A masonic link in the BNP ?
With the revelations that Mr.Griffin Senior is a top freemason in the UK, and the fact that masons have a history of opposing nationalist parties for example ; France (1789), Russia (1917), Spain (1936), Italy (1920's) and Germany (1920's); we might do well to seek out any 'doings' by this secret society.
A rumour that will NOT go away is the alleged masonic links of the BNP's Accountants , Silver & Co.
As Mr.Griffin Senior is also an accountant, and a freemason, some are starting to ask questions.
I understand most of the speakers at the "SUMMER SCHOOL" were masons.
Wer'nt the Free Masons believed involved in the murder of a banker by the name of Calvi in the 1980's? Was'nt the bankers body found hanging from Blackfriers bridge in London with his pockets fill with stones (masonry)? Was'nt the P2 Italian lodge of Masons regarded as responsible for the murder? I seem to recall reading this in the newspapers of the time.
The book "The Brotherhood" reveals Masonic influence in the judiciary and police forces and claims that many Freemasons believe there are only "3 degrees" or ranks when in reality there are 33.
There is certainly a suggestive link
between the Griffin family and Roberto Fiore; the later was connected with P2
"I understand most of the speakers at the "SUMMER SCHOOL" were masons."
Could you elaborate on this comment please? It would be most useful to our researches if you could.
For instance, can you identify the speakers by name?
How you know this information to be correct, how you came across it.
What evidence or documentation that you can provide us with to substantiate your allegations.
If you can do this then you will have assisted our cause tremedously.
Thank you.
"Wer'nt the Free Masons believed involved in the murder of a banker by the name of Calvi in the 1980's? Was'nt the bankers body found hanging from Blackfriers bridge in London with his pockets fill with stones (masonry)? Was'nt the P2 Italian lodge of Masons regarded as responsible for the murder? I seem to recall reading this in the newspapers of the time."
You are correct Richard.
I have taken the liberty of copying relevant material from sources documenting this below.
Propaganda Due or P2 was a Masonic lodge operating under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of Italy from 1877 to 1976 (when its charter was withdrawn), and a pseudo-Masonic or "black" or "covert" lodge operating illegally from 1976 to 1981. During the 1980s, when the lodge was headed by Licio Gelli, P2 was implicated in numerous Italian crimes and mysteries, including the nationwide bribe scandal Tangentopoli, the collapse of the Vatican-affiliated Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli and banker Roberto Calvi. P2 came to light through the investigations into the collapse of Michele Sindona's financial empire.[1]
P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state"[2] or a "shadow government".[3] The lodge had among its members prominent journalists,Catholic Church figures, parliamentarians, industrialists, and military leaders -- including the then-future Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi; the Savoy pretender to the Italian throne Victor Emmanuel; and the heads of all three Italian intelligence services.
When searching Licio Gelli's villa, the police found a document called the "Plan for Democratic Rebirth", which called for a consolidation of the media, suppression of trade unions, and the rewriting of the Italian Constitution.[4]
Roberto Calvi (Milan, 13 April 1920 – London, 17 June 1982) was an Italian banker dubbed by the press as "God's Banker", due to his close association with the Vatican. A native of Milan, Calvi was the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano which collapsed in one of modern Italy's biggest political scandals, and his death in London in June 1982 has been the source of enduring controversy. Calvi's death was ruled as murder after two coroner's inquests and an independent investigation, and in June 2007 five people were acquitted of his murder after a trial in Rome.
Claims have been made that Calvi's death involved the Vatican Bank (Banco Ambrosiano's main shareholder), the Mafia (which may have used Banco Ambrosiano for money laundering), and the Propaganda Due or P2 masonic lodge.
