Saturday, May 31, 2008

Read it bottom up !

NWN under attack !
We seem now to be the target of Nick Griffins establishment friends .

More news to follow.................
A rather strange solicitors called Iverson-Holmes. Co .Uk supporting the 'STEADFAST TRUST' are now really threatening the worst.
More when I can get my head around this nonsense !


‘Instead of – if I might put it this way – the man from Whitehall always knowing best, it is the woman from the WRVS or Sure Start or Community Service Volunteers or any of the NCVO organisations, that knows better.’ Gordon Brown Moving Britain Forward: Selected Speeches 1997-2006.

‘Some may call it a nanny state, but I call it a force for good.’ Margaret Hodge, 2004.

The trial of Simon Sheppard and his co-defendant, the columnist Luke O’Farrell, is to start on 2 June 2008 at Leeds Crown Court. The trial is expected to last 8-9 weeks.
Reporting restrictions are in place, so this news update is limited to some personal observations and opinions.

Sheppard has 18 charges, his co-defendant 5. The charges are unprecedented and comprise a major assault on our democratic right to express sincerely-held opinions, on the internet and elsewhere.

This is a political prosecution with a very strong Jewish element. One only needs to contrast the state’s eagerness to press multiple charges on the “Heretical Two” with its failure to prosecute Michael Levy, the other individuals involved in ‘Cash for Honours’, Peter Hain, David Abrahams and many others, who have in some cases admitted unlawful payments to the Labour Party.

A large number of the unlawful donors to the Labour Party have been Jews.

The instigators of the Heretical prosecution were Jewish and many of the complainants appear to be Jewish. It is criticism of Jewish behaviour and, in particular, exposure of their subversion of the political process, that this prosecution attempts to suppress. The weapon of suppression is legislation that was itself passed as a result of Jewish agitation.

The government is seeking to make any criticism of Jewish claims – even in the form of humour – “incitement to racial hatred.” Sheppard is philosophical: “Nothing is ever gained without cost. We are ahead of our time, and our conclusions are not appreciated by a government already in its death throes,” says Sheppard.

All of the material was believed to be lawful at the time it was posted on the Californian server or otherwise distributed, so the government is attempting a major advance in the suppression of political dissent. The state seeks to further impose its insane dogma on intellectual dissidents. It is the culmination of a Marxist revolution in slow motion, which has been in progress for several decades.

The prosecution will be fought very hard as we seek to defend the most basic freedom of all – the freedom to express an opinion. “Liberty, if it means anything, is the right to tell people what they don't want to hear” (George Orwell).


Press enquiries to 0845 4561677 or email

Friday, May 30, 2008

An Important Observation

European Parliament to ban Eurosceptic groups

Plans to eliminate Eurosceptics as an organised opposition within the European Parliament are expected to be agreed by a majority of MEPs this summer.
The European Union assembly’s political establishment is pushing through changes that will silence dissidents by changing the rules allowing Euro-MPs to form political groupings.
Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is leading the charge to cut the number of party political tendencies in the Parliament next year, a move that would dissolve UKIP’s pan-European Eurosceptic “Independence and Democracy” grouping.
Under the rule change, the largest and msot pro-EU groups would tighten their grip on the Parliament’s political agenda and keep control of lavish funding.

Can someone please explain to us at 'NWN' why Griffin is placing the Euro's above the General Election? Could it be personal financial gain? Well, let us be honest, there is no longer anything else to be gained in Europe, is there?

Ghetto Bragging rights ? - Sleep tight America !

Coming soon to the UK. Have a close look at this negro website

BBC Radio 4 - "Heresy"
"Victoria Coren hosts the fifth series of the comedy discussion programme which dares to commit heresy."

These people haven't got back to me on my suggestion, oddly enough.

De :
Objet : Rép : BBC Heresy (Auto Reply Message)
Date : 22 mai 2008 23:34:12 GMT+02:00
À :

My name is Guillaume Fabien, and I am the translator of the convicted author (convicted for his book) mentioned in my previous message.

I am also the translator of Professor Robert Faurisson, who, convicted for heretical writings several times in the past, is now being prosecuted in France for his paper at a conference in Tehran; on this score please see (inaccessible in France).

Yours faithfully,

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another non-racist murderous attack !

Teen charged with attempted murder

28/ 5/2008

A TEENAGER has been charged with attempted murder following a disturbance in which another 17-year-old boy received head injuries in Rochdale.

Police were called to Denehurst Park in Greave after reports of a disturbance involving two groups of youths at about 9pm on Friday 23 May.

Police believe a group of about 12 white youths were attacked by a group of seven or eight Asian youths.

During the disturbance, a 17-year-old white boy was assaulted and sustained head injuries resulting in bleeding on the brain that required emergency surgery. He was taken to Hope Hospital where his condition is currently described as comfortable.

Extra patrols were placed in the Greave area over the bank holiday weekend to provide extra reassurance to residents.

A 17-year-old boy from Rochdale was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and subsequently charged. He appeared before Rochdale magistrates today (Wednesday) , where he was remanded in custody until next Wednesday (4 June).

The arrest and subsequent charge was the result of detailed information provided by witnesses and inquiries are on-going.

