Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is the BNP being helped by the Zionists?

A collection of story headlines from the past 12 months.

The Daily Star:


"...NO wonder BNP is taking power!"




Post your favourite headline here


Anonymous said...

Ha no-one can think of any you sad bastards. The BNP's great when you're in it but we're glad your not

Anonymous said...

The Guardian clearly stating if you don't like asians and muslims, vote BNP

"The BNP, for example, has started using religion as a category of racial designation so as to deflect charges of racism. For instance, they seek to defend something called "Christian Britain". But what they really mean is "no Muslims" - and that really means "no Asians". The fact that these categories are not in any way equivalent does not detract from the message the BNP is sending by using them in the way they do"

Anonymous said...

"Ha no-one can think of any you sad bastards. The BNP's great when you're in it but we're glad your not

12 June 2008 23:17"

We don't want to be in it, we're happier, and richer.

Anonymous said...

most proper nationalists are now OUTSIDE the BNP

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
most proper nationalists are now OUTSIDE the BNP

13 June 2008 00:06"

Hear hear

The only people left in the BNP are drunks, druggies, and subserviant numpties who swoon in Griffins presence.

Not being in the BNP is a badge of honour to be worn with pride.

Anonymous said...

The gentleman who thinks people outside the BNP want to be in it has things quite wrong. We are relieved (but not of our cash).

What we are unhappy about is the fact that the BNP is no longer designed to change anything in our country. And that all too many people new to politics don't know that and have been sucked into a political game designed to neutralise opposition to the murder of Britain.

Of course they get their entertainments in the BNP. That's all many of them want anyway.

Anonymous said...

Most racial nationalists are now outside the BNP
I agree we can not turn it round so lets strike out in something that reflects what we are and thats RACIAL NATIONALIST AND NOT POPULISTS.
keith axon

Anonymous said...

Most racial nationalists are now outside the BNP
I agree we can not turn it round so lets strike out in something that reflects what we are and thats RACIAL NATIONALIST AND NOT POPULISTS.
keith axon.......

You mean sad old dossers and drunks, serial losers etc.

Thats where you belong, on the outside, the BNP don't want you.


Anonymous said...

Ha no-one can think of any you sad bastards. The BNP's great when you're in it but we're glad your not

YOU are the sad bastard sunshine.

If you're content to be in a little declining club because you feel inadequate and want to be 'someone', that's fine.

Clearly you have no capacity to think for yourself.

That's your problem, not ours.

You are a big enough mug for wanting to give your hard-earned money (that is, if you're working) to a man who is clearly corrupt and treats its membership like personal property, using them like stocks and shares so that he can accumulate his pension to enable him to retire nicely in a pleasant place (unlike you arsehole who is probably living on the frontline and which will explode in ethnic violence one day with you and your family in the middle of it).

Not our problem sunshine as you've made your choice - whilst denying that to others.

The thing is my sad friend is that it is idiots like you who possess no sense of either personal responsibility, maturity or indeed intelligence.

You, like your other idiotic sheep, can follow the herd - who are unthinking lemmings about to jump over the cliff whilst following its leader (that leader will, however, ensure that they themselves don't actually go over the cliff).

Racial nationalists who refuse to play the Griffin-tune have one thing that you muppets lack.


Anonymous said...

It is sad...That a fat poof and his crew ,-)Have turned the party into a con party!
The Black Country bnp fucked!
thanks Ken & Simon

Anonymous said...

"Racial nationalists who refuse to play the Griffin-tune have one thing that you muppets lack.


To true!

Anonymous said...

It is no secret that the msin objective of the BNP is to get Griffin elected as an MEP. It is also no secret that this makes people elected rich.

Can the BNP enthusiasts explain exactly how this is going to change what is happening to Britain or do they imagine the entire political system will then say this means it has to change its policies?

Anonymous said...

The reason that the morons support Gri££in is that he gives them a reason to feel important.

If a gets elected as a Euro MP and starts to rake it in, the nobodies and degenerates that now comprise the bulk of the membership will believe that they have somehow acquired a piece of the action.

The fact that Gri££in regards them all as worthless trash will pass them by.

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...