Friday, November 03, 2006

What was it that 'drove' this old lady of 72, to attend a National Front march at Lewisham on 13th.August 1977 ? Over 10,000 + armed communists and negroes attacked the Police that day, in South London, in their attempts to maim/murder British nationalists. What drove her was her ideology, and a shared belief that she and we, are right. [The pic can be enlarged by clicking on it ]


Anonymous said...

''Namely looking at the wave of non-christian, non-white members being welcomed into the party with open arms and having the guts to stand up and say something.''

What wave?

Oh come on. I was a member of the NF when this picture was taken and yes, she was a brave old lady. But the name 'Esther Sizer' is about as Jewish as you can get. Other Jewish NF members of the time were Albert Elder from Brighton and Gery Viner from the East End. This was under JT's watch (and when Webster was National Activities Organiser) so please don't hark back to some sort of golden age when Britian's leading nationalist party was juden frei.

NorthWestNationalists said...

The difference being that any jews were only members of the BNP, and NOT Officials or advisors to Nick Griffin a la Rabbi Meyer Schiller.

I spoke to Gerry Viner and felt sorry for the bloke.

Jews should never have any influence in a white nationalist party.

Is that good enough for you ?

So 'anonymous', please take me pedigree in nationalism has no peer, as you should know, if you were around at that time.

You can reveal yourself if you like.

Anonymous said...

So 'anonymous', please take me pedigree in nationalism has no peer, as you should know, if you were around at that time.

I was around at that time too and I know perfectly well who you are having stoof outside jail for you, one day in Warrington.

To give you a clue to which region I was in and here are a few names of Branch officers from the time....

Ken Bernal
John Hamilton
Wally Tonks
Alan Machin
David Jones
Alvin Hanson

Can you guess the region?

Not too difficult I hope.

Bonus question. Which two of the above went on to be founder members of the BNP?

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