'The Times' today

The British National Party, the far-right, white-only movement founded in 1982 from the ruins of the National Front, now claims about 100 councillors, mainly in communities with large Muslim populations.
The principal strategy of Nick Griffin, its Cambridge-educated leader, has been to escape the jackbooted, knuckle-dragging image of street-fighting neo-Nazis and to become a popular anti-immigration party. The East End of London has become a stronghold, with the BNP installed as the official opposition on Barking & Dagenham council under the leadership of the artist Richard Barnbrook. Mr Barnbrook made a breakthrough by winning the BNP’s first seat in the London Assembly.
The party’s electoral success came after it began concentrating its attacks on Muslims. Since 9/11 and the Asian riots in the North of England in 2001 it has gained representation on local authorities from Burnley, Kirklees and Rotherham in the North to Stoke-on-Trent, Sandwell and Nuneaton in the Midlands and Epping in Essex.
The first sign of the success of Mr Griffin’s strategy came when he stood as a candidate at Oldham West in the 2001 general election and came a close third with 16 per cent of the vote. By the European elections of 2004, he was focusing on what he described as the problem of attacks by Muslims After a BBC documentary recorded him calling Islam a “wicked and vicious faith”, he was charged with stirring up racial hated. At the end of two trials, he was cleared and depicted himself as a champion of free speech.
He has a previous conviction from 1998 for incitement to racial hatred.
Recent BNP literature has expressed some sympathies with blacks and Hindus, portraying them as fellow victims of Muslims.
The British National Party sought yesterday to present the killing of one of its activists by a Muslim elder as an act of white martyrdom.
On the steps of Stafford Crown Court, Michael Coleman, a BNP councillor and organiser of the party’s Stoke-on-Trent branch, said: “We advise anybody who gets angry: get involved with the BNP.” He was speaking at the end of the trial into the killing of Keith Brown, 52, a former boxer and friend of the BNP leader Nick Griffin, who collapsed and died after being knifed in the back by his next-door neighbour Habib Khan. Mr Griffin attended his funeral.
Khan, 50, was unanimously cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter after a jury heard that he had endured racism, threats and violence from Mr Brown and his son, Ashley Barker, also a BNP activist. Khan was also convicted of wounding Mr Barker, 20. His son, Azir Habib Saddique, 24, was cleared of the same charge. Khan’s sentencing was adjourned.
Simon Darby, Stoke BNP’s deputy leader, has been blogging daily from the courtroom. The funeral is posted on YouTube. A DVD will be distributed, playing on voters’ worries about violent attacks blamed on Asian men. Other BNP units are being urged to adopt the strategy of highlighting local Muslim-on-white attacks.
The potency of the far Right claiming its first martyr dawned last year as six BNP councillors shouldered their fallen comrade’s coffin. To some white supremacist websites, Mr Brown is being built up as the Horst Wessel of the Potteries, a British equivalent of the Nazi songwriter shot dead by a Berlin communist in 1930. An online book of Condolence hails Mr Brown as “the first nationalist victim of Islamic jihad against Great Britain”.
Behind the rhetoric lies a tale of two middle-aged, Middle England fathers whose rivalry descended into loathing. Khan dreamt of knocking down two semis and creating a single grand villa next to a pair of ageing end-terrace houses where Mr Brown, his girlfriend and their seven children lived in the Normacot district.
Mr Brown tried everything to stop the building work but Khan erected a miniature palace with carved stone pillars and huge decorative amphorae in the garden. Like most neighbourhood feuds, it boiled down to a row over boundaries. Mr Brown accused Khan of putting a fence on his land and said that the conservatory blocked his light. Mr Brown was a dangerous man with convictions for what Judge Simon Tonking called “extreme violence” in his twenties. In 2000 he was convicted for punching a man in the face

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

En la era del paria - Dr. Marcos Ghio

Boris starts review of embassies... from a boat in Turkey

Didn't take this tory creep long to start the junketing at the taxpayers expense did it ?

Whereabouts in Turkey does 'Johnsons' family originate from ?


It has just been announced that the regulatory body responsible for Trade Unions - the Certification Office for Trade Unions - has appointed an Inspector to investigate the numerous allegations of financial irregularities within the Solidarity Trade Union.


It has just been announced that the regulatory body responsible for Trade Unions - the Certification Office for Trade Unions - has appointed an Inspector to investigate the numerous allegations of financial irregularities within the Solidarity Trade Union.

The Union was founded as an independent Trade Union and the goals of its founders, Clive Potter and Lee Barnes, was to create a mass nationalist Trade Union that could take on the mass TUC internationalist trade unions.

Unfortunately, the project was dogged by the disruptive behaviour of its General Secretary/Treasurer, Patrick Harrington (appointed by Clive Potter and Lee Barnes) who refused to work as a team member and failed to submit to the principles and goals of the Union. Mr Harrington tried to treat the "Union as a personal pet-project and also as a political object, emphasising 'McCarthyism' and the recruitment of ethnic minorities in line with the liberal-Left agenda of the co-operative socialism of Harrington's own Third Way/National Liberal Party agenda. The founders realised the potential of a mass independent nationalist trade union that could combine a cheap subscription with industrial protection and standing up for the British workers against employers, the Government, the Trans-national Corporations and the left-wing TUC unions. Mass recruitment and mass involvement with British workers was the goal, an industrial goal, instead of a mere BNP-protection society as desired by the BNP leadership. Workers were not interested in 'McCarthyism' or political agendas, only in protection and the advancement of their industrial lives.

Pat Harrington's refusal to work as a team member led to his suspension from the Union last May whilst he was investigated by the Union's National Executive Committee.

However, in a bizarre twist of events Patrick Harrington schemed with a former colleague from the National Front - an organisation that they both helped to destroy - and launched a coup d'etat against Solidarity's National Executive Committee, the Union's authority that had been ratified at the first AGM in February 2007.

Nick Griffin of the BNP decided to support his former NF colleague, Patrick Harrington, for reasons not fully understood but possibly connected with financial reasons stemming from the financial opportunities given from a trade union's subscription-paying membership, or political, Griffin seeing a short-term advantage in joining forces with the tiny Third Way grouplet which has liberal pretensions. A BNP-front trade union which is run by a liberal and who leads a liberalist party could well serve as a platform in which to help Griffin create a more Zionist and liberal BNP in which to persuade BNP members to accept ethnic minority members into its ranks.

Whilst the accounts of the Union for 2006/7 had to be filed with the Certification Office by June, Griffin placed extraordinary pressure on both Tim Hawke (the then Vice-President) and Clive Potter (President) by threatening them, calling them "sociopaths" and claiming that their reputations would be destroyed within the BNP. Meanwhile, the lack of full receipts and financial documentation from Patrick Harrington meant that the accounts could not be signed off. When some receipts had been received it was decided that rather than jeopardise the Union the Executive look after the long-term interests of the project and submit the financial information to the Certification office to comply with the law.

As soon as this was done Griffin and Harrington acted. In an act of pure Stalinist theatre Griffin and Harrington launched a co-ordinated attack on the legitimate authority of Solidarity. Clive Potter was expelled from the BNP, despite years of active service as a candidate and activist (even though the Union was an independent body with its own constitution, subscriptions and ruling body), as a result of his commitment to the long-term strategy of Solidarity and a belief in integrity and the Union's constitution.

This was followed by the hijacking of the Union, with Steve Blake being forced to change the domain to Patrick Harrington whilst the designer and host of the website, Lambertius Nieuwof ("Bep"), a former South African terrorist, went along with Griffin's orders.

Meanwhile, Patrick Harrington froze the Union's accounts preventing the Executive from communicating with its members or taking action against the coup organisers, or even from running the Union for the benefit of its members. The Union had become the personal plaything for political purposes for a group of power-greedy individuals, Nick Griffin and Patrick Harrington. Harrington, however, retained the Union's Paypal account thus keeping its funds from the Executive who were constitutionally entitled access to those funds.

