Friday, July 11, 2008

How much more will you take?

Losing BNP candidate slams his party

THE BRITISH National Party candidate who suffered a crushing defeat in the Cranbrook by-election slated his party's leadership.Anthony Young, of Belgrave Road, Ilford, said he couldn't understand why he was put forward as a candidate after Cranbrook ward attracted the lowest number of BNP votes among Redbridge's 21 wards in the May 1 elections.Speaking before the polls opened, he said: "If you were to ask me why we bothered to fight this time round I would have to reply that trying to understand what my party's leadership is thinking is like trying to read the mind of God."Simon Derby, deputy leader of the BNP, said: "I have no idea why he said that. "He shouldn't really be coming up with statements like that. He wasn't pushed into standing."I would suggest that he won't be standing again." Mr Young refused to speak to the Recorder over the phone following the Cranbrook by-election, in which the BNP polled just 37 votes.



Anonymous said...

"I have no idea why he said that. "He shouldn't really be coming up with statements like that"

No, he shouldn't, should he, Simon. Did you forget to tell him what we ALL know already? That the BNP wipes its arse on the very idea of free speech, and that at RWB it will be removed completely.

Anonymous said...


That has to be the one thing that the state and anti fas would hate.

Imagine a nationalist party that really wanted to win

Anonymous said...

Word is coming in that yet another organiser has resigned

Anonymous said...

It was idiotic for the party to contest Cranbrook ward, the 2001 census showed that the area was 56% non-White even then! More bad judgements from the party leadership.

Anonymous said...

BNP is now finished. No credibility by candidates in the leadership.
The message needs to get out beyond a circle of an insignificant blog (no offfense, just being realistic) to the masses that a vote for Griffin's BNP is like a vote for Cameron or Brown, no ffing difference.

Anonymous said...

51mon or Shimon?
Who's side is this excuse for humanity really on? The lying piece of State filth. Someone once told me that Shimon was born Simon James and not Simon Darby...any evidence of this welcome. He's the bastard who has destroyed the BNP and can retire on a grand pension paid by mugs like us, the taxpayers in the sun away from the shit he has created. What a turd.

Anonymous said...

I've just heard this, it was Bomber Lecomber's idea to contest Cranbrook ward and he ran the campaign from behind the scenes, leaflet production etc, (with his master Gri££in's approval,) This man has done great damage to the Racial Nationalist movement and Gr££in still keeps him onboard,why? Why stand in a multi-racial hell hole like Cranbrook?

Anonymous said...

Living in Redbridge he should've known it was pointless standing - so why do it? For anyone interested he is a former member of the Communist Party & his dead ex-wife was a Jewess.

Anonymous said...

Its about ttime that you got behind K Smith , Sadie Graham, Colin Auty etc, because theybare the only hope for the BNP being turned into a proper political party. Okay the above may not be everyones cup of tee but at least they are nationalists that wnt Britain to be saved.

Anonymous said...

"The lying piece of State filth. Someone once told me that Shimon was born Simon James and not Simon Darby"

He was born Simon Darby. The birth certificate is available online.

Anonymous said...

"Living in Redbridge he should've known it was pointless standing - so why do it? For anyone interested he is a former member of the Communist Party & his dead ex-wife was a Jewess.

11 July 2008 23:15"

Why, wasn't Griffin interested when he picked him?

Anonymous said...

"Why, wasn't Griffin interested when he picked him?"

That's right, people can blow smoke up their asses all they like, it all comes back to Griffin, but the idiots never ever blame him.

Anonymous said...

It's not just Griffin we have to get rid of but the bunch of loons, plants & idiots around him - Butler, Lecomber, Colin Smith, Jason Douglas etc etc

Anonymous said...

Planned failure.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...