Saturday, June 21, 2008

BNP Challenge

Anyone know what's happening?


Anonymous said...

The VOC forum has vanished!

Anonymous said...

I've just heard that the Scottish organiser asked Darby for a copy of the party's latest constitution for a BNP member.

Darby told him to tell the member to fuck off, and that he was a RED.

Free speech and democracy? Don't make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Auty has realised that he's never going to be allowed a fair run at the leadership, and has decided it's "gloves off".

Understand he's been very critical of NG's moving of Walker from the Treasury.

Anonymous said...

"boltonboy said...
I've heard that Auty has realised that he's never going to be allowed a fair run at the leadership, and has decided it's "gloves off".

Understand he's been very critical of NG's moving of Walker from the Treasury.

22 June 2008 12:26"

Auty must know that Griffin won't let him win. A pity that we don't have the financial backing for the stamps to do a mass mail out to the membership. I understand their are BNP membership lists floating around that aren't covered by the data protection act as they were handed over without signature.

Anonymous said...

'Auty must know that Griffin won't let him win.'

He'd never win even if he had the chance to spend five minutes with every party member and buy them all a beer.

Everybody had a ceiling to their ability and Auty's is as a local councillor and local organiser.

Yup, I'd like to see change at the top but Auty? You've got to be kidding, haven't you? I'd vote for Griffin in that competition as would most other real nationalists.

I don't need to spell out Griffin's flaws which have been talked to death on this blog but can we be honest here? The big problem is that we've yet to find a candidate with Griffin's intelligence or ability. And until we do,Griffin will keep his job.

It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

A) The forum is being transferred onto another server to allow an upgrade.

B) It was the Scottish webmaster/publicity officer that asked for a copy of the constitution.

C) Auty knew a while ago that he would not get a fair run at the Leadership.

D) Griffin will not permit Auty a mail out to all the current membership as he is refusing to give Auty's team a copy of the current membership list.

Anonymous said...

Auty must know that Griffin won't let him win. A pity that we don't have the financial backing for the stamps to do a mass mail out to the membership."

how much is needed. would you say? i'll pledge £100

Anonymous said...

"I don't need to spell out Griffin's flaws which have been talked to death on this blog but can we be honest here? The big problem is that we've yet to find a candidate with Griffin's intelligence or ability. And until we do,Griffin will keep his job.

It's that simple.

22 June 2008 14:39"

A third rate degree in law doesn't make you intelligent. It just gives you the ability to fleece other people, and if that's the sort of leader you want, then you are not a nationalist by any stretch of the imagination.

Anonymous said...

"A third rate degree in law doesn't make you intelligent. It just gives you the ability to fleece other people, and if that's the sort of leader you want, then you are not a nationalist by any stretch of the imagination.

22 June 2008 16:56"

Hear hear

BNP members don't know a good con artist when they meet one, and neither did I. But, I know now.

Anonymous said...

"The big problem is that we've yet to find a candidate with Griffin's intelligence or ability."

Define intelligence and ability, then ask yourself why Griffin gets rid of anyone with a brain.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The big problem is that we've yet to find a candidate with Griffin's intelligence or ability."

Define intelligence and ability, then ask yourself why Griffin gets rid of anyone with a brain.

22 June 2008 17:00
May I suggest that it may be because he may see such people as likely to take his job and then commence an investigation of BNP financial matters since 1999.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

"May I suggest that it may be because he may see such people as likely to take his job and then commence an investigation of BNP financial matters since 1999.
Richard Chadfield

22 June 2008 18:23"

Your suggestion would be correct.

Anonymous said...

The VOC forum has vanished!...

and that Lancaster Unity forum has appeared.


Anonymous said...

Yeah real 'spooky'

All the 100+ members on the VoC forum are all reds who are now on the scum forum. Get real

Anonymous said...

"All the 100+ members on the VoC forum are all reds who are now on the scum forum. Get real

22 June 2008 23:09"

Let me get this straight

Anyone who thinks Griffin is a cunt, is a red?

Anonymous said...

Quite incredible how the state has managed to take over the BNP and get peculiar people to abuse anyone as 'reds' who objects.

The BNP is so barmy now that it really does bear comparison with lunatic third-world regimes.

What do the 'good guys' in the BNP think they are doing? As far as I can see they are simply helping to keep Griffin going with the lure of possible reform they cannot deliver.

Anonymous said...

Does a 2006 BNP constitution exist ?. Has any one seen one ?.
Perhaps it only exists in the minds of griffin /barns and they dare not let the party officers/members see it because of its contents ?
If it exists why has no party officer who i would have thought would have a copy been made available to the COLIN AUTY'S campaign out of common decency.Until it is confirmed that an issue of the 2006 constitution exists then take it from me that a 2006 constitution does not exist in print ,i have asked on many forums for proof that the 2006 issue exists and know one has come forward to prove that it is even in print ?I await a reply !is there anybody there .
Keith Axon

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks Griffin is a cunt, is a red?

A red, A nazi, vermin etc etc

Anonymous said...

As I recall from the failed Jackson leadership bid candidates are allowed a statement in an internal bulletin and on the official website. What need is there to spend money sending out unsolicited material.