A campaign of black propaganda and smears issued from Patrick Harrington and Nick Griffin as they sought to legitimise their hostile takeover of the Union. On the BNP website itself news items appeared that smeared the Executive and claimed that the Union had been the 'target' of a 'Marxist plot' and that action was needed by the BNP/Third Way to prevent the plot. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Decent and hard-working nationalist activists had been smeared and abused by the likes of Nick Griffin in a foul campaign that made the Stalinist purges and the Nazi terror trials of dissidents of the 1930s look tame. Reputations were consigned to the rubbish bin of the BNP and the membership of the BNP were treated to a display of historical revisionism and propaganda to ensure that they all accepted the party line that Potter/Hawke had been involved in some imaginary 'left-wing plot' against the BNP to somehow destabilise the Union, despite the fact that Clive Potter had created the Union in the first place and built it up, and that Tim Hawke had spent hundreds of pounds of his own money in helping to build it up. This was a truly disgusting way to treat patriots and those who sought to make sacrifices for the common good of both other nationalists and the British worker.

Patrick Harrington and his fellow conspirators ensured that the party-line was propagated through half-truths and smears on such internet forums and blogs as diverse as the neo-Nazi Stormfront forum (where Harrington himself goes under the name of "Double Think") and the far-Left UAF blogs. Meanwhile, the Solidarity website that had been hijacked from the legitimate Executive issued its own propaganda against Potter and Hawke and sold the line that Patrick Harrington had somehow saved the Union from a 'Marxist plot'. In an attempt to discredit the Executive Harrington claimed that they had failed in their plot and that the Union was now in 'safe hands' since Nick Griffin was in control of the situation and was in agreement with the way that the Union was now being run. Since the majority of Solidarity's members were at that time BNP members (with a few Third Way members) having the backing of the party leader was tantamount to securing the compliance of Solidarity's membership.

Despite the lies and the smears, some Solidarity members refused to tow the party line and were independently-minded and possessed enough personal integrity to realise that there had been a coup d'etat by Harrington/Griffin and that Griffin was simply treading in the same factionalising and conspiratorial footsteps that he had trodden since his days in the National Front. They also realised that the BNP activists who had been running the Union possessed enough credibility and respect not to be acting as 'Reds', and that Griffin had played this tactic on previous occasions (and in fact has recently used it against the BNP's own internal rebels in December 2007). Some members could see with their own eyes that Patrick Harrington had specific allegations placed against him and that the Executive were duty bound to act according to the Union's constitution and to suspend him pending internal investigations. The fact that Harrington neither co-operated with the investigation and did not appeal, nor complain to the Certification Office at the time, was testament enough to his poor conduct and lack of professional integrity as a Union official. As a result of his totally unacceptable behaviour in attacking the Union's Executive, smearing its officials, hijacking its website and conspiring against the Union and its officials and bringing it totally into disrepute the Executive had no option but to expel Patrick Harrington as a member of the Union.

But by then (July 2007) the damage had been done and the Executive had no access to its own funds to continue assisting its members or to communicate with them. It recreated its website using the original template ( and published the results of its investigations into the conduct of Patrick Harrington.

A call for an 'Extraordinary General Meeting' was launched by the bogus General Secretary, an instrument actually unrecognised in the Union's own constitution and which was in itself totally unconstitutional as the new Acting General Secretary, William McLinden, did not call for any such event. The bogus General Secretary, Patrick Harrington, despite having been expelled from the Union initiated a call to the membership using membership data that he had no right to use. The actual mechanics of the call for an 'EGM' were utterly bogus and disreputable, having no independent scrutineer and all of the unnumbered and unstamped 'notifications' being returned to Harrington's personal home address.

The result of this bogus call was never disputed as it produced the result that Harrington/Griffin wanted. The 'EGM' was held in an Essex location where a prominent Third Way official was based and even the Chairman of the BNP, Nick Griffin, himself attended, presumably to ensure that BNP members of the Union would vote the right way. Clearly, the National Executive Committee of Solidarity could not recognise such an aberrant event and refused to attend this farce. BNP and Third Way members were 'elected' on to a new and bogus 'Committee' and the seal had been set for the BNP/Third Way takeover of the independent trade union, Solidarity.

The official Executive responded by issuing complaints and collecting documentary evidence against the unconstitutional Solidarity Executive and began submitting these to the Certification Office. Meanwhile, the Executive could not access its own constitutional funds held with the HSBC Bank, which had been frozen by Harrington just after he had been suspended. However, despite the HSBC account being frozen and the official Executive having placed an inhibitor against Harrington on the account, Patrick Harrington managed to persuade the Bank to allow him to remove £2600 from the account. To date HSBC have failed to provide an explanation for this act of negligence and, despite HSBC having replaced the monies removed from the account (and then refreezing the account because of the dispute) the Executive apparently intend to pursue this matter further.

In November the bogus Solidarity Executive staged elections for its Executive which was now intended to be larger and with all of its members to be either BNP or Third Way appointed, an action apparently contrary to the 1992 Trade Union and Labour Relations Act that governs trade unions since election candidates should not have to members of a political party.

The Executive elections were held in November and overseen by a firm of accountants, Silver & Co, oddly enough the same accountants who are responsible for accounting the BNP finances.

Today the unconstitutional Executive of Solidarity, who hijacked the Union from its constitutional Executive in a coup d'etat when they refused to submit to the decrees and bullying of Nick Griffin, continues to run the Union and issue aggrandised statements of purpose. They have erased the history of Solidarity and how it was founded by Clive Potter and Lee Barnes, and how it was built up from nothing with very little funding from any source. It was built up through the generosity of its members who answered the call for a genuine independent nationalist trade union. Many mistakes were undoubtedly made by its Executive but also many invaluable lessons were learnt and much experience was built up.

One of the biggest lessons gained the hard way was about trust, honesty, integrity and comradeship - all values that are - or should be - from the nationalist lexicon. Patrick Harrington was given a prominent role in the embryonic union on account of his experience in defending himself from hostile trade unions, as was Clive Potter. That trust and responsibility was sorely abused when Mr Harrington refused to work as a team player and then refused to accept the disciplinary protocol that lies at the heart of every organisation. He responded to a disciplinary measure by turning on those who gave him his position in the first place and conspiring with an outside agency to set himself up as the leader of that very Union. Trust and respect went out of the window. Factionalism and conspiracy came in through the back door.

The conspiratorial efforts of Patrick Harrington would never have materialised had it not been for the involvement of BNP Chairman, Nick Griffin. His action in this regard made it possible for Harrington to seize control of the Union. His role in this affair was totally repugnant. Conspiring with a non-BNP individual (Harrington) against his own members (Potter and Hawke) was absolutely disreputable and a mark of utter disloyalty. Through this act of treachery Griffin brought the BNP into disrepute, not alone in the fact that his hijacking of an independent entity as Solidarity was contrary to the principles of the BNP and of nationalism in general. It was a black day for the BNP and for British nationalism when the leader of the BNP sought to take over an independent trade union for his own personal advantage and then discredit his own members by resorting to attempted blackmail and smear because they defended their own integrity against the dictatorial whims of Nick Griffin.

