Monday, May 14, 2007

BNP Dirty tricks department in full flow
We are hearing of an outbreak of 'dirty tricks' occuring in the build -up to this years BNP leadership campaign. Guess who is behind at least one of those campaigns ? Well , in the picture he is NOT the black guy !
More info as we get it.


Anonymous said...

Chriss has given the dirty trick dept a field day by having Mike Easter as a nominee .
R E is behond any critisism a true nationalist between him and Chriss they have many years service in the cause but Easter has always been trouble .
I'm still voting for Chriss but dont think it will do much good this time round .

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Mike Easter has often been a maverick, sure, but no one has ever doubted his commitment to our cause.

JT fell out with Mike Easter in 1987 over his decision (along with Alf Waite) to break with the party line and stand in the general election.

But they were soon reconciled and in later years often used to meet to discuss developments in the party.

The point is surely that Chris's campaign has to be a broad church, and I'm pleased to see that a key campaign pledge is to initiate moves towards reuniting the nationalist movement.

Anonymous said...

makes the rochdale organiser a liar as he stated from the horses mouth that this wouldnt happen.

Anonymous said...

I disagree Pete what about the time he refused to pledge to provide employment that would have got a nationalist organiser freed early from a prison sentence ( D O jailed for free speech ) when he was in a position to do it .
Or the demands to expell those who defended the rememberance day march in York and fell foul of the law ( one of those he wanted expelled was the son of late great J P )

Anonymous said...

So, MI5's man-in-the-BNP breaks cover to help Griffin yet again ...

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...