Another day, another BNP resignation !
It appears that Cllr. Simon Smith has now resigned from the BNP, according certain sources. No reason has been given, but it's common knowledge that there is great and growing anger against the Lord of misrule - Nick Griffin !
One rumour is that Simon signed the nomination paper for Chris Jackson , togther with over 100 others as they had spare signatures to ensure the nomination went in.
Maybe, Simon Smith read the hateful diatribe that Nick Griffin published on the web and copied in a below post attacking the Leadership challenge.
If Mr.Smith had signed that nomination form, and he had read what Griffin thinks of him, it is no bloody wonder he reacted in such a way.
Griffin must go !
Very sad, as Simon Smith is a man of integrity and intelligence.
I admire his commitment to nationalism and his resignation is again another marker that should lead many within the BNP to do some serious searching and questioning.
Did Simon go or was he pushed ?
"his resignation is again another marker that should lead many within the BNP to do some serious searching and questioning."
The BNP members will carry on as usual with their heads in the sand. Their own selfish interests will prevent them from asking the right questions and arriving at the right answers.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"Did Simon go or was he pushed?"
He was pushed and undermined.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
A friend just sent me this.
A great riposte to the PC mad feminasts! Enjoy.
This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of Australian Broadcasting Corporation interview between a female broadcaster and General Cosgrove (Chief of Australian Defense Forces) who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military headquarters.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?
GENERAL COSGROVE: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?
GENERAL COSGROVE: I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?
GENERAL COSGROVE: I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: But you're equipping them to become violent killers.
GENERAL COSGROVE: Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?
The radio went silent and the interview ended.
griffin could promote me into simons position as i could do a good enough job
The night of the long knives continues.
Statement from Simon Darby about resignation of Simon Smith
A Statement Concerning Simon Smith
It was well known that former Black Country organiser Simon Smith was
a supporter of Chris Jackson in the recent leadership challenge. This was of course his democratic right and further to this two senior representatives of the challenger's campaign spoke openly at a Black Country meeting freely promoting their candidate.
Unfortunately, at this meeting despite being asked to refrain from expressing his personal beliefs, during his own speech Simon Smith once again referred to 9/11 as being “an inside job”. In fact, despite having being told how politically damaging this form of pro-Muslim crankery could be, he emphasised his belief twice stating that “he would stake his life on it”.
Shortly after the Leadership election Simon Smith was made aware that an investigation was to take place concerning how a membership list had made its way to a former Birmingham organiser. This list, although sent to several people, was in fact never actually used. Further to this Simon Smith was told that the list dated back to the time when he was heavily involved in processing Party memberships and at one point during that time scale Simon Smith had actually left his computer at the home of that former Birmingham organiser. At no point however, was it inferred at that time that Simon Smith was actually to blame for the severe breach of security.
On the 27th July, after the leadership election results had been announced, Simon Smith sent an email to several BNP members as well as other people. Unforgiveably, one of the two attachments also contained in this email was an article complete with reader comments copied directly from a UAF site.
Simon Smith was shown a copy of the original email he had sent out early yesterday (August 14) afternoon and asked to explain the very serious implications as to what he had done. Three hours later Simon Smith admitted to having sent the email and announced that he was resigning from the BNP.
There we have the truth of the matter.
Simon Darby
In response to Simon Darby's statement that is doing the rounds about Simon Smith. I know Simon Smith very well.
First a couple of small points:
1/The membership list that Sharon Ebanks had in her possession was obtained from Tony Lecomber when she was National Fundraiser. Simon Smith knows what Darby's game is here and what he is trying to do.
2/ On "911" Simon Smith believes that it was an inside job. I understand he is "happy" if people actually believe this was the reason for why he resigned - it will help publicise this evil event. To say it is a Pro Muslim position is nonsense. Its a "Pro Truth" position.
In any case.
3/The real reason for his resignation is the utter corruption of the Welshpool Mafia. Their reign will come to an end. Have no doubt about that.
You are right, Pendragon. The corruption of the Griffin clique has driven out yet another honest patriot. Bowden, Spence, Smith . . . how long can this go on before even the sheep see what is happening, and Caligula has to flee abroad?
"1/The membership list that Sharon Ebanks had in her possession was obtained from Tony Lecomber when she was National Fundraiser. Simon Smith knows what Darby's game is here and what he is trying to do."