Now that the Certification Office has appointed an Inspector to investigate allegations of financial irregularities this may actually lead to some evidence being uncovered to confirm the original allegations that were made.

Furthermore, the Certification Office is considering a number of complaints against the Union for alleged breaches of both its own constitution and of statute, alleged breaches that began with the hijacking of Solidarity in July 2007 by Patrick Harrington and Nick Griffin.

What has been apparent in the Solidarity Affair is the pathetic and revolting spectacle of the BNP smear machine, led and run by Nick Griffin himself, launching attacks on brave and committed patriots, even on its very own members because they refused to submit to the will of its Chairman over the constitution and integrity of an independent trade union. The attacks by Nick Griffin on Potter and Hawke were an attack on all BNP members and all nationalists. It was an attack against intelligence, political strategy, common sense, integrity, honesty, moral values and the law. It was the application of the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest – or in this case the survival of the most powerful. The only individuals who support Griffin and Harrington in their Darwinian dog eat dog world are the existential ill-informed armchair members who have done nothing for the party except give their cash to a cash-hungry leadership. And those moral-free individuals who are either earning money from the party or Union, or have sold their souls for an illusory title that Griffin knows will keep them loyal as a badge of ownership which the owner will occasionally kick to keep them on-side.

We have a pair of political groups (BNP and Third Way) whose leadership lies to its membership and to everyone else. The dupes, the party vassals and the unthinking within their respective memberships accept and believe the lies and the illusions that parody the world views of Stalin and Hitler, that if they tell big enough lies for long enough people will believe them.

But that world of illusion is beginning to fall apart, as much as the illusory world of liberalism and multiculturalism is falling part. It is not just the public who are beginning to wake up, but also the membership of the BNP, those who joined to oppose those very illusions that confront them in their everyday lives. They have had enough of leadership lies and dictatorship and bent constitutions. They want a return to the rule of law, to integrity and to openness. They are demanding a return to the British sense of fair play and justice. They are no longer content to accept without question the use of their party as a personal plaything and a family possession. Above all, they want truth and a sense of mission so that the maximum set of effort can be applied to the biggest threat now acting against this nation.

All actions have repercussions. The immoral actions of Patrick Harrington and of Nick Griffin may have consequences that reverberate beyond the Certification Office and ensure that the un-nationalist conduct of these two leaders of British nationalism will be counted.

Let all nationalists take heed of these experiences and consider wisely just what values and principles nationalists should hold. How nationalists should conduct themselves both in public and in private life. How nationalists should ensure that they have the best and most moral leaders representing them.

27 May 2008
On 22 May 2008 the Certification Officer appointed Gerard Walker, Assistant Certification Officer, as an Inspector to investigate the financial affairs of the trade union Solidarity. The appointment was made under Section 37B of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. The Inspector's terms of reference are to investigate the financial affairs of the trade union Solidarity between 1 November 2005 and 24 November 2007; as regards;

a. the production of receipts for expenditure,

b. the operation of the Solidarity Paypal account,

c. withdrawals from the Solidarity HSBC current account on 20 and 25 September 2007 and a transfer to the Solidarity HSBC current account from the Solidarity HSBC Money Manager Account on 20 September 2007,

d. cheques cashed from the Solidarity HSBC current account between 18 January 2007 and 4 June 2007,

e. payments made to Mr Patrick Harrington from the Solidarity HSBC current account between 1 February 2007 and 1 May 2007,

f. the freezing of the Solidarity HSBC Current Account and Business Money Manager Account in 2007,

g. the opening of a Bank of Scotland account in the name of Solidarity in 2007,

h. the appointment of Accentuate PR Company by Solidarity in 2007,

i. the appointment of the auditors of Solidarity's accounts for the years ending 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2007 and

j. any other matter, with the consent of the Certification Officer, indicating a financial irregularity within the description set out in section 37B(2) of the 1992 Act that may come to light during the investigation of (a) to (i) above.

The terms of reference exclude the Inspector from reaching any conclusion on the legal issues arising out of the unresolved dispute within Solidarity about the application of its rules to its governance, the resolution of which requires either internal agreement or judicial determination.

Great advert for the BNP

Labour's lost ground

"Stoke-on-Trent used to be a Labour stronghold, but now it has nine BNP councillors. Some fear that the far-right party could be running the town hall by 2011. Patrick Barkham reports on how the left is losing the battle for white working-class votes"
"The men and women of the BNP look like your neighbours," says Michael Tappin, the former Labour group leader and ex-Stoke MEP who lost his council seat on May 1. "They are not the mythical 25st men with body-piercings and tattoos as portrayed by antifascist demonstrators. They are respectable. It's impossible to demonise them. They wear suits, they look tidy." As Tappin says, they pick up old ladies when they fall over in the street, shop for the elderly and cut people's lawns."

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A murder in Sidcup ? - Harry Potter actor ; Rob Knox

Things like that don't happen in places like Sidcup. These types of attacks only happen in, well you know........... other places in Britain.

Apparently, a young man Rob Knox has learned the harsh realities of what is happening in the UK.

We have only seen one source as to the racial identity of the perpetrator.

As soon as I heard about this story I knew instinctively the 'type' who did it. So they are finding them in Sidcup now as well are they ?

Three guesses folks as to who did it . Or perhaps you only need one guess !

1,200 people a day to lose their jobs in Britain

Economists predict that more than 1,200 people a day will lose their jobs over the next 18 months. Vicky Redwood, UK economist at Capital Economics, warned: 'The risk of a vicious circle of falling house prices and rising unemployment is growing by the day.'
She predicts that unemployment will hit 2.3m by the end of next year. That will be the highest level since 1996, when the Tories were still in power.

More links to the depressing outlook:

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mugabe speaks...

