Sunday, June 01, 2008

Barnbrook & Loose Cannons

Is Barnbrook, speaking of Tommy Williams, and Dave Howard ? Or, is he referring to the people who were walking the streets when he was a gutless bastard supping with liberal wankers?"There are still loose cannons, admits Barnbrook. "Every party has nutters. Some of ours are knuckle-dragging junk from the past. But there are fewer left now."

Richard Barnbrook: The art-school liberal who now won't allow blacks in his party
He once collaborated with Derek Jarman and taught Hackney schoolchildren to draw. Now in the London Assembly, he has just won the far right its biggest ever electoral prize. Cole Moreton meets... Richard Barnbrook

Sunday, 1 June 2008


Anonymous said...

If Barnbrook really believes that Griffin will use the £5,000 demanded by the party each year from Barnbrooks allowance, to fund Barnbrook becoming the BNP's first MP, then he needs a check up from the neck up. Bob Bailey will be in Barnbrooks shoes within 2 years. Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

100% correct. No one will be allowed that title unless Griffin gets it first.

Anonymous said...

How come Griffin has never been elected to anything except the BNP?

Anonymous said...

"How come Griffin has never been elected to anything except the BNP?"

Because the members who voted for him to become chairman were as thick as shit, but the general public aren't as thick so haven't made him a councillor, MP, or MEP.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who Barnbrook is referring to? Perhaps it's Griffin? Griffin did attend Hitler parties in the past.

Anonymous said...

"Because the members who voted for him to become chairman were as thick as shit, but the general public aren't as thick so haven't made him a councillor, MP, or MEP."

The BNP is a microcosm of the (political) world at large. The average BNP member was and still is perhaps marginally more intelligent than the general public ....

We all learn from our experiences. My lesson is to never ever become friends with those I can't look up to.

Loyality to Gri££in is like an inverse intelligence test.

You know. A time will come , perhaps in the next year or so when the last challenge to Gri££in has failed , it will be time to move on from knocking him and his collection of crooks, and like minded people will need to start getting their heads together.

I know he has betrayed many people and took the money etc but Nationalists should start thinking in terms of building. Just pointing out NG's faults isn't solving the country's problems.

Anonymous said...

Griffin looks like someone who works in middle-management for a builders merchant. He is simply unelectable outside the grubby dealings of what remains of the 'nationalist' movement.

On the other hand , and for all his faults, Barnbrook comes over as
interesting and his faults are almost character making. He certinly is the only person left who could credibly challenge griffin. Which is why he will fall under the metaphorical bus sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Making Griffin chairman was a gamble but not a mark of stupidity.

John Tyndall had many fine qualities but he was not interested in pursuing the style of politics we now have in this country which revolves around the media.

The only chance the BNP had was a change in direction and the only viable candidate was Griffin because so few people with any capability would do anything active in nationalist politics.

We all now now the results of electing Griffin which are beyond belief. They have largely happened because of the membership's supine acceptance of Griffin's behaviour since his election.

Anonymous said...

" of politics we now have in this country which revolves around the media.

People need to get busy with camcorders and put stuff on U tube etc I noticed that an Irish musician of all people got something on U tube about 911 and the Lisbon Treaty.

People in Nationalism have become "reactive" to the monopoly media, quoting it etc when the internet makes "making the news" within reach of many. Many Americans have done this very successfully.

Anonymous said...

Barnbrook's comments are to be expected coming from a middle-class prick who would naturally have his feminine sensibilities upset by anyone with a working class accent. I hope the Security fellas remember to look the other way if anyone ever tries to attack him. The only good thing about him is that he is so far up his own arse it leaves little room for anyone else to be.

Anonymous said...

Here we go - you have to attack anyone who is successful because you are a useless, worthless wanker.

Tyndall is dead , get over it - and no-one else will give you the time of day. There's bad blood in your lot and your bile is to be seen by your postings. When did you take the establishments shilling???

Anonymous said...

"I like things clean, neat, orderly," he says, asking me to take my shoes off to protect the cream carpets – and revealing socks to match the linen suit.

Typical Gay characteristics.

He is an arrogant bastard and he is standing on the shoulders of Giants. All these people who went before him including JT are 10 times his worth. He has not got an original idea in his head and the only reason he has lasted so long is because he is a useful lapdog for Griffin. If Antifa have a go at him he might wish some of them knuckle draggers are about.

He just uses people to further his own personal propaganda and he is bi-sexual at the very most.

Anonymous said...

"Tyndall is dead , get over it - and no-one else will give you the time of day. There's bad blood in your lot and your bile is to be seen by your postings. When did you take the establishments shilling???

01 June 2008 16:43"

We haven't, but we know you've taken the sheckel.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Pete will not be outside Leeds Crown court or anywhere else he is likely to meet other nationalists. Why? because he is shit scared of getting a slap.

01 June 2008 18:37"

Eff off you moron. Barnbrook is referring to people like you LMFAO

Anonymous said...

"Knuckle dragging junk" must include a cartain amoral piece of excrement based in Saltdean.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...