Friday, July 25, 2008

The Truth about Griffins ‘Truth Truck’

It would appear that the second hand vehicle fetishist strikes again!

So, you thought you were donating to a ‘Truth Truck Appeal’?
Or, like us, did you think it was all a con?

What if we told you the truth truck already exists, but is not being purchased, it’s simply on loan?

Yes, you poor suckers have been suckered again. Here is your truth truck, owned by Mr James Dowson of LifeLeague

He’s the man who owns the villa in Spain that you were never invited to as part of the BNP’s training school. It’s the same villa that Griffin has just spent a month in, writing his tome, for when he’s elected to the Euro parliament, and if he’s not elected he’ll have something to flog while people still remember his name.

Griffin recently asked Dowson to remove the image and page, but fortunately for us, it was cached, and still available. You can see its removal at the following link

It also appears that, Mr. Dowson and Griffin have a great deal in common, and I quote the ‘Guardian’ newspaper below

“Little is known about Dowson. It is reported that he lives in Scotland and is a Protestant minister. Neither, it transpires, is strictly true. Dowson has never been ordained as a minister. And although he claims to live in Glasgow, he spends most of his time in Northern Ireland where land registry records show he owns a buy-to-let property in Comber, a small town in County Down. Dowson, his wife, Anne, and their son, James, 20, who bought a title and calls himself the Laird of Glencairn, actually live at another address in County Down, a four-bedroom semi in Ballygowan. Dowson also has a house in Cumbernauld, Glasgow, where he owns a mission hall.

The LifeLeague's website pledges to spend donations 'wisely' but tracing where the money goes is difficult. Documents at Companies House show Dowson originally set up the league as a private company but it remains dormant and has never filed meaningful accounts. Instead it is run as a society, which means it only has to share its accounts with its members. 'We do not publish our accounts as that would play into the hands of the pro-abortionists,' Dowson said.”

Anyone with further information can email us, and we'll add it.


Anonymous said...

Michaela McKenzie, told me in an email it was owned by, Dowson. The BNP have also entered into a 3 year contract with the Midas Agency owned by, Dowson.

BNP members are being conned BIG TIME

Anonymous said...

The East Midlands region has been told that it has to find £30,000 for the Euro election.

There is about 12k in the coffers at present. The post office deliver EU leaflets for free.

Approximately 30k is being raised via the truth truck appeal. Could it be that the Midlands is expected to fund the election campaigns for the rest of the country covertly?

I feel that good nationalists are being taken for mugs.

Activists here have complained that they are on call like the fire brigade to help out ailing regions as with the Henley by election sticker sticking mission that cost us over 250 man hours in four days to address leaflets to people.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that BNP members will vote at RWB to give this man total control of the party. I can't bring myself to go, and I think its time to ditch my membership.

I'm starting to think the NF would be a better home. I no longer trust the BNP, every time I ask a question they look at me like I am a traitor. I don't need this shit, I just want my country back.

Anonymous said...

I hear two Midlands organisers have resigned.

Anonymous said...

"Activists here have complained that they are on call like the fire brigade to help out ailing regions as with the Henley by election sticker sticking mission that cost us over 250 man hours in four days to address leaflets to people."

Can you please elaborate on this? As it currently reads it doesnt make sense, thanks!

Anonymous said...

"I hear two Midlands organisers have resigned."

Please give name of unit/group so claims like this can be taken seriously. If true this needs to be broadcast loud and clear. Griffin has to go and the sooner the better but innuendo and unsubstantiated gossip will not work, the truth is so shocking that it needs to be told.

Anonymous said...

"Can you please elaborate on this? As it currently reads it doesnt make sense, thanks!

25 July 2008 20:08"

In good old fashioned Anglo Saxon, it means the BNP fucked up the leaflets, and are fucked themselves as to numbers who actually do anything.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I hear two Midlands organisers have resigned.

25 July 2008 20:02"

Me to, and I hear another resigned about 3 weeks ago. We need to get rid of Griffin.

Anonymous said...