“Are you with me?” demanded a clearly worried, purple-faced Party Leader who in November 2007 in his final address at the BNP Conference in Blackpool was even back then clearly displaying signs of both megalomania and paranoia and when the first response from a thoroughly stunned audience was too feeble for Mr. Griffin’s liking he roared again “Are you with me?”.
The second response was far more voluble and clearly to His Lordship’s satisfaction, immediately switching his barely concealed sneer of contempt to a broad beaming smile at the adulation heaped upon him by a Party faithful of 200 or so members; new and old alike, confused whether they should humour him or silently head for the exit................................................
The Leader of the British National Party is now so lacking in confidence about the loyalty of those around him, so mistrusting of the officials and officers he has either appointed directly or indirectly that he is asking branch and regional organisers to test the loyalty of the Party’s own activists by getting each one to sign what is effectively an oath of allegiance to the Party’s current regime.In the past 24 hrs the Party’s Head of Administration has sent out scores of “activist declaration” forms to regional organisers in a bid to test the allegiance of officials and foot soldiers.
In echoes of Matthew Hopkins infamous 17th century witch trials anyone failing to sign the form will be assumed to be guilty, a trouble maker and a rebel and will be marked for demotion, suspension and expulsion.
Anyone signing it and later regretting it will be marked for demotion, suspension and expulsion.It is a further attempt to flush out all dissent within the Party, to tighten the grip on those who have given up thinking for themselves and will blindly follow over moor and mountain, through swamp and fen regardless of the ultimate destination, if indeed there is one.
Contempt for freedom and democracyThe BNP once claimed to stand for freedom, security, identity and democracy; the four fundamental pillars of nationalism. This absurd test of allegiance demonstrates clearly what the current Leader thinks of freedom for everyone other than himself. His recent and as yet unsuccessful attempts to derail a leadership challenge mounted by Councillor Colin Auty demonstrates clearly what the current Leader thinks about democracy in the organisation he is leading.The activist’s declaration form strangely includes “I will do nothing to embarrass the Party”.
It is unclear whether this will be retrospectively applied as it has not prevented The Great One from:
Refusing to accept the volunteered resignation of swinger Martin Reynolds (Head of Party Security) whose lurid pictures were published in a Sunday tabloid.*
Overturning the lawful and valid disciplinary action against Mark Collett and Dave Hannam who brought the Party into disrepute after picking up two under age schoolgirls in Blackpool in November 2006.*
Tolerating the existence of one, and according to some reports possibly two former cocaine dealers as officials in Cumbria and South Yorkshire.
*Tolerating the existence of a handful of “bad backers” in various positions – spongers claiming benefits from the State while being paid cash in hand and getting expenses reimbursed by the Party Treasury.
*Tolerating a totally incompetent Treasury Department which still manages to enrage scores of fundholders of local groups up and down the country; a department which cannot get its submissions to the Electoral Commission (EC) on time thereby incurring fines paid by members’ dues.
*Bragging about the huge amount of money donated to the Party earlier this year but claiming just ONE permissible donation in its submissions to the EC for the first quarter of the year.
*Actively promoting a supposed “Director” of its “Legal Department” who has made nationalism a derisory term by way of his endless hate-filled self-promoting rants combined with his supposed prophetic genius that the Second Coming is due to happen in 2012 and makes so many grammatical errors that he would never last one single day in a proper office job let alone a functioning law firm.
*Joining the same globalisation highway as our political enemies which makes a virtue out of saving money by off-shoring goods and services as is evidenced by the latest wheeze of sending BNP officials to training courses in Valencia, Spain because “it’s cheaper than conducting a similar exercise in the UK”................................................... .............
In reality from a legal point of view the declaration is not worth the paper it is written on and we have heard that so far not a single one of these forms has been completed and returned to the Supreme Leader’s HQ in Deeside.
Perhaps the days following the Bank Holiday weekend will see the full scale of the disillusionment with the current regime in which case we can expect many more ludicrous edicts and acts associated with paranoia and megalomania.
How much more nonsense will the decent, long suffering members tolerate?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Keith Brown murder trial verdict due !

When we have the verdict we will report on this very sad case.

The Liar King

Griffin lies again about BNP donations.

After banging his drum about how the new fundraising drive was bringing £thousands into the BNP, the Electoral Commission have published the grand total of £2,500 for the BNP!!!

Each mail-shot the BNP sent out cost the BNP membership £5,000, and our sources have shown 3 such mail-shots since the new year. To top it all the donation was filed late, but we've come to expect such behaviour from the underhand, and corrupt, BNP.

Update on the Griffin challenge:

Auty is still in the running. His signature collection is being hampered by Griffin who REFUSES to hand over the membership list due to it being protected under the data protection act. Beverly backed down after great pressure was brought to bear by the Griffin clique, and Auty's seconder, Roger Robertson, has been suspended from the BNP pending a disciplinary to be held on July 6th.

For anyone now in any doubt as to the personality of their leader, please bear this in mind.

Griffin has stated he will EXPEL, Auty, after the challenge has taken place along with anyone who has helped him. This is your last chance to kick Griffin out before he changes the rules, don't waste this opportunity. Spread it far and wide and email this link to ALL BNP members on your list.


Who is 'Hexapla'? After reading his/her latest article on, Malcolm Doughty, we here are wondering if he/she isn't a nationalist winding them up.
'MALC' is not, Doughty, and we know this for a fact, so, who is feeding this stuff to them? May be there is another agenda, but we here at NWN find it very strange when the UAF start writing articles on what are considered ordinary BNP members. Anyone know what's going on?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Protect our wildlife !

Issue 12: May 2008

The Bat e-Bulletin is a Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) initiative aimed at providing a regular and up-to-date source of information on a wide range of bat-related topics.

We currently aim to have a little something for everyone: research, mitigation, bat group news, bat care, rabies, wind farms, licensing, training, biodiversity information and links to other sites. However, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions on future articles, and most importantly, contributions!

What are bats doing in May?

Female bats are beginning to form maternity colonies and are looking for suitable nursery sites, such as buildings, trees or bat boxes. Male bats of most species will roost on their own or in smaller groups.

In this issue:

* BCT new website!

* 7th Daubenton’s bat has tested positive for rabies

* Natural England Bats and Churches Guidelines

* Paper in press: Cave selection and use by swarming bat species

* Bats on Coronation Street

* Nature by Night: a guide to observation and identification

* 2008 National Conference

* Help raise funds for bats

* Join now! Free book for bat e-bulletin subscribers

* VACANCY: Part-time Investigations Officer

* Dates for your diary

BCT new website!

Our website has been completely redesigned and revamped, with the aim of making all our bat information easy to find, more appealing to read, and more accessible to a wider range of people.

We have added new content and more features, including a Membership log-in function which allows members to view and update their details, and access some documents that are for members only. We plan to continue developing and enhancing the site, and welcome your feedback.

7th Daubenton’s bat has tested positive for rabies

On 7th May 2008 a Daubenton's bat in the South East of England tested positive for the presence of European Bat Lyssavirus type-2 (EBLV2), a strain of rabies occasionally found in bats.

The bat was submitted to the Veterinary Laboratory Agency (VLA) after the May Bank Holiday, after carers became concerned about its behaviour. The bat had been in care in SE England since August 2007, and as we understand, good practice guidelines were followed at all times. For more information, please go to:
Natural England Bats and Churches Guidelines

Natural England has produced a leaflet to help those looking after church buildings to understand their legal obligations towards bats. The leaflet is targeted at architects, surveyors, local authority conservation officers, ecologists and Natural England and English Heritage staff and volunteers. It is available to download for free from:

Paper in press: Cave selection and use by swarming bat species

A paper, which is soon to be published in Biological Conservation, shows that the national importance of caves used by swarming bats has been overlooked.