100% correct.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"Their reign will come to an end. Have no doubt about that."
200% correct
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"There we have the truth of the matter.
Simon Darby "
You wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the face with a 50lb hammer.
Zero Kind Regards
Sharon Ebanks
I have only just picked up on the fact that Simon Smith is a BNP Councillor !
That 'ups the ante' a bit, in this 'night of the long knives'.
Mr.Griffin might ponder that the knives might also be out for him, and sooner than he thinks.
Et tu Brutus !
I like to think that the little vermin (and I rather like my title), will sink their little tiny pincy fangs into all parts of the greasy blubbery anatomy of the biggest traitor that our nation has had the misfortune to spawn.
These small and cunning vermin will have him yet, and no amount of flailing about and squealing like a stuck pig will save him.
His nasty coterie of thieves and thugs will sink with him and I bet they turn on each other whilst in the final throes.
The Derby comment about "pro-muslim crankery" confirms that the BNP is now nothing more than a Zionist front organisation.
The party is full of drunks, thugs and psycho cases, and yet it's not a problem. But say anything that's not in the Zionist interest ... and you'll be forced out.
"The Derby comment about "pro-muslim crankery" confirms that the BNP is now nothing more than a Zionist front organisation.
The party is full of drunks, thugs and psycho cases, and yet it's not a problem. But say anything that's not in the Zionist interest ... and you'll be forced out."
Even brushing all that aside it shows the BNP to be run by cranks whose sole platform for propelling itself toward oblivion is one of anti-religion.
If the BNP were a devout Christian party it could be considered believable and skirting on acceptable but it isn't a religious party. It's a party crammed with every kind of perversity which the Christian bible pours scorn upon. They are therefore hypocrites riding on the tail of media hysteria and it is a media which has its own agenda which in the end will have no room for Griffins disgusting BNP.
Griffin is not a politician, he is a cult leader to the desperate who fear for a future in Britain which may not recognise its culture and history in the coming years. These are justified fears as the face of Britain dramatically changes but Griffin and the BNP are not the answer to those fears. Griffins BNP purposely exacerbates fear to generate money and this is proven time and time again by his willingness to chop decent people and then to unleash his brain-dead thugs to smear them in the press and on the Internet.
The BNP has several small time journalists that are fed information to whip up storms that create publicity for the BNP and damage the lives of others who have so generously given of their time and money.
The tables are about to turn...
"Mr.Griffin might ponder that the knives might also be out for him, and sooner than he thinks."
Yes, very soon.
This apt comment has appeared on Lancaster UAF:
"Anonymous said...
Should not LUAF and friends be concerned that a man who compares Hitler to Christ and reckons 911 was an inside job (ie Simon Smith) is NOT still in the BNP?
If Griffin chucks out the cranks, the BNP might become the British Nice Party...hmmm :)
You are missing the point.
Smith has been saying things like this for years and has been tolerated by Griffin and the BNP.
He had his odd holocaust denial/conspiracy theory site closed down by Yahoo.
Griffin kept quiet.
He had his council website closed down for things he said.
Griffin kept quiet.
He was suspended from Sandwell council for things he said.
Griffin kept quiet.
He signed Jacksons nomination papers so he was able to mount a leadership challenge.
Griffin forced him out.
That is the real point.
The Resignation Email Exchange
This has come my way. The word (Darby) has been added at the top by me and (Smith) in the middle and at the bottom to avoid confusion about which "Simon" it is. The attachments referred to are about Solidarity.
Darby had been circulating the lie that Clive Potter and Tim Hawke were "reds".
Read from the bottom up
"Simon (Darby),
I didn't send THAT previous email to anyone OUTSIDE the party itself. I sent it to about eight people - all male incidentally. Obviously one person wasn’t as intelligent as I had credited him with, and so now, you are indeed aware of my thoughts on how the party is being run.
My intention up until today was to resign as Black Country Organiser but to carry on as Leader of the Sandwell BNP Group. That option has been removed from me by the actions of a supposed friend who has been fully briefed on the internal history of British Nationalism but never the less has still gone behind my back...
I therefore resign from the British National Party.
A clear conscience is a wonderful thing. I thoroughly recommend it.