"unsubstantiated gossip will not work, the truth is so shocking that it needs to be told."

Birmingham and Notts

Anonymous said...

"Birmingham and Notts

25 July 2008 20:17"

Two have gone in Birmingham. North and East

Anonymous said...

What a complete and utter selfish greedy scumbag he is

Anonymous said...

"Two have gone in Birmingham. North and East

25 July 2008 20:18"

Yeah, the woman running the north resigned, and Mike Bell resigned this week, I saw his resignation email.

Anonymous said...

"We need to get rid of Griffin."

Hear hear

Anonymous said...

"We need to get rid of Griffin."

Hear hear

25 July 2008 20:22"

To bloody right!

Anonymous said...

The Truth Truck and Euro election funding are a method of "soaking up" available monies that might do some good. In fact an indirect tax on Nationalism.

They might be robbing thieving dysfunctional bar stewards but in an Arthur Daly sort of way they're at least giving us a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

"They might be robbing thieving dysfunctional bar stewards but in an Arthur Daly sort of way they're at least giving us a good laugh.

25 July 2008 21:19"

Not me, his sick behaviour has reuced many to tears. I bet Griffin has fleeced more than 20,000 people in his time, and its time it stopped.

Anonymous said...

Lancaster Unity were a bit slow on the uptake of this story. Good work NWN, we need a nationalist site where we can expose and make complaints.

Final Conflict said...

Would they be so stupid as to use the same name and same truck???

Anonymous said...

So was the £30k to pay his solicitor's bill or is it for his personal euro election fund?

Anonymous said...

Apart from the obvious financial skulduggery, while all the BNP activists are expected to enjoy nice tat-ars around Britain in the lead balloon that is abortion, eugenics and so on, why doesn’t the toff Griffin spare a thought for the poor sods who are all too often left scratching their heads as to why women (allegedly oblivious to politics) practically chase them down the road with frying pans screaming at them when they are out leafleting?

This is proof that keeping quiet about the abortion issue, manifesto wise, is worse than being open and sensible about it. If we nationalists want to get anywhere then we must engender our pro-family ideology into policies that are practical (that work) and are acceptable to women as they own the means of production.

The current concealed BNP policy to ‘re-nationalise’ the womb is the equivalent of the old Labour party clause 4. It is unworkable. Not least because if we renationalise everything with Gri££in in power he would probably only flog it all off to the highest bidder in accordance with old fashioned Tory values: shagging, lying, stealing and hypocrisy.

He wants buggering with a wire brush on the end of an electric drill if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

"Approximately 30k is being raised via the truth truck appeal. Could it be that the Midlands is expected to fund the election campaigns for the rest of the country covertly?"

I'm going to shit in outter space....and find another race.

Anonymous said...

"Griffin has to go".

Anonymous said...

Scotland First is a social club for nationalists in Scotland - though other British patriots are welcome along too - that has just been formed by Scott McLean and Kenny Smith amongst others. It is uniting old and new comrades in a non-political alliance of patriots who support the folk and family ideal. Please visit and subscribe for just £3.00 per month for the future of your kith and kin.

Anonymous said...

Dowson lives at the Comber address but still visits his old home in Cumbernauld on a regular basis. The house at comber has a big chalet in the garden where Griffin and co stay when they are over visiting him.

Anonymous said...

Some bird that organises the BNP in Notts was in Freedom a couple of months ago about an online dividend scheme called Easy Fundraising and my mate in the Leceister branch told me that she reckoned that it could make the BNP £480,000 a year if a couple of thousand members was at it and yet the party legal officer didn't make a case within the legal time limit.

If Griffin is only in it for the money he would have pursued this wouldn't he? Then again he might just be a state sleeper who doesn't want the party to hit the ground running in its own right? What do you reckon?

Anonymous said...

"Our very own personal advertising lorry, a ‘Truth Truck’- brand new and custom built, complete with a high definition special lighting system for night-time use..."

What you mean its actually got headlights? For forty grand I hope the fuckers are gold plated too!

Anonymous said...

