Nick Griffin gets desperate by using 'criminals' to fix the forthcoming BNP EGM

Dave Howard/Yorkshire Loyalist coming out of Police station
Now they have wheeled out wannabe gangster, Toward the superman/Joe Owens, he talks about wondering what happened in my life in a thread on Stormfront called 'Peter Barker' !
Owens what happened in YOUR life to make you go down the criminal slide of gangs, weapons extreme violence and drugs?
Owens talks about failures, now that is ironic coming from him.
Isn't it odd that this attack comes after Nick Griffin stated on Stormfront using his monilker of Purging the Droid recently, that steps were being taken against me.
And isn't it odd the attack has been launched just as we, and the Enough is Enough people are joining forces to stop Griffin getting his way at the forthcoming EGM ?
This latest attack using a nationalist name, mine, is forbidden under Stormfront rules, but as Don Black himself and his wife are under pressure warding off complaints by other US nationalists that the Blacks themselves are ant-racists we shouldn't wonder why Don Black has continously supported Griffin. (This is why we need a British forum for nationalists, which we intend to start quite soon).
Who are this support group for Nick Griffin ?
Griffin has very few friends and he has to pay them for their loyalty.Covert Undercover Nuisance Tactics or CUNTs for short, was started by Nick Griffin as a dirty tricks group a few years ago, and were given a 'bung' every so often to attack those whom Griffin wishes to punish.
Unfortunately, they aren't as covert now, as they have been 'outed' just as they have 'outed' many nationalists in the past and hounded and threatened many such as Jack Black, Peter Rushton, David Jones, Roger Robertson, Jonathan Bowden and their current and seemingly constant target is yours truly.
As an aside isn't outing a 'no no' on the Internet ?
Then why has my name been bandied about all over the web, and the latest is the very stupid act by Mark Collett's mate, Joe Owens, a man who has been pulled in by Police for more than one murder charge.
The CUNT's group consists of Tommy Williams/Shove the dove and Dave Howard/Yorkshire Loyalist. They are also supported by Peter SID Williamson (who has just been banned by Stormfront for outing) and Beverley Kerry/Odinsgal, a very strange 'lady' who is a moderator for an extreme nazi chat group.
Is it any wonder why more and more people want rid of the crook Griffin ?
Don't forget one of the biggest scumbag crooks of them all Tony Lecomber, who has never really left the Gri££in camp.
"Owens what happened in YOUR life to make you go down the criminal slide of gangs, weapons extreme violence and drugs?
Owens talks about failures, now that is ironic coming from him."
Have to admit, Joe Owens, is a complete hypocrite. His association with nationalism, and those like him, is why nationalism is on the the fringes.
He, and people like the CUNTS spend their days targetting normal, and ordinary individuals, branding them reds and other name that comes to their silly little minds. Were it not for people like this, the reds would have no target, and as Griffin associates with this type of person, he should go. Griffin, is tainted, and damaged goods holding back decent people.
Being as the LUAF link on NWN is pasted from the BNP Reform group website, which is a group that Chris Jackson is heavily affiliated with, joe owens can kiss his 'plans' goodbye.
Don't they realise that if the general public logged onto their sites, and viewed and read their antics, that they wouldn't vote BNP?
Why on earth would the public vote BNP when all they can view is thugs, drug heads, and idiots!
You have to seriously ask why Nick Griffin associates with such people, and the only intelligent answer can be, is that he is like you, and one of you.
It's utterly disgusting
How can the BNP voice concerns about crime when the top table is covered with criminals? Time for Griffin to go.
FFS! What a shower of SH1TE those people are.
Tommy Williams, is a filthy lying junkie scumbag.
BNP statement of accounts are in - guess how much in the red they are, FPMSL
"BNP statement of accounts are in - guess how much in the red they are, FPMSL
30 July 2008 16:11"
Deary deary me, Griffin, has opened himself wide-up for a libel case, and even signed it!
Hope the rebels have read it properly. Another donation going their way :) And, I've printed a copy for safe keeping should Griffin have it removed.
Is, L Stewart 'Intelligence Dept' PTD on SF?
This is probably one of the worlds greatest ever collection of scum ever splattered together on one blog.
The list includes that ignorant and illiterate cock ‘Shove the Dove' he has trouble stringing two words together. He should rename himself 'Shoved my head up my fat arse'
Even old ‘That’s not a baby, it’s a cushion planted by MFI’ dipshit Owens; the whole fucking circus is there!
Bloody well done to you NorthWest Nationalist for the work on your blog, in the same way I say well done to CforL for theirs. Keep exposing the ever desperate Gri££in and his gang of hired slime-bags and we never know, we may even save British nationalism for those that have half a brain.
gri££in uses the gangsters and illiterates because he will use ANYONE to protect his income.
Pure and simple.
If a rabbi offered him £100,000 he would take it - no questions asked.
The man is a liability to nationalism.
I haven't even mentioned his sexual proclivities.
Gri££in doesn't actually care how many members leave the BNP as long as it remains a credible front organisation for the State.
It's all about making an increasingly desperate voting populace belive that there is an alternative.
As long as the voters continue to be gulled, there's no problem.
Very few people actually join anything, so people leaving really has no significance - now that the state media operation can be relied upon to boost the BNP when required.
Fancy Joe Owens talking about people who have turned informers when the cops have put pressure on them.If there is one person on whom the cops have a lot of dirt and who has turned under pressure it is Joe Owens. The man is bent and a nark. You have been warned
"Gri££in doesn't actually care how many members leave the BNP as long as it remains a credible front organisation for the State.
It's all about making an increasingly desperate voting populace belive that there is an alternative.
As long as the voters continue to be gulled, there's no problem.
Very few people actually join anything, so people leaving really has no significance - now that the state media operation can be relied upon to boost the BNP when required.
30 July 2008 20:06"
After seeing how my region operates, I have to agree. Unintelligent, unprofessional, and unpolitical. All they wanted, was money.
Owens joined ranks with the lefty Daily Mirror to get his book published for christ sake!
Four very nasty pictures, I'm not sure which one is the worst! The one who looks like a puppet at the top is quite nasty, the "hard man" by the police van with a scarf around his face, he could be a Muzzie terrorist with a girdle of C4 around his waist. He should be shot on site by CO19.
Owens brags on stormfront that he has been pulled in by police for SEVEN murders.This was posted by owens on SF.
"Then why has my name been bandied about all over the web, and the latest is the very stupid act by Mark Collett's mate, Joe Owens, a man who has been pulled in by Police for more than one murder charge.
Taken from NWN
Seven murders to be precise.
"BNP statement of accounts are in - guess how much in the red they are, FPMSL
30 July 2008 16:11"
The BNP have been fined again, they must be loaded? But, as we can see, they're flat broke.
"It is unclear how much the party will be fined, but two others who were late in submitting their accounts were Sinn Fein, who were fined £500, and the regional accounting unit of the British National Party, who will pay £500."
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