Friday, May 30, 2008

Ghetto Bragging rights ? - Sleep tight America !

Coming soon to the UK. Have a close look at this negro website


Anonymous said...

just sums the average nig nog up

john werneth said...

Skin cancers and melanomas are the curse of God against white people for their skin sins and continued evil of today. In Daniel, Isaiah and Revelations God warns He will curse the evil with the Sores That Do Not Heal. Skin cancer and melanomas are these sores.

Based on their skin color, whites exalted themselves above everyone else on the planet and called everyone else: ugly, evil and inferior.

Now, that giving everyone else life burns whites’ skin.

That giving everyone else life is God. The sun is God. The sun hates white people. God Hates White people.

God has fixed His holy light to discriminate between black and whites so that it burns the whites.

Ultraviolet light is the fire of the 2nd Rapture burning evil from the earth.

Anonymous said...

I think LUAF should put this up on their site.

NorthWestNationalists said...

curious george jr ?

curious sambo jr more like !

Anonymous said...

Negroes have the mark of cain

Anonymous said...

Send them back !

NorthWestNationalists said...

Pete Williamson and John 'jock' Shearer.

Your disgusting posts on VNN show you up more than me.

You are low life scum.

Nationalism does not need low life scum like you.

Anonymous said...

This post show us that the jewish media will not make an issue of this at all.

Our mass media is jewish run.

Anything that does not show this idea is thrown out of the basket.

George du Maurier said...

At lot of times we'll see them over here in the 3rd Ward schooling their white daughters on how to run out into the middle of the side walks and stoop over when they see dangerous and underprivileged black males approaching. The girls be as young as 11, 12 and 13 years old sometimes. Their mommas bring them out w/o panties own so when they stoop over there's nothing there. When I see them, I just shake my head. We need to remind ourselves that they want bad shyt to happen to them, and that when it happens its becuase they deserve it. Id be tell ing our little Brothers that still inschool to get organized and get a plan to start targeting these whyte child demons, get inside they heads then get them to a place where they can to give them what they deserve. They intentionally sculpt their bodies to be tall and skinny to make it tempting to to all Black males in an attept to lure them. These creatures are predetors seeking victims to satisfy themselves, someone needs to stop them before they entrap somebody else ...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...