Third Way at it again !
Looks like the liberal traitors of the National Liberal Party are trying to cash in on the Magna Carta and the legitimate campaign for liberty :
There is a link to the National Liberal Party on the site that shows that it is merely a political party stunt by the disreputable multicult National Liberal Party trying to get cash for its elections - a cheap and outlandish political abuse of a legitimate concern.
Issues such as liberty and the growing dominance of the Big Brother State should not be abused by unprincipled greedy little political cults like the National Liberal Party - which is the political wing of the Third Way 'Think Tank', a false pseudo-nationalist organisation set up by Patrick Harrington.
Looks like Pat Harrington is behind the campaign, yet again demanding money and trying to find ways of screwing it from gullible if well-meaning punters.
Interesting that greedy Pat Harrington and his equally greedy Third Way clones have jumped on the freedom bandwagon to milk it of cash. The title of Harrington's article, 'Magna Carta Moneybomb Appeal' is most intriguing: clearly Harrington and the NLP see the stuggle to preserve the freedoms engendered by the historic Magna Carta as ripe for financial exploitation - a sort of ripening cash prize just waiting to explode into the laps of the greedy NLP politicians.
However, looking at their graphic illustration of their money appeal it seems that people can see through their transparent 'appeal' for money and are avoiding the NLP's transparent grab for punter's cash.
Looks like Pat Harrington and the NLP have 'bombed' in their 'Moneybomb' appeal! Ron Paul - Our kind of Patriotic Liberal MainMagna Carta Moneybomb Appeal By Pat June 2, 2008 Most of us take our liberties for granted.
We count ourselves blessed to be born in a country that, however imperfect, has a universal franchise to elect most legislatures, practices Habeas Corpus, grants trial by jury, says someone is innocent until proven guilty and lauds free speech.
Today however these rights are under threat from a BIG BROTHER state (and by external agencies such as the European Union) that want to control our lives.
In the UK the State is attacking our fundamental freedoms by:-
*Trying to force everyone to carry an ID CARD.
*Littering our Cities, towns and villages with surveillance, including speed, cameras to raise money whilst spying on us.
*Gathering personal information including DNA on all citizens.
*Monitoring personal communications.
*Increasing the use of detention without trial.
*Signing up to EU laws allowing foreign agencies access to personal information.
* Institutionalising Political Correctness that has frightened many citizens from voicing their opinion on a whole host of subjects.
In the 13th Century England the monarchy was the enemy of freedom and liberty.
In 1215 on June 15th, King John was forced to sign the MAGNA CARTA which set out the limits of the King’s powers and forced him to accept that his subjects had rights.
It’s time we had a new Magna Carta to protect our rights!
Once upon a time an ‘Englishman’s home was his castle’. Today it seems his door is wide open! Help us fight back by donating to liberty on Magna Carta Day on JUNE 15TH.
We have produced a Liberty Video explaining how the liberties we take for granted are under attack. Please get as many people as possible to see the video. Help the National Liberal Party to campaign against a ‘Big-Brother’ state by exposing its growth and making LIBERTY an issue at future elections. Make this the largest mass donation for a political cause in the UK.
Let’s make history!
OUR GOAL TO SIGN UP 10,000 BELIEVERS IN LIBERTYTO DONATE £10 EACH ON JUNE 15THGO TO Watch and distribute the Magna Carta Moneybomb Appeal Sign up for this historic event. Pass this onto all your friends and spread the word everywhere!
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
I see that Lancaster Unity have a good post about our rip-off nationalist leaders and their "appeals" for money.
They may be our enemies but we do seem to agree on one thing and that is the disgraceful behaviour of people like Nick Griffin and Patrick Harington.
Their analyses of the Griffinite-led BNP and the corruption of Griffin and some of his acolytes like Harrington are often very accurate.
I do tend to think though that with people like that leading the nationalist movement then the far-Left should really be supporting Griffin and Harrington. After all, it is those very leaders who are responsible for holding back the advance of nationalism in this country.Griffin and Harrington are doing the work of the enemy with their actions.
If little Pat is so hard up for cash, perhaps the fomer Mrs Harrington could pop around and give me one of those "excellent" massages that landed her in hot water last year.
**I see that Lancaster Unity have a good post about our rip-off nationalist leaders and their "appeals" for money.**
It is a good post. We don't have anyone to match Denise. She's always good reading and writes with style. You don't usually get that from the left. BUT she's not from the left. She's a Conservative so she's not got all that left wing baggage and knows how to slant her propoganda.
