The National Liberal Party, the political wing of a so-called nationalist Think-tank Third Way, is now reported to be backing a Black Independent in one of their favoured areas in Essex, no doubt organised by ex- National Front official and Third Way/NLP/Solidarity Executive member, Graham Williamson, a local activist who also runs the self-proclaimed and amateur 'PR company', Accentuate.
Accentuate is a business front for both Williamson and Harrington and managed to con itself into the Solidarity Trade Union to operate its 'PR needs', through the help of friend Patrick Harrington who also happens to be its General Secretary by coincidence. It is a matter of shock and distaste to see so-called 'nationalists' bypassing their white nationalist colleagues and their patriotic principles and supporting a Black ethnic minority candidate in an election.
This is clearly a factional move and one no doubt dreamt up and engineered by Third Way multicult factionaliser Patrick Harington in some vain and deluded attempt to appear clever by presenting itself as liberal and 'progresive'. This is nothing but a sell-out and a cheap tactical error. However, this seems to merely represent the top of the iceberg of Third Way/NLP's bag of left-wing tricks to deceive voters and to pursue a liberal and multicult path as part of its political strategy.
Patrick Harrington and his Third Way clones operate by seizing control of organisations and agendas and claiming control of key positions within organisations.
They did this with the trade union Solidarity where a nationalist trade union was corrupted and perverted by a Third Way liberal-Leftist agenda with Harrington taking control of it through a coup.
The coup was aided and abetted by Nick Griffin and it is clear where Griffin's agenda is taking the BNP. Becoming a liberalised version of a centre-right party and avoiding the issues of mass immigration and the tackloing of social issues on nationalist agendas.
All white nationalists should look upon this latest move by so-called 'nationalists' with horror and grave concern. Third Way/NLP are not nationalists and their collaboration with alien forces marks them out as traitors and the enemy within.
NLP backs Indpendent for South Hornchurch
By doublethink ⋅
May 31, 2008 ⋅ Email this post Email this post ⋅ Post a comment
The councillor for South Hornchurch in Havering recently passed away. Representing the RA’s he was a genuine ‘People’s Champion’ devoting his whole life in service to the community but his sad death has of course generated a vacancy. A by-election has been called (by persons presently unknown - on the day of his funeral!) for July 3rd. The local National Liberal Party (NLP), as part of the Peoples Alliance, agreed not to stand a candidate but will instead support an Independent. The candidate, Michael Burton, stood for the Peoples Alliance (with two other independents), two years ago in the Borough elections. He and his colleagues were only a 100 or so votes off being elected.
NWN: Send my regards to Graham Williamson, a guy I used to have regard for.
The home of real patriotic British people. The independent nationalist voice in the UK. The Red Rose County - Lancashire. A cummerbund & Griffinite free zone.Nick Griffin wrecked the National Front in the 1980's and then he wrecked the British National Party when he hijacked the BNP in 1999.A blog that supported John Tyndall.
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Someone has just tried to post the link to this website on here, we have deleted it. WARNING 2008 list online WTF is going on at the BNP ? ...
A CHANGING WORLD Populist-nationalist tide rolls on Pat Buchanan: 'Old allegiances are fraying, and old allies drifting away' ...
NW Nationalists has shown yet again how British nationalism has been let down by its so-called "leaders".
When you have white "patriots" activily conspiring with the enemy and making deals with them for short-term personal and blinkered tactical effect you know that the situation for the British people and their nation is fast slipping down the pan.
As the situation in this country deteriorates get-rich quick pseudo-nationalists like Third Way/National Liberal Party are busily trying to save their own skins and forge careers and a healthy bank balance by allying themselves with the occupying forces of aliens. They do this whilst stabbing their own white nationalist colleagues in the back.
This sell-out by Third Way/National Liberal Party is utterly disgraceful.
All nationalists should distance themselves from Third Way/National Liberal Party and in partucular their leaders as Patrick Harrington, Graham Williamson, David Durant and Ulster man, David Kerr.
These individuals are frauds and traitors to every nationalist principle in the book.
They are letting down every white man and woman in this country and should hold their heads down in shame.
Somehow though, I doubt very much that these selfish and servile individuals have any sort of consciences.