Please forward to the necessary people.
Simon Smith
(14/08/2007 4.25 pm)
bnp@bnp.to wrote:
> Simon (Smith),
> I have now received the email you sent out to BNP members and others together with the two attachments.
> Having tried to call you today you now need to respond to me ASAP to discuss the very serious implications
> that the course of action you may have taken entails.
> Simon Darby
> Organiser, British National Party West Midlands.
> ---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
> Subject: Solidarity. The unoffiicial version
> From: "Simon Smith" <_simon456smith@tiscali.co.uk_>
> Date: Fri, July 27, 2007 5:52 pm
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello Folks,
> I'm forwarding this with attachments.
> You will know by now I was a signatory for Chris Jackson's challenge. As
> such, the attachments probably only show the tip of the iceberg of the
> corruption in the party.
> _http://observer.guardian.co.uk/politics/story/0,,2132122,00.html_
> Which I believe is substantially true...
> As yet the party's 2006 accounts have not been published on the
> electoral commission website:
> _http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/regulatory-issues/soayearend2002.cfm_
> The 2005 accounts showed amongst other things that £63 000 was spent on
> Travel and entertainment !!!
> I'm sending this to people in the branch I trust and are intelligent
> enough to understand whats going on. Also sending to intelligent trusted
> people outside the branch.
> The fact that the chairman has won an election may prove be a hollow
> victory for him when the accounts are published. It is time to gradually
> start educating people to just how this party is being run. Each of you
> has an obligation to do your bit. The BNP is the only party we have. We
> must save the party in order to save our country.
> Simon (Smith)
> -
Why do you think the BNP has failed to attract the 'Politically motivated and Thinking' Third Positionists to their cause? Exactly because of this neo-con line on 911!! Of course it was a bleedin' inside job, anyone with half a brain cell can see it.
The BNP stance is both immoral and dishonest. Just a state sponsored stick to beat the Rag-Heads with!
"'Politically motivated and Thinking'"
Because the BNP isn't a political party. It's a money making cult.
Given Darby's previous actions Griffin should be watching his seat from now on...
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
Bill Jax says...
"Exactly because of this neo-con line on 911!! Of course it was a bleedin' inside job, anyone with half a brain cell can see it."
This from 'Rebel' is irrelevant to the political battle.
Not everyone with half a brain cell can see this, because most people with half a brain cell and more simply do not spend so much of their time considering these things deeply.
The BNP is supposed to be a political party.
As such it is supposed to be trying to get support, from increased membership and votes.
To be effective, the BNP must operate in the situation as it is, not as we would like it to be.
Whether we like it or not it is a fact that most people believe - rightly or wrongly - that muslim fanatics were responsible for 911.
Whether we like it or not, we cannot change that fact without a huge increase in suport for the BNP.
So, just how does spouting off about 911 being an inside job attract that huge increase of support?
It may be unfortunate, but most people are put off if and when they hear it and dismiss the BNP as nutters.
Spouting this stuff just plays into the hands of our enemies.
Like it or not, most people are concerned with other things at the moment. We must absolutely focus on those things which are relevant to the voting public and stop beating our own hobby horses.
It is no good persuading those who already agree with you. You have to attract those who as yet do not agree, who do not yet support us.
The question is:
Just how is what we say going to persuade those who do not support us to change their mind?
This is a political struggle, not a learned debate between doctors of philosophy within academia to discern the truth of the matter.
All of us just have to wise up to this.
Bill Jax
Sorry Bill, it doesn't wash..
The BNP, supposedly, is an alternative to 'The Old Gang' (Used on many a BNP leaflet) and telling the truth must be the most 'Alternative' thing you could do nowadays.
Surely the people who the BNP want into its ranks are honest people willing to tell it like it is - not spin the lies of the Daily Express and the Sun?? Even the great unwashed in the States (shown in recent opinion poles) have serious doubts as to the official line on 911, and suspect government involvement. Why should the BNP treat the people they want to save to the line spun by the Establishment, and the lackies of the New World Order?? Obvious Lies and Neo Con created? Unless, of course, the people who run the BNP aspire to be a part of the establishment and the NWO... or am I just paranoid?
"91% of BNP members voted for NG. Like it or not, he has a mandate. He has to have a united, committed, sound band of people behind him."