**I do tend to think though that with people like that leading the nationalist movement then the far-Left should really be supporting Griffin and Harrington.**
That's where your wrong. Denise and Ketlan are deliberately undermining support for Cyclops and going easy on the hardliners and VOC/rebels/Auty. Didn't you notice how focused her attack on Cyclops was in her Nine Years Of Vision And Vermin article?
That article could have appeared here but nobody would have took any notice because of the hatchet job Cyclops and co done on you.
She knew that article would be used by nationalists to attack Cyclops, thats why she wrote it. She was feeding them ammunition.
She's playing a clever game and one day she'll do the same to you as she's doing to Cyclops.
"That's where your wrong. Denise and Ketlan are deliberately undermining support for Cyclops and going easy on the hardliners and VOC/rebels/Auty. Didn't you notice how focused her attack on Cyclops was in her Nine Years Of Vision And Vermin article?
That article could have appeared here but nobody would have took any notice because of the hatchet job Cyclops and co done on you.
She knew that article would be used by nationalists to attack Cyclops, thats why she wrote it. She was feeding them ammunition.
She's playing a clever game and one day she'll do the same to you as she's doing to Cyclops."
Absolutely right here. I agree with you that UAF are indeed playing a clever game, undermining support for our friend Cyclops and causing weakness and internal dissession within the BNP. The anti-Griffinites will of course use what ammunition there is available, especiallly if well-written and from respected sources.
And you are absolutely correct too in your statement that UAF will do exactly the same to us and any new BNP leadership or promising nationalist movement as they are currently doing on the Griffin regime.
UAF remain, of course, our total and implacable enemies and to be treated with extreme caution and respect.
If I was UAF though I would not provide nationalists with ammunition in which to attack Griffin and the other corrupt members of the Griffin-led BNP as Griffin and his colleagues seem to be doing a good enough job in undermining its own movement, expelling activists and deliberately slowing down the BNP's progress.
The way Griifin behaves one would have thought that he was acting for either the State or the Left.
If nationalism can remove Griffin and get a good enough leader to lead it the BNP would make tremendous progress. As it is it has been consigned to the dank stagnant waters of the fringe.
From 'Oliver' the Musical, starring Nick Griffin as The Artful Dodger and Pat Harrington as Fagin, with Mark Collett as Oliver...
[FAGIN (Harrington)(spoken)]
You see, Oliver (Collett)...
[sung] In this life, one thing counts
In the bank, large amounts
I'm afraid these don't grow on trees,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs]
Large amounts don't grow on trees.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[FAGIN (Harrington)(spoken)]
Let's show Oliver (Collett) how it's done, shall we, my dears?
[sung] Why should we break our backs
Stupidly paying tax?
Better get some untaxed income
Better to pick-a-pocket or two.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs)]
Why should we all break our backs?
Better pick-a-pocket or two.
[FAGIN (Harrington) (spoken)]
Who says crime doesn't pay?
[sung] Robin Hood, what a crook!
Gave away, what he took.
Charity's fine, subscribe to mine.
Get out and pick-a-pocket or two
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs)]
Robin Hood was far too good
He had to pick-a-pocket or two.
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
Take a tip from Bill Sikes
He can whip what he likes.
I recall, he started small
He had to pick-a-pocket or two.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs)]
We can be like old Bill Sikes
If we pick-a-pocket or two.
[FAGIN (Harrington)(spoken)]
Stop thief!
Dear old gent passing by
Something nice takes his eye
Everything's clear, attack the rear
Get in and pick-a-pocket or two.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs)]
Have no fear, attack the rear
Get in and pick-a-pocket or two.
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
When I see someone rich,
Both my thumbs start to itch
Only to find some peace of mind
We have to pick-a-pocket or two.
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs)]
Just to find some peace of mind
[FAGIN AND BOYS (Harrington and Third Way Borgs)]
We have to pick-a-pocket or two!
(Or if you're very naughty and critical of Harrington it'll be "We have to post a packet of shit ot two".
You have been warned.
THAT'S on the orders of Pat Harrington.
"I Would Sue Anything for Cash"
Based on the Meatloaf song "I Would Do Anything for Love" and kindly amended by our songster Nick Griffin on the orders of Pat Harrington (since his fellow musician Cllr Auty is now challenging him for leadership of the BNP our Nick has had to produce his own songs instead).
We all know Old Nick's contempt for his members and whether you're a member who has donated all of your hard-earned cash to the BNP. Or maybe you're an activist who has spent every spare moment leafletting and campaigning for the BNP but just happen to disagree with something that Old Nick Mussolini has said or done, and now find yourself expelled, this song is for you.
If you're like those Voice of Change rebels who dared had the affrontery of opposing Old Nick himself you'll find yourself in court with Our Nick trying to sue you (using his members' money of course, never his own - he's not that stupid).
