Thursday, July 26, 2007

BNP leadership election result
Nick 'Mugabe' Griffin 90%
Chris Jackson 10%
A very low vote as a percentage of BNP members was seen to be the case. What a farce it all was ,and very reminiscent of a 'tinpot dictatorship' in the Congo. How Griffin can go to the Country as a 'bone fide' leader of a political party in the UK at election time, would need some chutzpah !
The fight goes on !


Anonymous said...

NG has never been short of chutzpah!

I'm still surprised that he didn't feel confident enough to hold a proper election with open campaigning and a rational timescale.

Perhaps the secret is to do with the delayed accounts? Time will tell.

In the meantime, congratulations to CJ and those who were prepared to stand up and be counted.

Anonymous said...

If Griffin thinks he's home and dry perhaps he should think about the fact that by skewing the election the way he chose to, those that oppose him will probably feel even more determined than they would have been if the election had at least been fair and square.

The party is likely to end up more divided and factional as a result of this so called election. And the blame for that lies with the person who came up with the biased rules

Anonymous said...

If the accounts have been delayed until after the election...and they show a bad situation...then NG's victory is hollow...and he surely must know it.

This election was not about policy, although policy was a factor. It was about proper and competent management of the party.

If the accounts are good, then why did not Griffin insist on getting them out in time to counter Jackson's claim that the party should be managed better?

A poor set of accounts will vindicate Jackson. Yesterday, today or tomorrow...does it really matter?

Jackson did not really campaign, while Griffin did. Jackson could not approach the membership directly, but he could have conducted his campaign through the local and possibly national media. He did not, yet he got 10% of the vote.

The next challenger now knows how Griffin fights and thus the next challenger can be much better prepared.

Anonymous said...

"The party is likely to end up more divided and factional as a result of this so called election."

You and Rushton might hope so, but I've news for you friend. By the end of this year most of the plotters will be out, and the BNP will be more united than it's ever been.

Anonymous said...

Oh grow up West Mids!

When Griffin challenged Tyndall, was that treachery? plotting? treason?

No, of course it was not.

It was all just part of what we expect in a political party as opposed to a society for idolising a self proclaimed god.

Nobody, not even the late, great Tyndall, not even the founder, has any right to eternal leadership.

The leadership challenge in any other political party is deemed to be a great opportunity for free publicity to showcase a party's ideas to the voting public.

The attitude displayed by West Mids illustrates an issue that has caused great unease among party members...the apparent selfish way that Griffin disciplines or fails to discipline members. The suspicion that his friends will never be thrown out, no matter how much they bring the party into disrepute, while his rivals are seen as enemies to be expelled on trivial or trumped up charges.

If you, West Mids, support the capricious expulsion of those who are loyal to our cause but not to you and your opinion, then you cannot complain if the same was done to you.

Not everyone agrees with you. Get used to it. Grow up. Learn to focus on what unites us...reclaiming and saving our nation...rather than narrow personal viewpoints.

The other issue was the management of the party accounts, commented on above.

Anonymous said...

It's you who needs to "grow up", brave Mr. Anonymous.

Chris Jackson challenged for the leadership of the BNP. Fair play to him. His campaign quite demonstrably had the backing of the party's enemies, within the movement and without. You could reasonably argue that that was not Chris's fault.

What cannot be argued is that a clear majority of those who voted expressed their confidence in Nick Griffin's leadership. Chris Jackson received a paltry 9% (not 10% as this blog claims).

You whine about democracy in the party. So do you accept the result of the election? Do you heck. Instead you are already issuing dark threats of further disruption and a continued campaign of opposition from within.

THAT is treason.

Anonymous said...

FAO west mids: I voted for Chris Jackson, but I only discussed it with a few friends. Does this count as plotting? When can we expect the midnight knock at the door?

Anonymous said...

Depends whether you are prepared to accept the verdict of the overwhelming majority of those who voted or whether you plan to spend the next year undermining the party.

