Thursday, November 30, 2006

Last Updated: Thursday, 30 November 2006, 17:43 GMT
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West Yorkshire police chief dies

Mr Cramphorn was Northern Ireland deputy chief constable until 2002West Yorkshire's chief constable has died after a two-year battle against cancer, the force has announced.

Colin Cramphorn, 50, who joined the force in 2002, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2004.

In September, the former Northern Ireland deputy chief constable announced he planned to retire after "four challenging and rewarding years".

Acting Chief Constable Julia Hodson said: "The force is deeply saddened by the news of Colin's death."

NWN : Many nationalists will have a different view to the one above.
Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.
Do you run through each day On the fly?
When you ask "How are you?" Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores Running through your head?
You'd better slow down Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.
Ever told your child, We'll do it tomorrow? And in your haste, Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch, Let a good friendship die Cause you never had time To call and say "Hi"?
You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day, It is like an unopened gift.... Thrown away.
Life is not a race. Do take it slower Hear the music Before the song is over.

Written by Dr. David L. Weatherford, who has written many other beautiful inspirational poems.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fw: Google Alert - holocaust conference tehran

Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:07:38 -0000

UK envoy: Tehran Holocaust conference off the wall - YnetnewsUK envoy: Tehran Holocaust conference off the wall Ynetnews, Israel - 2 hours ago … The UK ambassador called for a full implementation of all parts of UN resolution 1701, including the release of the abducted Israeli soldiers. … ...UK NEWS -

Holocaust survivor reunites with rescuerBy Admin Int'l holocaust confab to be held in Tehran Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran - 38 minutes ago An international conference dubbed `Holocaust: World Prospect' will be held by the Foreign Ministry's Institute for Political and ...Joanne Solliday -

This once a day Google Alert is brought to you by Google.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cable Street heroics are a myth

Mosley and his followers were indeed prevented from marching to Victoria Park.

But they reaped a rich reward Geoffrey Alderman Jewish Chronicle 13 October 2006, p.33.

In the early 1990s, I had the privilege of supervising a brilliantdoctoral student, Thomas Linehan (now of Brunel University), who had taken upon himself the daunting task of recreating the membership lists of the East London and South-West Essex branches of the British Union of Fascists,and, from those lists, of discovering who the members of these branches wereand why they joined the BUF.

When the BUF was proscribed in 1940, and its leaders arrested, most of its membership records were deliberately destroyed. Historians who, in the1960s and 1970s, first started seriously examining the phenomenon of the BUF,had relied almost exclusively on what were, at best, intelligent guesses as total BUF and individual branch membership.
Dr Linehan swept all these generalisations aside. Through painstaking detective work, he was able to give us our first accurate insight into the periodic rise and fall of BUF membership, which was (as it turned out)tied very much to local politics and local circumstances.

Linehan's thesis was published in 1996 as "East London for Mosley." Onpage 202 of that book you will find an extraordinary analysis of the impact of the so-called "Battle" of Cable Street on BUF recruitment. The Battle of Cable Street took place on Sunday, October 4 1936. To celebrate the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the BUF its founder, the former Labour minister Oswald Mosley, announced that the massed ranks of the party would> assemble for "inspection" at the Royal Mint and then march .through east London for a rally at Victoria Park.

The BUF was fully entitled to hold such an event under the then existing law. Nor would this have been the first time the BUF had marched through the East End; there had been previous marches without serious incident. But an> alliance of left-wing groups, led by the Communist party, decided to pick a fight with the BUF in order to heighten awareness of the Fascist threat and to engineer a situation in which - as they hoped - the BUF would be banned, or its activities severely restricted.
The Spanish Civil War had broken out three months previously and British Communists were going to show, at Cable Street, that they, too, could fight Fascism. Or,as one of them confessed at a seminar I chaired at London University in 1986 (at which Cable Street veterans from all sides were brought together for a civilised discussion), physically confronting the BUF was going to make us "feel good."

So, in order that a motley collection of left-wingers (many of them Jews) could "feel good," the civil rights of the BUF were going to be swept aside. The police were out in force to protect these rights. And the "battle"that took place was not (as it turned out) between the anti-Fascists and theBUF, but between the anti-Fascists and the police. That was what the Battle of Cable Street was really about.

Mosley and his followers were indeed prevented from marching to Victoria Park. But they reaped a rich reward. It is owing to the research of Dr Linehan that we now have an authoritative account of the effect of Cable Street on BUF popularity. There was, concludes Dr Linehan, a "spectacular leap" in BUF recruitment in east London following the events of Cable Street.

The membership of the BUF rose steadily to a peak of around 40,000 in1937. At the London County Council elections that year, the BUF polled 14 percent of the votes in Shoreditch, 19 per cent in Limehouse and a stunning 23 per cent in Bethnal Green.

Why did upright tradesmen and shopkeepers and even professional people, support and join the BUF? Why was there so much hostility in the East End towards Jews?