But of course, Old Nick has an evil twin brother, separated at birth, and lost when the National Front umbilical cord was severed, Old Nick walking off to a lucrative life stacking supermarket shelves and his evil twin brother, Patrick (Harrington) walking aimlesly into the distance, discovering a new form of politics - national liberalism - whilst masturbating over works of Tolkien. As Old Nick began his conquest of British nationalism by scheming up the greasy slippery pole and plotting against his colleague, John Tyndall, Old Nick's long-lost twin created a plan to take over the world and to reshape it into his own vision. He created the Third Way. And like the Hammer House of Horror this creation took on a life of its own and began to spawn all sorts of deviant derivatives, including Mother Earth, Counter Culture, Solidarity and even a political entity called the National Liberal Party. Like the Thule Society and its political wing, the NSDAP, the Third Way became obsessed in taking over the world through its Master Plan as its fuhrer, Pat Harrington, plotted to become ruler of the universe, well so long as it was after tea-time which his dear mother, a white witch, did for him (as well as wiping his backside for him as Pat didn't like to do the dirty jobs that other people could do for him).
Then one day Old Nick met Brother Pat as they were walking through Solidarity and decided to kiss and make up, after their fall-out when their umblical cord was severed when their mother, a hyena, gave birth in a desolate graveyard ( a bit like "The Omen" really, but without the laughs).
Both realised that one another had the devil number written on their heads and their devilish pact was consummated.
Now we can all enjoy the antics of the twin brothers Old Nick and Brother Pat as they work together on their Master Plan. Once they have conquered your bank accounts, sued their opponents and squandered what reserves their respective parties have and expelled every member, they can both retire to sunny Croatia (in the case of Old Nick) and to Skegness (in the case of Brother Pat).
Now, without any more words of introduction, live on stage we have Old Nick with his guitar singing the old Meatloaf classic, "I Would Do Anything for You".
Take it away Nick...
"And I would sue anything for cash, I'd run right into hell and back
I would sue anything for cash, I'll always lie to you and that's a fact
But I'll never forget the way you feel right now, oh no, no way
And I would sue anything for cash, but I won't sue Pat, I won't sue Pat
I would sue anything for cash, Anything for your great big stash, but I won't sue Pat, oh I won't sue Pat
Some days cash don't come easy, and some days cash don't come hard
Some days cash don't come at all, and these are the days that never end
Some nights I'm a congential liar, and some nights a Jeckyl and Hyde
Some nights I'm like nothing I've ever seen before or will have tried
Maybe I'm crazy, but it's crazy and it's true
I know you can save me, no one else can save me now but you
As long as my bank balance is turning, as long as the my pension's still earning
As long as my dreams are coming true, you better believe it
That I would sue anything for cash, and I'll be there til the judgment day
I'll see you in court whether you're straight or gay
I would sue anything for cash, and I'll take an oath and perjure myself again
But I'll never forgive myself if we don't go all the way tonight
And I would sue anything for cash, oh I would sue anything for cash
Oh I would sue anything for cash,
but I won't sue Pat, no I won't sue Pat
I would sue anything for cash, anything for your great big stash,
But I just won't sue Pat
Harrington is state or something very close to it. Look at his history.
Now that the lid has finally come off from one of nationalism's dirtiest secrets - that Pat Harington and his sordid bunch of multicult fans - perhaps people will now begin to lok deeper beneath the surface as to what is really going on with the nationalism of today here in the UK.
1) Pat Harrington - now revealed to be a multicult liberal masquerading as a nationalist - helped to run the National Front along with Nick Griffin.
2) Both ended up conspiring to destroy the National Front, after massive schisms, factionalism, expulsions and legal action.
3) Nick Griffin infiltrates his way into the British National Party where he schemes and conspires against his leader, John Tyndall.
4) Meanwhile, Pat Harrington sets up 'Third Way' and a host of other cultural associations, a supeficial think tank but in effect a liberal, pro-gay, pro-EU and multicultural organisation that plays on its associations with the 'far Right'. Third Way specialise in infiltration of organisations, both political and cicic, and parachuting their people into key positions of influence.
5) After his successful bid at the leadership challenge Griffin sets to work on taking over all authority within the BNP, and milking it of money for his personal interests, whilst expelling or forcing to resign anyone who opposes him or voices their dissent.
6) Griffin makes the BNP a Zionist entity and turns it into an essentially anti-Muslim political party and moves away from confronting mass immigration and the multicultural society, liberalising its social policy.
7) Meanwhile, a new nationalist trade union is created by elements within the BNP with the intention of becoming an independent mass nationalist trade union. Third Way leader Pat Harrington is appointed as General Secretary.