I think that Colin is not a credible replacement for Nick. The BNP is doing (relatively) well. There is no significant grassroots support for a change in leadership. I don't think Colin has done himself any favours by repeating the propaganda line of enemies of the Party regarding finances. Clearly this is intended to damage donations and memberships. It was the same with the VOC crew when they told people not to campaign for candidates at elections. That sort of tactic goes beyond internal criticism and amounts to disloyalty to the Party. Personally I am fed-up with these constant no-hope candidates disrupting the work of the Party. I would be happy with fixed term elections.

Anonymous said...

Auty must know that Griffin won't let him win. A pity that we don't have the financial backing for the stamps to do a mass mail out to the membership."

"how much is needed. would you say? i'll pledge £100"

I would say £2,500 - £3,000 is needed for a mail out. If you want to pledge then contact Colin's Team:

"Does a 2006 BNP constitution exist ?. Has any one seen one ?.
Perhaps it only exists in the minds of griffin /barns and they dare not let the party officers/members see it because of its contents ?
If it exists why has no party officer who i would have thought would have a copy been made available to the COLIN AUTY'S campaign out of common decency.Until it is confirmed that an issue of the 2006 constitution exists then take it from me that a 2006 constitution does not exist in print ,i have asked on many forums for proof that the 2006 issue exists and know one has come forward to prove that it is even in print ?I await a reply !is there anybody there .
Keith Axon"

EiE has the last edition (9th edition) for sale at a cost of £3.00. To obtain a copy (which I'm sure you already have Keith) then go to:

"As I recall from the failed Jackson leadership bid candidates are allowed a statement in an internal bulletin and on the official website. What need is there to spend money sending out unsolicited material."

Colin Jackson was permitted 400 words only in the British Nationalist bulletin. He was refused a membership list, refused any coverage in the VOF or Identity. Griffin also put pressure on organisers not to let Jackson talk at meetings. It wasn't just Jackson who was not allowed any publicity but anybody who was seen to be in his camp.

Anonymous said...

This any good? Or is there a more recent one?

Front Cover



Ninth Edition, published September 2005

Page 2


The British National Party was formed from a merger of like-minded patriotic organisations and founded on April 7th 1982 at a press conference in London.

Following the first ever election for the National Chairmanship in 1999, which saw a change of leadership, it was resolved to make the first major changes in the party's Constitution since its formation.

At a General Members' Meeting held on March 11th 2000 in Milton Keynes, those present voted unanimously for a series of amendments to Sections 1, 4 and 12; to introduce a new Section 5, and to add the new Section 5 and the old Section 12 (now 13) to Sections 1 and 4 which cannot be changed without a two-third majority of members voting at a General Members' Meeting. Another amendment to Section 4 was carried overwhelmingly.

The changes were necessary so as to take into account changes in global politics, and to be able to comply with the political and legal necessity for internal financial transparency.

Since then, various minor changes have been made to this Constitution to make the Constitution that you presently hold.

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1) The British National Party shall be a political party which shall be referred to throughout the rest of this Constitution as "the party".

2) The political objectives of the party are set out in the following Statement of Principles'.-

(a) The British National Party is a party of British Nationalism, committed to the principle of national sovereignty in all British affairs. It is pledged to the restoration of the unity and integrity of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It believes that the indigenous peoples of the entire British Isles, and their descendants overseas, form a single brotherhood of peoples, and is pledged therefore to adapt or create political, cultural, economic and military institutions with the aim of fostering the closest possible partnership between these peoples.

(b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948.

(c) The British National Party is pledged to the maintenance of a private-enterprise economy operating within a broad framework of national economic policy. It is opposed to international monopoly capitalism and to laissez-faire free trade and free movement of plant and capital. Social stability and contentment is best achieved by the many enjoying a personal stake in our society. Accordingly, we believe that private property should be encouraged and spread to as many individual members of our nation as possible. We recognise that Finance exists to serve the Nation and its industries rather than the other way around.

(d) The British National Party is implacably opposed to Marxism and liberal-capitalist globalism, which undermine our standard of living, human and ecological welfare, freedom and national identity.

(e) The British National Party stands for a policy of armed neutrality in international and military affairs. We are pledged to ensure that the lives of British servicemen are not risked in international quarrels in which no national interest of our own is at stake.

(f) The British National Party will introduce a Bill of Rights, establishing as absolute the right of all British people to effective freedom of speech, assembly and worship. The undemocratic power of the mass media and vested interest groups will be curbed by the introduction of a statutory right of reply and tougher penalties

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for corruption in public affairs. We favour a devolved, democratic system in which political decisions are made by ordinary citizens at the most local level of government possible. We are pledged to extend and rejuvenate democratic government by means of electronic media and Citizens' Initiative referenda, and by returning to Parliament the powers that have been appropriated by the EU.

3) Any changes of policy such as may be needed to adapt to changing circumstances are permissible only in so far as they do not run contrary to any of the aforementioned principles.