These questions obsessed the Board of Deputies. Ten days after CableStreet, the Board's president, Neville Laski, had a secret meeting with the Communist leader Harry Pollitt and the Labour MP Herbert Morrison. Both agreed that Jews carried much of the responsibility for the prejudice against them. This resulted from such behaviour as flouting the Sunday trading laws; the use of blackleg labour to undermine trade unions; and sharp practices by Jewish landlords and estate agents. The impact of Cable Street was to add to this list by enabling the BUF to brand Jews additionally as enemies of the freedoms of speech and of lawful assembly.

Veterans of Cable Street, who claim to have stopped the Fascists there,are clearly proud of their achievement. But their unlawful activities don't strike me as having been clever at all.

>> ends

Monday, November 27, 2006

Once again some very murky stuff here !

(NWN: We are having some very serious discussions about the ramifications of this by US based Bob Whittaker.)

Nick Griffin, head of the British National Party, had a serious problem.

The BNP had been denied a back account.

A back account in Europe is a wholly different matter from here, and I lack the space to explain this chiasmic difference here.

So I told Nick I would do something about it.

At the next convention, Nick explained to me learnedly that the British Government had discovered that it would be better for the BNP to have an account in the UK than one they could not monitor.

After years of problems with this, it so happened that the problem was solved after he asked me for help.

I tried to get Nick to appreciate what my contacts had done, because there is one man in particular who is a genius at this stuff who stuck it to the British banking regulators. He didn’t knock himself out. He just made some calls saying that he could set up a US account for the BNP with connections that would put them totally out of British surveillance – there are LOTS of people who stay specifically out of British surveillance as I had to in Rhodesia – and the Brits decided Nick now had contacts they could not live with.

If you have spent your life in this business this was not a major leap.

But the BNP has NOT spent its life in this. So the year after Nick publicly begged for help on this matter it had been forgotten. He told me, in all seriousness, that the Brits and simply changed their minds.

Nick genuinely did not know who he had been talking to when he asked ME for help.

A word in the right place, knowing which interests counterbalance others, this is power.
"Conservatives" These Days

It seems to us that some people have difficulty grasping what it means to be a real political/social "conservative." So we're here to help them with our definition of a real conservative.

A real conservative is someone who conserves ALL parts of his culture, not just some parts, and not just the less-controversial parts.

For example, if he is a White person who lives in a White country, he tries to keep his culture as White as he can. Is that "racism?" Nope. That's just complete conservatism. The White conservative naturally tries to keep his culture as free of Black, Jewish and Mexican influences [and also of feminist influences] as he can. After all, he's trying to "conserve" his culture.

[In the Western countries, there's nothing "conservative" about Blacks and Jews being in high political offices, or about women working 12-hour days in shiny buildings while virtually ignoring their families. If this is news to you, perhaps it's past time to re-examine your beliefs].

What about the modern breed of conservatives who shun any racial thoughts that might crop up within their day-to-day activities? Well, those new people aren't real conservatives, because being a conservative means much more than just trying to keep your taxes low and opposing smut on TV.

Many modern conservatives now embrace - or at least don't question - Cathy CareerChick's sorry-no-time-for-my-kids daily office routine. What's conservative about modern conservatism? How is adopting more-liberal terms and values "conservative?" Indeed, it seems that modern conservatives are moderates who call themselves "conservatives."

Another way to think of the matter is like this: if you were going to paint your house, why would you paint only part of it? Being a real conservative is all-encompassing. It covers every part of your culture, not just some parts. In fact, since culture flows directly from race, we dare to claim that, if you aren't a so-called "racist," you aren't a real conservative.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The rise and fall of Oldham BNP Branch !

Just hearing that only 11 people turned up to last weeks Oldham Branch meeting.

The guest speaker was Rochdale BNP Organiser, Kev Bryan.
More news is coming in of a 'newbie' member of the BNP security team in the North West, and his seemingly, if rumours are to be believed , very dodgy dealings.

Does Nick Griffin not vet the members of the security team , and does he not know of just what some of them get up to ?

Latest Update......................

This thread has now been pulled................

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Wahrscheinlich hat schon jeder mitbekommen, daß am Montag die neue Stahlgewitter- "Auftrag Deutsches Reich" erhältlich sein wird.

Bei uns kannst Du sie jetztschon für 12.50 Euro vorbestellen. Man darf mehr als gespannt sein, was dieJungs um Gigi aus dem Hut gezaubert haben.Insgesamt werden uns 16 Lieder mit einem 24 (!!!)seitigen Booklet geboten.Immer noch aktuell:Faust - NeulandVollKontaCt - Für EuchWeiterhin wollen wir Dich noch darauf aufmerksam machen, daß unsereRACords-Aktion noch bis zum 30.11.2006 Bestand hat.

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The BNP's leaders ?

Four key figures;

Nick Griffin Joined BNP in 1995 and became leader four years later. Was acquitted on race hate charges at Leeds crown court earlier this month. In 1998 he was found guilty of inciting racial hatred and was given a two-year suspended sentence.

Mark Collett The party's former youth leader and Griffin acolyte was also found not guilty at Leeds crown court. He had been secretly filmed calling asylum seekers "cockroaches" and urging cheering supporters to "show ethnics the door in 2004". He had previously been filmed praising Hitler and blaming the Jewish people for the Holocaust.