8) Harrington is suspended from his poistion in 2007 for disciplinary reasons, ncluding attempts to turn the union into a Third Way body with left-wing ideals. Harrington immediately refuses to co-operate with the investigation set up by the union's Executive body.
9) Harrington consults with Griffin and together they conspire to override the internal authority of Solidarity and to hijack it by calling a false and illegitimate conference. Meanwhile all the BNP members who were associated with the union and opposed the unlawful intereference by Griffin were expelled from the BNP.
10) Griffin esnures that his former Front colleague, Harington, is crowned leader of the union and the union becomes a Griffinite BNP/Harrington Third Way front group. The role and ambition of the new movement has been smashed by the collusion of two former NF leaders who smashed the National Front, and who are now busy securing personal wealth for themselves from their respective organisations and moulding nationalist organsaitions into sanitised versions of nationalism, by turning them into liberalised puppet entities.
Plan complete.
Can anyone see the common links in all of this?
Can anyone see the wanton political vandalism behind all of thsi destruction?
Can anyone see the beneficiaries of this?
You can make your own minds up as to the intention and result of all this destruction is.
According to the Third Way sister site promoting the 15th June Magna Carta 'Money Bombshell' Appeal they have allegedly 'raised' £1100.
They claim that "110 people" have donated "£10" each to their fund.
Believe that and you'll believe anything.
I'd rather believe that a little green tooth-fairy takes your teeth in exchange for sixpence if you hide it beneath your pillow, then believe in the lies and falsehoods of the well-known liars at Third Way.
The fact is that as soon as their sordid little money-making scheme was exposed by NW Nationalists the Third Way lot immediately removed the graph showing donations from the Magna Carta web page for the simple fact that NO ONE was donating.
Instead they added a box on the web site that makes the claim that 110 people have supposedly donated £1100.
The questions that I would like to ask these creative accountants at Third Way is,
"Isn't it rather coincidental that ALL 110 supposed donors have donated EXACTLY £10 each to your fund?"
Not one of these supposed donors has given, say £5, or £15, or £20, for instance.
"And isn't 110 donors convenient round figure?"
Not 98 donors, or 108, 111, or 118, or whatever, but the nice round figure of 110 which is nice and convenient to put forward the rather impressive figure of £1100 total donations.
" Given the fact that the 15th June Magna Carta web site has attracted virtually nil traffic, isn't it totally deceitful and false to make the claim that of all the (negligble) visitors to this little-known web site that as many as 110 individuals have suddenly pledged £1100 to your appeal?"
"And, last but not least, considering the appeal for the National Liberal Party - sorry, the campaign to raise awareness for liberty - has been set up so late and the actual Magan Carta Day is 15th June (just some 5 days away) - isn't,
(a) the alleged and distinctly spurious claim that £1100 has been suddenly raised in a matter of a few days so preposterous as to constitute a false claim, and
(b)the time scale as constructed by Third Way (allegedly a "think tank")to raise "£10,000" so ridiculous and unreal, as Magna Carta Day is 15th June, as to make you lot a complete laughing stock.
No sensible and rational nationalist, let alone the public, can EVER take Third Way and its political party, the National Liberal Party, seriously ever again.
Third Way/National Liberal Party, are now the biggest jokes in politics.
They sneaked in through the Electoral Commission a name so similar to the Liberal Democrats, deliberately using a name that is likely to confuse Lib Dem voters - and brazenly bragged about it on Stormfront (in essence, trying to get cheap votes through deception).
They try and make out that their total funds as submitted to the Electoral Commission are solely the result of membership subscriptions, whereas it far exceeds the amount that could possibly be secured through those means alone (which begs the question where are the other funds coming from and why are those sources being withheld).
Now they set up front groups and front webs sites in craven attempts to get people to donate to their National Liberal Party on the spurious grounds that that donors are giving to a genuine campaign in support of Magan Carta, whereas it it is just as likely to be going
to fill the coffers of the National Liberal Party election machine.
And they make craven claims that they are raising substantial claims of money for their appeal.
We were not all born yesterday, even though many of the Third Way/National Liberal Party people seem to have been.
Maybe these people have been studying at the Nick Gri££in School of Political Accountancy?
NW Nationalists Supporters Appeal for Third Way/National Liberal Party...
As we seem to have soft hearts we have decided to launch an Appeal for the Third Way/National Liberal Party after the abject failure of their recent "appeal" in pretending to be raising funds for a campaign promoting liberty.
Our Appeal is to raise money for these sad delinquents by donating £1 for every mickey-take against Third Way, its National Liberal Party or its leaders Pat Harrington, David Durant, David Kerr and Graham Williamson.
All entries gratefully received.
