Sunday, July 15, 2007

BNP pair lose libel against Gerry Gable & SEARCHLIGHT

Two British National Party members have suffered a landmark defeat in their fight for libel damages from a magazine.Former London mayoral candidate Christopher Roberts, of St Mary's Drive, Benfleet, and his brother Barry argued they were defamed by a 2003 article in the monthly Searchlight publication. The piece, written by Gerry Gable, appeared in the News from the Sewers column, and reported allegations the Roberts brothers, who have both stood for Parliament, had threatened "to kneecap, torture and kill" various people after a bust-up within the BNP. He also alleged Christopher Roberts had stolen cash after a party rally.

Three appeal court judges agreed with Justice Eady, in an important ruling for press freedom. Lord Justice Ward, sitting with Lord Justice Sedley and Lord Justice Moore-Bick, said: "This was attributed, neutral reporting of a story in the public interest."

Bill Sedley
Born in 1910 in London of a Jewish immigrant family, Bill Sedley became a graduate in economics and law. He operated a legal advice service in the East End of London in the 1930s. Sedley was especially known for his defence of tenants’ rights in 1938-9 and for providing support for squatters’ rights and mortgage strikes after the war.
He founded the firm of lawyers of Seifert and Sedley in the 1940s with Sigmund Seifert and was a life-long Communist and supporter of the Morning Star even until his last days; he died in 1985.
Morning Star July 7th 1985

Connie Seifert
Constance Seifert was born on January 20th 1911 in the east end of London to a Polish Jewish family, which had emigrated to evade pogroms. Whilst enormously fond of Jewish culture, she was repulsed by the downgrading of the role of women by Orthodox Judaism and the bigotry of Zionism. On a visit to Palestine in the early 1930s, she was disgusted with the anti-Arab racism she encountered.
In 1935, she and her future husband, Sigmund Seifert, joined the Communist Party, she remaining a member until the dissolution of the CPGB. During the Second World War, she was active on the evacuation of children from London. In the post-war period, she was active in the National Assembly of Women, the British Peace Committee and the British-Soviet Friendship Society. Later, she was active in campaigns for nursery education.
From the early 1950s, Connie and Sigmund Seifert placed their comfortable north London home in Highgate at the disposal of the Communist Party, of which they were both members. It became a social centre for the next half a century for the great and good of the left. Paul Robson sang there, to raise funds for Cheddi Jagan’s Progressive Peoples Party of Guiana. Nigeria’s Prince Oyekan II Oba `dropped in’ for a couple of nights, complete with entourage, and stayed for three months whilst engaged in a case before the Privy Council.
Connie’s house provided a safe haven for refugees from all over the Middle East and Africa. In the 1970s, Chilean Communist leader, Luis Corvalan stayed there, with armed bodyguards, for several days. She was active in the British Vietnam Association long after the end of the terrible war in Vietnam and died on February 27th 1998, aged 87.
Guardian March ? 1998

NWN: Come on, you London nationalists, do your homework on this scumbag Sedley !

Sedley should have been told to sod off, big style.

He is a jewish communist, who has supported communists all his life. He was hardly an impartial Judge .

Steven Sedley will have done work for Searchlight, before.

Until we rid ourselves of the zionist 'monkey on our backs' then Searchlight is State. Therefore MI5 are Searchlight/zionist/communist operatives.

He used to work for Seifert,Sedley & Co; the leading jewish/communist marxist solicitors .

There ought to be a list of jewish judges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord Justice Sedley is listed in the 'Jewish Year Book' (as Sir Stephen Sedley).

So indeed are a number of other judges, although I suspect many Jewish lawyers prefer not to be so listed.

July 19

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...