Glover and Altringham (in press) surveyed the UK’s largest karst landscape, the Yorkshire Dales, by monitoring autumn swarming (mating) activity at 53 caves. They found that bat populations and catchment sizes were large and that, despite the proximity of other suitable caves, bats showed high fidelity to single sites. For the full abstract, please go to

Nature by Night: a guide to observation and identification

For all those with a broad interst in night-time beasties, thought you might be intersted in this new observation guide, which was published last month.

This little paperback book is split into two sections: a general introduction into surveying at night, followed by species identification (including all manner of night time plants, insects, herps, birds and mammals). It has to be said that we didn’t entirely agree with some of the comments about bats! But it’s broad spectrum, illustrated with beatiful little water colours, makes it a lovely little book for all geenral enthusiasts out there.

Bats on Coronation Street

As some of you may be aware, Coronation Street (ITV1) ran a storyline about bats on a building site.

BCT was consulted by the researchers on general information about bats, their protection and some of the processes involved in licensing, as was Natural England. However, unfortunately we were not able to influence the storyline or how it panned out, and it seems the builder got away with destroying the roost.

However, we believe that, overall, the storyline showed bats in a positive light and that if the builder was portrayed in a negative way. Furthermore, calls to BCT's Bat Helpline indicate the Coronation Street plot may already have saved some real-life roosts, as people who were previously unaware bats are protected have now become informed.

BCT Conference 2008

A quick reminder to all that this year’s National Conference will be held at the University of Reading from 12th to 14th September. For those that haven’t yet booked, but are still intending to, we hope to have the online booking facility up and running within the next couple weeks. (Keep an eye on our website The booking form is also available to download now from

Help raise funds for bats

The summer bat season is almost upon us with hundreds of bat walks, talks and events being planned at venues across the country. BCT has donation tins, information leaflets and exclusive bat pin badges available for use at these events to help raise money for the UK’s bats. If you’re organising such an event or planning on attending one and wish to help fundraise for bats, please contact Steve Lonergan ( In addition, if you know of a fantastic venue or site near you that could go batty for bats this summer, then please let Steve know too!

Join Now! Free book for Bat e-bulletin subscribers

BCT is running a special membership promotion for Bat e-Bulletin subscribers this month, so if you're not already a member you can sign up today and receive a FREE ‘Bats’ book.

As a BCT member you also will receive a range of benefits – find out more details and to sign up today!

Your support will make a big different to what we are able to achieve.

NB: Enter the promotion code 'EB' to claim your free book. Offer ends 15th June 2008

VACANCY: Part-time Investigations Officer

This is a part-time position (2 days a week) involving work with the police and prosecuting authorities, bat workers and the statutory nature conservation organisations, to reduce the level of bat related crime in the UK. The job description and application form can be downloaded from our website:

Salary: £18,000 - £21,000 pro rata depending on experience

Deadline: 5th June 2008

Dates for the diary:

Wales Bat Conference 20th-22nd June 2008

European Bat weekend 29th-31st August 2008

BCT National Conference 12th-14th September 2008

Bat Group Forum 12th September 2008

Scottish Bat Conference 8th November 2008

Provisional 2009 dates:

Bat Group Forum 21st February 2009, 16th May 2009

Bat e-Bulletin is compiled by Laura Dunne at the Bat Conservation Trust.

Bat Conservation Trust, 15 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4BG Bat Helpline: 0845 1300 228 (local rate)



The next issue of Bat e-Bulletin will be circulated in mid July 2008. Any contributions, comments and feedback should be sent to BCT by 4th July.
Racismo y realidad- Joachin Bochaca speaks in Barcelona,Spain

Bigger the better for Salim family

ROCHDALE’S own super-sized family is set to star in a Channel 4 documentary tonight (Thurs).

Mohammed and Noreen Salim and their 11 children spent four months being followed by cameras for a one-off show about big families called 13 Kids and Wanting More.

The documentary begins the month before the family’s youngest daughter arrived in January this year.

According to Mohammed, producers were keen to focus on the religious reasons behind his enormous brood.

Mohammed was filmed explaining that his large family came about because he doesn’t want, in his words, to ‘Interfere with God’s doing’ by using contraception.

The programme also shows a health visitor warning the couple about the strain being put on Noreen’s body by her numerous pregnancies.

The Salims weren’t the largest family on the show however.

One of the other featured families was about to welcome its 12th member and another couple already had 13 children.

And despite the show’s title, the Salims have yet to beat the record, though if Mohammed gets his way, a baker’s dozen sized brood won’t be far off.

Mohammed said: "I’ve not seen the finished documentary yet, but I think it’s going to be quite positive.

"They mainly wanted to find out what it’s like for us every day coping with lots of children.

"They told us having babies is putting a lot of strain on Noreen, but she’s fine, still just as great as the day I married her."

The show airs on Channel 4 at 9pm tonight.

Mohammed’s days in front of the camera aren’t over just yet.

He is currently filming for a Channel Five show called Seven Deadly Sins.

He will appear on the show which focuses on the sin ‘Sloth’ after revealing earlier this year that the family survive on state benefits.

NWN: Salim has stood for Parliament in Rochdale several times, and is the only candidate who shakes the BNP candidates hand at the count. Salim stands for the Zinda baad party.

He is also a fervent anti-zionist.

Salim fully understands the consequences of such a large family, and not only the sheer amount of state benefits alone. No-one has wages in Rochdale equivalent to the state benefits for this number of kids.

For more info on Salim read ;

Burning of Bibles in Israel

Or Yehuda deputy mayor: I'm sorry about burning New Testaments

The burning of hundreds of New Testaments by yeshiva students in Or Yehuda last week was regrettable and unplanned, the city's deputy mayor, the man who spurred the students to act, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon of Shas used the opportunity of speaking to the Post, which publishes a monthly Christian Edition, to apologize to Christians worldwide, saying he hoped the incident would not inflame tensions between Jews and Christians.

Following the publication of the story on Tuesday, however, many messianic Jewish and other Christian groups expressed grave concern over the increasingly violent nature of anti-missionary activity in Israel.

Aharon had a very busy Tuesday. In the morning, Ma'ariv ran a story on how he organized to retrieve and burn hundreds of New Testaments given to Ethiopian Jews in his city by local messianic Jews. By 9 a.m. he was on an Army Radio news-talk show defending his actions, which he called "purging the evil among us."

At 10:30 he was on Channel 2's morning news show saying that Ethiopian immigrants in Or Yehuda were being encouraged to go against Judaism by messianic Jews. "We need to stop being ashamed of our Jewishness and to fight those who are breaking the law by missionizing against us," he said.

But by the early afternoon he had already been interviewed by Russian, Italian and French TV, explaining to their highly offended audiences back home how he had not meant for the Bibles to be burned, and trying to undo the damage caused by the news [and photographs] of Jews burning New Testaments.

