Leading BNP member resigns...
From Jonathan Bowden to Nick Griffin
Dear NG,
during the middle of Saturday afternoon the party head of security, Martin Reynolds, texted me to inform me that Tommy William’s tendentious and lying filth about me had been taken down.
It appears that not only is this not the case but the criminal abuse has got ten times worse.
I have given a lot of time and effort to this party over the last 4 years. I am now being accused repeatedly of being a paedophile on the Internet by one of your quote unquote old mates.
I am sick and tired of the human scum and vermin which proliferate in such shallows waters.
To be accused of being a child abuser is amongst the lowest thing that can possibly be imagined.
T o even refute such allegations from criminal psychopaths like these is beneath one’s dignity.
I will seek to have police action carried out against this vile Internet site, but I also intend to resign as cultural officer, advisory council member and member of the BNP.
I do not wish to associate-even tangentially-with such low-grade lycanthropes and psychotic criminals.
Williams, I gather, is a convicted drug dealer and career criminal with a string of convictions.
I have many other and better things to do with my life in future.
The stench of this rabble, lumpen and canaille is displeasing to me. I shall devote myself to the world of the arts from which I originate and to which I shall return.
Yours ever
Jonathan Bowden
PS The overwhelming majority of people in the BNP are decent and patriotic types. I have enjoyed my association with many of them and wish them every success in the future.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
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Sam Melia released from jail in time for Christmas, and back with his wife and family.

Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
Tommy Williams is a petty criminal and a disgrace to nationalism, who has been employed by Nick Griffin to libel and attempt to intimidate Griffin's factional opponents.
There are some in our movement who persist in regarding the likes of Pete Barker and myself as "troublemakers".
It should now be obvious that the main source of factional strife is the warped personality of the BNP chairman, who uses the likes of Williams and other lowlife to advance his personal agenda at the expense of the party.
Rumour is that Mick Holmes was asked by Griffin to do exactly the same .
If Tommy Williams has posted material making such false and libellous accusations against anybody, let alone a BNP member, why is he not subject to a disciplinary charge of:
'conduct calculated to bring the party into disrepute'?
This kind of behaviour is just unacceptable in an organisation that is supposed to be trying to persuade the public to give us power.
If Williams has evidence of his accusations, he should inform the police. Failing to do so is tantamount to helping a supposed/alleged paedophile.
Not telling the police is giving the alleged paedophile more time to attack again.
Friends of Griffin threaten expulsion to those who challenge him, but keep silent about the behaviour of people like Williams.
I do not know Bowden at all, but having someone with his interest in the arts in the BNP would reassure many of the public that the BNP is not what the mainstream media say.
As such, Bowden is an asset.
Griffin has chosen - by not taking the strongest action possible against Williams - to keep Williams instead of Bowden.
What does that tell you about Griffin's management and motive?
To progress, we must have proper discipline.
The following letter is posted on the BNP website 'your say' page.
It says it all.
BNP yobbish behaviour at the Sedgefield count cost us a couple of recruits at the very least and handed a propaganda coup to our enemies.
Williams' criminal past and present filthy and libellous web postings has cost us another member.
Just who is going to help us persuade more of the public to vote for us? Not just those who already vote, but those who as yet o not.
Williams or Bowden?
By tolerating Williams and others like him, Griffin undermines the authority of those at Sedgefield who might have wanted to control those baying BNP members.
Slow hand clap
The figures for Sedgefield are indeed impressive and congratulations to all those concerned. I am also told that the candidate made a superb speech at the count. Well done!! But....
I have already had two people - one of whom I had hoped to recruit to the party - ring me in disgust. Disgust at the almost yobbish behavior at the count when the winning candidate sought to speak. Do we have to watch in embarrassment whilst our own supporters and members slow-handclap and otherwise disrupt a traditional speech made by the new MP.
It was not clever, it was not smart - in fact, it was downright ill-mannered and an affront to freedom of speech. It marred our own parliamentary efforts and showed us NOT to be practicing the traditional values of British behaviour that we claim to stand for. It also gave the news commentators an unnecessary chance to denigrate the BNP.
Do we need to hand our critics such a morsel on a plate? If we as a Party behave on this sort of level, it makes it all the harder to criticise others and we open ourselves up to the contempt that the establishment seek to heap on us.
Elizabeth Sutherland,
The BNP is heading for moral bankruptcy... Johnny (come lately) Williams, and pervert Reynolds are just the tip of the iceberg.
Has anyone seen this on the BNP website?
How in the world can the BNP talk about moral standards falling, when they have the likes of Reynolds in their ranks?