1) The British National Party represents the collective National, Environmental, Political, Racial, Folkish, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic interests of the indigenous Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Norse folk communities of Britain and those we regard as closely related and ethnically assimilated or assimilable aboriginal members of the European race also resident in Britain. Membership of the BNP is strictly denned within the terms of, and our members also self define themselves within, the legal ambit of a defined 'racial group' this being 'Indigenous Caucasian' and defined 'ethnic groups' emanating from that Race as specified in law in the House of Lords case of Mandla V Dowell Lee (1983) 1 ALL ER 1062, HL.

2) The indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of 'Indigenous Caucasian' consist of members of: i) The Anglo-Saxon Folk Community; ii) The Celtic Scottish Folk Community; iii) The Scots-Northern Irish Folk Community; iv) The Celtic Welsh Folk Community; v) The Celtic Irish Folk Community; vi) The Celtic Cornish Folk Community; vii) The Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Folk Community; viii) The Celtic-Norse Folk Community; ix) The Anglo-Saxon-Norse Folk Community; x) The Anglo-Saxon-Indigenous European Folk Community; xi) Members of these ethnic groups who reside either within or outside Europe but ethnically derive from them.

3) Membership of the party shall be open only to those who are 16 years of age or over and whose ethnic origin is listed within Sub-section 2

4) The national leadership of the party shall have the sole right to determine the annual subscription payable by members of the party, subject to the provision that any change in the subscription rate determined during any year shall not take effect until the 1st January of the following year.

5) All new members of the party shall remain probationary members for twenty-four months from the date of joining and can have their membership terminated by the party's National Chairman or by an officer authorised by him to do so without recourse to the disciplinary procedure laid down in Section 6.

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6) All rights and privileges of membership of the party shall be withheld from any persons who allow their subscriptions to fall into arrears.

7) No member of the party shall be a member of another political party.

8) The elected National Chairman of the party, or any party official authorised by him, shall be empowered to refuse, without giving reasons, any new application for membership considered not to be in the interests of the party.

9) Persons joining the British National Party agree to work within the party's Constitution and the principles outlined under Section 1.


1) Once elected, the National Chairman shall have full executive power over all the affairs of the party. This will include:-

(a) Power of appointment to all other executive offices in the party, with the exception of the Party Auditor, who shall be appointed by the Advisory Council as specified in Section 5 and who shall not be the same person as the National Treasurer. These include the Directors of Group Development & Regulation, Administration & Publicity, the National Press Officer and the National Treasurer as well as any other offices which may need to be created as the situation demands. Not all such appointments need necessarily be made by the elected National Chairman directly. They may also be made by subordinate officials. Nevertheless, all such appointments, direct and indirect, are made upon the authority of the elected National Chairman and may be over-ruled by him.

(b) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all organisational structures within the party and to determine all rules and procedures whereby such structures are governed.

(c) Power to determine all routine executive, administrative, policy and tactical decisions made by the party.

(d) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all policies relating to the political objectives of the party whilst remaining within the framework set out in Section 1 of this Constitution.

2) While the elected National Chairman may at his discretion delegate decision making powers to individual colleagues or to assemblies of his colleagues where he feels that such decisions may be better made, the elected National Chairman shall have ultimate and final authority upon any decision made.

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1) Any member of the party may become a candidate for the post of National Chairman of the party provided that person has served a term totalling 5 years' continuous membership of the party and is a party office holder as defined in Section 7 of this constitution. Should a member not be an office holder, then he may still become a candidate for the post if he first obtains 100 instead of the usual 10 signatures. No exception to these rules may be made unless it is with the consent of the currently serving National Chairman of the party,

2) Any such candidate must submit his nomination to the party's Head Office not earlier than 31st May, and not later than 30th June of any year. This nomination must be signed by the candidate and counter signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must have served a term of membership of the party as specified in Sub-section 1 of this Section, and by 10 other members of the party who have served not less than 2 years' membership.

3) A postal ballot of all members shall then take place within 3 months of the close of nominations as specified in Sub-section 2. In the event of there being more than two candidates for this office, there shall first be an eliminator ballot which will determine which two among the candidates obtain the highest votes, after which there shall then be a final ballot between those two candidates unless one of the candidates has obtained more than fifty per cent of the votes cast, in which case that candidate is elected. In the event of two ballots being required, the final date for the completion of the second ballot may be extended by 15 days beyond that required by the three month period specified earlier.

4) The specific dates and procedures to be observed in the carrying out of such elections shall be determined by the party's Head Office at such time as the occasion arises — provided that it is in compliance with the letter and spirit of this Constitution.

5) The successful candidate in any such election will be considered as occupying the office of National Chairman immediately on completion of the counting of votes following that election.

6) All candidates standing in such elections will be authorised to be present in person on the occasion of the counting of votes and to be accompanied by up to two other party members of their choice, and shall be afforded all facilities necessary to satisfy themselves as to the honesty and propriety of the counting.

7) In any year in which no nominations for the post of National Chairman of the party have been received in accordance with the terms specified in Sub-section 2 of this Section, the currently serving holder of that post will be considered to have received

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a mandate from the party to hold it for a further year.

8) In any year in which there is a challenge for the post of National Chairman, the currently serving National Chairman shall be deemed to be nominated automatically should he wish to stand again.