I hear that the UK are now producing the equivalent to the old veteran East German Trabant car.
The first model is called the "Harrington" - as failure comes as standard.
The other model is the "Griffin".
After taking its passengers for a ride the wheels come off it.
"As a man of Oirish extraction I always tort that the Turd Way was some form of homosexual act".
In recognition of their services to white nationalism I hereby aware life membership of a special and appropriate organisation for Nicholas Griffin and Patrick Harrington..
As a political Party the NLP are entitled to seek public donations. The fact that they have asked for contributions to make civil liberties an issue at the next General Election is to their credit. Unlike the establishment parties they don't receive State subsidy. The NLP employs no staff and is prudent with money. I don't really understand what objection you have to the NLP asking for donations other than that you don't like their politics.
Many of your postings and comments contain arguments ad hominem. They consist purely of childish abuse without any attempt to put forward a reasoned argument supported by evidence. In this you seem to have much in common with LUAF. Indeed many of those posting comments appear to do so on both your site and theirs. Curious.
Nothing curious about it Patrick old chap, we don't like you and LU don't like you, doubtless for completely different reasons. Now that we have your attention why don't you tell us what happened between you and Martin Webster on that settee in Ian Anderson's flat?
A "blow by blow account" possibly!? LOL!!!
Not PH - just another Third Way 'Borg'.
Were they discussing the domestic abuse of Mike Salt?
It is curious that you and LU find so much in common desptie being from supposedly different ends of the political spectrum. Both you and they do no positive political work. Your praise of each other and collusion gives the game away. Who is pulling your strings I wonder?
Recycled smears. Very ecological. You need a new scriptwriter.
I'm about to burst into a rendition of "We've heard it all before".
"Who is pulling your strings I wonder?"
Unlike the Third Way who are being controlled and manipulated by Nick Griffin (although their primary motivation is personal greed), NW Nationalists are guided by their consciences and are therefore completely independent.
Unlike the chancers of Third Way who are well-known for their opportunism at every level.
"Recycled smears. Very ecological."
Thank you 'Third Way borg'.
We at NW Nationalists like to think and act Green.
But is it true that Third Way have the best political washing machines?
They are said to white wash very well and to spin very effectively.
But then again the Accentuate 'PR' company operated by small-time businessman and Third Way apparatchik, Graham Willamson,is an extremely tatty and amateurish affair but Mr Williamson likes to think that he is a real pro though to be truthful he merely only plays at the game.
I'm about to burst into a rendition of "We've heard it all before".
No - we actually "Heard it on the Grapevine".
They say there's no smoke without fire and from we're sitting there's plenty of smoke (maybe he forgot to use the lube?).
However, we are all still waiting to hear what exactly did happen between Pat Harrington and Martin Webster in Ian Anderson's flat.
Maybe Martin Webster will have to comment to clarify matters.
Martin Webster has made many allegations against diverse individuals over the years. He was kicked out of the NF because he had lost his earlier spark and had got lazy. Like you he is a very bitter person. As Third Way has a progressive agenda on issues of sexuality I don't see what you hope to achieve. Were Pat Harrington Gay it would make not a jot of difference. Third Way and the NLP welcome people without regard to their sexuality. That is a personal matter for them.
It seems that we only get the truth from places like NorthWestNationalists and similar sites. You will never get the full facts from the Griffinite clones at the BNP who run a tightly controlled forum and censure anything that is considerd heretical and contrary to the Griffin dictatorship.
At NorthWestNationalists people are given an opportunity to debate.
I don't see the BNP or Third Way doing that ("Do what I tell you, not what I practise" sems to be their mantra).
It is important that we know what our leaders are really like and what their sexual inclinations are.
We had plenty of allegations and personal accounts from those close to Nick Griffin when he first challenged Jiohn Tyndall in 1999 about Griffin's alleged sexual relationship with Martin Webster.
Although Griffin has since taken the rebels to court (and, rather surprisingly, not one left-wing agent or journalist for their damaging attacks against the BNP by using data protected information and secretly filming him), he has not once contradicted the accounts made by Martin Webster about their relationship and taken him to court.
Is it because he knows that the allegations are in fact true?
We have also heard allegations of Patrick Harrington's relationship with Martin Webster and accounts of his alleged sexuality.
It seems to me that the National Front leadership at one time had a clique of people who have since been alleged as queers, either full-time queers or part-time queers.
At least people like Martin Webster has always been honest about their selves - as well as being a brave and principled leader.
We have also seen how Nick Griffin has always supported and helped Patrick Harrington, more so than his actual BNP members.
Now even the man in the street would begin to be asking the question, "Is there a homosexual clique running nationalism in this country and are sexual favours, past or present, being used to trade political favours?"