On 10 June 1982, Calvi went missing from his Rome apartment, having fled the country on a false passport in the name of Gian Roberto Calvini. He had shaved off his moustache and fled initially to Venice, and from there he apparently hired a private plane to London. At 7:30 AM on Friday 18 June 1982 a passing postman found his body hanging from scaffolding beneath Blackfriars Bridge in the financial district of London. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with building bricks, and he was carrying around $15,000 of cash in three different currencies.[4]
Calvi had been a member of Licio Gelli's secretive masonic lodge, P2, and members of P2 referred to themselves as frati neri or "black friars". This has led to a suggestion in some quarters that Calvi was murdered and his body left hanging under Blackfriars Bridge as a masonic warning because of symbolism associated with the word "Blackfriars".[5]
On the day before his body was found, Calvi had been stripped of his post at Banco Ambrosiano by the Bank of Italy, and his 55 year old private secretary Graziella Corrocher had jumped to her death from a fifth floor window at Banco Ambrosiano. Corrocher left behind an angry note condemning the damage that Calvi had done to the bank and its employees. Corrocher's death was ruled a suicide, although as with Calvi's death there have been suggestions of foul play.
Calvi's death was the subject of two coroner's inquests in the United Kingdom. The first inquest recorded a verdict of suicide in July 1982, while the second inquest recorded an open verdict in July 1983, indicating that the court had been unable to determine the exact cause of his death. Calvi's family maintained that his death had been a murder, and following Calvi's exhumation in December 1998, an independent forensic report published in October 2002 concluded that he had been murdered. It was concluded that the injuries to his neck were inconsistent with hanging, and that he had not touched the bricks found in his pockets. Additionally, it was concluded that there was a lack of rust and paint on his shoes from the scaffolding over which he would have needed to climb in order to hang himself. At the time that Calvi's body was found, the water in the river had receded with the tide, giving the scene the appearance of a hanging, but at the time that Calvi died, the place on the scaffolding where the rope was tied could have been reached by a person standing in a boat.
This aspect of Calvi's death has been the focus of the theory that he was murdered, and it is the version of events that is depicted on screen in Giuseppe Ferrara's film reconstruction of the event (see the paragraph Films about Calvi's 1982 death below). In September 2003 the City of London police reopened their investigation as a murder inquiry.[6][7][8]
Roberto Calvi's life was insured for $10 million with Unione Italiana, and attempts by his family to obtain a payout resulted in litigation (Fisher v Unione Italiana [1998] CLC 682). Following the forensic report of 2002 which established that Calvi was murdered, the policy was finally paid out, although around half of the sum was paid to creditors of the Calvi family who had incurred considerable costs during their attempts to establish that Calvi had been murdered.
The EU is nothing short of a Judeo-Masonic superstate.
This is all a state conspiracy.
Sadie's pregnancy was all a huge state conspiracy.
The fact I am proud to be a 'gangsta' (i.e. no better than the animals running amok in our inner cities) is a state conspiracy.
The fact Lee Barnes now gets the 'bully ramming' that I used to get is a state conspiracy.
The fact I have no brain is a state conspiracy.
FACT: The Third Position in Italy [under Roberto Fiore] was wiped out [murdered, imprisoned, forced exile] because they refused to join an umbrella group controlled by P2 [Masonic Lodge].
A bomb was set off [as it happened prematurely] by two Masonic coppers and the TP was publicly blamed and Communist magistrates used to push through harsh measures in a climate of fear [akin to "post-911" backlash].
The Masons have always been our enemies and always will be. In Europe they used the Red Army Faction and ETA to murder their opponents in the realms of business and politics.
When an ETA HQ was raided in France Masonic documents were found.
Kissinger is perhaps one of the best-known Masons and he ordered the killing of the man Franco had lined up to be his successor, a brilliant Christian Nationalist/Fascist who was standing up against American interests [name escapes me - it was in a book review in an old FC mag].
These people have their useful idiots on the ground - usually vaguely right-wing businessmen, and their allies against Christianity etc. in leftist groups.
They will seek to win-over nationalist groups and so control the political situation or they will seek to destroy them.
Any nationalist group becoming subservient to Masonry will get an easy ride, get some [illicit] monies to ensure its survival, get breaks from the media - but in return it will have to do as its told, for example taking a "better" line on Israel, Capitalism, Democracy or whatever else is deemed most appropriate for any given political situation.
Anyone spot the pattern?
Trebles all round!!!
See the Final Conflict Blog [linked to on this blog] for books on Freemasonry which give a basic introduction and historic overview.
"Hey Luciani! said...
There is certainly a suggestive link
between the Griffin family and Roberto Fiore; the later was connected with P2"
as is now public knowledge in Italy - and was proven thru the Italian courts, Fiore and the Italian TP were victims of the Masons who carried out the Bologna bombing.
