Yet another yank moderator supporting the Griffin line on Stormfront
Today, 09:15 PM
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Very Metal Senior Moderator
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Re: Complaint Thread
Originally Posted by vanguarduk
As you say, I'm passing on Golden Quaich's view. People can draw their own conclusions in this matter. My assessment is that you are a stirrer, a self-appointed BNP mouthpiece tediously grinding out the BNP line, and that it's your mission here to silence anyone who doesn't accept the BNP stance ... on everything. And you appear to have succeeded only too well with Golden Quaich.
It had nothing to do with the BNP or any other political party, let this be understood here and now.
Many factors go in to determining a members status, we generally don't like to ban people.
(NWN : We don't like banning people ? What rubbish !).
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers for he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
NWN : Nothing to do with the BNP ? What a load of horseshit !
This site , NWN, is opposed to secretive moderators such as we have on Stormfront. These moderators are , and have , banned real nationalists who do NOT support Griffin.
I have been banned a record SIX times from Stormfront. I have broken no SF rule. On the contrary, my details have been laid bare on SF. I have never been given the opportunity to reply.
Many such as Golden Quaich are catching up on the number of bannings!
These moderators need to be known by the movement, or at least the major nationalist players.
Who is this Spartan knob anyway ?
'Spartan' is a lying 'yanqui' arsehole !
I will just try and find the Don Black e-mail when I was in contact with that 'nob'.
Black was supportive of Nick Griffin 100%.
Duke has come across as a 90% opponent of Griffin.
SF has outlived it's use.
Don Black is a liberal and who loves money just like Nick Griffin.
Black should indeed have been executed for invading Grenada in the early 1980's. Black was a navy seal.
Spartan my arse !
Dont forget we have that braindead wanker 'Jock' Shearer as a moderator on the BNP main forum.
Shearer isn't even a real jock !
He does have a history of drugs selling though.
I feel, I must interject.
Spartan is stuck between a rock and a hard thing on SF and a Griffinite he most certainly is, NOT. As for Don Black having a love of money or being a liberal, that's absolute cobblers too. But, I will concede that the BNP is definately given priority over any other group on SF and eventually they will live to regret it. You cannot make something better by covering it up and the BNP is undemocratic, corrupt and bankrupt. In fact, if the BNP were so fair and democratic its members wouldn't need to post on SF at all would they?
1. why is SF USA seen to be so "extreme" and "racialist" - whilst SF UK is so "Griffinite" and "moderate".
Will PTD/Griffin defend Darby's assertion that the BNP enjoys the support of Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims... see the FC Blog!
Re. SE's comment: "Spartan is stuck between a rock and a hard thing on SF and a Griffinite he most certainly is, NOT."
I agree with that. Spartan is not pro-Griffin.
"Final Conflict said...
1. why is SF USA seen to be so "extreme" and "racialist" - whilst SF UK is so "Griffinite" and "moderate".
Will PTD/Griffin defend Darby's assertion that the BNP enjoys the support of Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims... see the FC Blog!
2:53 PM"
I know for a fact that the BNP does not have the ear of the Islamic community or Hindus in Britain but it certainly has the ear of many Sikhs and Jews who on the whole wish to remain hidden. Perhaps the most prominant is Barbara Amiel who appears to be opening all sorts of doors for Griffin but why is she doing it? Unless, she is using the BNP to create a respectable and legitimate anti immigration platform for the Tories?
Anonymous said "Perhaps the most prominant is Barbara Amiel who appears to be opening all sorts of doors for Griffin but why is she doing it? Unless, she is using the BNP to create a respectable and legitimate anti immigration platform for the Tories?
5:50 PM "
Do you mean that Amiel is attempting to establish the BNP as a legitimate and anti-immigration platform so that the Tories can hijack it?
Or do you mean by promotion the BNP/Griffin the Tories can come across a sane and legitimate?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said "Dont forget we have that braindead wanker 'Jock' Shearer as a moderator on the BNP main forum.
Shearer isn't even a real jock !
He does have a history of drugs selling though.
3:45 AM "
A local BNP member and activist was recently banned from the BNP forum by that Nazi twat 'Jock' Shearer merely for posting a comment as to which was the REAL Solidarity trade union, the one that used the website www.solidarityunion.org or the one controlled by Harrington/Griffin that uses www.solidaritytradeunion.org
For that crime (ie by daring to question the Stalinist party line in accepting without question the unconstitutional hijacking of an independent trade union by Griffin, and by mentioning the existence of the official rump remaining, this BNP member and loyal activist was banned from the forum that he has enjoyed using for several years.
So much for democracy.
So much for free speech.
So much for a free voice for a free people.
BNP members who continuye to acr in astate of denaila dn never question the BNP leadership should hang their heads in shame and choose whether to join the Stalinist Labour Party run by a dictatorial and corrupt leader, which is at least in power, or a Stalinist and corrupt BNP leader, which will never sniff power as long as Griffin leads it.
News item on the BNP website dated 25 November...
"The deniers of free speech are being smoked out of their hiding places in an absurd spectacle surrounding the decision of one of the country’s top universities to allow BNP leader Nick Griffin to address its debating society."
Has anyone in the BNP got the brains and the courage to REALISE that the BNP leadership are a bunch of TWO-FACED HYPOCRITS???
There is NO freedom of speech within the BNP under Nick Griffin.
What does it feel like Mr Griffin to be DENIED free speech when you - as Party leader - deny those same rights to your OWN mmebers?
Thnink about it you fat bloated hypocrit.
"Or do you mean by promotion the BNP/Griffin the Tories can come across a sane and legitimate?"
"Anonymous said...
News item on the BNP website dated 25 November...
"The deniers of free speech are being smoked out of their hiding places in an absurd spectacle surrounding the decision of one of the country’s top universities to allow BNP leader Nick Griffin to address its debating society."
Has anyone in the BNP got the brains and the courage to REALISE that the BNP leadership are a bunch of TWO-FACED HYPOCRITS???
There is NO freedom of speech within the BNP under Nick Griffin.
What does it feel like Mr Griffin to be DENIED free speech when you - as Party leader - deny those same rights to your OWN mmebers?
Thnink about it you fat bloated hypocrit.
7:21 PM"
Wouldn't it be nice if a student questioned him on the lack of freedom of speech and democracy in his own BNP Ltd :-)
Spartan, RedXKnight and Godwinson are not pro-Griffin. They are in a difficult position. Stormfront is made available to the widest possible range of nationalist viewpoints, which -in theory- is a good thing. Unfortunately, too many who post are either tories or Griffin supporters who advocate views they don't privately hold and have a hatred for anyone who wants to defend our true principles.
Nice one, SE.
Yes, that would be good - a student challenging Griffin's cant about 'freedom', 'transparency' and 'democracy'.
Stand up talk about the expulsions, the phoney disciplinary tribunals and the infinately elastic accounting system.
"Anonymous said...
"Or do you mean by promotion the BNP/Griffin the Tories can come across a sane and legitimate?"
10:21 PM"
You will also note that the Tories got one over on the BNP with their Oxford invite. They may well have boosted moral in the membership but Griffin was made to look a right twat, not that he isn't one already :-)
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