I was just looking at the little-visited Third Way website (NOTE: they are hosted under an EU web domain name, not a British one like or - that demonstrates very clearly just what these wishy-washy liberals dresed up in a washed-out Union Jack flag are really about and where THEIR TRUE LOYALTIES LAY).
By coincidence or design there in the bottom right-hand corner of the home page was a Google ad reading:
" British Political News. MI6 Are Recruiting New People And Want People Like You. Apply Now.,uk"
Maybe the Intelligence Services know something about Patrick Harrington and his Third Way group that we don't. Considering the number of rumours and observations that are around from the past and their alleged links with MI5 and Special Branch it wouldn't surprise me to find out if there was substance behind them.
Maybe the Intelligence Services know a good nark when they see one perhaps?
Back by POPULAR DEMAND, another hit from the stage show "Oliver" (or in this case, "Collett", starring Nick Griffin as the Artful Dodger, Pat Harrington as Fagin, Mark Collett as Oliver and Jackie Griffin as Nancy.
So all you Collett fans here's another rendition of "I'll Do Anything" ( as long as it's for hard currency of course)...
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
So, 'ow's it go then Dodger (Nick Griffin)? It's all "bowin'" and "'ats off"...
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)(spoken)]
And "Don't let your petticoats go dangling in the mud,
my darling."
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
Oh, "And I'll go last."
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)(spoken)]
No, I'll go last.
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
If you insist.
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)(sung)]
I'll do anything
For you dear (cash)anything
For you(r cash) mean(s) everything to me.
I know that
I'll go anywhere
For your cash, anywhere --
For your cash, ev'rywhere --
I'd see.
[NANCY (Jacke Griffin)]
Would you climb a hill?
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)]
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)]
Wear a daffodil?
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)]
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)]
Leave me all your will?
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)]
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)]
Even fight my Bill?
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)]
What? Fisticuffs?
I'd risk everything
For one grand -- everything
Yes, I'd do anything...
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)]
[DODGER (Nick Griffin)]
Anything for you!!
[NANCY )Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
'Ere now, Collett, you just copy
Nick and I'll help you out with the words, alright?
So it's "I'll do anything"
[OLIVER (Collett)(sung)]
I'll do anything
[NANCY (Jacke Griffin)(spoken)]
For you dear
[OLIVER (Collett)(sung)]
For you dear, anything
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
For you mean
[OLIVER (Collett)(sung)]
For you mean everything to me
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin) (spoken)]
Ah, that's lovely.
[OLIVER (Collett)]
I know that
I'd go anywhere
For your cash, anywhere --
For your money, everywhere
I'd see
[BET (John Walker)]
Would you lace my shoe?
[OLIVER (Collett)]
[BET (John Walker)]
Paint your face bright blue?
[OLIVER (Collett)]
[BET (John Walker)]
Catch a kangaroo?
[OLIVER (Collett)]
[BET (John Walker)]
Go to Welshpool, Powys?
[OLIVER (Collett)]
And back again!
I'd risk ev'rything
For one grand -- everything --
Yes, I'd do anything
[BET (John Walker)]
[OLIVER (Collett)]
Anything for you!!
[DODGER (Nick Griffin) (spoken)]
Dance, Jackie.
[NANCY (Jackie Griffin)(spoken)]
Oh, alright, Nick. C'mon boys!
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
Would you rob a shop?
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
Would you risk the "drop"?
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
Tho' your eyes go, 'pop'
[FAGIN (Harrington)]
When you come down 'plop'
Hang ev'rything!
We'd risk life and limb
To keep you in the cash
Yes, we'd do anything...
Anything for you.
Just about sums up some of the borg-like mentality of BNP and Third Way members who continually dole out their cash to Griffin and Co, all for some expectation of power.
Well, we have news for you.
There ain't going to be any power as long as Griffin and others like him are around, gobbling up your money quicker than Amy Winehouse can snort cocaine up her nostrils.
Meanwhile dear old Fagin is putting out an appeal as pickin' a pocket or two isn't bringing in the readies.
Collett, on the other hand, is too busy chasing underage girlies to bother with money at this stage.
We all know how much Third Way/National Liberal Party love their lolly.
