Friday, July 18, 2008

There was this Irishman. and this other Irishman, and this crazed bankrupt black despot.....

"Glory bee to God!

Now did y' ever hear the likes o' that?

Ah go on go on go on! "

Revealed: our Euro 1/2 bn national pension reserve funds
invested in Zimbabwe

More than half a billion euro has been invested on behalf of the Irish
taxpayer in Zimbabwe-based companies, despite calls by the government
last week for further sanctions against Robert Mugabe's
'illegitimate' regime.

The Sunday Tribune has learned that the State's National Pension Reserve
Fund (NPRF) has invested over 578m Euros in a variety of Zimbabwe-based companies.

The NPRF was set up in April 2001 to invest money on behalf of the state
in order to meet the costs of social welfare and public service pensions
in the future.

Read More:

1 comment:

Craig said...

"Glory bee to God!

Now did y' ever hear the likes o' that?

Ah go on go on go on! "

A good thing you don't fall back on stereotypes when discussing the Irish...

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