Sunday, August 12, 2007

Solidarity - Clive Potter - another expulsion from the BNP !

We lose track of the shenanigans of the BNP nowadays. In the end it makes no difference. Griffin is trashing the nationalist movement.

It takes a rare animal to support this creature Nick Griffin, after all this tumult.

Unfortunately some still do, and we allow some of their best brains to post in here.

This site is worried about the leaks from some in the BNP hierarchy to red sites. We totally understand their frustration against Griffin. But our group is the largest opposition among nationalists to Griffin. They can post here with total anonymity.

The fact that nationalists are having to use red sites is an abomination. At the moment they are seen to be more open than BNP sites. That is the truth. That is appalling.

The one thing we have always had is the truth. Even now we have some Griffin BNP berks saying we should tell lies to the electorate. I cannot do that !

We believe that the 'members are King'. They should be told everything.

The country are fed up of being lied to. Our job is to tell the truth !

John 8:32 Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.,


Anonymous said...

Solidarity was set up to give British workers an opportunity to join and receive support from a TU which represented them, rather than the reds and the trash of the third world.

Anybody who stands in the way of that, in Potter's case for purely pedantic reasons, is an enemy of the movement. Before rushing to judgement nationalists should strive to see the bigger picture.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know how the hell Griffin can expell CP from the BNP for something that has happened in a suposed independent union.

Does anyone have a list of his expulsion charges?

I've also just found out who is representing CP and if CP is looking in, DITCH HIM NOW and get Adrian Davies to represent you. The person who claims to be helping you is one of Griffins best buddies.

Kind regards

Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

The Solidaity farce shows that Griffin and those he gathers to himself [Harrington] are only interested in Money.

Harrington and his sidekick Williamson want to cream £100s off Solidarity each month for personal wages [how very BNP!]: from an org whose membership numbers in the 40s!

The motivation of these people is MONEY.

And NG will expel a long standing BNP member over a man who leads a multi-racial, pro-Zionist, liberal party [oops, could be describing the modern BNP ha ha!]

NG quit the NF in 89 over Harrington's watering-down on race, Zionism, faggots etc.

Now NG has turned the BNP into everything he despised in 1989.

Let's hope the money, the schemes, the wages, the hidden funds etc. are worth it.

Must be more than 30 Pieces of Silver...

Anonymous said...

"Anybody who stands in the way of that, in Potter's case for purely pedantic reasons, is an enemy of the movement. Before rushing to judgement nationalists should strive to see the bigger picture."

Potter hasn't stood in the way of anything. He has behaved in an open decent and honest manner and he has yet to discover the BNP IS NOT decent.

Anonymous said...

Bill Jax writes...

" Potter's case for purely pedantic reasons..."

How can West Mids make such a comment?

Potter & co simply asked Harrington for proper accounts. Harrington could not/would not/did not deliver those accounts.

When you are running an organisation of only 40 members with a correspondingly low income and therefore expenditure, there is no excuse whatsoever for not making proper accounts in time.

If Harrington had simply kept receipts in a shoe box, he could have written up the accounts there and then.

How difficult could that have been? Just how many things could Harrington have spent money on? He could probably remember most of them!

It might have been tedious and irritating for Potter to wait while Harrington sucked his thumb and scratched his head, but nonetheless the accounts could have been written up within a short while.

So why did Harrington fail to deliver these accounts?

That is the root of the problem.

You can dispute whether the meeting was quorate or not...that does not change the fact that the accounts just had to be simple and short and yet Harrington could not deliver them.

It really is not difficult to understand.

Potter could not do nothing when faced with this.

Had Potter done nothing, then NG could have justified his subsequent actions by accusing Potter of negligence....and should NG fail to cover up any improper use of Solidarity funds, NG could accuse Potter of complicity or even worse.

It is not pedantic to ask for proper accounts.

If West Mids seriously thinks it is, then that shows the extent of problems with the Griffin BNP.

It does not matter whether you are running ICI or a village society. If you take money from the public, whether in millions of quid or a few pence, then you are subject to the LAW.

EVERYONE has to obey the law, like it or not! Convenient or not! Whether you - pipsqueak West Mids -think it pedantic or not!

Those running any such organisaton are individually and collectively liable for ALL the money they handle.

If say, 50 quid went missing, then the court could seek to recover all of that 50 quid either from the three committee members equally or from two of them or all of it from any one of them.

That is why Potter just had to demand those accounts.

The real problem seems to be the crass ignorance of proper procedure and a complete failure to understand the moral obligation involved when handling other people's money.

Harrington has got all the cash.
He refuses to say with proper detail how much he collected, how much he has spent and how much he has got left over.

What does that tell you?

Bill Jax.

Anonymous said...

West Mids said ... "Anybody who stands in the way of that [...] is an enemy of the movement".

It's like listening to a Scientologist.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
West Mids said ... "Anybody who stands in the way of that [...] is an enemy of the movement".

It's like listening to a Scientologist.


How true.
I have thought for some time that the BNP is a cult!

Anonymous said...

I hear now that BNP Lottery and Freedom Promotions man Kenny Smith has left his wife to shack up with new Excalibur Leader Nicholla Ritchie.

So much for the family party of Britain. When will there be an end to the sleaze? The story is that he moved to live with his new girlfriend when still married and now his wife has booted him out.

What does it have to do with anything? Well it's the BNP. It has to do with all of us who put time and money into it. Rumours are that he also has a swastika tattoo on his back. What a gift to searchlight that is

I'm getting tired of the BNP

Anonymous said...

Bill Jax writes...

"I hear now that BNP Lottery and Freedom Promotions man Kenny Smith has left his wife to shack up with new Excalibur Leader Nicholla Ritchie."

This from anonymous also appeared on Lancaster UAF.


Spreading rumours maybe?

This thread is about Solidarity and Clive Potter.

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