Would someone like to point out to this idiot that Griffin didn't get 91%? Is this Griffins latest spin?
I have the feeling that the BNP will go into complete meltdown in May next year.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
Wishful thinking?
August BNP members bulletin on page 5 states "we currently have 76 councillors across England and Wales"
August issue 86 of Voice of Freedom reads "Today the BNP's 65 councillors are a testament to the transformation of the parties fortunes under the guidance of Nick Griffin"
A gain of 11 elected councillors in a few days?
"Today Simon Darby told the Birmingham Post something slightly different:
“We had a leadership election which Nick Griffin won with 91 per cent of the vote. Simon could not accept that.”
LUAF quote Darby from the Birmingham Post using the same message as Fraser. Is Fraser on Stormfront, Darby?
You'll also note how Darby loves getting his angle to the press first and ALWAYS runs down the people who have sacrificed far more than HE EVER HAS.
I think it's time I called the newspapers and told them what Darby thinks of some of the journalists he claims to run rings around. Methinks Darby is getting out of his depth.
I have a question for Griffin and Darby. How can you preach to people from cosy little Welshpool surrounded by fields of sheep? Neither of you has a clue what it's like living in an inner city. You're both insincere trash and scum.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
I have met Mr Darby the once at a BNP internet conference held at Center parcs, Nottingham.
He is a very strange customer, for example; we, as nationalists, love it when we get together to work and socialise.
Mr.Darby avoided all social contact with the rest of that high level internet BNP group.
Also, at the back of my mind, he was 'too close' to self admitted MI5 agent Andy Carmichael:
Former MI5 spy - I was a rent boy Feb 22 2006
An MI5 agent whose spy story gripped the nation has lifted the lid on the final, bombshell secret in his amazing double life.
Cannock's Andy Carmichael, recruited by spymasters to infiltrate far right wing groups, was a rent boy.
The 43-year-old worked the streets of Wolverhampton and Birmingham in the late 70s, using the cash to fund weekend drug binges at Wigan Casino, then considered a mecca for devotees of Northern Soul music.
News of Carmichael's life on the gay vice scene and his use of amphetamines and barbiturates will surprise MI5 top brass who paid him to monitor the National Front's hierarchy.
Now their former employee is poised to pen an explosive biography, dealing with his battle to pull free of the rent boy scene as well as his life as a spy. Carmichael, now married with two children, is currently hawking the proposed book around publishing houses.
Story continues
Yesterday he said: "For the last 25 years I've lived with a terrible secret and the shame of it was slowly eating me away. It's only recently that I've realised I was a victim preyed on by paedophiles.
"I'm not gay. I've never considered myself to be gay. I did what I did for one reason - to get enough money to live, to get enough money to go to Wigan Casino, which, to a certain scene, was the only thing that mattered."
It's the second time Carmichael, now a successful salesman living in Colton, has confessed to a secret life. In 1997, his work as a double agent was splashed on the front of The Times and Daily Mail after writer Rupert Allason - 'mouthpiece' for MI5 - officially verified Carmichael's claim.
A former leading Conservative activist, he was approached in 1991 by agents at a Cannock garden party held in honour of VIP guest Margaret Thatcher.
Carmichael's brief was simple: join the National Front, rise through its ranks and discover what threat it, and more extreme right wing groups, present to this country's constitution. He became West Midlands NF chairman and even gained a place on the national executive committee, feeding his MI5 paymasters key information during clandestine countryside meetings.
On one occasion, his tip-off scuppered a planned mass attack by neo-Nazi groups on a socialist rally.
The double life came to an end in 1997, when Carmichael decided to go public, his story sparking a media frenzy.
But he didn't reveal all his secrets to the national press. It's taken him almost another ten years to discover the courage to admit publicly his life of vice.
"I was a victim of circumstance," Carmichael said yesterday. "I was virtually homeless, penniless and extremely vulnerable. There are many more young people in that same position now. When you're desperate, you take desperate measures. It was easy money, if you like."
A victim of violence at his Pye Green home, Carmichael moved to Wolverhampton in 1979. "I was 16, but could've passed for 14. I had blond hair, blue eyes and was waif like, about nine stone, and certain kinds of middle-aged men were attracted to me.
