Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Animal rights activists attack ASDA for stocking 'cruel' Halal meat

Controversy: ASDA says it is selling the meat due to customer demand

A giant supermarket chain came under fire for its decision to sell Halal meat from animals that have not been stunned before their throats are cut.

Animal rights activists expressed outrage at the move by Asda to put the meat on sale for the first time next month.
Asda admitted that that its decision would cause controversy but said it was being trialled in one store in response to customer demand.

A spokesman for Asda told trade magazine The Grocer the meat would only be sold through a third-party concession at the Small Heath store in Birmingham and would not carry the Asda own label.

"It is not being run by us, it's being run by the National Halal Food Group which sells the Mr Halal brand," said the spokesman.

"It's just a trial in a single store. The reason it's there is because of customer demands in that area. Similar demands have not been made elsewhere."
NWN : This last statement show' s ASDA to be telling lies here. They sell halal stuff in the Rochdale store too. In fact, can readers help us to see just how many ASDA stores actually do sell halal products ?


Anonymous said...

Also at Chadderton

Anonymous said...

That's a lie folks , ie only one store. ASDA Queensferry in North Wales have been stocking it too for a while, then it stopped. Maybe they had complaints also. I think any Nationalist that sees these supermarkets stocking it should kick up a stink and get a local campaign going.

wikingbrit said...

Hello folks!

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...