Below, is an email sent out by, Nick Griffin, to who have become collectively known as 'The Rebels'. It's more than apparent that Griffin, is running scared, and about time to!
Anyone wishing to donate, and advance this case which Griffin claims
"the looming problem of negative equity for many home-owners is sufficiently large that, while the end result is likely to be your collective bankruptcy and loss of several homes"
Can do so here:
We at NWN don't believe the rebels will lose at all, and if Griffin ever attempted to be honest, neither does he.
Dated 8th July 2008
Further to our earlier correspondence in connection with proposed disciplinary proceedings, I am writing to you and your colleagues in this matter in an attempt to bring it to an early - and as far as is possible - relatively painless conclusion for all concerned.
In response to my letter of 8th April, several of your group requested that the BNP's internal disciplinary proceedings and connected unfair dismissal hearings. should be stayed pending the outcome of the court case Griffin v Smith & Others. I accepted this as a sensible proposal for all concerned for the time being.
The delay does not, however, alter the fact that our present course will see us back in court, with both sides incurring further very considerable expense. My informed opinion is that you and your colleagues will lose the case, but that Mr. Davies does not mind this in the slightest because his avowed aim is to try and bleed the BNP financially. He knows that the looming problem of negative equity for many home-owners is sufficiently large that, while the end result is likely to be your collective bankruptcy and loss of several homes, we will be unable to recover any significant part of our costs.
I trust that you will already have learnt from the failure of the desperate "Scottish gambit" in which he encouraged you to set so much store that Mr. Davies gungo-ho tendencies do not always work out in the best interests of his clients (as Steve Edwards, Jay Lee, the Roberts Brothers and Tess Culnane have already discovered to their cost).
Especially now that time has elapsed to allow water to flow under various bridges, I ask you individually and collectively, to give very careful consideration to an agreement to end the action on the basis of each side bearing their own costs and going their separate ways. The sums involved at present are, as we all know only too well, steep without being ruinous. It is surely sensible to bring matters to an end while this is the case?
As you know, the BNP has already through the action secured its assets and the privacy of its members (although my solicitor informs me that he is still waiting for the affidavit on these matters from you in accordance with the Judge's directions). While it would have been far better had it been possible to have done so without the expense incurred so far, we have at last achieved what we needed to do, so we have little other than an expensive moral victory to gain by pursuing the matter further if you and your colleagues will agree to end this and any other possible actions. Please note that there can be no question of leaving an opening through which Mr. Davies can continue to use you people as pawns in his own longstanding personal campaign to bring down those who have achieved political success way beyond anything he has been able to manage in his various forays into either "extreme" or "moderate" nationalism.
All concerned have lives to lead and better things to do than enrich lawyers or waste court time. I hope to hear that we can agree on that at least, in which a settlement along the lines outlined above would surely be the only sensible option.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
"All concerned have lives to lead and better things to do than enrich lawyers or waste court time."
I wonder if Griffin was thinking that when he lied in court 2 years ago and screwed Steve Edwards out of considerable thousands?
What a wanker Griffin is.
£10 to the rebels is on its way
This is a forgery, the Nick Griffin I know and help fund would never write such a pathetic pleading missive. You have been grossly misled on this. This is a bogus message. If GRi££in really wrote this he is a very unwell and very desperate man.
£25 sent off!
Every penny is very much appreciated. I understand that the "rebels" need to raise about £5,000 to defend the next step of Griffin's vexatious court action, while Griffin needs to pay the bulk of the outstanding £30,000 from the High Court (Manchester) action in April and has no hope of raising that kind of money to go ahead with his pathetic threats.
The "rebels" say that Griffin is on the ropes and can be soundly beaten if he goes ahead and a bif IF he can afford it.
This is the once in a generation opportunity to defeat Griffin politically and financially. My hope rests upon the younger aspirational talent in the likes of Sadie Graham, Ian Dawson, Kenny Smith, Steve Blake and Bev Jones to defeat Griffin in Court, receive hefty damages which will force the shyster Griffin into oblivion.
This is the way to kill off the cuckoo who has laid those stinking eggs in the nest of British nationalism. So what is everyone waiting for? This is an opportunity which the shyster can and will lose!
Every penny helps....
Son of Albion
This is the beginning of the end for Griffin.
It is a fact that Nick Griffin is the saviour of our race and nation. I am not the slightest bit interested in vermin like the traitors (not rebels) who tried to destroy the party last year. Every single one of them scum should be hunted down and brought to trial and punished accordingly for treason and conspiracy. The collective effort by the BNP leadership to rid the nationalist movement of neo-nazi dinosaurs and convicted racist thugs like Smith, Eubanks, Blake, Dawson and Sadie Graham was worth it. We are now winning over thousands of new members every month and the record figure of 10,000 is very very close.
Nothing will stop the BNP under the sensible leadership of Nick Griffin. VOC scum and Searchlight agents like NWN aint worth a puff of my talented breath.
