Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tommy Williams - "Vicious, Lying, and Mentally Disturbed"

Tommy Williams

"Vicious, Lying, and Mentally Disturbed"

The above title for this post is a direct quote taken from, Nick Griffin, who was recently asked what he thought of the Sheffield drug abuser. Why was Griffin being questioned? It was because, Mr Williams, has been spreading more lies on what has become the none premiere nationalist site, Stormfront. On there he claims to have harassed BNP councillor Chris Beverley, and his wife. A bare-faced lie as, Beverley, hasn't seen Mr Williams for at least 9 months, and when we say seen him, we mean, Beverley saw, Williams on a seat, sitting in a corner. Perhaps Beverley should have offered, Williams, a dunces hat?

Anyway, it's sometimes nice to know that Griffin still has the ability to speak honestly about folk, albeit behind their backs.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, Williams is an ugly club footed wanker who should have been aborted. Adolf, would have shot the retard.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Ha ha ha, Williams is an ugly club footed wanker who should have been aborted. Adolf, would have shot the retard.

03 June 2008 01:02"

I second that!

Anonymous said...

yes mien Capitan.
Victor lutz.

Anonymous said...

nick always tells the truth, unlike half the untruths printed on this site

john werneth

Anonymous said...

Should have chucked the baby and raised the placenta instead....much more useful.

Anonymous said...

"the bardstard said...
did you know that Chris Beverley is being investigated by police due to comments made on your blog? You didn't know that? LOL! Please keep up the good work Pete, your input is most satisfactory and a solicitors letter is just the start of your problems like I've been warning you for months now but you won't listen LOL It won't be too long now before you get a summons but I think your personal life is being investigated first and I hear that contact has already been made to your employers who are "disturbed" at what you do in your private life.

don't say I didn't warn you LOL

i once had a brother called chris
who died in a pool of his piss


03 June 2008 11:23"

Yet more lies from the "Mentally Disturbed", William.

Oh, and did you know Barker doesn't own this blog? Not very upto date are you, Mr Williams? LMAO

Anonymous said...

"i once had a brother called chris
who died in a pool of his piss


03 June 2008 11:23"

Carry on you sick arsehole. One day you'll be introduced to some REAL men.



Anonymous said...

"Solicitor's letter". bit of a come down in terms of "a threat"

"Mein Fuhrer, if the bolsheviks do not surrender we wll send a stiffly worded Solicitor's letter..."

Nahh...lacks something!

Anonymous said...

"Stop being a dozy fat coon

03 June 2008 19:41"

Come and say it to my face you Sheffield wanker. I'll introduce you to 8 inches of Sheffields lost industry, and carve you a permanent smile.

All talk though aren't you, you lying shit bag. You're a bigger pussy than the cats you work with.



Anonymous said...

Is the twat still working at a dogs and cats home?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Is the twat still working at a dogs and cats home?

03 June 2008 20:58"

He has to.

Human beings wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. He's a drunken old slag.

Anonymous said...

I think Williams is a red. Look at his site, all he does is attack other nationalists, he never attacks the reds.

Anonymous said...

Come and say it to my face you Sheffield wanker. I'll introduce you to 8 inches of Sheffields lost industry, and carve you a permanent smile.

dozy fat bow legged coon all gob like barker

Anonymous said...

"dozy fat bow legged coon all gob like barker"

Come and speak your lies to my face. I can assure you that not only am I not "all gob", but you'll leave my house in an ambulance. Now, enough of the talk, get your arse to my house by this Friday.

Anonymous said...

"dozy fat bow legged coon all gob like barker"

was that the BNP strapline on the Birmingham election leaflets?

Funny how the Sheffield gobshite turns whatever way HMV dictates.

And how does HMV react? By calling him what he is: a mental retard and inveterate liar.

With comrades like that!!!!

Can i get an affordable car now?

Anonymous said...

That is also another 'do- nothing' and the other Sheffield gobshite, Dave Howard.

Their job is to try and tie you down NWN.

Thats what Grifin pays them to do.

Let Howard and Williams argue Griffins policies !

These two are also protected on Stormfront, they are turning it to resemble their own blog and VNNs style.

NorthWestNationalists said...

