Friday, May 04, 2007

A lady BNP Candidate thrown out of count !

News is coming in that Anita Corbett and her husband were evicted from their count in Oldham tonight. Apparently some lying Labour scumbag set them up.

This is not the first time that BNP senior people have been set-up at Oldhams election count.

A few years back BNP leadership contender Chris Jackson was arrested on the say so of some western oriental gentlewoman.Chris represented himself and was found not guilty.

Complaints against whomever threw the Corbetts out should be the order of the day, be it the Police or Council officials.


The Green Arrow said...

Any more information on how they are doing. Im starved for information here in the middle of nowhere.


Anonymous said...

pete take the pisture done please :(

Anonymous said...

AC is an ELECTION CANDIDATE whose picture has been MADE AVAILABLE TO THE PRESS, so why take it down? That is just sheer paranoia.

NorthWestNationalists said...

I am not sure what to make of the anonymous second post on here.

Anita knows my phone number and she has only to ask and I will take the picture down.

Though it must ne said ,I agree with the sentiment of the third comment. Mrs Corbetts pic was gleaned off the web, it is already in the public domain. Her picture is on her election addresses. She was the Oldham BNP Organiser.

So in view of that I dont believe that Anita sent that post.

That being said, I understand her frustration having stood for election for the cause again.

If it wasn't for people like Anita Corbett, the BNP would not exist.

Anonymous said...

Anita and myself have no problem with the photograph as the Oldham Chronicle stated "Anita is the known face of the BNP in Oldham".

The whole situation was a set up, the Liebour Cllr came over shook Anita's hand then verbally abused me and stated "we were only in this for the money" to which I stated I am a MD of a company I don't need the money. I commented that if we did manage to be elected I/we would gladly donate the money back into the community for funds for a youth club. To which he stated "Norman you are nothing but a tosser and a wanker" he then scurried as fast as he could to be near the OB, I followed him to ask why had he abused me in front of my wife,he then alleged to the police that I had assualted him!!!

Tried to make a formal complaint to the police at the station (guess what it was shut) but apparently abusing someone at an election count does not count.

p.s Anita was NOT thrown out she walked out in disgust at the way I had been man-handled at the count.

Anonymous said...

"To which he stated "Norman you are nothing but a tosser and a wanker" he then scurried as fast as he could to be near the OB, I followed him to ask why had he abused me in front of my wife,he then alleged to the police that I had assualted him!!!"

WHY TALK TO The Labour Chap In the First Place.

Anonymous said...

did four people get booted out from the royton ward count.
should of kept an eye on the counting, thats what its all about.
what about the complaint to the election officer, what did they say about your complaint.

Anonymous said...

as anyone complained to the council. dont leave it to late.what charges did the copper give you when booting you out.

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