Word is getting around on text that without Midas/Dowson, the BNP could not have saved 14k on printing costs and polybagging equipment. Mark Collett is shitting his pants as he knows full well that he won't get work elsewhere since he is being phased out. Poor sod. What has Dowson got on Griffin?

NorthWestNationalists said...

Affordable cars anyone ?

NorthWestNationalists said...

Comber, County Down ?

Now there is a place I know well.

It had the great misfortune of having me walking around with a gun in 1974.

A cozy area for the 'nouveau riche' of Belfast is Comber, Police area G.

Anonymous said...

That bloody woman said,quote "he wants buggering with a wire brush on the end of an electric drill if you ask me"

Haha PLEASE PLEASE can I be first in the queue to administer this, also I am sure like myself a lot of people would pay good money to inflict this pain on Gri££in.

We could donate the money to a good nationalist cause,like a one way ticket to Zimbabwai for cyclops maybe?I suggest a prize for the best reply

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
So was the £30k to pay his solicitor's bill or is it for his personal euro election fund?

25 July 2008 23:07"

Truth Truck money for Euros
RWB money to pay court costs

I'm wondering how much longer McKenzie will last, she's already starting to show cracks, and is emailing out more private information than Griffin would like. I always thought she was reasonably honest, and smart, but I've seriously changed my mind. She knows what's going on, but is blinded by Griffin.

Anonymous said...

"he wants buggering with a wire brush on the end of an electric drill if you ask me"

I think that's to kind. Anyway, he'd probably enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure Collett will forgive being side lined so easily- expect some interesting future articles in Searchlight and Gay News.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Griffin knows how much he's hated?

Anonymous said...

"I bet he wishes he hadn't shagged her now said...
I am not sure Collett will forgive being side lined so easily- expect some interesting future articles in Searchlight and Gay News.

26 July 2008 08:55"

We at NWN have been promised a very interesting image. It will be uploaded as soon as it arrives, and we hope the messenger does the nationalist thing, and not bottle it. Collett can make all the calls he wants to, Joe Owens, nothing will save him after this, and as for Jackie Griffin, well, no wonder she's been looking so stressed lately.

Anonymous said...

"The East Midlands region has been told that it has to find £30,000 for the Euro election."

Griffin can eff off! I won't be giving a penny this year, or any other year.

tonydj said...

Something odd here. Do a "who is" search on uklifeleague and you get the admin and technical contact as "Mark Thoms" of Trafalgar House Piccadilly London.
Phone +44 8702403156

"Google" search on 08702403156 (ie the internal UK version of the number) gives one result "" owned by one Ben Sneddon of Spalding.

Who posts anti-BNP postings on blogs


who is apparently a left-winger at Lancaster University

admitedly, the only connection between the two sites is a common phone number, but that is odd, surely?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm wondering how much longer McKenzie will last, she's already starting to show cracks, and is emailing out more private information than Griffin would like. I always thought she was reasonably honest, and smart, but I've seriously changed my mind. She knows what's going on, but is blinded by Griffin.

Griffin shagging her again?

Anonymous said...

Dowson had an African refugee/asylum seeker staying at his Cumbernauld home whilst he lived in Ulster.

Do the BNP know who they are giving their money to?

Or doesn't this matter as Dowson brings in more money for the BNP?

Isn't it the usual Griffin story: bollocks to the politics, it's the money that counts.

To his UKLL people Dowson plays the anti-racist card.

is money-making the new Credo?

Anonymous said...

"Mark Thoms" of Trafalgar House Piccadilly London.
Phone +44 8702403156"

Do you have any links for your searches? I can't find anything.

Anonymous said...

"Griffin shagging her again?

26 July 2008 09:56"

I doubt it! Her personality dictates she prefers the idea, rather than the doing.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I wonder if Griffin knows how much he's hated?

26 July 2008 09:21"

More to the point, does he care? I don't think he does.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I wonder if Griffin knows how much he's hated?

Hi effeminate personality has a masochistic element to it. I am sure he is getting of on the justified bile directed at him.