"I got a job as a bottleboy at the Old Vic Hotel, earning £10 a week, and lived there as a stowaway, if you like. Staff managed to get me a room without the management knowing.
"I'd had approaches before, but one night a man asked me to take a drink up to his room. I was naive, but I wasn't that naive. I knew what he meant. I said no to start with, but he kind of said he'd take care of me, and that's how it started."
From there, Carmichael began working-both Wolverhampton and Birmingham, plying his trade on a street corner near New Street Station.
"Within 20 minutes I could guarantee someone would come along. These rich businessmen would pay for a room at the Albany Hotel. They'd give me, say, £10 and leave in the night, but let me stay in the hotel. For a young kid having a room at a place like the Albany, it was something else.
"At that time, the only thing that mattered to me was getting to Wigan Casino - there was a crowd of us. I'd work (as a rent boy) for three, four nights a week, but never on a Monday because of the drugs I'd taken at the weekend. I was never a junkie - it was just part of the scene.
Carmichael stresses he had no involvement in the gay scene. "I was a loner for two reasons - I was really shy and I never hung round with likeminded kids. I certainly wasn't a member of any rent boy union, if you like.
"I was there for one reason only - to survive on a day-to-day basis. Some rent boys were gay and would shout it from the rooftops, but I was a kid who, for some reason, paedophiles were attracted to and I was getting enough out of it to survive.
"I did not like doing it one little bit. It was not a pleasant experience."
By the early 80s, Carmichael was beginning to put his life in order, having secured a job as a paint sprayer in the motor industry. "I'd grown out of it. There's a certain look and I could no longer pass as a 14-year-old."
It's only now he has come to terms with what he's done, and only days ago made the hardest confession of all - to his wife. "She was shocked, but supportive. It was a long time ago. For the last 25 years I've lived with this secret. It was something buried in the past --only I knew it and the punters.
"As you get older, your perception changes. I've only just come to terms with the fact I was a victim, preyed on by paedophiles: 'groomed', if you like."
He hopes his story will help others caught in the same vice trap. "You'll never stop paedophiles being attracted to that sort of thing. You've got to tackle the problems that have put the kids on the street. It's those problems that drive boys to prostitution."
Andy Carmichael's real-life tale of undercover work and espionage was once likened to a John Le Carre novel, proving the acclaimed spy writer dealt with fact not fiction.
Sadly, this latest chapter in Carmichael's life is a little too factual to make it into Mr Le Carre's stories.
Then we have this from a red site;
Simon Darby can be considered number two in the BNP, he would have taken over as leader of the party had Griffin been jailed following his trial last year, and is the subject of an extraordinary set of co-incidences.
Simon joined the National Front at the same time as a man called Andy Carmichael as well as doing the same course as him at the same college, sharing the same digs as him and until recently living round the corner from him in the West Midlands.
This apparently unexciting series of co-incidences are a lot more interesting if you know that Andy Carmichael is a confessed MI5 mole who infiltrated far right groups.
Andy Carmichael was also the West-Midlands Regional Organiser for the National Front during the 1990's while a state asset. Even more co-incidentally Simon Darby is also currently serving as West Midlands Regional Organiser, for the BNP. Funny old world isn't it?
Secret state infiltration into the BNP is not something that's discussed in any seriousness, mostly it's people claiming without any evidence that Griffin is an MI5 asset, which is disappointing particularly when you consider a report in the Express from way back in February 1999:
'Scotland Yard and MI5 are planning a huge covert operation to break up violent racist organizations. The Express has learned that intelligence officers will infiltrate far Right groups such as the British National Party.
'Other officers will tap telephones, open mail and scrutinise bank accounts and medical records. "We plan to close down these organizations by using every administrative device available to us," said a Yard source.'
Obviously I can't prove that Simon Darby is a state asset, so I wouldn't claim that he is, but it is without question that there are state assets and agents who are BNP members and it wouldn't be surprising if they were high up BNP members. Sadie Graham the party's Group Development Officer , a former hunt-sab in Brighton who suddenly discovered fascism and rapidly ascended the ranks of the BNP, is another suspicious case.
Were the secret state to shut down or cripple the party in any way, by fair or foul means, then anti-fascists should not celebrate this. Nor should we be glad that there are almost certainly state assets inside the BNP even if they do work to undermine the party, i.e making our task easier. We should speak out against it and protest against it.