Griffin was a shelf-stacker in Safeway’s, in Welshpool, prior to 1999. He will leave the BNP when the mugs in the party have provided enough money for him to retire on. Sadly, the BNP is heading for meltdown - regardless of the spin keeping it going in the meantime.
Either Williams (don't sit behind your website, insulting men who can't defend themselves), Reynolds (i've already offered to come to leeds and meet him. Naturaly he declined) or both can have all the trouble they want - just name the time and place. These two are big fish in a little pond who in my world wouldn't last two minutes.
Each individual member needs to be informed what is going on in the BNP - steps are now being taken to do exactly that. We have a crook at the helm who has loyalty to nothing, and is motivated solely by greed.
It’s time for him and his ilk to go from the BNP...
Watch This Space.
If he runs off the moment someone calls him a name he is no loss. One down, 336 to go.
This country and people cannot be saved (at present) by electoral campaigning. The situation calls for a new approach. Go, as I do every weekend, into the country's nightclubs and see the horror before your eyes. Young kids falling about all over the place, smashed out of their heads on drugs. Stop fooling yourselves we can save this country - we can't.
We need to form an elite group of people who'll attempt to save what's salvageable. They should try to reach academics, scientists and as many professional people as posible. These people are society's opinion-formers. These people know what's going on, and are capable of operating (or accessing) the levers of power.
So don't cling doggardly to the Bnp as if it's the only hope, because it is not.
Griffin is a crook, and no mistake, but ...
Bowden is a sick bastard. Have a look at his website showing examples of his 'art'.
Mick Holmes will have told Griffin where to get off, theres no love lost there.
Go to Jonathan Bowden's website, listen to his latest speech in Berkshire.
Then ask yourself if we have lost a great asset or not?
The comments about him on the Covert etc website are just pathetic.
The fact that those making these comments can do so without shrivelling in embarrassment says all you need to know about them...and those that have benefited from their comments and remain silent.
To Joe Owens and the rest seeking a non-democratic approach - try British Movement
Po Box 6
West Yorkshire
WF16 0XF
Interestingly, Covert Tactics have now removed the post which called Bowden a "nonce." I don't know whether that means that Bowden will now return to the BNP, or even whether it was pressure from the BNP leadership that eventually led to the post being removed. It may be that it was Bowden's threat of police action wihch led to the post being removed, which seems the most likely explanation. It will be interesting to see what happens now, anyway.
I notice that many posters on Stormfront, as always, are in need of lessons in basic comprehension. It's quite clear from his resignation letter that Bowden didn't resign just because of these accusations, but also, more importantly, because the BNP leadership did nothing to get them removed and took no action at all against Tommy Williams.
I understand that Jonathan Bowden has an arts degree from Cambridge University, but to be honest I'm not particularly impressed by his scribblings (although admittedly my interest in art is limited; perhaps those more cultured that I may take a different view). His speeches, on the other hand, are excellent, so I hope that even if he leaves the BNP, he remains an active nationalist.
Finally, I agree 100% with Joe Owens's last comment, namely that we cannot expect the sleeple to suddenly "wake up", and that we need to reach the professional classes first -- just as the "left" did decades ago. To that end, persuading just one university lecturer to read "My Awakening" (or similar) is more useful that delivering thousands of leaflets to a council estate. In "democracies", as in every other political system, it only takes a small but determined and resourceful minority to change things.
I telephoned Jonathan earlier today to offer my support and solidarity. I told him he was welcome in my house (and meetings) anytime.
It appears that one or more of his family saw the lies on the internet and he felt he had to respond in some way, he could not turn a blind eye.
"If Tommy Williams has posted material making such false and libellous accusations against anybody, let alone a BNP member, why is he not subject to a disciplinary charge of:
'conduct calculated to bring the party into disrepute'?"
For the same reason he won't get rid of Lecomber. Griffin is a cunt and he likes cunts. Birds of a feather and all that.
It is now the duty of all nationalists to take the moral high ground and inform the membership of what is going on.
The Bowden saga underlines one point that has been obvious for some time - and which ironically was made by Adrian Davies at a Bloomsbury Forum meeting a year or two back which Mr Bowden also addressed!
Very few serious, intelligent people are likely to stay in a party led by Nick Griffin.
If they are not put off by his habit of surrounding himself with knuckle dragging sycophants, they will soon despair of his habit of treating the party's assets as his own.
Simonuk and Joe Owens are both correct in their suggestion that nationalism desperately needs to recruit professional, potentially influential types. But such people will not be recruited (long term) into Mr Griffin's party.