Saying Fiore is linked with P2 is like saying a Fox is linked to the Horse and Hounds that have sought to kill it!
Hey Luciani probably knows this and is possibly an AFA/Searchlies troll out to stir the crud and deliberately confuse things.
Fiore and his FN have taken the correct line viz Palestine/Zionism, Homosexuality/the Family etc. etc. and is far removed from the BNP line which is a carbon copy of the sell-out Fini whom the Italian FN look on with utter contempt and disgust.
It all does make one wonder why Fiore still has links with the Griffin family.
"Fiore and his FN have taken the correct line viz Palestine/Zionism, Homosexuality/the Family etc. etc. and is far removed from the BNP line which is a carbon copy of the sell-out Fini whom the Italian FN look on with utter contempt and disgust."
Can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you trust any of them? Look at the Front National, they remained quiet while Paris burned.
Its an easy job being a leader of morons, and many nationalists are uneducated politically, and otherwise. People unable to articulate their angst are always drawn to the fringes where the unscrupulous people like Griffin can take full advantage of them.
Nationalists have a dream that is out of their reach, and way beyond their capability. Those able to give them their dream sold out years ago.
Griffin and Darby are obviously masons and are part of a bisexual swinging clique with Collett. Best thing BNP members cab do is stop giving these degenerates money.
Anon said
"I understand most of the speakers at the "SUMMER SCHOOL" were masons.
05 July 2008 08:22"
You were unable or unwilling to provide back-up to the following requests earlier:
"Could you elaborate on this comment please? It would be most useful to our researches if you could.
For instance, can you identify the speakers by name?
How you know this information to be correct, how you came across it.
What evidence or documentation that you can provide us with to substantiate your allegations.
If you can do this then you will have assisted our cause tremedously."
The fact that you have failed to do so suggests that you are possibly a Searchlight/UAF troll or State agent trying to stir up the issue and complicate it, making the task of investigating this matter much more difficult.
Such contribitions are therefore considered to be hostile.
If you cannot backup such claims, even partly, please do not write them.
"Fiore and his FN" = Forza Nuova NOT the Front National. Whilst le Pen's Front National takes [at best] an ambivalent stance on Zionism, Fiore's Forza Nuova takes an absolute stance AGAINST Zionism.
Interesting article on link between Kissinger, P2 and freemasonry on the website Peace by Truth -
Howson and Mullins are both Masons, and both spoke at the BNP's summer school
Anonymous said...
Howson and Mullins are both Masons, and both spoke at the BNP's summer school
06 July 2008 15:47
It is so easy, under an anonymous name, to say someone is this or someone is that. If you wish to be taken seriously give the proof and have the guts to put your name to it. Otherwise go away because you are probilly just a little red trying to spread a little disinformation.
Richard Chadfield
I don't see your problem, both of them have addmitted it.
Richard Chadfield said...
Anonymous said...
Howson and Mullins are both Masons, and both spoke at the BNP's summer school
06 July 2008 15:47
It is so easy, under an anonymous name, to say someone is this or someone is that. If you wish to be taken seriously give the proof and have the guts to put your name to it. Otherwise go away because you are probilly just a little red trying to spread a little disinformation.
Richard Chadfield
Ask them what lodge they belong to Richard,it's as simple as that.
Anonymous said...
I don't see your problem, both of them have addmitted it.
06 July 2008 19:10
Perhaps,though as I am unaware of their admission could could be more precise please. Something more than hear say. For example when and to whome did they say that they were freemasons?
My problem is that you make an assertion but provide no proof of your assertion.
Richard Chadfield
anonymous said:
Ask them what lodge they belong to Richard,it's as simple as that.
06 July 2008 19:15
Here is something even simpler. Since you appear to know about them you tell me which lodge they belong to.
If you can not do this what should we all conclude?
Richard Chadfield
Richard Chadfield said...
anonymous said:
Ask them what lodge they belong to Richard,it's as simple as that.
06 July 2008 19:15
Here is something even simpler. Since you appear to know about them you tell me which lodge they belong to.
If you can not do this what should we all conclude?
If i knew what lodge they belonged to i would tell you.
For once why do you not do some research yourself Richard instead of attempting to discredit other people.
As i said richard,ask them yourself.
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