I think we should be told.
Anonymous said
"It is curious that you and LU find so much in common desptie being from supposedly different ends of the political spectrum."
Strange you see fit to comment on that as Third way have described themselves as more akin to socialists.
Anyway, if we had so much in common with the Marxists at Lancaster Unity then we would be using the same language and criticisms of Third Way and Patrick Harrington as they sem to do, wouldn't we?
Like the comments that Mr Harrington is the "Great Fantasist" because he makes grandiose statements about himself and his work, claiming to be a "leader" of a "fake trade union", which is also referred to as the "Great Big Huge Onion".
But we wouldn't be so unkind to pass on such observations of the "Great Fantasist", Patrick Harrington, and his "Great Big Huge Onion" trade union now, would we?
It is important that we know what our leaders are really like and what their sexual inclinations are.
Why is it important that you know details of the private sexual lives of others? Do you regard Nick Griffin as your leader? What can you say to persuade me that this is not just another way of having a go at someone you differ with politically? If Nick Griffin were what you wished politically would you be raising this as an issue?
Your 'Gay' conspiracy is at least a little different to your usual State/Zionist/Freemasonic one!
We had plenty of allegations and personal accounts from those close to Nick Griffin when he first challenged Jiohn Tyndall in 1999 about Griffin's alleged sexual relationship with Martin Webster.
Is there anyone from the old NF that Webster doesn't claim to have slept with? He uses his sexuality to smear those he falls out with politically. It is quite disgusting for a Gay man to act in this way - he is effectively seeking to benefit from homophobia.
I personally don't care whether Nationalists are Gay, Bi-sexual or Straight. It is a private matter.
Oirishman said...
"As a man of Oirish extraction I always tort that the Turd Way was some form of homosexual act".
I have news for you Oirishman.
It is!
Anonymous said the following. In the tradition of Third Way who like to 'denconstruct' issues we shall now attempt to do the same here.
Martin Webster has made many allegations against diverse individuals over the years. He was kicked out of the NF because he had lost his earlier spark and had got lazy. Like you he is a very bitter person.
*** We shall leave Martin Webster to respond to these matters as he is the best person to do so. But to those who have had experience of the National Front it is clear that that organisation suffered hugely from internal factionalism, including State/Searchlight infiltration. The intensity of the factionalism within the NF leadership has been well-documented and was one of the primary reasons for the NF's decline. Individuals were forced out or expelled. So to state your factional propaganda and to rewrite history to suit your own agenda is disingenious. Good leaders like Tyndall and Webster were isolated by the pack mentality of other factions.
As Third Way has a progressive agenda on issues of sexuality I don't see what you hope to achieve. Were Pat Harrington Gay it would make not a jot of difference.
*** Clearly Third Way uses the politically correct term 'progressive' as some sort of positive statement. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the Marxist-inspited social agendas of 'social equalityy' and PC and 'progressive politics' that has helped destroy this country and its society. Thid Way/NLP have embraced this Marxist poison of equality and diversity. They are not nationalists. They are traitors like the establishment liberal parties.
Third Way and the NLP welcome people without regard to their sexuality. That is a personal matter for them.
***That's your concerns. It's your party and you can lie if you want to. Have as many gays in your party as you want so that you can all feel comfortable and maybe if you get a membership of 20 or more you can all stage a queer orgy.
I just hope Third Way/NLP practise safe sex.
Go easy there you clay punchers.
Anonymous said
"Why is it important that you know details of the private sexual lives of others? Do you regard Nick Griffin as your leader? What can you say to persuade me that this is not just another way of having a go at someone you differ with politically? If Nick Griffin were what you wished politically would you be raising this as an issue?"
It's important because what a political leader does in private reflects their conduct in public life.
A closet homosexual, a druggie or a swinger or someone who enjoys being thrashed and walked over in hi-heels by a dominatrix prostitute cannot be trsuted to give unbiased and moral views on those issues.
You don't expect a cannabis-smoking or cocaine-snorting MP to be able to speak and vote in the public interest on those issues would you?
Same with our nationalist leaders.
The BNP are supposed to be a nationalist party with clear views on the promotion of homosexuality and morality.
If Griffin has been cock-sucking then its members need to know about it. He should be honest enough to come clean and to stand on a platform of being gay and for the promotion of queerdom. Then we can all vote on it.
I despise Nick Griffin both as a politician and as a person. The man is undoubtedly corrupt and incompetent. But the fact that he has led a trail of allegations about his sexuality from his days in the NF are just additional burdens that raise more questions.
If he is indeed straight but led a life of debauchery, cheating, sex with prostitutes and porn then that would still bother me and many others a great deal and would justify extreme criticism.