Nick now has a clear mandate to weed out the troublemakers. He knows he has a duty to the loyal majority to use it well.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do accept the result and my comments gave no reason for supposing that I did not.

Not only do you need to learn to read, you also must bring at least some adult understanding to what you read.

I would also urge all members to accept the result and to work co-operatively with each other.

That includes the winner and his supporters accepting the right of the loser to have made the challenge in the past and to remain in the party in the future.

This is something you, west mids, seem to have difficulty accepting -accusing Jackson and his supporters of plotting to continue to plot etc.

Plotting is indeed a good reason for expulsion, but planning a leadership challenge is not.

With the sort of vengeful attitude displayed by west mids and the blatantly biased conduct of the leadership election, it is most likely that any future leadership challenge will be planned in secret. But who is to blame for that?

This is the heart of the reason for the challenge...the unease among members with Griffin's management.

The election campaign was a farce.

On the BNP website is a story about Griffin's tour of the country. No doubt paid for with party funds. Even if Griffin made no mention of the leadership election at all during this tour, the advantage to him was enormous, as the challenger was not allowed use of party resources to organise a similar tour.

Would you have supported such a procedure if the candidate you supported was put at such a disadvantage?

You must learn to apply the same standards to others as you would like applied to yourself. It is all part of becoming adult.

The same principle applies with the accounts.

You would not invest in, buy from or trade with a company that audited its accounts the way the BNP does at present.

So why let Griffin get away with this?

Ultimately, leniency damages those that receive it, because they hold themselves to a lower standard and thereby weaken themselves.

That is what is happening to Griffin. Just look at the latest ridiculous business schemes.

Anonymous said...

"Ultimately, leniency damages those that receive it, because they hold themselves to a lower standard and thereby weaken themselves."


Anonymous said...


Are you sure your not Chris "I lurve Nick" Hill?
If not, why dont you contact him, then you can discuss treason, plotting and who loves Griffin most, in private and leave the rest of the reasonable,
sensible and mature posters on this blog in peace.

Anonymous said...

"The party is likely to end up more divided and factional as a result of this so called election."

You and Rushton might hope so, but I've news for you friend. By the end of this year most of the plotters will be out, and the BNP will be more united than it's ever been.

Any party that expels people left right and centre will eventually end up a very united party but also, sadly, a very small one.

I dont hope the BNP becomes more divided - in fact I would hope bridges can be built, but I gather from your attitude youd prefer them to be bunt.

Anonymous said...

A comment was made here that this election wasn't about policy, I beg to disagree. NG has trimmed the policy from the moment he became leader, some things he's got away with other things he hasn't.

Anonymous said...

It has always made me laugh that the people on the fringes of the movement who pride themselves on being hardline and like to strike a macho pose are the ones who squeal like babies and whinge about the so-called lack of democracy in the BNP when they find themselves being given the order of the boot.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Hey West Mids......I was given the boot over six years ago ! :-)

I love it. And there are many of us and growing.

To use the old adage of "Is it better to have someone in the movement and pissing out of the tent, or 'boot them out' and have them pissing into the tent ?"

I know which I prefer. I only wish for Mr.Griffin the same as he has done to me. Now surely that is very fair isn't it ?

'You' are only allowed to post as you usually offer good comment.

Folk like Chris Hill and Charlie Mather are banned for using improper language.

This is not a love Griffin forum.

Anonymous said...

The Griffinite BNP dont have messageboards even for their own, so why should we allow them on ours ?

Free speech for white nationalists, not for sell-outs !

Anonymous said...

Whether the leadership election was fair or not, there is one certainy: Griffin will become weaker because he can't stop making blunders, both financial and political.
It's a rather sad reflection of the type of member that our party is currently recruiting, that if anyone asks questions about money or political direction, they are seen as plotters!
I joined this party many years ago and have never classed myself as a hardliner, in fact i had many misgivings about how JT led the party. However, at least under his leadership the party stuck to Racial Nationalism, something that Griffin and his neo-con cronies ditched a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

West mids is extremely confused. Many of us see no contradiction between supporting hardline nationalist policies and promoting greater democracy in the BNP (or indeed in Britain as a whole).

