nark.

No ifs. No buts.

Yet now it seems that some want MC's lie-sheet to spearhead the non/anti-NG camp.

JT must be spinning like a top!

Anonymous said...

"NWN, you are the moderator of this site and it is within your gift to decide which posts are published and which are not. However one cannot have a debate if only one side of the argument is allowed to be heard.

I have a certain grudging admiration for Ms. Ebanks. I don't agree with her, but I admire her spirit in fighting for what she believes to be right. But if she's going to get involved in debate at this level, including her four-letter attacks on members of the BNP leadership, then she must expect to receive criticism in response.

By denying those who disagree with her the right of reply, are you not guilty of indulging in some of the very practices which you accuse Nick Griffin of?"

What is there to debate about the current BNP? Shall we start at the top and work our way down?

One of the questions you hear most from BNP members is why aren’t more people voting. They’re stunned when they spend months leafleting to no effect. The answer is very very simple.

All human beings are fitted with ‘GUT INSTINCT’ sometimes it’s right and sometimes wrong. Naturally the media also plays a role in effecting that ‘GUT INSTINCT’ but overall the general public KNOW that the BNP is inexperienced, lacking intellect, loaded with cranks, a huge helping of scumbags like Tommy Williams etc

The public will NEVER vote BNP in huge numbers because they CAN see it isn’t decent or fit for purpose.

A human being requires simple things, all else is window dressing. They require

1, Decent Education
2, A guarantee of good employment
3, A place to call home
4, Accessible and fair health care
5, Protection under the law
6, A pension

They know the BNP doesn’t have the skills or mindset required to deliver on those 6 basic needs and wants which is why they will ALWAYS be a protest vote and fringe party. The public USE the BNP to give their favourite parties a bloody nose and force them into action to give them what they want.
The BNP has less than 5000 members. Don’t you think if the public saw the BNP as ok there would have been 100,000 at RWB? How many turn out for Glastonbury?

People argue about hardline/softline politics within nationalism but neither is considered electable by the public. The only thing that the public considers electable are those who CAN deliver. The BNP can’t deliver anything, it can’t even deliver leaflets on time to the Sedgefield by-election. The BNP is a SHAMBLES and Griffin should be treated in the same undemocratic way he treats other. March on Welshpool and tell him to hand over the keys and while you’re there demolish is barn extensions and fill his spa in with concrete.

Anonymous said...

"MC's lie-sheet"????

If you are referring to H&D, please note that it has a policy of allowing right of reply (unlike the BNP) so if you think lies have been printed, please write in to the magazine and point them out!

As for John Tyndall's attitude to Mark Cotterill, I discussed that situation with JT several times in the couple of years before his death, so I'd guess I'm better informed than you, Mr Anon.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...