Reform Group Statement
Please reply to:
PO Box 83
Tel: 0799 058 7575
6th May 07Draft.
"A proper Party structure and Constitution."
This challenge to NG’s leadership is made as a start to the process in which the Party gets a recognisable normal Constitution for a corporate body under English law. As a talking point, the current leader has, and the founder leader had, enormous talent in some directions and, it seems, none in others.
This has meant the Party has not been developed in a balanced manner.Currently, the Party is effectively run as a dictatorship. There are no ‘checks and balances’.
NG appoints all Party officials and consequently, many are ‘yes’ men. Opinions, other than those of NG, lead to dismissal from Party positions and even dismissal from the Party. Over the years NG has held widely varying political views. This means, in our opinion, that his political judgement is very poor.
He has made some serious errors in his appointment of personnel, most particularly the appointment of the unstable character, Tony Lecomber, as his chief regulating officer. Further it should be noted that NG has had a poor history concerning money. No prudent organisation would allow someone with his history to be responsible for Party funds.
In our view, the Party must have a proper structure. It must have a number of the key officials directly elected by the members, in particular, the offices of Vice Chairman and Party Treasurer must be directly elected.
The Party Chairman would be bound to discuss and agree with the majority of the other elected officials, matters of policy and discipline.The Party must adopt a set of basic principles; for example, the Party is a party of the whole United Kingdom. It is not just a party of England, or any other part of the United Kingdom.
Again, only the original peoples of the United Kingdom would be eligible for membership of the BNP and eventually citizenship of the UK. (An exception would be for people currently living in the UK of closely related European stock.) No Asians, Africans and so on, including half-castes could be members, or expect to live permanently in the UK.
It would be understood that all foreigners would be sent back to their homelands, however gently.
The Party would make an effort to unite genuine nationalists into one party. NG is unable to do this. He is an ex-chairman of the National Front and is now persona non-grata in that direction. Similarly, he is unacceptable to the Freedom Party and the BPP. He is also the ex-leader of the International Third Position.
For ideas concerning organisation and principles, please see thenationalparty.org.uk . The articles on this website are not meant to be a definitive.
They are meant as a starting point for discussion.
I pledge myself to see the reform of the Party on the above lines.
Chris Jackson :Challenger.
Richard Edmonds : Proposer BNP founder member.
Mike Easter : SeconderBNP founder member.
"We hold our land in trust from our forefathers for our children and our children’s children".
I will happily sign the Chris Jackson nomination papers.
As somebody smeared with falsehoods and lies by his team of cranks, i.e ebanks, i will happily sign to watch him get humiliated and show that the party members are behind Nick Griffin and the BNP team, and are behind the approach that has brought unprecedented success, and will bring more.
David Hannam
Deputy Treasurer
Is this guy Hannam for real ?
We know nothing about him except that he got a jail sentence(suspended?) for some madcap BNP leaflet some years back.
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