A good start would be turning the party's units into proper branches instead of mere franchise operations. Many of the units listed in Voice of Freedom don't exist between elections. A greater effort to involve the membership and a committee structure would make a difference to this. It is at local level that the so-called 'leadership principle' does us the most harm.

Anonymous said...

What, all 337 of you?

Will the last "white nationalist" in the BNP to go out to the fancy dress party please switch off the lights?


Anonymous said...

Just a message from Chris Jackson .

He wishes to thank STORMFRONT for their unfair bias in the leadership campaign and in general.

That was just an 'off the cuff' statement, but it means rather a lot to other nationalists I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Quite. I'm sure that had he got an extra week to state his case he and his dinosaur friends would have won by a landslide. After all, they had such a positive vision to offer.

Anonymous said...

A published 10% vote almost certainly means that those opposed to Griffin are now actually running at 20%.

It's only a question of time before the Griffin roadshow hits the wall.

And who will finally be responsible?

Griffin himself.

And there's nothing his crooked, thuggish supporters can do to stop him!

Anonymous said...

West Mids you really are a deluded fool, What you need to grasp is that the majority of the Nationalists that voted for Chris were mainly people in the know! I myself am a Party Official, many that voted for Chris were Organisers, Fund Holders, and Councillors(fact) the majority of those that voted for Nick were just sheep, members that are quite happy to just see the showman side of the Chairman. Nicks election address was full of lies "Group Development and Group support are steadily building a powerfull nationwide organisation" this itself is a blatent lie, they have done nothing for the North West! they couldent even be bothered to turn up at a meeting they arranged last month. And of course theres the lie about Party accounts and of course we have the Croation property scandel and of course the election leaflets i believe a small fortune was made by messers Griffin & Collet out of the branches and groups i think at least £40 per 3000 leaflets "Vanguard promotions" why not BNP?
No West Mids the people that voted for CJ were not plotters they were people that have had enough, people that can see a pattern emerging, a pattern that has followed Nick from Party to Party, You will only see it when the whole thing comes tumbling down, by then Nick and his cabel will be in their Croation hideaway!
Oh and what of the 57% that dident vote! Food for thought there.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

"West Mids you really are a deluded fool, What you need to grasp is that the majority of the Nationalists that voted for Chris were mainly people in the know! I myself am a Party Official, many that voted for Chris were Organisers, Fund Holders, and Councillors(fact) the majority of those that voted for Nick were just sheep, members that are quite happy to just see the showman side of the Chairman...."

I see. So the 337 votes for Chris Jackson were "better" votes than the votes for Nick Griffin? Maybe you should each have had fifteen votes, then you would have won (just!).

Look pal I have known Nick for many, many years. I know his faults and I know his strengths. I have also seen many splits and many leadership challenges, and I've never seen one so rooted in the envy of somebody's else's success than the one we have just witnessed.

The attacks and factionalism are going nowhere. The loyal majority will demand that those who aren't prepared to accept the outcome are given no further opportunities to undermine us, Nick will simply be responding to that demand.

It's your choice friend, don't say you weren't warned.

Anonymous said...

West Mids wrote:
"The attacks and factionalism are going nowhere. The loyal majority will demand that those who aren't prepared to accept the outcome are given no further opportunities to undermine us, Nick will simply be responding to that demand."

The very first thing that happened after the election was that Griffin's pet thug Tommy Williams launched a foul campaign of libellous abuse against Jonathan Bowden, a member of the Advisory Council who had dared to sign Chris Jackson's nomination paper.

Was this NG responding to the demands of the "loyal majority"; or was he merely responding to the demands of his own ego and disordered personality.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...