This is because, to put it simply, history shows us that the tactics used against the far right and fascists will be against the left without hesitation and if we applaud the use of such tactics against even people we see as opponents then it's a bit difficult to complain when the same is done to us and the secret state really does hate the left. Even mild reformists like former Prime Minister Harold Wilson and moderate trade union leaders were bugged, spied upon and plotted against.
Even if people like Simon Darby is a state asset, rather than the unknowing participant of a series of co-incidences, then anti-fascists should expose this, not celebrate it.
Bill Jax says...
From Rebel:
"Sorry Bill, it doesn't wash.." etc
Where did I say we should tell lies or repeat the establishment media spin?
Many things are true, but are not necessarily discussed when trying to get political support.
The issue is not whether we should lie or not. Of course we must not lie. The issue is what we focus on.
The fact is that, as yet, there are no votes in proclaiming loudly that 911 was an inside job.
We need to focus on issues that are relevant to the public at the moment.
How many people will join or vote for the BNP because we proclaim 911 to be an inside job?...in a council by election for example?
Those that do would probably have done so ANYWAY. And there will be a lot more people who will be put off by what they see, rightly or wrongly, as eccentric views.
Just because 911 being an inside job is of all consuming interest to some of our members does not make it of any interest to the public. This may be tragic, but that is how it is.
The fact is that most people in UK do not feel threatened by the idea of 911 being an inside job. Perhaps they should be, but they do not.
They do feel threatened nationally by the ever encroaching tide of immigration and the ever encroaching corrupt bureaucracy of Europe for example. Locally, ever rising council tax, litter, increasing yob behaviour, the destruction of local green spaces by new building etc are important.
We have to find ways of showing how our policies will help to solve these problems.
911 is therefore irrelevant to the political struggle, at the moment.
As an issue it can certainly be discussed and honestly, but not in the political arena, where we compete to win votes from a largely uninterested public.
We therefore absolutely must be directly relevant to what interests the public.
Bill Jax
Bill Jax wrote:
"We therefore absolutely must be directly relevant to what interests the public."
I'm struggling to understand your argument, Bill.
No one disputes that election campaigning etc must be made as relevant as possible to potential voters.
But surely that doesn't mean that all BNP speakers (including councillors) must restrict their every utterance and publication to what is already popularly accepted.
To do so would be to abdicate any pretence of political leadership, and ultimately make it pointless to hold or pursue elected office.
The BNP's dictatorial attitude towards expressing opinions about 9/11 and related issues makes a sad contrast to the supposed control freaks of New Labour, who allowed former Blair cabinet minister Michael Meacher to publish the following article (among others) expressing unorthodox views about 9/11:
"From Rebel:
"Sorry Bill, it doesn't wash.." etc
increasing yob behaviour"
You mean YOB behaviour like BNP security Tommy Williams? I don't think immigration has anything to do with that, do you?
The BNP can hardly stand on a platform of decency when they are overflowing with scum theft, fraud and perversion at the highest levels? The BNP should be exposed for the un-electable body that it is. Afterall, the BNP would be mighty quick to publicise the opposition getting upto such filthy public acts of depravity deception and theft.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"I'm struggling to understand your argument, Bill.
No one disputes that election campaigning etc must be made as relevant as possible to potential voters.
But surely that doesn't mean that all BNP speakers (including councillors) must restrict their every utterance and publication to what is already popularly accepted.
To do so would be to abdicate any pretence of political leadership, and ultimately make it pointless to hold or pursue elected office.
The BNP's dictatorial attitude towards expressing opinions about 9/11 and related issues makes a sad contrast to the supposed control freaks of New Labour, who allowed former Blair cabinet minister Michael Meacher to publish the following article (among others) expressing unorthodox views about 9/11:"
Quite so but in Griffins attempt to appear squeaky clean he achieves nothing more than to show his dirty undies.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"Even if people like Simon Darby is a state asset, rather than the unknowing participant of a series of co-incidences, then anti-fascists should expose this, not celebrate it."
Makes you wonder what Jean and Malcolm would have made of it all.
Jean and Malcolm ?
"Jean and Malcolm ?"