But then he also told The Associated Press that he didn't condemn the Bible burning, calling it a "commandment."

For more

NWN: Oi veh ! Can you imagine the furore if any other group burned another groups holy books ?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Leadership Challenge in Tatters?

Word is reaching us that Colin Auty’s challenge is failing after Councillor Chris Beverly and his wife have removed their support. We also understand that Colin Auty doesn’t have enough signatures to stand anyway. Confirmation if any on the latter point would be welcome.

In light of the above, it would appear that Eddy Butlers email last week has had the desired effect of calming the anti Griffin waters.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Southern England will bear the brunt of hundreds of thousands of extra homes for migrants, Government admits

Towns and cities in southern England will have to squeeze in hundreds of thousands of extra homes for new migrants, according to official figures.

The Government has been forced to revise the figures upwards after reviewing its predictions for where immigrants will settle.

It says that fewer will live and work in London than previously thought, with more choosing to go to suburban and countryside areas in the southern half of the country.

Homes will have to be found for an extra 30,000 families a year in the East of England, according to the updated figures from the Department of Communities and Local Government.

Nearly 36,000 more will need a home in the South-East, nearly 29,000 extra in the South-West, and 22,000 in the East Midlands.

But independent analysts said yesterday that the numbers for immigrants overall are still far too low and take no account of the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans over the past four years.

The figures could not come at a worse time for ministers, who have already acknowledged they will miss their targets for building millions of homes across the country.

The looming recession has further trimmed back State spending on housing and forced builders to halt construction plans.

Queues for taxpayer- subsidised social housing are already lengthening. Last week local government chiefs said that five million - one in ten of England's population - will be on waiting lists for council or housing association homes by 2010.

According to the department's calculations, the number of additional families and individuals who will need homes in the South-East over the next 20 years is more than four million - 4,257,000.

The East of England will take more than three million, the South-West just under three million, and the East Midlands around 2.3million.

In other parts of the country the population will grow much more slowly, the figures say. And the need for new homes in London can be scaled down from just under 39,000 a year to just over 33,000.

The extra pressure in southern areas is likely to come from high numbers of immigrants taking jobs in agriculture and agricultural industries.

There are also growing numbers of successful immigrant families moving out of London as part of the middleclass "white flight" movement.

The estimates are based on population figures for 2004 - before most Eastern European immigrants arrived here after their countries joined the EU.

A spokesman for the Communities Department said: "The revised population projections used an improved method for estimating the distribution of migrants around the country.

"This has tended to reduce the population growth in London and increased the projected rate in other regions."

Sir Andrew Green of the Migrationwatch think tank said: "This underlines the massive impact immigration is having throughout the country.

"The effect of immigration on housing demand is an aspect which the Government does its best to play down."

Ministers say that a third of new households over the next two decades will be formed by new immigrants. But this is based on figures drawn up four years ago.

Revised estimates expected in the autumn are likely to say that 40 per cent of new households will be formed by migrants.

Now desperate middle class families face huge debt crisis as more and more professionals plunge into the red

Debt crisis: The number of middle class professionals plunging into the red is increasingly rapidly. (Posed by model)
Middle Britain has been hit by a devastating debt crisis, experts said yesterday.

Even apparently well-off people with good jobs have plunged into the red.

Debt advice centres in middle-class areas have seen increases of up to 500 per cent in the numbers of people pleading for help.

There are even fears of suicides prompted by despair and shame.

Financial advisers gave examples of how deeply the crisis is biting.

They included:

• A TV producer on £70,000 a year, with £26,500 credit card and other debts and £25,500 in loans secured against property;

• An IT consultant on £28,500 who has £28,500 debt and a county court judgment against him;

• A retired bank manager with an income of £40,000 and £110,000 of debt from 20 credit cards and loans.

Many household budgets have been pushed to breaking point and beyond by the disappearance of cheap mortgage deals, due to the global credit crunch, coupled with higher bills for food, utilities, petrol and other essentials.

Those tempted by bank offers of cheap credit over the last decade now find they cannot meet the repayments on their debts.

The epidemic is spreading so fast that some debt advice centres are reported to be turning people away because there are simply too few experts to help them. Centres in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, and Congleton, Cheshire – an area dubbed Footballers' Wives territory – have seen increases of 500 per cent in the inquiries they are receiving.

The Congleton centre has 135 clients who share a staggering £5.1million in debt.

The figures on those seeking help come from Transact, which co-ordinates the activities of some 1,200 debt advice centres across the country.

Spokesman James Elliott said they were seeing a new type of client.

"In the past it was almost uniquely people on benefits, people in social housing, who went to debt advice agencies," he said.

"Since the credit crunch started they are seeing a big increase in professional people and homeowners – people who have been pushed over the edge and now can't cope with their outgoings.

Scroll down for more...

Breaking point: Debt advice centres in middle-class areas have seen increases of up to 500 per cent in the numbers of people pleading for help. (Posed by models)

"These services are being overwhelmed by a whole new breed of debtor – middle-class people. But it means there is now much less debt advice to go round."

At one time, people who ran up massive credit card bills and overdrafts looked to clear the slate by borrowing more against their homes through remortgaging.

But the banks have shut off that escape route with tough new rules on lending to those already carrying big debts.

Community Money Advice, a charity which helps to establish and support money-advice services, reports an 85 per cent increase nationwide in the number of people seeking financial help in the 12 months to December.

There was an increase of 234 per cent in demand for its services on Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and rises of 55 per cent in Cambridge and 48 per cent in Horsham, West Sussex.

Chief executive Heather Keates said: "We are seeing a new type of client.

"Teachers, police and banking and service sector workers, many of them homeowners, are struggling with mortgages, secured loans and credit card debts.

"They were already financially stretched but they have now been pushed over the edge by dearer credit and the big increases in food and utility costs."

Miss Keates added: "Some of the figures are staggering. We have one or two clients with debts of millions of pounds".

Such large debts usually arise from property and stock market investments that have gone wrong, however, rather than domestic problems.

The charity has also seen an alarming increase in the number of people whose homes are being repossessed.

Emma Russell, senior adviser at the Mid-Sussex Debt Advice Centre, said the average debt of their clients – not counting their mortgages – was now running at around £20,000.

"We've seen probably almost a 100per cent increase in clients. This time last year we were really quite quiet," she told the BBC.

"I've had at least two clients sit in front of me and tell me they would have killed themselves if they hadn't found out we were here."

Advisers say a large part of the blame for the crisis must be taken by people who have lived the high life with new homes, cars, designer clothes and holidays – all bought on credit.

But experts insist that banks and other financial institutions must take some responsibility for encouraging people to go into debt by handing out credit cards without proper financial checks.

