Friday, June 20, 2008

Japanese water powered car !


Anonymous said...

I feel a drout coming on and water rates soaring!

They will always find a way of screwing you over somehow :-D

NorthWestNationalists said...

Yes, either that, or the cost of the car will be £1,000's.

Anonymous said...

Great idea - though I did not catch the presenters name at the end? Did anyone else?

Anonymous said...

This is clearly a hoax. Where is the company again? Osaka? Or was it Oh sucker! LOL

Anonymous said...

"This is clearly a hoax. Where is the company again? Osaka? Or was it Oh sucker! LOL"

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia:
A water-fuelled car is a motor car that uses water as its fuel or produces fuel from water onboard, with no other energy input. Water-fuelled cars have been mentioned in history books, newspaper and popular science magazines, and urban legends since the 1800s; these claims have been found in court to be fraudulent hoaxes.

Anonymous said...

Fo more information on this and similar alternative science stroies, read NEXUS magazine.

No doubt the unfortunate Japanese inventor will go the way of so many others and fall out of a window.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...