So we have brought the troop of Third Way ( all twenty of them) down from their natural habitat in darkest Essex to entertain us nationalists live on stage in the Collett and Griffin production of "Oliver- the Musical".
In this scene the Third Way Borgs tell us how much they love money, whilst pretending to be "nationalists".
[BOYS(Third Way Borgs)]
Is it worth the waiting for?
If we live 'til (19)eighty four
All we ever get is gru...el!
Ev'ry day we say our prayer --
Will they change the bill of fare?
Still we get the same old gru...el!
There is not a crust, not a coin can we find,
Can we beg, can we borrow, or cadge,
But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill
When we all close our eyes and imag...ine
Cash, glorious cash!
Lottery money and busted!
While we're in the mood --
Benefit fraud and flustered!
Sleaze, conmen and prostitutes!
What next is the question?
Rich gentlemen have it, boys --
Tax E-va-sion!
Cash, glorious cash!
We're anxious to try it.
Three thousand a day --
Our favourite diet!
Just picture a great big wad --
Pre-tax profits, accountancy scam.
Oh, cash,
Wonderful cash,
Marvellous cash,
Glorious cash.
Cash, glorious cash!
What is there more handsome?
Saved, spent or invested,--
Still worth a kin's ransom.
What is it we dream about?
What brings on a sigh?
Piled appeals and donations , about
Six feet high!
Cash, glorious cash!
Spent before the invoice.
Just loosen your belt
Two inches and then you
Work up a new appetite.
In this interlude --
The cash,
Once again, cash
Fabulous cash,
Glorious cash.
Cash, glorious cash!
Don't care what it looks like --
Used !
Don't care what the donor's like.
Just thinking of growing fat --
Our senses go reeling
One moment of knowing that
Very rich feeling!
Cash, glorious cash!
What wouldn't we give for
That extra bit more --
That's all that we live for
Why should we be fated to
Do nothing but trash
On cash,
Magical cash,
Wonderful cash,
Marvellous cash,
Fabulous cash,
[OLIVER (Collett)]
Beautiful cash,
[BOYS (Third Way Borgs]
Glorious cash
If they were to make a film about Nick Gr££in and Patrick Harrington would it be called "Money, Lies and Videotape"?
Both Griffin and Harrington, the Sorcerer's Apprentice, have over the last few years (and now so starkly exposed in recent weeks) shown themselves to be the chameleons of British politics.
They have shown us all their capacities to change their colours as and when it suits them, so that they are camouflaged and remain undetected by their own people.
Griffin has been turning a rather strange tint of pink recently.
Harrington, on the other hand, has always been pink but has now turned the most appropriate colour - yellow.
The National Liberal Party are backing the best candidate for South Hornchurch. The fact that he is black matters only to twisted, embittered people such as yourselves.
It seems that the official constitutional Executive Commitee of Solidarity (the ones that were ousted by the unconstitutional actions of Griffin and Harrington)have been proven right all along.
Those of you who recall the outrageous attacks made by Nick Griffin last summer when he took over the Solidarity union in a coup along with Patrick Harrington, will remember the cries of "Marxist takeover" and "attempted left wing putsch" proclaimed by the Griffinite leadership of the BNP.
Those nationalists who can actually think for themselves will have realised that this was false and merely poisonous propaganda put out by Griffin - a ploy that he has consistently used to beat other nationalist opponents up in the past and which he uses time after time to scare his members whenever he wishes to pursue controversal actions.
With the news published by North West Nationalists that Third Way and it National Liberal Party have backed a black candidate in a local election we now see clearly that the Solidarity coup was in fact a LEFT-WING PLOT by a closet left-wing liberal, Patrick Harrington, to take over a nationalist fighting trade union on the verge of making a major push.
Nick Griffin saw the dangers of a new and potential mass nationalist trade union, and decided to stop it, using his former comrade from his days in the National Front. Patrick Harrington is a born-again leftist who runs Third Way, which espouses a form of socialism.
Now the cat is out of the bag.
Solidarity fell victim to a left-wing coup engineered by turncoat Nik Griffin and backed by his leftist ally, Patrick Harrington.
All BNP members and other nationalits had better take this warning: that the BNP is being deliberately undermined and destroyed by Griffin for political and personal reasons.
Not time it may be YOU who is purged.