Darbys mum and dad but brushing that aside, why didn't the press report that Darby had won his council seat from a fraudulent address? I've just read it on LUAF and I've had it confirmed by a local man. How can the BNP witter about electoral fraud when they commit it themselves?
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
Re Pete R said
"I'm struggling to understand your argument, Bill."
I am trying to distinguish between an intellectual debate and the political process. One is a search for the truth, the other a struggle for power.
They are not the same thing and while any issue can be addressed honestly in either one, it is not true that all issues can be addressed effectively in either one.
The enemy win because they successfully prevent any genuine debate.
They use at least 2 methods:
1) denying a platform for our views;
2) successfully portraying nationalists via the media as vaguely dangerous cranks, so that even when we get a platform, nobody listens.
It is a failure of leadership not to recognise that.
911 as an inside job is widely regarded as an eccentric view at best, silly at worst.
We cannot lead the public if they do not listen to what we say, dismissing whatever we say as coming from "those silly cranks."
That is not to say that we cannot discuss theories in order to learn from that interaction of ideas. Such discussions must be held at appropriate times and between people who fully understand that the process of intellectual debate is a search for the truth.
That does not include the political process of a public meeting where many people will be meeting us for the first time. Here such members of the public will see any discussion of 911 as an inside job as an attempt to promote an unproved, cranky theory as fact.
Promoting controversial theories before proof or overwhelming evidence is available shows a lack of intellectual discipline, is rightly held in contempt and just confirms that false impression of nationalists.
We can change that false impression by focusing on those issues where the establishment has manifestly failed in the eyes of the public.
And that is where we must focus in the political struggle.
Bill Jax.
Evidence has come forward that Ex Black Country Organiser John Salvage played a part in Simon Smith's stitching up to Simon Darby :
Salvage Fact File:
1/ Pigs Trotters on SF probably
2/ Had cheques paid to him in his name for BNP merchandise
3/ Mini version of NG. Not so good a speaker and not so good a crook.
4/ BS artist. Poor street activist
5/ No talent. Writes expressively and self indulgently.
6/ Very Lazy
7/ Ripped off Walsall activist and East Bham activist of 1000's of pounds.
8/ Delusions of grandeur. Starts money scam schemes like Griffin - but not so clever.
9/ Griffin paid his mortgage for 12 months while he was BC organiser
10/ Laughed at behind his back for claiming to be a "business man". Sold his house to an Asian and rents off him
Sent to Sandwell Express Star
Dear Sir
In response to Simon Darby's comments about me resigning from British National Party. I would like to thank him for acknowledging the hard work done myself in the party. With the exception of a particular Judas, most of the Black Country BNP are first class folk.
There has been a rumour I resigned because of the party's failure to allow me to promote the idea that 911 was an inside job. This isn't actually the case.
My resignation followed the disclosure of a private email to a supposed friend and colleague Ken Griffiths. The substance of the email was that based on events surrounding an article about Nick Griffin's wheeler dealing in Croatia, his meddling in the affairs of the independent trade union Solidarity and such items as £63,000 being spent on "travel and entertainment" (see 2005 BNP accounts at the electoral commission), it was about time we started educating the membership about what I believed we mutually recognised as serious financial mismanagement of the party. In fact it was Ken Griffiths along with a few others two years ago that encouraged me to examine Nick Griffin's history and therefore his leadership of the party.
I've worked for the party as a volunteer for over five years. Three years as the Black Country organiser. This work was unpaid. I may have claimed £60 at most in petrol in that time and of course have suffered in my employment. Famously being sacked as a teacher in 2004. The party's support was pathetic. The so called party legal eagle failed to advise me that I had three months to appeal to an industrial tribunal. I am currently investigating a sickening allegation that a substantial donation from a member of the public was made to myself following my sacking but didn't quite find its way to me.
At national level huge amounts are raised. The "Trafalgar Club " rakes in £72,000 a year according to other ex BNP figures that were close to Griffin. Financial transparency , other than what has to be provided for the electoral commission is non existent. There are other large donations that are rumoured to have been made but not declared. This is the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.
