Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BNP guilty of sabotaging its own elections?

Would anyone like to discuss the debacle of, Andrew Spence, and now, Raits, leaflets?


Anonymous said...

Helmsman on SF

"Getting back to the subject of the thread the Henley by election, I've just seen two of the leaflets that are being distributed by the BNP. All I can say is that I hope the proper election address is a 100 times better. People came from all all the UK to out out this stuff which IMO is rubbish. The content is OK but the layout etc is so amateur (almost as bad as the mailshots !) it makes me cringe, photocopied stuff turned out on someones PC is not going to impress anyone. Tim Rait deserves better."

Anonymous said...

I prefer this post from the same thread.

Amazing how, Kevin Scott, used to lick Gawads arse. I wonder if they had anything else in common :)

"Originally Posted by White_Laces88
And, since the latest filthy trick that the BNP have pulled, you know the title that serpents like ol purgey bollocks throw round, along the lines of "Anti-BNP", like the jews do with the word "NAZI"?

Well, f*ck it, i am not only anti-BNP, but i am PROUD of it.

I regret every day that i ever went out in the pouring down of rain and put a leaflet through the doors of potential voters. I regret ever paying the subscription fees, and i regret any donation i have ever handed them.

F*ck your pakistani, heroin dealing candidate Sharrif Abdul Gawad.

F*ck politics!"

Anonymous said...

Bad leaflet design - well that could only be Mark Collett (he has bragged about deliberately sabotaging them before).

Pathetic little c*nt, I can't believe that the Leeds lads are too chicken to sort him out with a good hiding

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you REALLY have to ask yourself why the BNP keeps doing this, wether leaflets or people, and real opportunity feels like it's purposely fucked up.

Anonymous said...

It's not deliberate, Collet is that much of a moron. Although he is clever enough to work a camera phone in the 'heat' of passion.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Spence could have won his by election, but the BNP gave him no leaflets till the week before the by election.

Rait could win this by election, and the BNP give him ammateurish shit with stickers on to cover up the typo's. Why hasn't he had good quality leaflets from the thousands that the BNP raise under the guise of election funding in the V of F? We all know the branches pay for their own leaflets, so why does the BNP lie to the paying members and pretend that what the members donate will help elections?

I shall be following things to see how Rait does, but I won't renew my membership this year, I'm sick of being taken for an idiot.

Anonymous said...

anon at 17.13

You are right. Honest nationalists send money to the BNP in good faith thinking it is going to be spent on campaigning - which is what political partys are for !!

But check the BNP accounts and you find a tiny fraction used for campaigns: most goes on salaries (Collett and his useless crew ?) and "professional fees" (and who collects those I wonder ?)

Griffin and his crew are ****ing on honest nationalists.

Anonymous said...

about six pounds out of every hundred raised goes on campaign work I hear. The other ninety four pounds go on none campaigning matters presumably. A lot of well intentioned people would appear to be getting taken for a ride.

Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

"Richard Chadfield said...
about six pounds out of every hundred raised goes on campaign work I hear. The other ninety four pounds go on none campaigning matters presumably. A lot of well intentioned people would appear to be getting taken for a ride.

Richard Chadfield

25 June 2008 20:26"

Well, they won't get anymore money from me.

Anonymous said...

They put out 70,000 crappy leaflets, and got 1,000 votes compared to the winning 19,000 votes

Anyone seeing the picture yet?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...