Next time it will be something else that Griffin is doing to the BNP to damage it and this time don't you believe his lies and propaganda when he tells you to submit meekly to his diktat because he claims that they are under 'leftist attack' or something similar.
Griffin is a liar and scoundrel.
His lieutenant, Patrick Harrington, is a leftist dupe and a supporter of the multiracial society.
Nationalism in this country has been captured by hostile forces and is being sysyematically destroyed.
All nationalists must do something to prevent this from continuing any further.
Yes, I think it does matter. As a nationalist the primary essential is to look after one's own kith nd kin first and to preserve one's own identity. In the world of aggressive global capitalism and neo-liberal ideologies and a resurgent Marxist threat the necessity of doing that assumes much greater importance. That is the essence of nationalism. Shame we have to teach the fundamentals to such selfish gormless idiots as Third Way.
Still, the essentials of both Griffinism and of Third Way ideology are basically the same -
Self, self, self.
Pat Harrington.
Pat by name. Pat by nature.
All he wants is to be patted on the back by the bourgeois capitalist society which he claims to despise.
He wants merely to be hobnobbing with the elite and to share some of the wealth and luxuries that go with power.
He wants to rub noses with the rest of the trade union barons and to talk on their level as a "General Secretary", even though they wouldn't share a platform with him on any day of the week,
He wants to be loved by the left-wing and to share their concerns over the global environment, world poverty, racism, intolerance and liberty - even though they despise him.
He wants to be seen as a "good boy" by the ruling elite so that he can take in the spoils that he has always felt were owed to him.
He doesn't wat to be isolated any more and instead yans to enjoy the intellectual respect he craves for with the rest of the intelligentsia.
There, there Pat. One day the establishment will reward you and pat you on the back for your work.
Your posts are quite contradictory. Your friends have gone running to the establishment at every opportunity. What describes itself as the 'official Solidarity' doesn't provide any services and stopped paying membership dues when it realised it had been beaten. There is no road back for them. It is simply a matter of tidying up loose ends. All your bluff and bluster has zero effect on Third Way, Solidarity or indeed anything else. You are just piss and wind.
The Third Way has stood candidates in election from ethnic minorities itself. As it takes an economic and cultural view of Nationalism rather than a biological one (as your posters do) this is no shock. The NLP have strong links with independents in Havering and the candidate they are backing has a long history of involvement in community campaigns.
To describe their backing for this fine candidate as a 'factional' move is odd. The NLP are not part of the BNP but separate. There is no reason why they shouldn't stand candidates against the BNP and the establishment parties or back other candidates. The fact that they co-operate in Solidarity (a Trade Union with a specific function) does not mean that they lose their independence. Elsewhere you have argued that Solidarity should be a 'broad church' including members from Labour etc. which in fact it already is!).
You seem very confused.
The NLP have strong links with independents in Havering and the candidate they are backing has a long history of involvement in community campaigns.
As a supposedly 'nationalist' organisation would you not think that promoting black candidates is contradictory to the ideals and practices of nationalism?
Should you not be standing for nationalist principles and promoting white patriots instead?
By selling out so much of what nationalism is about Third Way has effectively sold itself out.
Third Way is now no more than a supine and pale version of the conventional establishment liberal parties.
Will you now be supporting anti-British and Christian-hating Muslim clerics in Burnley, Oldham, Birmingham, London and other places with dense concentrations of Muslims because you feel that you may have a chance to 'get in' and get your Third Way snouts in the trough?
"Never Mind the Politics...
Here's the Third Way" to paraphrase the Sex Pistols.
And as far your ploy about 'co-operating' together in Solidarity the truth is out there - the Third Way have always led an incestuous relationship with the BNP. It looks good for Griffin to have an unprincipled patsy to do his bidding as it looks like an alliance of political interests that on the face of it are not identical. Secondly, we all know Third Way's sordid secret that it's all about money. Griffin wants his hands on money, whether from Solidarity or some other front group, and Harrington, Williamson and the other Third Wayers want to get some of the financial action.
No, my Third Way friend, it is not we who are confused. We are very clear about what we see going on.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool NW Nationalists all of the time.
