Monday, June 02, 2008

Griffin goes in to the car business again - AFFORDABLE CARS Mark 2?

I don't know if you have also received the latest begging letter "Operation Truth Truck" from Greedy Gri££in, I just can't believe he sent out another mass mail shot (costing approx £5,000,) this time so he can purchase a 7.5 tonne lorry.

You would have thought that Richard Barnbrook could buy it for him, now that he's on £51,000 plus expenses from the GLA, along with this he can also employ 3 researchers on £29,000 each, all courtesy of the tax payer.
I just wonder what agreement Nick Griffin has come to with these four lucky people and what levy he has imposed on their wages so that he can get his dirty hands on these state funds?

Back to the truck, how is one vehicle going to cover the whole of the British Isles, plus the running costs will be astronomical especially now that diesel is so costly, we know Mr Griffin is now eyeing up the Euro elections which take place on 4th June 2009, a seat it's worth approx £200,000 a year, that's a cool £Million over the 5 year term, but to expect the poor membership to put their hands in their pockets so soon after 1st May is a bit much!


Anonymous said...

Barnbrook has employed BNP members.

You're right, why doesn't Barnbrook buy the truck that will fly Griffins banner?

He gets a councillors allowance, GLA Allowance, and a wage from the BNP.

At this rate we'll soon be considered an endangered species. Ditching Griffin is simple. Tell him to F*** OFF before we become the new Yanomami

Anonymous said...

Nice. A clever gimmick aimed at the Euro elections. A bit of cash rightaway too.

As ever, Gri££in sees the main chance.

Now that his MI6 friend Roberto Fiore is an MEP, Gri££in will be champing at the bit.

Oh, and just why did the Mussolini girl stand down to make way for Fiore?

Odd that.

Anonymous said...

Remember the concept of "Masterly Inactivity". You do nothing while appearing very usefully busy.

Think what this money could have been spent on.

Anonymous said...

What the hell Was John Walker doing approving this hair brained scheme, hes supposed to be in control of the finances, perhaps we should ask him?

Anonymous said...

i think the truth truck is a damn good idea and will bring us plenty more enquiries

john werneth

Anonymous said...

"Nice. A clever gimmick aimed at the Euro elections. A bit of cash rightaway too.

As ever, Gri££in sees the main chance.

Now that his MI6 friend Roberto Fiore is an MEP, Gri££in will be champing at the bit.

Oh, and just why did the Mussolini girl stand down to make way for Fiore?

Odd that.

02 June 2008 06:57"

Especially when you consider that ,Edgar Vincent Griffin, father of, Nicholas John Griffin, cooks the books for Fiore...

Anonymous said...

"i think the truth truck is a damn good idea and will bring us plenty more enquiries

john werneth

02 June 2008 12:44"

What happened to the Boudicca bus that BNP members donated to? Perhaps the owner realised Griffin was an arsehole?

Anonymous said...

"What the hell Was John Walker doing approving this hair brained scheme, hes supposed to be in control of the finances, perhaps we should ask him?

02 June 2008 11:56"

You know better than that! Everyone knows that Walker isn't the party treasurer. He's just the fall guy for when Griffin fucks up.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, and just why did the Mussolini girl stand down to make way for Fiore?

"Odd that."

Not really. She was elected to the Italian Parliament and (unlike John Hume and Ian Paisley over the years) chose to stand down as an MEP to concentrate on being an MP.

The European Parliament doesn't have by-elections. When an MEP resigns or dies, his/her party nominates someone to take their place, usually though not necessarily the next candidate down the list from the previous election.

Anonymous said...

What became of the collections for the Boadicea bus ?

Anonymous said...

"Remember the concept of "Masterly Inactivity". You do nothing while appearing very usefully busy.

Think what this money could have been spent on."

Gri££in's Third Way liberal pal from the crap union Squalidarity follows the same tactic.

Masterly Inactivity.

Gri££in and Harrington.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Anonymous said...

"What the hell Was John Walker doing approving this hair brained scheme, hes supposed to be in control of the finances, perhaps we should ask him?"

John Walker is another of Gri££in's clones and dutiful lapdogs.

If Gri££in asked for the entire BNP bank account to be transferred to another of Gri££in's dodgy deals such as selling sand to the Arabs (or in his case bagels to Israel) Walker would yet again nod his brainless skull and sign on the dotted line.

Besides, Walker doesn't actually run the BNP accounts. He's just the public face.

It's Gri££in and his equally dodgy family who run it.

Anonymous said...

Truth Truck?

Don't make me laugh.

"Truth" and "Nick Griffin" do NOT go together.

What truth Nick Griffin possesses you could hardly fit into a Matchbox sized model of a truck, let alone the real thing.

Griffin can TRUCK OFF.

Anonymous said...

Will the truck be quietly sold and mysteriously forgotten after a short period and at a cut-down price?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask. Who will the truck be bought from?

Anonymous said...