So how is the British National Party being run ? There is a genuine need for a Nationalist Party in Britain. In my opinion Nick Griffin who is a fantastic (self) publicist and orator, runs the party as a private family business - in doing so it is also necessary to appoint dubiously moral lieutenants to keep it like that . It is a money based not ideologically based operation . As such it is necessary to periodically purge the party of thinkers and those who are capable of critical thought to keep it like that.
Cllr Simon Smith
"Anonymous said...
Evidence has come forward that Ex Black Country Organiser John Salvage played a part in Simon Smith's stitching up to Simon Darby :
Salvage Fact File:
1/ Pigs Trotters on SF probably
2/ Had cheques paid to him in his name for BNP merchandise
3/ Mini version of NG. Not so good a speaker and not so good a crook.
4/ BS artist. Poor street activist
5/ No talent. Writes expressively and self indulgently.
6/ Very Lazy
7/ Ripped off Walsall activist and East Bham activist of 1000's of pounds.
8/ Delusions of grandeur. Starts money scam schemes like Griffin - but not so clever.
9/ Griffin paid his mortgage for 12 months while he was BC organiser
10/ Laughed at behind his back for claiming to be a "business man". Sold his house to an Asian and rents off him
9:35 AM"
Once again Griffin allows a crook control in the BNP as I have heard Salvage has been made an organiser.
When I took over as Birmingham organiser the branch was in the RED. Having attended meetings I saw what was raised, where did it go?
I inherited Mark Cattell as the fundholder, he was a VERY VERY close friend of Robert Purcell ex organiser, prize backstabber and thief. Cattell and Purcell had pocketed thousands and I have all the emails sent to and from BNP HQ on this incident but BNP HQ refused to call in the police citing they didn't want their accounts rifled through by the police, I also have that email.
If Purcell is looking in, I have the books of particular business men who put their BNP donations through their accounts before handing cash to you. GOT YOU, YOU BASTARD.
Is there anything you want to share with the police regarding the May elections, Rob? I'll share it with them for you.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"As such it is necessary to periodically purge the party of thinkers and those who are capable of critical thought to keep it like that."
Well said.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"At national level huge amounts are raised. The "Trafalgar Club " rakes in £72,000"
Sorry to correct you but it's more than £90,000 and I'll swear that in a court of law.
Kind regards
Sharon Ebanks
"911 as an inside job is widely regarded as an eccentric view at best, silly at worst."
A heck of a lot of ordinary people now think that there was something wrong with the whole thing. Similarly, many (even Reds) are now seeing Israel for the monster that it is.
And yet the BNP - the one organisation perfectly placed to capitalise on this new oportunity, suddenly chooses this moment to endorse Israel, Zionism, start a hysterical anti-Islam campaign, and declare that all 'conspiracy theories' are banned.
It stinks.
It's interesting that the Reds are claiming that 911 as an inside job 'is a popular idea amongst the "right".' Smith has thus been successful in helping claim that issue for Nationalists.
Curiously the "left" have seized 911 as an inside job in the States. Alex Jones on Prison Planet tends to be a little on the "left".
It has astonished me that both the "left" and "right" have failed to claim this issue in Britain. Believe me the media are really scared about touching this subject.
The BNP have just become a Zionist hammer for hitting the Mussies. The ideological left (if that isn't an oxymoron these days) see their role in life as "Stopping the BNP".
I'm sure the establishment would like to protect NG from the "Vermin" and will be saying to Mr Gable "Go easy Gerry we want a corrupt leader of the BNP in order to serve the agenda of your countrymen"
The establishment is utterly corrupt. Perhaps hitherto disparate ideological soldiers across the political spectrum will have to speak to old enemies and join in the fight against globalism. Perhaps making concessions in order that moral people prevail over the immoral people.
The letter sent to the Express & Star was not published.
Simon Darby's letter published about Simon Smith's resignation.
Simon Smith - An elected councillor. Letter not published. Not allowed through on Stormfront either !
I am coming to believe Darby works for the state. That is the opinion of a number of BNP branch officials and at least two leaders of minor nationalist parties.
I believe there may be some sort of "D" notice on accusations about BNP finance.
Could I suggest to the blog owner we have an article about Simon Darby, whereby we can share evidence on Teflon SD's possible "state credentials".
IF Darby is "state", Griffin will have known for years. IF Griffin has known for years then the BNP has just been a safety valve. IF Darby is "state"....
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