If Griffin was a genuine nationalist and competent and not corrupt we would still give him justifiable stick if there were sound allegations of a sordid private lifestyle.
You see, all that we want is a decent and honourable individual who can lead us and whose character and lifestyle is beyond reproach.
JT and Webster united in struggle! Well, No, not really! At the time of the 1979 split Webster was telling everyone who would listen that JT had shared a flat with him for many years (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Nothing in it of course but that was Websters style. JT at the same time was writing articles about Webster propositioning young boys! Who is rewriting history here?
And, BTW, 1 of us is equivalent to 100 of you.
I thought that Third Way was a position from the Kama Sutra.
Then someone told me it was.
It's when you shaft as many people as possible in one go.
My contribution to the NorthWest Nationalists help for Third Way/NLP appeal (since they have only so far made about £2000 and the appeal closes tonight)* is the following:
With all the allegations and past accounts of gay sex and the like shouldn't Third Way be called Back Way?
* If you believe that Third Way has actually achieved the total amount of two grand to date then you have qualified to become a member of Britain's slowest growing party (Third Way)as you have no right to call yourself a sentient being.
In no way have they actually had 200 odd people donate more than two grand to their rip-off appeal. It's supposed to be to promote the ideals of liberty yet we all know that it is Third Way who are taking the bleeding liberty in lying to the public.
£2000 = No Way.
Third Way are liars. They should join the Labour Party for their lies and sleaze. They'd feel at home there.
Oh do come off it Patrick, if one's sexuality isn't an issue then why has your mother put in so much time and effort to find you pretend partners of the opposite sex for the benefit of the watching public?
Your sexuality is well known to everybody who has ever known you, so why the hypocrisy? To speak out for homosexual equality whilst remaining in the closet yourself is double standards at its very worst.
The 'pretend partners of the opposite sex' is a laugh. He has two kids.
Patrick Harrington is bixsexual. I believe that Martin Webster is shortly to give the full SP on him in a piece about the bogus Solidarity union.
Oh well. What a shock. Another agent is used against the Union. They will be running out soon.
It's important because what a political leader does in private reflects their conduct in public life.
As I understand BNP policy (and I am not a member) they take the view that homosexuality should not be promoted but it is an individual, personal matter otherwise. Like the US forces they operate a 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy internally. You may not like this but I don't see how you can claim it is inconsistent. I think that everyone, including polticians, is entitled to say "Mind your own business" when asked intrusive questions. I don't think you have demonstrated any public interest in disclosure in your arguments so far.
My opinion is that Nationalism is a political creed and that it is whether someone loves their country that matters - not what they may or may not do in bed!
I think that your are confusing your own dislikes and prejudices with ideology. Save it for down the pub with your mates.
I was interested in the comment from one poster stating Nick Griffin was not "competent". Another poster suggests that Griffin is:- "holding back the advance of Nationalism".
I know you have a soft-spot for the old Nationalist leaders like Webster and Tyndall. Yet consider this from the New Statesman:-
"The BNP polled 5.3 per cent across London and averaged 13.9 per cent in the 642 council wards it contested around the country. It now has 55 councillors and poses a serious threat across several regions in next year's European elections, not to mention the mayoral election taking place in Stoke-on-Trent next year."
Clearly under NG Nationalists have won more electoral support than ever before. Can you tell me what the total number of Cllrs was before? I count three who all lost their seats at the following election: 2 National Party, 1 BNP. In electoral terms Griffin and his team appear quite competent. I find it odd that political opponents acknowledge this yet you don't face facts.
Anonymous said "I think that everyone, including politicians, is entitled to say "Mind your own business" when asked intrusive questions."
The point of the matter is this: Firstly, whilst individuals should have the right to practise what they want to in private, homosexuality should not be publicly promoted OR accepted as perfectly natural and acceptable for a healthy natural society. Third Way, as a perverted pseudo-nationalist organisation plays straight into the arms of the perverts and corruptors of the Natural Order and family and morality. Third Way want to get the gay vote and the soft-left vote by appealing to the lowest common denominator. They are nothing less than social perverts and have become the political pariahs of nationalism.
The second point is that whilst individual members of a political party should be free to do what they want behind closed doors with legal and consenting parties, leaders of such organisations have to be seen as whiter than white and above suspicion when it comes to morality and family values. You simply cannot have a nationalist leader who preaches about family, morality and heterosexuality and criticises homosexuality deviancy who may turn out to be a closet queer.
The moral of this is, if you are a nationalist leader (or a pseudo-nationalist leader), then if you're a closet queer you either come out or you stay in and leave politics.
The choice is yours.