9) The elected National Chairman shall appoint a Deputy Chairman, who shall sit as of right on the Advisory Council, but may be replaced by the elected National Chairman at any time as he sees fit. The Deputy Chairman shall have no powers or responsibilities above or beyond those of other members of the Advisory Council, except in circumstances when the National Chairman should either die or declare himself to be permanently indisposed, in which case the Deputy Chairman shall exercise the powers of National Chairman until a new National Chairman can be chosen by the membership in an election called within 60 days and carried out as provided for in this Section.

10) Throughout this constitution, the words he and his shall be taken to mean her and hers whenever applicable.


1) The Advisory Council will be made up of the National Chairman, Deputy Chairman, the national officials of the party and the organisers of the party's five most effective regions. In the event of any disagreement as to who is to serve on the Advisory Council, the decision of the National Chairman shall be final.

2) The Advisory Council shall meet not less than three times a year and, while the agenda for such meetings shall be set by the National Chairman, there shall be a section at each such meeting where any member of the Advisory Council may raise matters of any other business.

3) The Advisory Council shall appoint the Party Auditor, choosing this person by simple majority vote. The Party Auditor shall be entitled to inspect the party's accounts and financial records at their normal location and at any reasonable time by prior arrangement, and shall supply audited accounts and an auditor's report to the first Advisory Council meeting in each financial year.

4) The elected National Chairman shall appoint a member of the Advisory Council to serve with him and the National Treasurer as Bequest Trustees. These three trustees shall be responsible for administering any bequests left to the benefit of the party. While the National Chairman may replace one of the other trustees at any time, he may only replace two of them within any six month period with the approval of a majority of the Advisory Council or of members voting at a General Members' Meeting.

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5) In the event of the National Chairman's wish to replace both trustees being blocked, the interest or income from any bequests held in trust for the party shall continue to be used as the National Chairman sees fit, but he shall be unable to dispose of any capital assets until either the six month period elapses or a meeting of the Advisory Council or a GMM authorises the changing of the second trustee.

6) The only other power of the Advisory Council shall be that it may call a General Members' Meeting by a two-thirds majority of Advisory Council members voting in a properly convened meeting, even if this is opposed by the National Chairman. Alternatively, the National Chairman may call such a meeting at any time he deems it necessary. Should such a meeting be called, it must be held within 40 days, and the dispute which has led to the GMM being called shall be put to the members to decide. If a two-thirds majority of such a GMM should vote against the National Chairman, then a leadership election shall be held within 60 days in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of this constitution.

7) The elected National Chairman shall appoint a National Treasurer, who shall sit as of right on the Advisory Council for as long as he holds this position. The National Treasurer shall administer the central funds of the party, and shall be required to provide to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of two national officials of the party, as approved by the National Chairman.

8) The National Treasurer shall, by prior arrangement, be required to make available current financial records for inspection by any member of the Advisory Council at any meeting of the Advisory Council.


1) The disciplinary code of the party is embodied in the Code of Conduct, which comprises Annex 1 of this Constitution.

2) Once the constitutionally defined internal disciplinary mechanisms of the party as outlined in this Section are exhausted in regard to the disciplinary procedures and proceedings, then the decision of the disciplinary tribunal is final and binding on the member concerned. As such, members (including those who have been disciplined or expelled) legally affirm and agree that they will not seek any external legal (or non legal) review of any disciplinary tribunal decision or its procedures. They also agree and affirm that they will accept the decision of any disciplinary tribunal as final and binding.

3) Members who have offended against the Code of Conduct or otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party shall be liable to disciplinary sanction

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4) Ultimate authority to determine how the "interests of the party" as specified in the above Sub-section and in Section 2, Sub-section 5, may be defined rests with the elected National Chairman of the party or will any official or group of officials and/or members of the party authorised by him to art in that capacity.

5) In the first instance of any member being believed to have committed an offence as defined in this Section, that member will normally be subject to a written reprimand. Such reprimands may be issued by any official senior to the member being reprimanded. A copy of such a reprimand must be forwarded to the National Chairman within 7 days. A second such written reprimand within 2 years would normally be met, upon receipt by the National Chairman of the copy of the said reprimand, with suspension of membership of between 1 and 5 months. The suspension to be notified by the National Chairman, or other senior official authorised by him, to the member in question.

6) In the event of:

(a) a written reprimand, the member concerned has the right of appeal to the National Chairman;

(b) suspension, the member concerned has the right of appeal to a disciplinary tribunal.

7) In the case of a serious offence being committed and where it is judged that there would be some risk to the well-being of the party in that person continuing to exercise their rights of membership:

(a) the National Chairman, or other senior official authorised by him, may immediately suspend or expel from membership any such member prior to a Disciplinary Tribunal being held to determine whether that person has committed an


(b) The member concerned should, as soon as is practically possible thereafter, have in writing the details of the alleged offence.

8) The Disciplinary Tribunal shall be composed of senior party officials where possible and shall be selected according to the convenience of the party by the National Chairman. Such a tribunal shall consist of a Tribunal Chairman and at least two other party members. Such a tribunal shall as far as possible be conducted in a place and at a time reasonably accessible to the accused and with a minimum of 14 days notice.

