Wednesday, August 15, 2007

EFP barbecue early September - East Lancashire
A BBQ is planned early in September for the East Lancashire area. This is to help fundraising for the England First Party elections in the Lancashire region. More news when we get it.


Ian Freeman said...

Sounds fun - what part of Lancashire will it be in?

Anonymous said...

Just heard from Ian today - should be a good event and another big step forward for the EFP in Lancashire.

Anonymous said...

i heard it will be held in the darwin west indian centre where councillor johnstons dad lives

Anonymous said...

The penalty shoot out alone with ian plague in the goals will make it worth while going. A big run up needed.

Anonymous said...

Seems the Griffinites are none too pleased about an harmless BBQ .

Wonder why that might be ?

Anonymous said...

Will the man whom JT said was old bill and he wished he's never let join the BNP be present?

If so, will Chop Suey be on the menu?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...