They also believe the government should do more to educate people about personal finance, so they can avoid the problems now hitting so many families.

Knesset members: 'Bush more Zionist than Olmert'

Following the US President's speech at the Israeli Knesset last Thursday, marking the 60th anniversary of Israel's founding, several right wing members of Knesset said that "Bush seems to be more Zionist than Olmert" and that "it is better to have Bush as a PM instead of Olmert". The Arabs48 news website reported that some of the Knesset members even said "Bush appears to be the one person who will achieve the Zionist aspirations"!!

During the Knesset session Olmert said that upon achieving a peace deal with the Palestinians, the agreement will be presented to the Knesset for approval, and that such an agreement will achieve the approval of the Knesset and will be supported by the Israeli public.

In his speech, Olmert added that "Bush is a true and faithful friend to Israel" and that the friendship between Israel and the United States is based on "moral, human and social values based on justice and peace." Olmert also said that the visit of Bush gives the peace process a push in order to achieve a two-state solution.

Yet, several right wing members of Knesset, such as Zify Handel and Uri Ariel from the Mifdal party, objected to the statements of Olmert and said that "it seems that Bush will be a better Zionist leader than Olmert." Knesset member Ruby Revlin said that "comparing between Bush and Olmert, Bush appears the one who achieves the Zionist aspirations."

During his Knesset speech, Bush said that “Israel will be celebrating its 120th anniversary as one of the World’s greatest democracies, a secure flourishing homeland of the Jewish people," Israeli daily Haaretz reported. He also said that Israel can always count on the United States to support it and "stand with you."

Unsurprisingly, Bush's speech totally ignored the Palestinian existence, the occupation and the suffering of the Palestinian people under occupation.

You can read the whole speech here:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MI5 linked to Max Mosley sex scandal

An MI5 officer has been forced to resign after admitting that his wife was a prostitute who took part in a notorious “Nazi-style orgy” with Max Mosley, the Formula One racing chief.
The intelligence officer, who cannot be named for security reasons, left the service last month after it emerged that his wife was one of the five call girls who took part in the sadomasochistic sex session with Mosley.
Exposure of the lurid orgy led to calls for Mosley, the son of Sir Oswald Mosley, the wartime British fascist leader, to step down from his post as president of the FIA, the governing body of world motor sport.
In an extraordinary turn of events yesterday, MI5 was forced to deny through Whitehall channels that the orgy had been a “sting” that it had set up to discredit Mosley. “Any suggestion that the service was involved in setting up Mosley is total nonsense,” a senior Whitehall official said.

"The suggestion of MI5 involvement in the Mosley scandal will bring back echoes of the role that the spy service had in monitoring his father. Documents released by the Public Records Office in 2002 showed how the intelligence agency had planted unnamed informants inside the British Union of Fascists. They reported on him until his arrest and detention in 1940"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

NWN to show interviews by BNP Leadership challengers
We at NWN are putting out 'feelers' to all the challengers, so that they might all have a platform.
We want to use the internet for the candidates, to allow them to address and speak to a bigger/huge audience.
At the moment, we are trying to contact Cllr. Colin Auty and Mr. Chris Jackson for our first interviews for this site.
As the film will not be based on this site, they will be allowed up to approximately 45 minutes of video.
Any other candidates can please contact this site, so that we may arrange an interview for them.
If Mr Barnbrook's people wish to avail themselves of this site, can they please contact us asap.

Friday, May 16, 2008

BNP's Third Challenger:
Richard Barnbrook to stand for BNP Party leader ?

Word is reaching us that, Richard Barnbrook, is the third man. If so, will the other two challengers stand aside for a man who could actually win?

Barnbrooks GLA win makes him the most successful, and powerful person within the BNP.

Italian tolerance goes up in smoke as Gypsy camp is burnt to ground

The remains of the camp set on fire on Wednesday as local people watched and applauded

In cruel and unusual concert, Italy's new government, its police and paramilitary carabinieri, and even its gangsters, have turned their joint might against the nation's enemy number one: the Gypsies.

Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI and a small number of left-wingers raised lonely voices in central Naples against the national hardening of hearts towards Europe's perennial outsiders. To little avail: the Pope's appeal for a spirit of welcome and acceptance was met with a hail of angry rejection in blogged comments on news websites.

But what will remain scorched in the nation's memory – as a mark of shame, or a beacon pointing the way forward, depending on how you see it – are the flaming structures of the Gypsy camp burnt in the Ponticelli district of Naples on Wednesday.

Residents of the former communist stronghold on the northern outskirts of Naples have been raising hell about the camp since Saturday, when a woman claimed a Gypsy girl had entered her flat and tried to steal her baby.

The first Molotov cocktails descended on the improvised huts and cabins on Tuesday evening, after which the 800-odd inhabitants began moving out of the area in groups. On Wednesday the fire-raisers, said to belong to the Camorra, the Neapolitan equivalent of the Mafia, burnt the camp in earnest, watched by applauding local people and unchallenged by the police. When firefighters showed up to douse the blaze, local people taunted and whistled at them. The last Roma moved out under police protection.

Only then did local politicians shed a few crocodile tears: Antonio Bassolino, governor of the Campania region, declaring: "We must stop with the greatest determination these disturbing episodes against the Roma." Rosa Russo Iervolino, the Mayor of Naples, chimed in: "It is unthinkable that anyone could imagine that I could justify reprisals against the Roma."

But the first act of ethnic cleansing in the new Italy passed off with little fuss. Flora Martinelli, the woman who reported the alleged kidnap attempt on her baby, said: "I'm very sorry for what's happening, I didn't want it to come to this. But the Gypsies had to go."

Roma have been living in Italy for seven centuries, and 70,000 of the 160,000-strong population have Italian citizenship. They amount to less than 0.3 per cent of the population, one of the lowest proportions in Europe. But their poverty and resistance to integration have made them far more conspicuous than other communities. And the influx of thousands more from Romania in the past year has confirmed the view of many Italians that the Gypsies and their eyesore encampments are the source of all their problems.

The forces of law and order took up the struggle yesterday. In Rome, some 50 Roma without identification and living in the city's biggest Gypsy camp were arrested as part of a crackdown on illegal immigration which resulted in more than 400 arrests nationwide.

Meanwhile, the government announced that its new diktat on security is almost ready and will be approved at its first cabinet meeting in Naples, as announced by Mr Berlusconi, to symbolise his determination to crack the city's chronic refuse problem.

The "decree law", which will have immediate effect, is expected to make illegal immigration a criminal offence, punishable by up to four years in prison. The discussion of the draft of the law and the announcement that there will be no more amnesties have thrown the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who work informally as nurses and old people's companions into a panic. Now the government is trying to fine tune the law so it only applies to criminally inclined clandestini – and Gypsies.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...