Bought from AUCTION for Dependable cars and sold to the THE BNP at SHOWROOM PRICE or a little less let's say at a bargain price but greater than the AUCTION PRICE.

A simple business deal,WHATS WRONG IN THAT keyser soze

Anonymous said...

Bnp financies are a mystery to all but a select few. This,of course, demonstates how stupid the BNP membership must be because as the BNP leadership constantly tell the membership: 'BNP financies are transparent'. Here are just a few pretty easy questions the trusting membership may care to ask themselves.
1) Do you know how many people the BNP employs?
2)Do you know how much each BNP employee is paid?
3) Do you know how much each BNP employee claims in expenses? MP's may be corrupt but their do publish their expenses. BNP employees,as far as I am aware, don't publish their expenses.
4) Do you know which BNP employees carry BNP credit cards? Have you ever seen a BNP employees credit card statement?
5) You have probilly heard of Great White Records. You probilly thought it was a part of the BNP.You were never discouraged from that believe were you? You probilly think Great White Records raises money for the BNP. Well,suprise,suprise, G.W.R is not part of the BNP it is an independant private company. I will leave you to show some inititive and go to company's House to find the name of the principal shareholder. G.W.R,according to the BNP's last returns to the electoral commission, had made no (thats zero) donations to the BNP. Stangeley those same returns showed that the BNP had made a substantial payment to G.W.R for the provision of sound equipement.Perhaps it was all above board but if you are not inclined to be trusting it raises a question in your mind.
6) Have you heard of Vangard Promotions? It is believed that a senior BNP person owns Vangard Promotions. Does anyone know what the relationship,if any, is between Vangard promotions and the BNP?
7) Are the BNP's publications owned by the BNP or by one or more individuals? I don't know. In a party with 'openly transparant financies' we should know who owns the party's publications and where any profit from those publications may end up.
8)Do you know how much of the money raised by members contributions etc is spent on political campaigns? You should.
9) What do you know about Trafalgar Club donations?
10) You probilly believed, becaused you were told so, that all was fine because the electoral commission accepted the BNP returns. Well the Electoral Commission does not, as I understand it, investigate those returns it just files them away. It only investigates if a complaint is made. Just like filling you council election returns is'nt it?

Just a few simple questions to which ,in a party with 'openly transparant financial procedures, you should have the answers.

Anonymous said...

Just a few simple questions to which ,in a party with 'openly transparant financial procedures, you should have the answers.

Good points Richard.Richard Chadfield performs another useful service by raising key issues about the BNP's finances and asking those questions that EVERY BNP member should be asking (or at least in their own minds before they go an vote for the leadership challenge, or even to donate any more money).

The BNP leadership likes to (rightly) criticise the other parties and complain about corruption and financial transparency, and to go on about MP's expenses and allowances.

Fair enough, but before it starts shouting the odds about it and talking down from the moral high ground, how about the BNP leadership actually coming clean and being open and transparent with its own funds (or rather it's member's)?

Anonymous said...

Mussolini stood down to get an Italian government post - what an uneducated stirring troll "anon" is!!!

As the other (educated) anon said, as No. 2 on the list Fiore gets a straight shoe-in.

How anoying for Gable and Co who love to hate Fiore!

The system that bankrolls them will now be forced to give Forza Nuova activists money!

Unlike Griffin, Fiore has put HIS money into the cause... with Griffin the money leaves the cause for his own pockets!

As with the BNP policies of faggots, zionism, War on terror etc. etc. griffin and Fiore are chalk and cheese.

Anonymous said...

It's all dun by mirrors.
Victor lutz.

Anonymous said...

"8)Do you know how much of the money raised by members contributions etc is spent on political campaigns? You should."

According to the current BNP accounts, less than 10% is spent on political campaigning. There isn't a single BNP member with the guts, or brains, to ask why a political party spends so little on being political.

Anonymous said...

Let at the sources of Fiore's money a little closer. Look too at his still current links to the Gri££in tribe.

A 'shoe-in'. Exactly. Interesting that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks keyser soze. Just a simple business deal then. Who sold the cars to the BNP exactly?

Anonymous said...

I know WHY Gri££in wants a truck.

Why of course it's to put all that dosh he's made from the BNP into and cart it all the way back to Welshpool...or maybe Croatia.

Anonymous said...

"I know WHY Gri££in wants a truck.

Why of course it's to put all that dosh he's made from the BNP into and cart it all the way back to Welshpool...or maybe Croatia."

or....Gri££in has bought a CB system and him and Darby are going to play at "Convoy" eg "10-4 Pig Pen this is Rubber Duck " etc

Anonymous said...

"or....Gri££in has bought a CB system and him and Darby are going to play at "Convoy" eg "10-4 Pig Pen this is Rubber Duck " etc

03 June 2008 23:11"

Just cried laughing :)

Anonymous said...

No N0, Its 10-4 for a fat poof.
I hear the driver will be...
Ex Black Country BNP Leader, John the money man. ,-)

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...