Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yet another Nick Griffin BNP supporter !


Anonymous said...

Has williams had his f***** haircut yet ?

Anonymous said...

He looks like a tw*t !

Anonymous said...

He beats women up !

Anonymous said...

Williams is a dick. he is involved withNick Griffins CUNTS group.

Griffin called it thus as it tickled Mr.Griffin to know he had these stupid idiots at his beck and call.

Now we find that these criminal hoods are ...........well, criminal, and without brains.

Tommy Williams, apparently, is his main attack dog. Williams has criminal convictions for many charges including drugs and minor assault.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Williams posted stuff enquiring about my employment on communist sites. He is a total scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is a mate of the BNP pervert and head ofsecurity.

Anonymous said...

Is he a med ?

Anonymous said...

His flat has been deserted for weeks.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Griffin wanted away from this type of bullshit.

GREEN ARROW will be sick and appalled by this nazi support for Nick Griffin.

Anonymous said...

GA is a shitbag. Check out his site here

Anonymous said...

"NorthWestNationalists said...
Williams posted stuff enquiring about my employment on communist sites. He is a total scumbag."

Griffin should start walking his shoes straight. Those of his supporters with even dodgier pasts should be yet more careful. He is lucky other people have more integrity and consideration for the wider interests of nationalism than he does.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Williams is also a prime arsehole.

I am sad to say that Tommy Williams says he is also a nationalist.

I have to re define my meaning of what a nationalist is.

Williams is the scum of the earth, and no mistake.

Anonymous said...

Wiliams is in Blackpool !

Anonymous said...

he dont look white !

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have any personal details on Williams like an address etc.

We can put an end to his idiotic behaviour

Anonymous said...

Green Arrow is just another internet fart. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't pull one off when he thinks of Griffin.

Interesting comments of the LUAF blog about the timing of the treasury scrutiny committee motion in Blackpool:

"If you get the chance, ask their members why a motion about number plate recognition is first on the agenda, followed by other studpid motions, but the one setting up a scrutiny committee for their own treasury department is last.

Do Griffin and co hope, plan, or expect that they'll run out of time so the motion won't be debated properly, awkward questions can't be asked, and (they hope) the motion will either fall by default or be hastily passed leaving Griffin and co free to set it up as they like?"

Okay, it's from an oppo site, but I was wondering the same thing and came to the same conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
GA is a shitbag. Check out his site here

Right on! Green Sparrow is another cock-sucking Griffinite. If Griffin ate children he would still be defending him to the hilt.

Make no mistake that Griffin has three types of supporets:

1) The neo-Nazi scum like Williams whom Griffin likes to associate it with to make him look 'ard. Also to intimidate opponents.

2) Pseudo-intellectual wankers like Green Sparrow and Patrick Harrington who offer a veneer of respecatbility and intellectualism as they are petit bourgeois pseudo-intellects, in the main liberal and hungry for power and money.

3) Soft-centred and moderate Johnny Come Latelys who know f**k all about racial nationalism and are there cos there is no other alternative to the Tories and UKIP, and who will melt away like the dew on a summer's morning.

The only thing in common is their unthinking swupport for a pice of s*** masquerading as a party leader. But a party leader is not Griffin. Simply a wannabee politicfian on the make (why don't you join the Tories then Griffin?).

Anonymous said...

Is that the picture that Sid Williamson took?

Anonymous said...

Good three types, anonymous. Bang on.

All three groups work hard to drive out the genuine decent people.

Anonymous said...

I think Jonathan Bowden summed Williams up the best but sadly I lack Jonathans vocabulary and etiquette.

There is a delicious irony in the name of Williams's blog, he is indeed a CUNT and so are the others who post on it.

The only serious question to be asked of Williams is, why does Nicholas Griffin associate with such people and what does the press think of it? Indeed, why is there such a lack of press coverage over such a relationship with the Roman saluting, drug dealing, misogynistic arsehole? The answer is simple, the BNP is, STATE, and Griffin is a fully paid up member. Can you imagine if Galloway, Natrass etc palled up with such a person? It would be front page news complete with quotes from the blog.

Kind regards


Where are the BNP accounts?

Anonymous said...

iff j.t had a man sutch as tommy williams on his security team giving a right arm salute the press would had it plastered all over the newspapers the next morning ,with the shouts of ,nazi and facist,but jt would not have had a shit house like williams who is a cardboard cut of a nazi just like his card board cut of a leader that jewish man called nick griffin ,check his family tree .now i am awaiting for the shit to start flying against me again ,the rt reverand soapy stevens stevens

Anonymous said...

I have reliable information that Williams makes use of brothels and is a paedophile. There are also rumours of homosexuality. His criminality and drug dealing are of course widely known. In addition he has committed benefit fraud and also has a thing for black women.

Anonymous said...

You will notice of late that the site has calmed down quite a bit andas a result is losing a lot of interest.