Third Way has a different definition of Nationalism to you. In your definition only white people can be part of the Nation. As we take a cultural view this is not the case for us. This is what is confusing you. We start from different definitions. We back Michael because he is a local man who has campaigned for the community and has a positive Nationalist outlook. His skin colour was not a factor in the decision of the NLP to back him.
Third Way cooperates with the BNP and others in Solidarity because it has a specific function. Solidarity can have members from all different Parties who unite against migrant labour, off-shoring and other issues but vote in elections differently.
Trade Unions are strongly regulated. More so than political parties. Audited accounts, independently scrutinised elections, being overseen by the Certification Office. Solidarity complies with all this.
In all your posts you attack Solidarity. Yet Solidarity members will tell you that Pat Harrington and others are the only people interested in representing them at grievances, disciplinaries and providing advice and guidance. They do positive work that benefits ordinary people (many of them Nationalists). These people face losing their job, being downgraded etc. What do you do to help them?
Solidarity members are aware of what the Union provides for £1.25 a week. Despite relentless establishment attacks and the smears of establishment dupes and agents (such as yourself) it has been 'business as usual'. It will continue to do so despite 'noises off'. Only the membership of Solidarity decide who leads them. Only the membership has the right to decide policy.
If you feel that there is room for your type of neo-Nazi, reactionary politics form your own Party. If you feel that you can run a better Union form one of those too (have the dynamic Clive Potter as your leader!). Or is that too much like hard work?
"All he wants is to be patted on the back by the bourgeois capitalist society which he claims to despise.
He wants merely to be hobnobbing with the elite and to share some of the wealth and luxuries that go with power.
He wants to rub noses with the rest of the trade union barons and to talk on their level as a "General Secretary", even though they wouldn't share a platform with him on any day of the week,
He wants to be loved by the left-wing and to share their concerns over the global environment, world poverty, racism, intolerance and liberty - even though they despise him.
He wants to be seen as a "good boy" by the ruling elite so that he can take in the spoils that he has always felt were owed to him.
He doesn't wat to be isolated any more and instead yans to enjoy the intellectual respect he craves for with the rest of the intelligentsia.
Lots of assertions but no evidence or grounds as usual. Pat Harrington has always pursued his own course. He has always stood detached from our poltical establishment and shown no desire to join it. Instead he has formed or helped to form institutions which are outside of establishment control. Had he wished to be part of the establishment he has the credentials and contacts but clearly he has no such desire.
"Had he wished to be part of the establishment he has the credentials and contacts but clearly he has no such desire."
Read, "Pat has no competency whatsoever to join the establishment. Despite efforts to steer the middle ground of being 'radical' and yet conforming to the establishment he has realised that he is despised by both"
Anonymous says "Third Way has a different definition of Nationalism to you."
Yes, indeed it has. There are many variants of Nationalism so we can concede that Third Way/NLP represent Nationalism acording to the liberal or civic mode.
That is, it does not see any validity in ethno-nationalism where a nation or community is embedded within the ethnic makeup of itself.
That is why Third Way/NLP can see no contradiction between supporting the European Union which strives to remove not just democracy and liberty from its constituent member states, but also their identities - and believing in multiculturalism.
Realistic Nationalists realise that it is not enough to be merely against the EU and to preserve national identity like the eurosceptic Tories and UKIP, whilst failing to halt mass immigrattion and multiculturalism.
When a nation is destroyed through mass immigration and the destruction of its people's own self-identity and cohesion then no matter what your opposition is to the EU the game has been lost.
"We back Michael because he is a local man who has campaigned for the community and has a positive Nationalist outlook. "
Er, excuse me can your Independent black candidate with the lovely name of 'Michael' be a 'Nationalist'.By definition as he is not an indigenosu member of his host nation he cannot be a 'Nationalist', any more than you as a white person cannot be a Nationalist in, say, India.
Or are you saying that Michael is in fact a Black Nationalist, fighting for black power and black rights over his fellow whites?
(I am getting increasingly worried and confused with Third Way/NLP and their loose catch-all defintions).
"Third Way cooperates with the BNP and others in Solidarity because it has a specific function."
No, we all know why Third Way co-operates with the BNP in Solidarity. Third Way's secret agenda is to infiltrate other organsiations and to seize control of key positions. We know that for a fact. Third Way is tiny grouplet led by Pat Harrington's ego.
