Friday, November 16, 2007

David Duke to speak in Spain

David Duke will be speaking in Madrid, Salamanca, Valladolid, Valencia and Barcelona, over the next week or so. This should be very important for European nationalism.

In the past, Spanish nationalists have held by a proto-fascist model of politics. As recently as 2000, there were blacks selling falangists memorabilia at the 20th.November rally in Madrid.

Now, due to a huge influx of non-white nationals to Spain, and more so to Madrid, the young Spanish radicals are having to adopt a view on outsiders and race.

More news when we get it !

Arriba Espana !


NorthWestNationalists said...

We have the details of all the meetings that David Duke will be speaking at in Spain.

If you are a genuine nationalist, and can show 'bone fides' then we will pass on that info.

Any genuine English speaking nationalists can contact this blog for details.

Please, idiots and reds, you will not get through !

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell ! To miss this weekends rallies in Madrid and possibly miss David Duke speaking.

**?>+%$£" I am angry .

Good wishes to all our Spanish comrades !

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