"Clearly under NG Nationalists have won more electoral support than ever before. Can you tell me what the total number of Cllrs was before? I count three who all lost their seats at the following election: 2 National Party, 1 BNP. In electoral terms Griffin and his team appear quite competent. I find it odd that political opponents acknowledge this yet you don't face facts."
Clearly it is you, my Griffinite friend, who fails to observe the facts. Much of the recent successes of the BNP are due to factors other than Nick Griffin. The northern riots and Muslim terrorism have all played their part, along with media talk of mass immigration and the media debate about the plight of whites etc. There is also one very important factor that you - no doubt as some sit-at-home armchair politician no doubt who has never pushed a leaflet through a letterbox but who cruises the internet as some sort of superhero internet warrior, would never know - and that is the hard work and sacrifices and organisational skills of the BNP's officers, organisers and rank and file members and dedicated activists.
Local activists win elections, not officials and internet warriors.
On a different matter of note if it wasn't for Nick Griffin the BNP would actually be getting somewhere and not engaging in self-destruction and having its funds robbed by this con-merchant who is so caught up in scam money-making schemes and cowboy financial ventures that the BNP is now virtually bankrupt.
Expulsions and resignations and a dictatorial leadership style does not make a good leader or a successful and morale-rich party.
Nick Griffin has tried to identify himself with every success, so much so that many - like you - believe that without the guiding hand of Griffin the BNP would have achieved nothing at all.
This is utter nonsense. If there were any truth to it at all then the BNP would have achieved comparable results to those it obtained in places like Oldham and Burnley over the remainder of the country.
It is pretty obvious to all except braindead Griffinite sycophants tha electoral conditions were never better for the BNP than they were on May 1st. A long serious of immigration controversies preceded the elections, some in the same week, there was the 40th anniversary of Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech, falling together with the BBC "White Season" series, and the party frequently received completely uncritical press coverage.
And still Nick Griffin could deliver only 10 extra councillors from the 612 seats fought by the BNP.
With the GLA elections the much-hyped Richard Barnbrook scraped a GLA seat with 5.4%.
In the wake of this apparent "landmark" victory the BNP seemed oblivious to the fact that 30 years ago the more honestly racist National Front averaged pretty much the same vote and better over large swathes of London. The truth is that the BNP should have achieved election on 7-8% of the vote if there was to be any credibility to their claim of "progress".
After nine years of Nick Griffin, in the most favourable circumstances imaginable, the BNP still manages a grand total of 55 local councillors and one elected member of the GLA.
Nick Griffin has failed - and failed miserably. He only stays in office due to his fascist dictatorship of the BNP.
Come on you Griffinite muppet - wake up and smell the coffee!
In the wake of this apparent "landmark" victory the BNP seemed oblivious to the fact that 30 years ago the more honestly racist National Front averaged pretty much the same vote and better over large swathes of London.
Point of fact: the best result the NF got in London was in the Greater London Council elections of 1977 (119,000 votes). They beat the Liberals in 33 consituencies. Since that time, however, there have been substantial deomographic shifts. Many whites have moved to the outer London boroughs and only the mainly Tory Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea remain white in the inner city.
In addition to these adverse demographic factors the smaller Parties were hurt by a desire to oust Red Ken and a Tory revival.
You scoff at the win for the BNP. I suspect you wish they had not got someone elected so that you had more fuel for your campaign against Nick Griffin.
Your points are noted and your explanations for the NF vote and relatively poor BNP vote are true.
However, they don't explain the whole picture, particularly when the BNP were loudly bouasting of 2 to 3 GLA seats.
Your lst point is incorrec. On the contrary we would all like to see a Nationlist Government in the UK, and to see the BNP doing well. NW Nationalists have always supported the BNP and the cause of Nationalism.
But the BNP is more than its leader yet Griffin and his cabal of corrupt chancers act as if they own th BNP and its members. They don't.
The fact is that the BNP would be far more successful and far more cost effective and far more competent if it had a decent, competent and honest leader, not the corrupt and incompetent chancer it has called "Nick Griffin".
If your last comment is true may I make a suggestion? Don't stand in elections against BNP candidates.
To be honest, it had looked to me, as an outsider, that the BNP might get two seats in the GLA. The BNP campaign was almost entirely based on leafleting, however. Fine in local elections but in an area the size of London no good. Only a relatively low percentage was covered and most some weeks before the poll (by which time everyone would have forgotten).
It was necessary to break into the media and they did this effectively only once on the issue of a second preference vote for Johnson. Without that publicity I doubt that they would have got one person elected!
I think also that you should leave the personal abuse of Nick Griffin out. Your complaints are mainly about structures or the lack of them internally. You need to clarify your thinking.
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