9) The Disciplinary Tribunal shall have the power to rescind an expulsion; suspend from membership; increase the period of suspension of membership following a failed appeal against such; impose restrictions upon a person; and shall also have the power to expel from membership those guilty of offences against the Code of Conduct or

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who have otherwise acted in a manner contrary to the interests of the party as outlined above in Sub-sections 2 and 3.

10) In the event of a Disciplinary Tribunal being conducted as specified above, it will be left to the discretion of the official responsible to formulate the precise procedure for the conduct of such an enquiry, though this must be reasonable and fair. Complex cases may call for a Tribunal prosecutor to marshal the evidence and present the case.

11) An appeal within two weeks to the National Chairman against a disciplinary tribunal decision or sanction may be made by either the guilty party or the Tribunal prosecutor in the event that such a person was needed,


1) The nationwide organisation of the party shall be divided on a geographical basis into Regions, Branches Groups and Contacts. Additionally, specialist circles may be formed from time to time on a non-geographical basis, the membership of which need not necessarily be party members.

2) The Region will normally consist of a county or group of counties, determined according to convenience by the party leadership.

3) Within each region, the strength of the party will be divided into smaller units to be known as Branches Groups and Contacts. These will normally be based on cities, towns, parliamentary constituencies or groups thereof, situated in close proximity to each other.

4) Contact, Group and Branch Organisers are appointed/removed by their Regional Organiser and he, in turn, by the Director for Group Development and Regulation who has overall responsibility for the running of this structure as well as final authority, saving that of the National Chairman himself, as to appointments and operational decisions.

5) As with the regional-based party structure, the heads of circles are likewise subordinate to the Director of Group Development and Regulation and count as party officials, though their subordinates are not deemed officials within this Constitution.

6) Branch Group and Contact Organisers will have full authority over the affairs of their branches and groups within the limits of this Constitution. This authority will include the power to appoint all other branch or group officials as are deemed necessary to the running of their local units including fundholders. This latter authority does not apply to Contacts, since Contacts are a smaller, pre-Group phase of organisation. All officials, whether Organisers, fund holders etc must live within the normal geographical area

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of operations for the group/branch in question. The membership, in any locality or circle, may naturally make their preference clear for their choice of any local official, but the final decision rests with the official responsible for the appointment.

7) All groups and branches must have a fundholder and an Organiser. While a fundholder may be appointed by either an Organiser or the National Treasurer, only the National Chairman or the National Treasurer may remove a fundholder.

8) Branches, Groups and Contacts within any region shall be distinguished from one another according to the discretion of the Director for Group Development and Regulation using nationally standard criteria. Responsibility for establishing branches Groups and Contacts within a region, for determining lines of demarcation between them and for defining the precise criteria whereby a unit qualifies to be registered as a branch shall lie with the Regional Organiser, who shall be answerable in turn to the Director for Group Development and Regulation.



(a) Property or funds entrusted to or held by a member or ex-member or any body or unit of the party for party purposes shall be held and used by him, her or them as trustee for the party for the time being, subject to any lawful and constitutional directive imposed or given by the donor or the person entrusting the property or funds to the said trustee.

(b) A trustee shall, if so required by the elected National Chairman of the party or any official thus authorised by him, transfer ownership and possession of property and funds held in trust for and on behalf of the party to any person or persons nominated as trustees for the party thereby. Every such trustee shall, so far as may be within his or her power, obey the directions of the National Chairman or any official authorised by him as to the use or disposal of property or funds held by them for and on behalf of the party.

(c) Save the exception provided for in (Section 8, Sub-section 1, para (d)) below, no official other than the National Treasurer and the National Chairman or some official authorised by him, may commit or involve the party in any expenditure of central funds or any other form of transaction without the written consent of the National Chairman or official authorised by him for such a purpose

(d) The central funds of the party shall be administered by a National Treasurer, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure and who shall not be the same person as the Party Auditor. All cheques paid out from these central funds must bear the signature of the National Treasurer and one other party official to be appointed by the National Chairman. The National Chairman shall determine, by arrangement with the National Treasurer

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maximum limit on any item of expenditure which may be made without his (the National Chairman's) consent.

(e) All debts and liabilities properly incurred by the party at a national level shall be solely the responsibility of the National Chairman.


(a) All local funds of the party shall be administered by the regional Treasurer in a single regional account, appointed in accordance with the provisions of Section 7, Sub-section 6, who shall be required to keep regular accounts of all items of income and expenditure concerned, and to keep and submit to the relevant authorities all records required under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation. All cheques paid out from the regional fund must bear the signature of the regional Treasurer and regional Organiser. Limits of expenditure for any local funds shall be determined in accordance with the same procedure as that specified in the foregoing Sub­section.

(b) Regions may operate other accounts subject to the prior approval of the National Treasurer and their being operated in accordance with the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 and any subsequent related legislation.

(c) Contact areas, as distinct from groups and branches, do not raise money to be administered by the Regional Treasurer. Contacts, for the purposes of the law, are treated as individuals and are not able to collect or receive donations. Any monies raised by individuals for the immediate furtherance of the party in a Contact area (e.g. the purchase of leaflets & papers etc) are permissible.