Anonymous said...

"is money-making the new Credo?

26 July 2008 10:43"

And the old...

tonydj said...



Then type in

you get Mark Thoms as admin contact and technical contact with a phone number of +44 8702403158

do a google search on this phone number, but use 0 instead of +44 (ie the internal uk version and not the international version)

you get one link "snedds"

Click on that and then you find "snedds"

do another "Who is" search on this domain name and you find "Ben Sneddon" of Spalding

From then on Google search "Ben Sneddon" and BNP or Lancaster or Sheffield and see what turns up!!

Anonymous said...

Ben Sneddon is a Jewish student and is involved with Lancaster Unity although I think he's living in London now. Things get crazier don't they.

Anonymous said...

"Ben Sneddon is a Jewish student and is involved with Lancaster Unity although I think he's living in London now. Things get crazier don't they.

26 July 2008 16:47"


First we have Griffin paying the wages of Harringston to stand ethnics against us, and now we have Griffin paying money to pals of Lancaster Unity!


What was it the Sons of Glendower said about Griffin? "MI5"

Anonymous said...

Is this Sneddon definitely the same person - unlikely not to be, but other corroboration would be useful.

Good work:

Seems like the equation :
BNP leadership + Searchlight/UAF = MI5

holds good...

Anonymous said...

I think that is the missing link if I'm not mistaken linking with the "anti racist" of the same name.

Anonymous said...

You fools - you've put 2 and 2 together and made 5.

Yes Mark Thoms and Ben Sneddon are based in Trafalgar House but they are not in any way related. The patriotic named Trafalgar House in Waterloo Place is home to serviced offices. There is a main switchboard number the 0870 240315 from where you will be directed to the person/company etc if they do not have their own number. Its fairly common practice especially in places like London which are horrifically expensive to do business in.

Don't let your understandable anger about the old eyed thief blind you to the facts.

UKLifeLeague is not working hand in hand with this fellow Sneddon and no BNP money is going to Sneddon or LUAF. Don't get carried away spotting witches where none exist and "keep it real".

The truth hurts much more than idle speculation and innuendo and by the Gods the truth slowly being revealed about Gri$$in is extremely damaging..............there is more, oh so much more to come.........

tonydj said...

OK, they happen to share accomodation addresses.

But.... I can only find these two people using this number, all other tenants of the building that I have traced use 020...numbers.

This is a premium rate non-geographical number, but I am willing to stand corrected regarding other users....if anyone can find them.

Also, what price security if they share office buildings?

Simon, thanks for your input! This link shows That the Sneddon who is a leftie IS the owner of

Final Conflict said...

Trafa;lgar House is just like a Private Mail collection/forwarding unit.

I think that link is deflecting from genuine research/concerns.

tonydj said...

Quite right F.C.

so let us consider this

Current "Who is"
Whois Registrant:
Trafalgar House
11 Waterloo Place
London, Piccadilly SW1Y 4AU

Domain name: ADLORRIES.COM

Archive Who is
PO Box 60
Surrey, GU15 1BR

Domain name: ADLORRIES.COM

who is.... Domain name:

Andrew J Bruce

Registrant type:

Registrant's address:
431 London Road
GU15 3HZ

one last job for you to do a google on the PO Box 60 in Camberley....

Anonymous said...

Is it another forwarding address? -
Camberley Surrey, GU15 1BR GB Domain name: MOTORFACTORS.COM Administrative Contact: Administrator, Domain PO Box 60 Camberley Surrey, GU15 1BR ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
Domain Tools : Monster Domains
Registrant: No1 ISP PO Box 60 Camberley Surrey, GU15 1BR UK Domain name: INFINITEWHEEL.COM Administrative Contact: Barrington-Brown, ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages - Site Information from Alexa
PO Box 60, Camberley Surrey, GU15 1BR, UNITED KINGDOM. Phone: 0870 1212555 Fax: 0870 1212556 domains [at] Edit contact info. ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - AboutUs Wiki Page
English. edit Address. PO Box 60, Camberley: Surrey, GU15 1BR UNITED KINGDOM. edit Contact. 0870 1212555, Fax: 0870 1212556. edit Additional Information ... - 25k - Cached - Similar pages - AboutUs Wiki Page
edit Languages. English. edit Address. PO Box 60, Camberley: Surrey, GU15 1BR UNITED KINGDOM. edit Contact. Stephen Leather: 0870 1212555, Fax: 0870 1212556 ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from »

tonydj said...

