Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Leadership Challenge in Tatters?

Word is reaching us that Colin Auty’s challenge is failing after Councillor Chris Beverly and his wife have removed their support. We also understand that Colin Auty doesn’t have enough signatures to stand anyway. Confirmation if any on the latter point would be welcome.

In light of the above, it would appear that Eddy Butlers email last week has had the desired effect of calming the anti Griffin waters.


Anonymous said...

MISSING.are the not.
Nationalist my arse they are all hot air and know substance i have seen more backbone in a wet fart on a friday night out side my local pub.

And it is a piss poor performance.

it's up to you now Chris Jackson.
keith axon.

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho Ho

Maybe Keith Axon could stand.

What a shambles - you bunch of tossers - NG and the team are pissing themslves laughing at you.

Anonymous said...

I've heard strong rumours that Eddie Butler and Richard Barnbrook are planning a coup to oust Griffin. Sounds highly unlikely, but it comes from a good source??

Any more info??

Anonymous said...

IF IT IS ALL TRUE THAT THE VOC are in trouble as to their candidate and certain people withdrawing their backing and not being able to obtain the 100 signatures for his nomination paper.

The voc, what VOC they are all gutless at the VOC no backbone the only man to throw his hat in the ring was C Auty and it was an error that the VOC should have known as he said the wrong things because he is a nice man.
I have seen more guts in a tin a McCray kipper! Fillets! Or in a tin of salmon that John west have rejected.
And if some one asks me why do I not make my comments on the VOC OR ANY OTHER FORUM that they control I will tell you they did not ever post any of my posts in the past nor will they ever as I am beyond the pale but I tell it as it is and not as they would like it be so do not ask me again.

We in the midlands had a shining star that was let down badly be its B.HAM and the now ex supporters across the country including those in the VOC, that this person has allowed them self to fade in the background I now feel forever.


You gutless, spineless no marks that think you are nationalist, you are Tory twits boys and girls playing in a mans game well I have seen better nationalists in the past than I have seen now, and I mean real men and real woman.

Sorry Collin if you are out he game because you are to nice for this game of back stabs and treachery let downs, but I applaud you for your stand when they would not you will learn a lot about human nature in politics.its dog eat dog or perhaps cat .

Keith axon.

Anonymous said...

It's impossible to dislodge Griffin, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Maybe Keith Axon could stand.

What a shambles - you bunch of tossers - NG and the team are pissing themslves laughing at you."

Griffin never laughs unless he's ripping someone off, so, who in your team is being fucked up the arse? You better check it isn't you :)

Anonymous said...

"I've heard strong rumours that Eddie Butler and Richard Barnbrook are planning a coup to oust Griffin. Sounds highly unlikely, but it comes from a good source??

Any more info??"

Don't make me larf. Butler, is so far up Griffins arse he can't see daylight.

Anonymous said...

Know it is not but it needs a man with backbone and know one is willing to take a stand shame on them,
IF I had a membership card and had been part of the C.Jackson camp I would have been thrown out because I would have definitely been kicking some arses into action but its wish full thinking.
keith axon

Anonymous said...

DO NOT believe the rumers it 's griffin bullshit in other word wind ups,if a griffin stooge stands that is what he will be a stooge as in the three stooges and they we all jewish.

Anonymous said...

The last day for nominations is 30th June. It would be a good idea if everyone who really wants change helped in this endeavour. Why not go to and scroll down and downlosd the nomination form. Then go and aske all the BNP members that you know to sign the form. Signees must hold as a minimum BNP membership cards for 2008 and 2007.
I am sure that Chris Beveley's now vacant position will soon be filled.

I hear that the BNP leadership are going to push to change the constitution so that leadership challenges can take place only once every five years. So the time really has arrived for everyone to help.

Richard Chadfield

NorthWestNationalists said...

We re-iterate Richards Chadfields post above.

While this blog supports Chris Jackson, we also support an honest blokes right to challenge the corrupt Nick Griffin.

All card carrying BNP members who can vote, should sign nomination forms, be it for Chris Jackson or Colin Auty.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Just hearing that Steve Blake has now also pulled out of supporting Colin Auty.

Anonymous said...

So Colin Auty has the lost the support from the VOC.
I have seen more backbone in a box. Of kipper fillets or in a tin of salmon than johns west have rejected.
C. Auty a nice man let down by a bunch of tosspots although Collin was never the right man to be able stand against NG as he is a lightweight and NG is a heavy weight but he did throw his hat in the ring.
NICK GRIFIN towers above you all so do the right thing and retire from nationalist politics and return to the Tory party where you all belong.
The people who put there faith in VOC have been let down by a bunch of light weights who are all wind and little substance,
Nationalist? You have the bare faced cheek to call yourselves nationalist? admit it you are all conservatives little boys and girls playing in a game for real men and real woman but you are all lacking in this area completely.
I do not expect you at the VOC to reply as you are all silent in your communications to the people who have tried to give you some advice and back bone.

Politics is a nasty game and nationalist politics is even nastier you are not suited for it.

Don’t ask good people to put there faith in you all again at the VOC. What change you could not decide amongst yourself as to what socks you wear on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

It all just goes to show that the VoC people are just nitwits. They were right to oppose Gri££in, but they never really grasped what it was all about.

Anonymous said...

Just hearing that Steve Blake has now also pulled out of supporting Colin Auty.
I am sure that yor are wrong. Perhaps someone is feeding you duff info.

Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Too many people remain in the BNP because they are pathetically grateful for some trivial position. They must know by now that it's not being run to gain any power but merely to get headlines which give a false impression.