Solidarity was taken over by Pat Harrington with the help of Nick Griffin. If it wasn't for Griffin Pat Harrington and his Third Way people wouldn't be interested in Solidarity.
We also know why they like Solidarity. It's because having seized control of it they can access its funds and as a union those coffers have the potential of being big!
Besides if Third Way are so 'progressive' then why are they co-operating with a seemingly Nazi like Griffin and the BNP who are regarded as far Right extremists? Opportunism perhaps?
"Yet Solidarity members will tell you that Pat Harrington and others are the only people interested in representing them at grievances, disciplinaries and providing advice and guidance. They do positive work that benefits ordinary people (many of them Nationalists). These people face losing their job, being downgraded etc."
Pat Harrington represents members because in the long-term it pays for him to do so. It means that he can claim expenses and allowances. It means that if he satifies enough people who'll possibly vote for him at union elections.
Besides, Harrington isn't really interested in the job of helping others. Who was it who apparently said that he was not getting enough political cases and that he was bored by all the minor cases of industrial representation?
Patrick Harrington.
Pat Harrington wants the glory of running big major political cases like discrimination so he can be seen as a saviour and as a St George figure who is champiioning the values of liberty.
I'm not saying that Pat Harrington is not doing bad work and no doubt he has helped several individuals out.
What I'm saying is that he is doing it for the wrong reasons and the wrong motivation.
If he wants to fight big glory cases then he should leave the minor everyday issues to others and stick to the big cases like Walker where he'll earn his kudos.
"Despite relentless establishment attacks and the smears of establishment dupes and agents (such as yourself) it has been 'business as usual'."
There have been establishment attacks and smears against Solidarity.
The problem is that Harrington and Griffin have actually helped them by creating internal divisions and wrecking the potential of a mass nationalist trade union.
Solidarity is doomed. It'll never achieve the potential it once had. After a year and a half of existence it has very few members. The BNP can't even get its members to join - that's the state of the Solidarity union. The only source of recruits for Solidarity can now only ever by BNP members. As a real union the project is dead. Harrington and Griffin finished it off through their stupidity, greed and selfish ambitions.
What Griffin is doing to the BNP by detroying its infrastructure Harrington is doing to Solidarity.
"If you feel that there is room for your type of neo-Nazi, reactionary politics form your own Party."
Our politics are those of genuine Nationalism based on real values. They are certainly not recognisable in the rotten and corrupt politics of the BNP or Third Way.
If Griffin and his corrupt cronies are removed from influence within the BNP it may be that some of the genuine Nationalists will return or join and together create a real Nationalist party.
Oh, by the way, we are not neo-Nazi unlike Griffin and we are not reactionary like the new look BNP. And we are most certainly not the quasi-Marxist 'progressive' multicult crackpots of Third Way.
Accentuate is a business front for both Williamson and Harrington
Harrington derives no financial benefit from Accentuate. Indeed he has abstained on all votes regarding it as have his Third Way colleagues - there is a clear conflict of interest. He is not involved in Accentuate at all. Solidarity use Accentuate to write PR and issue Press Statements. I don't see the problem with that personally. Nor do I object to Nationalists getting paid to do work. We are talking about a Union here!
The Union Exec think it is getting value for money but if the members don't they can raise it at a General Meeting or put it under scrutiny. The Union has internal democracy! People looking in from outside with a negative mindset are not in touch with the reality.
Patrick Harrington and his Third Way clones operate by seizing control of organisations and agendas and claiming control of key positions within organisations.
Could you specify which organisations you are talking of? I can only think of one organisation Third Way members hold posts in apart from their own - Solidarity. As far as I know Solidarity has elections every five years by law. If he and his colleagues are elected democratically what is your objection? Harrington and his colleagues declare their Third Way membership. They are open about it. People can vote for them or not. I voted for them because they do hard work on behalf of the Union and are prepared to set aside their politcal differences for a collective project that benefits all Nationalists. Perhaps you should take a leaf from their book!
I think some of your posters should accept that there are different definitions and strands of Nationalism. They seem to take an ethnic view, Third Way a cultural one and UKIP a civic one. These are all possible definitions and to seek to claim that someone who upholds one is not a real 'Nationalist' depends on the one you personally favour and start with.
