Monday, May 05, 2008

National Front - BEST RESULTS IN 30 YEARS

The Battle of Britain is well under way, with the party’s excellent results in London. We can take great heart in the eventual goal of winning our country back.
The London Campaign Manager would like to thank all candidates, election agents, party activists, leafleters, polling booth tellers, 'knocker-uppers', donators, in fact everybody in London National Front who made this possible, and of course, the hard pressed Londoners who voted in their tens of thousands for us, making us the premier racial nationalist party in London.
We thank you!
A comprehensive coverage and breakdown of our results are to follow, but here’s a brief look:
Paul Winnett – Bromley & Bexley Constituency 11,288 votes 5.65% - Deposit Saved
Tess Culnane – Lewisham & Greenwich 8,509 votes 5.79% - Deposit Saved
Ian Edward – Ealing & Hillingdon 7,939 votes 4.59%
Andrew Cripps – South West 4,754 votes 2.52%
Graham Kemp – City & East 2,350 votes 1.28%
Just under 35,000 votes (34,840) and two deposits saved.
With the ongoing campaign of 'Battle for Britain' some may say that this has been an excellent 24 hours.
National Front, as always, putting London and Britain first.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the results in London.
But Birmingham was a complete wash out by the work of leafleting not being dun I am sorry to say Birmingham has been dead for a very long time and needs a new driver.
Keith axon NF 1976 to 1980 and BNP organizer 1980 to 1998.
Veteran nationalist.

Anonymous said...

Why woz it not dun Keef?

Anonymous said...

Very interesting results. Even more so when you consider that the press played the BNP results UP but played the NF results DOWN.

NF folks now need to look hard at their organisation, even though it is still only a shadow of its former self. If it continues to make a showing, I predict that new (and probably some old) dodgy characters will appear, and start trying to take control.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...