I would gladly give the club footed wanker a kicking.

Details please!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
You will notice of late that the site has calmed down quite a bit andas a result is losing a lot of interest.

I would gladly give the club footed wanker a kicking.

Details please!

5:44 PM"

Does it really matter wether it has calmed or not? Surely the point is, is that the left and the press claim to want to slay the BNP but even with this juicey opportunity they ignore it. I'd say that sticks out like a sore thumb, wouldn't you? And, clearly points to the BNP being protected, but, by whom?

The press printed that Simon Smith was a conspiracy theorist on Darby's say so but they never printed Smith stating the BNP was corrupt. Why not? It must be that the BNP HAS protection.

Years ago the press insisted a pattern on an NF members tie was a swastika when quite clearly it wasn't and that made front page news. Here we have Griffin who behaves disgracefully and keeps the scum of the earth as best buddies and not a peep from the press. Surely some of you must be starting to put the pieces together?

The BNP is, a STATE RUN safety valve with its members moving around a well watched maze like lab rats.



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good three types, anonymous. Bang on.

All three groups work hard to drive out the genuine decent people.

5:36 PM

Thank you for your support.

It begs the question why Griffin is behaving like this.

This may suggest some form of State manipulation although it must be more complex than this. It is possible that eleemts of the State, or factions within the Security Services, see Griffin as a useful individual in holding down the BNP and keeping its members in line with the State interests. Knowing how corrupt and greedy Griffin is there may be a complex interplay of give and take here. To say he is a "full paid up member" of the State is barkin, simplified, irresponsible and lacking in any evidence. Grow up will you?

If Griffin is being manipulated by elements of the State ( and much of the State will detest and fear Griffin, the BNP and nationalism), then it will be a case of some covert encouragement and turning a blind eye, using established agents (possibly if Lecomber is an asset of some sort then there lies one conduit) to influence Griffin, and the use of political and/or financial sources within the field of International Capital/Zionism to influnece Griffin's approach. It is possible even that Griffin is not aware that he is being influenced by such sources as greed and power keeps him oblivious or disinterested in who may be pulling the strings. But Griffin is a dangerous man for sure, and one who is ideologically and stratigally compromised.

We must remove Griffin and replace the man.

Anonymous said...

I am only in partial agreement with the above. Given Griffins so called education and years in fringe politics he'd know who was RED and who wasn't if they got close enough.

My interest is, that he employs unintellectual lame brains to surround himself with and that these are the actions of a man who claims to want power. No sane man would make the political decisions that Griffin makes and claim to want power at the same time, it is a pure impossibility with only two outcomes.

1, Griffin himself doesn't want real political power and is happy to be a small time ring master surrounding himself with idiots so he can continue raking it in

2, He's doing everything in '1' for the state.

I don't need to grow up, I have been personally privy to the language and actions of people who don't want to win.



Anonymous said...

Griffin doesn't want power. He wants money and to run nationalism as his own personal money-making machine.

Politics, ideology don't matter. neo-nazi or liberal, BNP or NF -- none of it matters: all is just a vehicle to bring in more money for NG whose wife always took the piss out of him for bringing in little money over the years.

Anyone who can make him more money or [like Sheffield nazi goon Williams] keep down those who try and upset his money-making plot is welcome.

It all revolves around what maximises NG's money.

That's why the neo-con approach has been embraced: it is popular [bashing rag heads] and it gives him the ear of those with shekels and newspaper editors in their pockets.

If that helps NG make even more money - then it justifies all the bullshit and betrayal in NG's eyes.

It is a disgraceful situation!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know who are the other idiots running the CUNT site?

Anonymous said...

do we have proof he is a peadophile? this i would be interested to see as im sure the lesbian mom of his kid would

Anonymous said...

SE is right.

The press, government and security services have more than enough material to completely destroy the BNP.

And yet they consistently remain silent.

Anyone who can't work that one out must be thick.

Anonymous said...

look at this page i found
i dont understand much of it but if u scroll right down you find the following - big bad wolf was tommys username on the combat 18 chatroom it sounds to me like he is threatning a woman odinsgal88 there?

Ja ja ja ja:
*** Welcome to FrenchKiss Server
*** For more information about FrenchKiss, visit
*** You are currently on channel B&H;.C18.
*** Your nick is grrrrr.
BIG BAD WOLF: We are all equals in NS og
odinsgal88: Cos i still have the last lot saved, never mind this lot
*** CAPS_LOCK_RULES has arrived.
BIG BAD WOLF: unless ofcourse you belive in the muslim practice of female segregation
odinsgal88: Dont take it out on me cos of what chris has done
katie 4 u: hello from the dark side
*** CAPS_LOCK_RULES has left.
*** CAPS_LOCK_RULES has been kicked off by administrator.
BIG BAD WOLF: and that the woman is weaker???

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...