Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chris Jackson to stand for BNP leadership election ?

We are hearing that BNP stalwart and major long standing activist Chris Jackson, may stand again against Nick Griffin for the party leadership.

Cllr Colin Auty is also standing in opposition against Mr.Griffin.

But that is not all..........another rumour that will not go away, is a possible third candidate who is also opposed to Griffin. This is also mentioned on the

It seems like they are queuing up to oppose, and topple, the appalling Nick Griffin .

"Infamy, infamy........they have all got it infamy", said Mr.Griffin ,this afternoon.


Anonymous said...


If enough stand it could fracture Griffins vote enough to oust him. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Although Colin and Chris are standing against Griffin for different reasons it will be bad news as it will only cause a split in the anti-Griffin votes.

Chris do the decent thing and let Colin have a stand this year!

Anonymous said...

One challenger can be portrayed as a fool being steered my misfits and traitors; if all sorts of people are queueing up to have a go at NG, it becomes obvious to even the most naive that there is a crisis developing.

This is good news for anyone who wants to see nationalism progress without NG.

Anonymous said...

Multiple candidate more readily demonstrate the lack of confidence in Griffin. It is also more damaging for Griffin if he bans both of them.

In any case this is all just a precursor to Barnbrook's leadership bid which will happen after Griffin flops in the euro elections.

Anonymous said...

"In any case this is all just a precursor to Barnbrook's leadership bid which will happen after Griffin flops in the euro elections."


I heard Barnbrook was the third challenger. He certainly has more power and credibility than Griffin. Griffin has never even managed to become elected at Parish level. Griffin, is finished.

Anonymous said...

And flop he will as in the frosby flop, flip flop flip flop.

The contenders for the leadership contest against Griffin must go on to the attack at once because griffin is ruthless.
And as there are enough scandals to destroy Griffin go out and use them at once against him, but a word of caution do not use any information that you can not back with evidence
In the attack they must show and give know quarter nor show any mercy as neither will any be shown by griffin there will be no holds bared folks

So do not expect any quarter or mercy from Griffin as he is ruthless.
Keyser soze

Anonymous said...

If multiple contenders split the anti-Gri££in vote, then he will win by default.

Maybe that's the idea? Maybe some of them are put up jobs?

Anonymous said...

"If multiple contenders split the anti-Gri££in vote, then he will win by default.

Maybe that's the idea? Maybe some of them are put up jobs?"

Check the BNP constitution.

If no candidate receives ovr 50% of the votes cast, there is a second election between the two highest polling candidates.

If, between them, the challengers pull in enough votes to deprive Griffin of an absolute majority, his authority may be fatally weakened. I still think this is unlikely, but it is probably the best that can be hoped for.

Anonymous said...

Not a murmur on Stormfront on this issue.

One would think that Stormfront was controlled .

Still has anyone else noticed the lack of traffic and postings on that forum in general ?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...