(d) No local unit may operate any kind of account.

(e) In the event that, for any reason, local funds are not able to be administered by the regional Treasurer, then the funds will be administered by the National Treasurer or another treasurer appointed by either him or the Director of Group Development & Regulation.

(f) Any financial undertakings entered into by any local unit or region of the party are the sole responsibility of that local unit/region, and no party organisation outside the unit/region may be charged with liability for debts arising therefrom. No Organiser shall commit his branch/group to spend against future/anticipated income and thereby place his unit in debt. All debts and liabilities incurred by any local unit shall be the personal responsibility of the Organiser of that unit/region and not that of the party.

(g) The arrangements for the method and frequency whereby regional Treasurers keep the National Treasurer and local units within the region informed of the

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position of the regional account shall be determined by the National Treasurer who shall have the right, and is expected, to inspect all regional financial records on reasonable notice.

(h) In the event of a local unit disbanding for any reason, all monies and property belonging to that unit shall revert automatically to the ownership of the party and the custody of the regional Treasurer of the party.


1) All publication of party literature at local level and on local initiative will require the consent of the party's Director of Publicity. This consent may be obtained by either the prior submission of any such literature for inspection by the party's Director of Publicity or by his prior granting to the local official concerned authority to print such literature as he sees fit.

2) The elected National Chairman will reserve the absolute right to order to be withdrawn from distribution any item of party literature or other publicity material published which does not comply with the aforementioned rules or which in its content or quality of production does not reflect creditably on the party.



(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statement to, the news media on matters internal to the party who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a National official of the party.


(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statement to, the news media on matters of local politics who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Organiser or by a National official of the party. The exception to this rule is any elected representative for that local area.


(a) No member of the party may be interviewed by, or give any statement to, the news media on national issues who has not been given prior authorisation to do so by his or her Regional Press Officer, or by a National official of the party.

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1) No local branch or group of the party may undertake to contest any election, whether parliamentary or local government, without the prior consent of the National Chairman or National official or Regional Organiser authorised by him.

2) Local units must submit their choice of candidate for approval to the National Chairman or a person authorised by him to approve candidates.


1) No local branch or group of the party may undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that branch or group without the prior consent of the local Regional Organiser.

2) In the same way no region of the party may undertake to promote any activity on a scale requiring support from members outside that region without the prior consent of the National Chairman or senior official delegated by him.


1) No rigid rules shall govern the holding of internal meetings of the party but such meetings will be held as the occasion demands.

2) In the event of the National Chairman or the Advisory Council calling a General Members' Meeting, all members of the party shall have the right to attend and vote, subject to the provisions of Section 2, Sub-section 6 of this Constitution.

3) Any member wishing to submit a resolution for consideration for inclusion on the agenda of a members' meeting must have a proposer and seconder for such a resolution who are both paid-up full members of the party and must submit the resolution to the National Chairman not later than 28 days before the scheduled date of the meeting.

4) Any changes in Sections 1,4, 5 or 13 of this Constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of members attending a General Members' Meeting. Any member wishing to submit a resolution incorporating such change or changes for inclusion on the agenda of such a meeting must first obtain consent from the elected National Chairman for such inclusion, having in the first place submitted the resolution for consideration in accordance with Sub-section 6 of this Section.

5) General Members' Meetings may only be called by the National Chairman or by the Advisory Council in accordance with Section 5 of this Constitution.

Page 15


1) Consideration will regularly be given to changes in this Constitution for the purpose of improving the functional efficiency of the party. Final authority to determine such changes, however, will rest with the elected National Chairman - saving those Sections protected by Section 13, Sub-section 4.

2) Any changes made to this Constitution by a majority vote at a properly convened General Members' Meeting shall be effective from the time the vote is taken. Changes made by the elected National Chairman shall take effect following publication in a Members' bulletin. The revised Constitution in either case must then be published and made available within 30 days.


1) All persons occupying any positions of authority within the party and thereby authorised to issue directives to other members for the performance of party tasks are expected to communicate such directives with courtesy and dignity, mindful of the fact that the party is an organisation, not of conscripts, but of volunteers who for the most part give their services unpaid and are able to leave the party at any time they wish.

2) All members when engaged in party tasks are expected to act in accordance with whatever directives may be issued to them by the senior party official present, providing that such directives are reasonable, lawful and in compliance with the Constitution of the party.

3) All party members when present on party activities and functions are expected to be of clean and tidy appearance.

4) All party members are expected at all times to conduct themselves in a manner that will bring credit upon the party and to refrain from any acts, whether from a party political or private motive and whether political or private in nature, which are likely to bring the party into disrepute.


(a) The National Chairman may proscribe individuals, organisations or publications which are so hostile to the party, or whose views and or behaviour are so likely to bring discredit upon the party, that members should have no contact with them.

(b) Such a hostile individual, publications or group is thenceforth regarded as a rotten apple and proscription is the means by which they are prevented from

Page 16

contaminating others. Not only are the proscribed barred from attending party functions and activities, but party members are barred from attending events organised by them and barred from sharing platforms with them, distributing or advertising literature and electronic media produced by or in support of them, and promoting events at which they are known or - in the opinion of the party leadership - likely to be attending.