Yet they go on supporting it and kidding themselves and other people.

Butler is so arrogant he probably honestly believes he is masterminding a sweep to power. The state has every incentive to encourage such people.

The SWP/BNP feud is just shadow boxing to entertain the masses and make them think they are being allowed choices.

On the positive side there is an increasing appreciation in the country that elections don't mean any real change.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to understand the mentality that reduces politics to sneers and petty nastiness. Pardon me if I now don't seem your type. Sneers and insults loses votes. Guts and hard work wins votes. Colin Auty has these things. Griffin does not. Both of them have a desire to end mass immigration and get Britain out of the EU - making the BNP unique in British politics and the only reasonable choice for people who want the same. Both Griffin and Auty are good speakers. Griffin has people on board that bring the party down - indeed he defends them to the point of driving good people out of the BNP - Auty has no such baggage. Auty's position is much the better for winning electorate votes! Simple choice. If the BNP membership doesn't recognise that then they are making a huge mistake.

As for Chris Jackson? Probably a fine guy - I just don't know him - and neither do most others.

Anonymous said...

If we are being fed spoof's and lies who is doing it, I ask, the spoofer or there associates TO back up your story’s or I will flush them down the toilet.

The spoofer or spoofer’s s must be flushed out because the lies or the spoofs being told are being told with a purpose but by whome and for what?

The candidates slandered I wish would refute any of the lies and rumors but they do not why? Maybe it's all true about CJ, CA, and RB.? FACT IS THE ARE ALL MUTE ON THE SUBJECT.

keith axon

Anonymous said...

If we are being fed spoof's and lies who is doing it, I ask, the spoofer or there associates TO back up your story’s or I will flush them down the toilet.

The spoofer or spoofer’s s must be flushed out because the lies or the spoofs being told are being told with a purpose but by whome and for what?

The candidates slandered I wish would refute any of the lies and rumors but they do not why? Maybe it's all true about CJ, CA, and RB.? FACT IS THE ARE ALL MUTE ON THE SUBJECT.

keith axon
I can assure you of the following.

1) Steve Blake supports the challange of councillor Colin Auty for the Chairmansip of the BNP.

2) Colin Auty's campaign is running and will continue to run.

If you have doubts about these issues why don't you contact the people concerned? Go to scroll down and you will find the necessary email addresses on the right hand side of the page.

I have know idea what Chris Jackson's plans were or are.

I understand That R.B never intended to stand.

I suspect that someone is trying ,rather clumsily, to create a little confusion.

Hope this is helpful.

Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It all just goes to show that the VoC people are just nitwits. They were right to oppose Gri££in, but they never really grasped what it was all about.
Hello Mr Anonymous.
What is it all about then? Please inform. Oh yes could you tell us who you are (make it varifiable please).

Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Re barnbrook it was a spoof all the time but from who?
As to C.J it’s all dead from LAZERUS at the moment but he may arise from the grave again?
As to C.A it’s on going with support and the withdrawing of support from some people.
But the spoofer's will be hard at it with rumor and counter rumor we will just have to wait and see at the end of the month as to who the successful challenger is or are
keith axon

Anonymous said...

Nitwits. That's for sure. For how long were they up Gri££in's backside, grovelling for petty positions and titles, blind to the staggering truth staring them in the face (and which other people have been shouting from the rooftops for years), helping him to force people out the party? Only since he finally turned on them, has there been any glimmering of insight. And even then in many cases it's still only a very dim bulb.

Get real. Gri££in was bought and paid for a very long time ago. The BNP is a state-run safety valve designed to keep the goyim entertained and away from anything that might be genuinely dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nitwits. That's for sure. For how long were they up Gri££in's backside, grovelling for petty positions and titles, blind to the staggering truth staring them in the face (and which other people have been shouting from the rooftops for years), helping him to force people out the party? Only since he finally turned on them, has there been any glimmering of insight. And even then in many cases it's still only a very dim bulb.

Get real. Gri££in was bought and paid for a very long time ago. The BNP is a state-run safety valve designed to keep the goyim entertained and away from anything that might be genuinely dangerous.
I don't think any V of C people needed to grovel for a position in the BNP. Proof of this is that since being thrown out of the BNP in December they have all acquired, or have been offered and will shortly start, far more financially rewarding jobs than the BNP could ever offer. Working for the BNP was a financial sacrifice for them; by no means a necessity. They did not need to grovel. They possessed skills that the BNP needed and offered those skills at way below the market price. Those same skills are now being bought by industry and commerce at the greater market price.

I would agree with your last paragraph. ie) 'Griffin was bought and paid for......' The question is can you prove your statement? That is what is needed,proof.
Richard Chadfield.
ps. I really think it is time posters plucked up the coursge to stop hiding behind the title 'anonymous'. anonymous poster ,I presume, lack the courage to put their name to their opinions.

Anonymous said...

To Richard Chadfield.
I all'ways i think sign my posts
Keith Axon.

Anonymous said...

The VoC crowd happily participated in Gri££ins persecution of genuine nationalists.

They were keen to join in Gri££ins rants about 'nazis' and how the party should be 'modernised' (ie made pro-Zionist).

How just that the same rhetoric and spite should now be turned on them. Now apparently they too, are 'nazis'.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
To Richard Chadfield.
I all'ways i think sign my posts
Keith Axon.
The post to which I was referring was put up on 23rd May and was anonymous. May be it was yours ,may be not. I agree that you are one of the few who put their name to their opinions.
All the best.
Richard Chadfield

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