CUNTs contact Cllr Auty ?

Oh is that right ?

Williams must have been threatening again, and his bumboy Howard soon jumps on the shovel.

Williams is good at phone threats, I will give him that.

Williams got my phone number off John 'Jock' Shearer. (Shearer conned Anita Corbett out of my number.)

Shearer then gave my number out to all and sundry. That is why I received threats from;

Tommy Williams

Adrian Brookes (anonymous call)

Jock Shearer (anonymous call)

Alan Rhodes (anonymous call)

Martin Reynolds

BT tracked their calls and changed my phone number.

Also, Dave Howard suggest that there are thousands of members of the CUNTs. The apty named CUNTs include most of the above plus one very strange fruitcake called Beverley Kerry who has a fear of going out of her home, she is on the web 24/7, just like Howard.

In reality there are 2 CUNTs, and they are Williams and Howard.

Before the internet, where were these two nationalist warriors ?

Anonymous said...

With Beverley Kerry on board, canit be said that at least they hava a REAL cunt in the team?

Fatima Gulcar Williamson

Anonymous said...

Is Jock really involved in the CUNTS website?

I can't imagine so as he is a decent lad.

As for Williams, I have never met the guy, though I would sincerely like to. No doubt he would run a mile back to his 'covert' mansion squealing like a little fat baby phoning Griffin and asking for more money. The internet warrior pussy.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Shearer is NOT involved with the CUNTs website.

He is however, just a low intelligence bloke that hovers around the criminal fraternity.

Shearer does post on the CUNTs messageboard.

Shearer should just grow up, he still thinks he is a football hooligan and is a moderator on the FYC hoolie site. Feck me, is older than I am I think !

Many rumours abound about Shearers involvement with drugs, and I was warned by older Oldham BNP members when Shearer joined Oldham BNP in 2001.

Anonymous said...

who is the loyalist gobshite masty ?

Anonymous said...

MASTY is Preston based market trader Pete Burns. His wife Jacqui Henaghan brings in the money while masty fucks around selling books on ebay and Preston market and pretending to be 'hard'.

He is an old mate of Peter Williamson - says it all really?


Anonymous said...

Do you enjoy a good thriller?... Can't get enough of a steamy novel? A weepy romance? Do you like to be scared witless by the latest horror, or prefer the non-fiction side... biog's, autobiog's, true crime, abuses cases etc..

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes" but you hate the hassle of shops and their prices, and assistants who couldn't care less whether you buy or not... look no further than the large section of Preston's Outdoor Market...

There four days per week you will find THE BOOK STOP'S HERE !!! Every Mon, Tue, Fri & Sat, whatever the weather MASTY & his able assistant Tim Walker set up their massive selection of books! Paperbacks, hardbacks... from Mills & Boons & a big section of 50p clearance paperbacks, through to the current brand new chart books, at heavily discounted prices..."RRP means READ, RETURN, PICK to us!" says Masty Pete Burns whose special part-exchange deals differ greatly from other traders in that he will take all that you have that is saleable... give you a credit rating & you only pay when you go above it..."I can't see the sense of knocking back saleable books just because they were bought elsewhere" says Pete, who has a decade & half's worth of experience of tading on virtually all of Lancashire's main retail markets... " If we can sell it, we will trade it!"

Pete also has an online shop trading under the name BIBUXMARKETMAN, for the more specialist & collectable books...

So whatever your reading requirements give MASTY a looking at... A local trader, Preston-born & bred, supplying local needs within the local economy..."

Anonymous said...

MASTY is a big mate of Peter Pisspants Williamson AND Beverley Kerry.

They hunt in a pack on forums and alomg with 'Kruger' (aka Rolf of harris and Lycanthrope on VNN) were members of the Worksop based wolfhook whitebrotherhood WHBH which went tits up after a tiff.

The 'Commitatus Midgard' has taken over as the biker gang. Question: Is stale CUNT Beverley Kerry a member ofthe 'Commitatus Midgard' bike gang?

'Ditchford Loyal'

Anonymous said...

MASTY was the N9S organiser for the NW of England.

The Loyalist gobshite goes under the name of 'Celtic Warrior' on various forums

Anonymous said...

Who is NW gobshite Kruger?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...