Proscriptions shall come into effect on publication in the National members' bulletin and remain in force until further notice. A full list appears on the party's website.

6) No party member is permitted to present as party policy any political viewpoint that has not been adopted as such. Any party member, when presenting any viewpoint which differs from adopted party policy, must stress that that viewpoint reflects only their own private opinion and is not part of any policy adopted by the party.

7) Every party member has the right to express criticism or dissent on matters internal to the party and to work, within the framework of the Constitution, to achieve internal change within the party. Members are expected to take concerns to their local or regional organiser and they in turn, should a quick resolution not be possible, to take it on to the Advisory Council. Further, an AC member so approached must raise the subject at the next AC meeting or in communication with the National Chairman and other AC colleagues. An official who airs criticism or dissent publicly or to subordinate members without first exhausting the proper channels shall be guilty of a serious disciplinary offence. As a general rule, good news should be passed to subordinate members while problems and criticisms should only be passed to more senior party officials.

8) The spreading of false or malicious rumours shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct. So too shall be the deliberate causing of disruption to the working of the party.

9) No party member or official shall transmit by any means - written, verbal or electronic - to another person or organisation matters that are internal to the party unless prior permission has been given by a member of the Advisory Council or a Regional Organiser not on the AC.

10) No party member or official shall call any activity or meeting beyond their position of authority. Any such call shall be considered an offence against this Code of Conduct.

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Anonymous said...

This any good? Or is there a more recent one?

Front Cover



Ninth Edition, published September 2005

That is the constitution that stands even though Griffin is trying to claim that a later one is the most recent even though it was never announced in any of the Party's publications inc the website, nothing was announced at any annual conference and none of the AC members knew of it

Anonymous said...

For the ninth edition of the BNP constitution go to:
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

Section 3 speaks louder than anything Griffin dare say in public.

For decency sake, just boot the dictator out before someone kills him. No amount of fat bodyguards will stop a hail of bullets.


1) Once elected, the National Chairman shall have full executive power over all the affairs of the party. This will include:-

(a) Power of appointment to all other executive offices in the party, with the exception of the Party Auditor, who shall be appointed by the Advisory Council as specified in Section 5 and who shall not be the same person as the National Treasurer. These include the Directors of Group Development & Regulation, Administration & Publicity, the National Press Officer and the National Treasurer as well as any other offices which may need to be created as the situation demands. Not all such appointments need necessarily be made by the elected National Chairman directly. They may also be made by subordinate officials. Nevertheless, all such appointments, direct and indirect, are made upon the authority of the elected National Chairman and may be over-ruled by him.

(b) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all organisational structures within the party and to determine all rules and procedures whereby such structures are governed.

(c) Power to determine all routine executive, administrative, policy and tactical decisions made by the party.

(d) Power to determine, and where necessary change, all policies relating to the political objectives of the party whilst remaining within the framework set out in Section 1 of this Constitution.

2) While the elected National Chairman may at his discretion delegate decision making powers to individual colleagues or to assemblies of his colleagues where he feels that such decisions may be better made, the elected National Chairman shall have ultimate and final authority upon any decision made.

Page 6"

Anonymous said...

The gentleman who says the BNP is doing (relatively) well really puts his finger on the nub of how people are being conned.

If all you ask is a few powerless councillors and such it is. What use is that? Unless it can get power it's just hobbyism changing nothing. And it's run to make sure it never gets enough human resources to do much more.

Fact is most of its members don't want power. They want self-expression and a few councillors and pub meetings does that for them. In those terms it's doing well. They can go the pub and listen to a speech while we are steadily destroyed as a country.

Talk about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Anonymous said...

So I am asking for proof that the 2006 does exist ,yes or no ?.
Keith Axon.

Anonymous said...



2) Any changes made to this Constitution by a majority vote at a properly convened General Members' Meeting shall be effective from the time the vote is taken. Changes made by the elected National Chairman shall take effect following publication in a Members' bulletin. The revised Constitution in either case must then be published and made available within 30 days.

Anonymous said...

'Fact is most of its members don't want power. They want self-expression and a few councillors and pub meetings does that for them. In those terms it's doing well.'

That is by far the best analysis of the BNP. Of course Griffin, who possesses an almost feminine intuition, has worked that out and ruthlessly exploited it for financial gain.

Anonymous said...

"'Fact is most of its members don't want power. They want self-expression and a few councillors and pub meetings does that for them.

In those terms it's doing well.'"

That's so fucking true it's painful.

Anonymous said...

"'Fact is most of its members don't want power. They want self-expression and a few councillors and pub meetings does that for them. In those terms it's doing well.'"

You only have to read SF to know how easy it's for Griffin to sucker them in. None of them are political, nor do they understand politics.

The Thursday by elections on SF are like watching a load of beer bellies watching footy in the pub. Of course Griffin can con such people. Piece of cake.

Anonymous said...

Fact you are confused as you are stupid .
The 2005 edition is the 9th edition of the constitution.

