Saturday, June 14, 2008

Negroes then and now ! What happened ?

Now negroes utter the most base crap and without a tune in showbiz. It is the most filthy talentless garbage, but with obscene and violent messages.

Gene Kelly the famous Hollywood film star and dancer would not appear with, nor hear the Nicholas Brothers name in his presence.

Kelly was a Communist ! Communists/socialists are as hypocritical now as they were then.

Just watch the skills of the Nicholas Brothers dancing.


Anonymous said...

Is that Cab Calloway from the Bluses Brothers film ?

NorthWestNationalists said...

Yes it is.
Well spotted anon.

Anonymous said...

Bloody Hell

Anonymous said...

I strayed here from a Google alert, but felt I had to refute what you said about Gene Kelly. Firstly he was not a communist, he was a Democratic Socialist, he hated any sort of regimentation.
Secondly he was solely responsible for the Nicholas Brothers being give a role in his movie The Pirate, in which he danced with them. Far from refusing to acknowledge them, he put his own career at risk by insisting they be employed in the film.

Augustus Toplady said...

It is in the interests of the elite to have one culture for all. If it a retarded, stupid culture then all the better. And what better than a culture that merely celebrates the love of money, brute violence and cruelty and drugs? Thats why your clip seems so dated and slightly strange. You are too old. You remember a better, nicer and more wholesome time.

Negroes were then raised to consider the culture of whites to be that which to follow; today our children are dragged to the gutter with the most retarded filthy and vile Niggas in da hood.

NorthWestNationalists said...

Nonsense AuntSuzy;

Gene Kelly was a long time supporter of communist causes such as the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War.

Even one of his wives was under suspicion post WW2

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic, as Alanis Morrisette might say,that I am only aware of the Nicholas Brothers due to visiting a WN site?

Anonymous said...

How the hell did they get up from the splits without using their hands ?

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...