"Patrick Harrington and his Third Way clones operate by seizing control of organisations and agendas and claiming control of key positions within organisations.
Could you specify which organisations you are talking of? I can only think of one organisation Third Way members hold posts in apart from their own - Solidarity."
You've just stated it. The Solidarity trade union.(There are also minor local community groups like the Adamsgate Community Group and the ultra-liberal National Liberal Party, whilst its best forgotten miniscule front groups like "Counter-Culture" and "Mother Earth" are basically atempts to infiltrate the Green movement).
Patrick Harrington and his Third Way members plotted to take over the former independent trade union with their co-conspirator Griffin of the BNP. Griffin wanted to exert centralised power over the union and Third Way were interested in the potential money that they could get from this cash-cow whilst turning the whole union into a left-wing image of themselves.
It was a left-wing plot by Third Way.
"I think some of your posters should accept that there are different definitions and strands of Nationalism. They seem to take an ethnic view, Third Way a cultural one and UKIP a civic one. These are all possible definitions and to seek to claim that someone who upholds one is not a real 'Nationalist' depends on the one you personally favour and start with."
Of course there are many definitions of 'nationalism'. However, the simple and right answer is that nationalism has defined values such as loyalty, family values, patriotism, morality, a spiritual ethos and a collective unity of shared national values.
These are values that 'civic' nationalists like UKIP and 'cultural' nationalists like Third Way do NOT possess.
Real nationalists who operate according to the ethnonationalist model accept the reality of life and adhere to the values embedded within nationalism, that is a belief in the racial homogenity of the nation and an identity based on the ethnic and cultural make-up of the indigenous people of the land, in our case, the indigenous people of the British Isles.
Third Way are fakes. They are chancers operating in their illusory world of liberalism and multiculturalism. They are a political cancer which, like any malignant cancer cell, spreads and eventually kills the body in which it has infected.
All real nationalists should approach Third Way and their political misfits, the National Liberal Party, with extreme caution. They are a left-wing socialist trojan horse organisation.
They are a political cancer which, like any malignant cancer cell, spreads and eventually kills the body in which it has infected.
Argument by false analogy.
"Of course there are many definitions of 'nationalism'. However, the simple and right answer is that nationalism has defined values such as loyalty, family values, patriotism, morality, a spiritual ethos and a collective unity of shared national values.
There is no 'simple' or 'right' answer. It is a matter of opinion not a scientific or mathematical statement.
These are values that 'civic' nationalists like UKIP and 'cultural' nationalists like Third Way do NOT possess."
You appear to be saying that only ethno-Nationalists can have shared moral and spiritual values. Loyalty, patriotism and so on can certainly be present with cultural Nationalists. As to 'family values' you would have to define your terms. What do you mean by it? Belief in the family as a natural unit can run alongside toleration of alternative lifestyles. It is the general ethos of society that matters.
True though!
What analogy would you use?
Third Way likened to rats in a sewer?
Third Way compared (accurately it needs to be said) to a bacillus constantly splitting and dividing until it controls and kills its host?
"Belief in the family as a natural unit can run alongside toleration of alternative lifestyles"
Well, if that is the case, then it isn't nationalism.
You cannot water down a political philosophy until the point it reaches is actually contrary to the very essence of that philosophy (unless you are a beliver in the crank 'science' of homeopathy where the essence of the substance is so diluted as to make that diluted substance absent).
If you want to be liberal that's fine.
Call yourselves 'patriotic liberals' or something but please do not try and defile the word 'nationalism' as no real nationalist would ever identify with the plastic 'nationalists' of Third Way or UKIP.
Well, if that is the case, then it isn't nationalism.
You are cobbling different prejudices you hold together and pretending they are something to do with Nationalism. They aren't.
I thought you might be interested in the election result. So here it is:-
Independent 661
BNP 518
Conservative 438
Labour 416
Havering RA 287
The independent candidate who won is the one some of your posters were objecting to. He carried a statement of support from the National Liberal Party on his election address. As he is black some of your posters attacked the NLP for this. The NLP responded by ordering in more cadres to campaign on his behalf. He got 27 per cent of the vote for his positive local agenda. The best man won.
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