It is the 2006 constitution,edition no ..? that is being called in to question as I was expelled under the 2006 edition as quoted by Mrs tina wingfield in her letter to me re my expulsion from membership of the BNP.
Keith Axon.

Anonymous said...

Nationalism, is finished. Only idiots would cling to any idea of regaining control of Britain.

BUF-1935-40,000 MEMBERS

NF-1970-16,000 MEMBERS

BNP-2008-5,000 MEMBERS(And,given the current ripe situation for nationalism)

Are you getting the picture?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nationalism, is finished. Only idiots would cling to any idea of regaining control of Britain.

BUF-1935-40,000 MEMBERS

NF-1970-16,000 MEMBERS

BNP-2008-5,000 MEMBERS(And,given the current ripe situation for nationalism)

Are you getting the picture?

24 June 2008 18:45
Actually you are wrong. Support from the public for nationalist parties is far,far greater now than in the 1970's or 1980's or 1990's. This is true for not only the BNP but also miniscule nationalist parties such as England First. Nationalist parties during the last three dacades of the 20th century considered themselves to have had a good local election if they took 3% or 4% of the vote. Nationalist parties now regularly take over 20% of the vote in local elections.
Futher it is now easy to leaflet and canvas --there is no hostility from the public where as before there was.
Nationalist parties ,at present, have small memberships but a growing sea of support.
Richard Chadfield

Anonymous said...

"Nationalism, is finished. Only idiots would cling to any idea of regaining control of Britain."

Depends what you mean by "Nationalism", "regaining" and "control".

Given what I know now about people, history and (Nationalist) politics, it seems to me there was an inevitability about how things have worked out - both in the wider world and the BNP

Griffin has only done to the BNP microcosm what the rest of the political conmen and media have done in the wider world. It takes two to tango and it takes two to be conned. The conner and the conned

There's an ancient saying that all action culminates in knowledge. We don't "get" what we set out to "get" but along the way we realise why that is the case.

In terms of political action, there seems little to be done. Aware of the nature of the BNP leadership, and indeed the world as a whole. When I was Black Country organiser I relentlessly cajoled people to get on to the internet to learn how things really are.

Given the enormity of the task and the very limited success achieved in Nationalism it seems to me that what we were really fighting was the greed, ignorance and cowardice of the masses that has allowed the current status quo.

Anonymous said...

"Nationalist parties ,at present, have small memberships but a growing sea of support.
Richard Chadfield

24 June 2008 21:09"

Richard, anyone who tries hard enough in the current situation could get elected, especially in tiny wards of a population of 500, but it's still light years from number 10.

Anonymous said...

23 June 2008 14:18
Anonymous said...

This any good? Or is there a more recent one?

Front Cover



Ninth Edition, published September 2005

That is the constitution that stands even though Griffin is trying to claim that a later one is the most recent even though it was never announced in any of the Party's publications inc the website, nothing was announced at any annual conference and none of the AC members knew of it.

now we kno that the 2006 constitution only exists possibly in griffins back pocket and it is as worthless as the 2005 constitution is equally worthless and would not stand up in any court in the land as having any basis of enforcement in UK law ,fact is the constitution is as worthless as the paper it is printed upon.

So i am not expelled and neither is any body ele who has been expelled from the BNP in the last 3 years.

It's all dun with mirrors folks.

Keith Axon.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the state has gone to such trouble to take over the BNP in a way it did not in the
1990s alone tells us that the potential for nationalism is far greater.

Numbers in a party are not what effectiveness is about as someone seems to suggest. It's activists. Huge parties like the Tories have hardly any activists.

Note that the thrust of what Griffin has done is to minimise the number of capable and effective activists.

Anonymous said...

Even if you don't realise it I think that the BNP have the potential to do well in elections. Certainly they have done better than any other Nationalist Party in the UK. This is because they are seen as more moderate and because people are increasingly disillusioned with the establishment Parties. Labour no longer has much credibility with workers and many of them are prepared to shift to the BNP.

I don't think comparing membership figures for different groups is fair. At this point of time in our country all Party activism is on the wane - not just for Nationalists. It will be a challenge for the BNP to connect to the youth and recruit just as it is for others.

I feel that you should be more objective here. A lot of the problems you raise would be better resolved by looking at structures rather than personalities. The Consttituion you complain of is largely one inherited from JT. Yet you praise JT to high-heaven! You should be arguing for a more democratic constitution with an elected Executive. Why aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You should be arguing for a more democratic constitution with an elected Executive. Why aren't you?

25 June 2008 08:51

Where have you been hiding? Many have been arguing for such a thing.

Anonymous said...

If this blog is arguing for democratic changes within the BNP why do you have "In support of the BNP Constitution that John Tyndall drafted." as part of your masthead? That Constitution wasn't very democratic.

Anonymous said...

A constitution is only as good as those operating it. John Tyndall's constitution allowed leadership challenges and he did not expel people who stood against him. N Griffin for one.

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard the rumour that Donna Hancock M15 stooge in the West Midlands is a lesbian?
Google her name doing a UK search only. Talks about dyed pubic hair in Evesham. Go figure.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...