West Mids said...
"If he runs off the moment someone calls him a name he is no loss. One down, 336 to go."
Yet again, West Mids, it is not good enough to know how to read, you also need to bring a little understanding to what you read.
Bowden resigned because - as he clearly stated - Griffin assured him via Reynolds that the offending material had been removed, when it had not and in fact had got worse.
Not only was Bowden viciously libelled by one of Griffin's mates, he was also lied to by Griffin.
It was not the libel that caused Bowden to resign, it was the betrayal by Griffin.
Wed Mids, you deliberately miss this point in your desperate search to say something to defend Griffin - or you are just a fool.
In fact you are both.
If you need to make such a comment to defend Griffin, whether deliberately missing the point or not, you are a fool.
Do you, or any other Griffin loyalist, (and that includes Reynolds, Williams etc) really believe Griffin would not do something equally nasty to you?
He looks on you all as cockroaches, useful to smear dirt on others, but ready to be squashed under foot when necessary.
You are a squalid fool, too stupid to "shrivel up in embarrassment" at what you are supporting.
Pete R and other posters are right. Look at what has happened so many times before.
Griffin will not tolerate anyone in the party who might overthrow him. Bowden was just such a person - well educated, good speaker etc.
Tommy Williams and Co were given the nod by Griffin. That's why nothing was done then and why nothing will be done now.
Griffin wanted Bowden out because he was a potential threat.
Pete R, in your considered opinion how desperately do we need Searchlight informers?
Who's @Elizabeth Sutherland'?
Did she campaign at Sedgefield?
Did she get her tyres slashed by Labour yobs?
Nah, thought not
West Mids - If Griffin thought he had a case against me he had a perfect opportunity to hold a "show trial". He bottled it because he knew he didn't have a case.
To answer your question more directly: the leadership of the Griffin BNP in 2007 clearly is not in need of Searchlight informers.
It is so completely dominated by thieves, thugs, perverts, South African spies, and money-mad ex-Third Positionists that Gerry Gable's agents would find it difficult to identify any task of disruption or betrayal that was not being adequately performed already.
Did the media sympathise with the BNP disruption at the Sedgefield count...by pointing out all the tyre slashing and other provocations suffered by the BNP?
That is the point Elisabeth Sutherland was making.
Who cares if she sat at home knitting...we still lost a couple of potential members AND gave a propaganga coup to the media.
The BNP is supposed to be a political party trying to win the support of the electorate.
Not an excuse for social incontinence.
Get a grip Observer!
The best revenge on the left is to hit them where it hurts most...with a BNP victory.
Nothing else matters...not your slashed tyres, nor hurt feelings.
We made great progress at Sedgefield...then allowed the Left's tactics of escalating provocation to dent our success.
If it worked at Sedgefield to give the media their chance to show us up, then the left will certainly try it again elsewhere.
Remember the battle of Hastings.
The Normans provoked some Saxons to run down the hill, where they were slaughtered.
Despite this, the remnant that kept discipline very nearly won.
Victory is the best revenge, and revenge is a dish best eaten cold.
"Interestingly, Covert Tactics have now removed the post which called Bowden a "nonce." I don't know whether that means that Bowden will now return to the BNP, or even whether it was pressure from the BNP leadership that eventually led to the post being removed. It may be that it was Bowden's threat of police action wihch led to the post being removed, which seems the most likely explanation. It will be interesting to see what happens now, anyway."
It's back now, with interest, and all those who have taunted the CUNTs about this can consider themselves responsible.
observer said...
Who's @Elizabeth Sutherland'?
Did she campaign at Sedgefield?
Did she get her tyres slashed by Labour yobs?
Nah, thought not
She's probably a sensible middle-aged lady whose pissed off at the moronic behaviour of some so-called BNP supporters.
Does she need to have had her tyres slashed to make a comment?
West Mids writes:
"It's back now, with interest, and all those who have taunted the CUNTs about this can consider themselves responsible."
Have you ever considered a career as a liberal social worker, West Mids?
In your book yobs like Tommy Williams are not responsible for their own actions - it's all the fault of people who "taunt" them.
Perhaps Tommy was picked on at school? Perhaps people made fun of his club foot? So we should sympathise with this moronic petty criminal and not with his victims.
Of course the one man you'll never blame is the one who pulls the strings behind Williams & Co in an attempt to bully his factional opponents.
"West Mids said ... Pete R, in your considered opinion how desperately do we need Searchlight informers?".
How desparately does the Party need crooks and drunken thugs?
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