Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Great advert for the BNP

Labour's lost ground

"Stoke-on-Trent used to be a Labour stronghold, but now it has nine BNP councillors. Some fear that the far-right party could be running the town hall by 2011. Patrick Barkham reports on how the left is losing the battle for white working-class votes"
"The men and women of the BNP look like your neighbours," says Michael Tappin, the former Labour group leader and ex-Stoke MEP who lost his council seat on May 1. "They are not the mythical 25st men with body-piercings and tattoos as portrayed by antifascist demonstrators. They are respectable. It's impossible to demonise them. They wear suits, they look tidy." As Tappin says, they pick up old ladies when they fall over in the street, shop for the elderly and cut people's lawns."


Anonymous said...

There will be big changes everywhere in 2011. The British people will get the fright of their lives when the 2011 census is published, and they can finally see, that they have become the minority in EVERY city in the land.

This is OUR country.

Anonymous said...

Just shows what a nice party the BNP could be without its monstrous leader.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Just shows what a nice party the BNP could be without its monstrous leader.

28 May 2008 19:44"


David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...