Is it any coincidence that in mythology Griffin's are synonymous with guarding treasure!
I'm just wondering how many £50 notes he can fit into his glass eye socket. It must be like a TARDIS in there.
The soldiers of Avalon must rise up and get rid of the serpents of treason that are imploding British nationalism.
You lying much do you get paid for lying about the BNP?
What a vile bunch you are. Everyone who knows and matters back up Griffin and you and your sacked mates from December must be regreting the day they betrayed their boss. Damn them and you all to hell.
Chutzpah they name is Griffin!
he initiates a case which he now seems to be worried about the costs of!?!?!
do BNP members appreciate how he wastes their money (and not just his expenses credit card!)?
His bile against mr. davies is an ungodly yellow and stinks to high heaven.
what a shame the good lawyer Griffin didn't fight the legal cases of the many BNP people he cites...
"The collective effort by the BNP leadership to rid the nationalist movement of neo-nazi dinosaurs and convicted racist thugs like Smith, Eubanks, Blake, Dawson and Sadie Graham was worth it."
My surname is, EBANKS, you thick cunt. I'm not a neo nazi, a dinosaur, or have ever been convicted.
You must be thinking of the stinking arsehole who goes by the name of Nicholas John Griffin?
S Ebanks (Taking Griffin to hell, and leaving him there)
"do BNP members appreciate how he wastes their money (and not just his expenses credit card!)?"
I hope to raise this issue at RWB. BNP members should not have to pay for the spites and whims of a bankrupt second-hand car dealer, and as for the moron wittering about 10,000 members, go whistle, you twat. We can't even get 40 to turn out for a demo, but you'll be there with the rest of the beer bellied wasters on August 19th, won't you?
Hasn't Griffin libelled Davies in that email?
"Every single one of them scum should be hunted down and brought to trial and punished accordingly for treason and conspiracy."
Fuck off you little fascist lickspittle. You have no idea what a nationalist is, and Griffin is far from being a nationalist. He's a greedy repugnant bloated pig. I hope the Welsh nationalists burn his fucking barn to the ground with him in it. GRIFFIN, IS THE TRAITOR.
"It is a fact that Nick Griffin is the saviour of our race and nation."
God help us!!!
If the issue at hand wasn't so serious that would be the most side splitting comment I've read all year.
He is a lying deceitful egotistical snake in the grass who has soul his soul to the pro-Zionist Jewish lobby.
Did his Zionist handlers tell him not to stock books on Freemasonary, Zionism and the HoloHoax etc. at the Excalibur site. Just compare the books stocked at Final Conflict and Historical Review Press with those at Excalibur.
"It is a fact that Nick Griffin is the saviour of our race and nation<."
That is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard in my life.
"Searchlight agents like NWN aint worth a puff of my talented breath.".... and you even manage to contradict yourself in the same unleavened rant !!
Anonymous With a rebel yell...... said...
Every penny is very much appreciated. I understand that the "rebels" need to raise about £5,000 to defend the next step of Griffin's vexatious court action, while Griffin needs to pay the bulk of the outstanding £30,000 from the High Court (Manchester) action in April and has no hope of raising that kind of money to go ahead with his pathetic threats.
The second part of the court case may cost the rebels another £30k depending on how long it lasts.
I'm sure the rebels will also be raising counter claims against Griffin.
There are also the pending employment tribunals after this court case.
Griffin is well and truly fucked
"Searchlight agents like NWN aint worth a puff of my talented breath."....
I've come to realise that one of the most powerful brain-washing tools the BNP have, is to call everyone they dislike, a red, or Searchlight. God help the prats when they encounter the real McCoy.
"Griffin is well and truly fucked
23 July 2008 10:40"
I do hope so :)
I note with interest that the suggested costs faced by Griffin (£30,000) are so similar to the fundraising target for the "truth truck appeal".
Where will the appeal money end up I wonder?
I forecast a BNP press release :
"Many thanks to all who supported our tremendous Truth Truck Appeal. We are sure you will understand why we had to divert these funds to unforseen legal costs incurred as the result of the actions of the so-called rebels"
And hard-earned funds given by honest nationalists end up funding Griffin's court case . . . .
"Where will the appeal money end up I wonder?"
In Griffins pocket?
Another barn?
Another holiday?
More lavish meals for his porky greasy family?
We should just lynch the bastard to his farm gate and be done.
It is important that VOC reject this out of hand. The pre conditions for any talks should be Griffin/ Darby/ Wingfield/ Hannam/Bean/ Raikes/McBride/ Collett etc resign fromt he party forthwith, and account for the theft of party money
No compromise!
Put it this way...
If the Griffinites believe everything their master has written in this email, they can easily put it to the test?
All they have to do is donate to the rebels to continue their legal action against Griffin, I mean, Griffin claims he'll win. So, how much faith do they have in their tin-pot dictator? Show us your money.
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