Where is all the money ?
"My honest opinion is, the BNP is, bankrupt and is, stalling the accounts because they would show massive expenditure that cannot be explained without receipts.
Every BNP branch is being forced to give £40 per week to HQ, the BNP has just over 100 branches/groups, £4000 a week.
When you consider the only person on a real wage is Griffin and Collett, and Colletts is paid for by his parents, you have to ask serious questions, eh? Here's a serious question, where is the money?
We should be asking the following...
How much money does Griffin claim for using his home as an office even though BNP members have paid for his home ?
How much money does Griffin claim for his wife being a secretary that does no secretarial work?
How much is Jennifer Griffin creaming as Boss of GWR and Treasurer of the YBNP ?
How is Griffin allowed to charge his travel expenses to branches and be paid in cash at the end of those meetings and then to claim them again from the regional and main accounts?
etc etc"
We hear stuff like this all the time from BNP members.
The only ones who are supporting Griffin are paid idiots like 'Part of the Problem' who's drunken posts are edited by Stormfront mods. We have just seen this happen on SFUK.
Thank God that David Duke has more 'nous' than that superidiot Don Black. Griffin/PTD, is still laying down the law on SFUK.
Also, why do BNP security bods charge a supplement for doing what they should be doing gratis !
No charge !
"Every BNP branch is being forced to give £40 per week to HQ, the BNP has just over 100 branches/groups, £4000 a week. "
This statement is pure crap...there is plenty of genuine faults NG can be pulled up on, there is no need to invent stuff which obviously has no foundation !
Do the security charge? Most of them are claiming incapacity and disability benefits. Don't you find it peculiar that no actions have ever been brought against them when they appear so readily and physically well on the BNP website and BNP TV?
The huge amount raised outside Leeds Crown Court for Griffin to have security went in Griffins back pocket. The security were all forced to share one hotel room, most of them slept on the floor.
Griffin is so kind, isn't he...
"This statement is pure crap...there is plenty of genuine faults NG can be pulled up on, there is no need to invent stuff which obviously has no foundation !"
Really? So what's with the £40 levy each week on Branches toward the Euro elections? Can the branches have their money back?
"Really? So what's with the £40 levy each week on Branches toward the Euro elections? Can the branches have their money back?"
The forced contributions to the Regional European Election funds are indeed a burden most units would rather not have. I can't see any branch having to contribute that much, though, unless they are well in arrears and someone has taken a really draconian stance over it.
Really? So what's with the £40 levy each week on Branches toward the Euro elections? Can the branches have their money back?
Oh now we have a different story, so it's funds for the Euro elections NG is supposed to be putting in his back pocket. Well for one thing I don't know many branches let alone groups that could afford to hand over £40 a week! I don't know what is happening in your part of the world but groups and branches around here give zilch!
someone should be aware that as the BNP has paid for an extension on NG's home because he uses it for BNP business, when he sells his home he MUST pay Capital Gains Tax on the percentage used for the BNP.
Not to do so would be fraud... imagine NG doing that? unthinkable!
If he didn't pay Capital Gains Tax he would be guilty of trousering the equivalent of tens of thousands of pounds via BNP funds in this indirect way.
Oh now we have a different story, "so it's funds for the Euro elections NG is supposed to be putting in his back pocket. Well for one thing I don't know many branches let alone groups that could afford to hand over £40 a week! I don't know what is happening in your part of the world but groups and branches around here give zilch!"
How do they get away with that? (Serious question)
Oh now we have a different story, "so it's funds for the Euro elections NG is supposed to be putting in his back pocket. Well for one thing I don't know many branches let alone groups that could afford to hand over £40 a week! I don't know what is happening in your part of the world but groups and branches around here give zilch!"
How do they get away with that? (Serious question)
To the best of my knowledge, none of the local units have been asked for money. Everybody has seen this coming so most make sure they don't have too much in their local fund, only one branch is 'rich' but they spend it as quickly as it comes in !
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