When I was in charge of my local PO box for my BNP branch ALL mail came to MY HOME ADDRESS.

As far as I know a PO Box is "owned" by one person or organisation and ALL mail goes to ONE address.

IF it is a forwarding address the mail is first sent by The Royal Mail to the PO Box owner who sorts it and then re-directs.

Rather over complicated and lacking in security. A business would be better hiring their own PO Box for £55 per annum

Anonymous said...


How very interesting. Griffin appears to have tied himself up with someone of like mind...

If Griffin gets his 4 years, can we ALL please start a new party? Thank you

Anonymous said...

there's nothing there now.

does anyone have a cached site?

tonydj said...

Can't find a cached page

This is best I can do

Anonymous said...

"Can't find a cached page

This is best I can do

28 July 2008 00:23"

I've just blown the image up in photoshop. It advertises that the vehicles are for hire/rent

Tele- 0870 o64 2250
Mob- 07877 195577

One assumes, that as the site has shut down, it's no good as a business. A bit like Griffin secondhand car dealership that sold JAPANESE cars.

Anonymous said...

"The East Midlands region has been told that it has to find £30,000 for the Euro election.

There is about 12k in the coffers at present. The post office deliver EU leaflets for free.

Approximately 30k is being raised via the truth truck appeal. Could it be that the Midlands is expected to fund the election campaigns for the rest of the country covertly?

I feel that good nationalists are being taken for mugs.

Activists here have complained that they are on call like the fire brigade to help out ailing regions as with the Henley by election sticker sticking mission that cost us over 250 man hours in four days to address leaflets to people.

25 July 2008 19:58"

£30,000 to pay for the whole country?
You are stirring; the activists who did thatjob -which was a one-off - were from Leicestershire and pleased to do it. Nothing at all to do with NG, so please leave East Midlands out of your conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

!£30,000 to pay for the whole country?
You are stirring; the activists who did thatjob -which was a one-off - were from Leicestershire and pleased to do it. Nothing at all to do with NG, so please leave East Midlands out of your conspiracy theories."

I think you are confused. Have you forgotten the Peacock club? Are all the regions raising 30k each for the Euro's? Bet the North West aren't after Chris Jackson was replaced.

Anonymous said...

There will be at least one new party- it's success will depend upon our joining and supporting it 100%.

All funds will go to its progress - all accounts will be published and transparent. There will be no economic passengers.

If we join it - it will succeed.

Anonymous said...

Without the East Midlands, the BNP wouldn't have the money to pay anyones wages. I hope the suckers realise that.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in this guy James (or Jim) Dowson. Sounds very fishy to me...

Dowson set up Cumbernauld flute band who recorded a tape dedicated to Michael Stone, an Ulster Freedom Fighter mass murderer. Dowson is alleged to have terrorist links and a UDA or UFF / or flute band tattoo.

Worked with Youth Defence, a very left-wing pro-Republican (IRA or INLA) anti-abortion group - and Catholic!

Sets up UK Lifeleague an anti-abortion group that attracts a lot of Catholics, is also supposed to have set up Solas, a Protestant victims group in Northern Ireland (why victims groups!?!?!)

Now does fund-raising for the BNP.

HMMMM. Don't know about you, but I think Griffin and/or Dowson ain't all that they are cracked up to be...

Anonymous said...

The East Midlands don't all think NG is the great leader but we stick together in the hope that one day someone good will replace him.
When you can come up with a good alternative, we will support him/her.
Our loyalty is to the cause of nationalism and we work damn hard for it.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...