Simon Darby Deputy leader, most likely successor to Griffin. Former member of the National Democrats which split from the National Front in the 1980s.

Kevin Scott North-east regional organiser and founder of Civil Liberty, a fundraising organisation set up to help "UK nationalists". Convicted for assault in 1987 and for using threatening words and behaviour in 1993.


NWN : If the British nationalist movement are to rely on the above berks, then we are finished ! I know two of them, and have heard about the other two from reliable comrades.

These two are in the BNP !

Is this what British nationalism has been reduced to ? The above two idiots !
To have these two reprobates, who have no record in nationalism at all, having any voice in the movement is a damned disgrace ?
I thought that Williams had slightly more sense than Williamson.
We have always stood for the same principles that John Tyndall stood for. These two clowns are above their station, entirely due to the internet.
Let us see about them both ..........
Just what is their nationalist record ?
Have they ever been nationalist officials ?
Have they ever stood for election ?
Have they ever been speakers for the nationalist movement ?
Have they ever done any writing for the nationalist movement ?
Are either of them intellectuals, who would support the nationalist movement ?
Apart from causing grief, just what have these two 'herberts' actually done for the cause ?
What is their record ?
The thing is Nick Griffin has been in close contact with Pete SID Williamson of late.
That is why VNN UK is now a Griffinite supporters group.
Griffin did his stupid laugh when questioned about Williamson. He said ; "Well the anti-BNP stuff has stopped ! "
Williams is by his own admission a 'druggie', and Williamson's is by his own admission an 'alky'.
No wonder we are nowhere near to power if anyone listens to these idiots.
Argue with me about our policies...................... we are not arguing with idiots like these two clowns !
Williams using his name 'bacon sandwich' on Stormfront attacked Joe Owens and slagged him off about Owens being sacked from the main bodyguard for Griffin.
Some local bods have questioned whether Williams would have said the same to Owens face, away from the anonymity of the internet ?
I don't know Owens nor Williams, but from what I hear, my money would be on Owens. Williams couldn't even stuff Williamson, the big fat bully.
Support the Griffin BNP together with these two idiots !
Griffin has sanctioned Williamson on VNN.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A very interesting blogsite here !

----- Original Message -----
Amalek ...

I hope you are well, and in good stead,

Here is a link to an informative Blog, "The King's Court". The latest article is entitled, "World Leaders & Chabad Lubavitch - What's the Attraction?". There are also dozens of relevant photos proving a point which few have the courage to speak of ...

Feel free to link to it if you so desire. Any advice you may have would also be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.



Apparently, that idiot that owns VNN forum, Alex Linder, has threatened to post even more inter-racial porno pics on the front page of VNN. Linder said so on 'Goyfire' it seems.

Who the hell is Linder, does anyone know ? Apart from wreaking havoc in US nationalist circles by causing division , what is his record ?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A good joke from Jack !

A man died and went to heaven.
As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?" "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's Tony Blair's clock?" asked the man. "Blair's clock is in God's' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

An history lesson from Jack in Rochdale !

Here are some interesting, true facts about the 1500s:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all were the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."

Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway. Hence the saying a "thresh hold."

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot, nine days old."

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special.When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon."
They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status.Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper crust."

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial.They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive.
So they began to tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer."

And that's the truth... now, whoever said that History was boring !!!
November 15, 2006

News today received from Vienna to a London correspondent.

David Irving's court appeal will be heard in the Palace of Justice, Vienna, on Wednesday, December 20, 2006. Mr Irving's media contact can be reached via
Who said footie wasn't boring ?

Couple caught having sex at JJB Stadium

A RANDY couple were ejected from Wigan's JJB Stadium for having sex in a disabled toilet during a Latics match.

Wigan Athletic's clash with Aston Villa on Saturday may have remained goaless, but one horny pair of Brummies certainly scored at the match. Club stewards were called to investigate after moans and groans of ecstasy were heard coming from a loo in the away end of the stadium. Stadium staff had earlier become suspicious after noticing the door of the disabled toilets had remained firmly locked for 35 minutes. The amorous couple, who were in their 20s, were asked to come out just before half time in the game, but are believed to have been there since kick-off. A club source said: "Two Aston Villa fans, a male and a female, were discovered after having spent over half an hour in the disabled toilets in the away end of the stadium. "Noises had been heard coming from the inside the toilet. "Stewards knocked on the door and asked the couple to come out which they did. They were asked to leave and did so without any fuss. They were quite embarrassed." One onlooker said: "It was quite obvious they weren't disabled."
22 November 2006

An interesting Police website.........

Stormfront owner Don Black was, and still is, procrastinating
Don Black
Sent :
Saturday, September 21, 2002 1:19 PM
To :
"Terry Allen"
CC :
Subject :
Re: Hello

Peter, What username are you using on the board? There's no account with the email Rochdale BNP . 'I like Nick Griffin, with whom I'm personally acquainted, though I don't think any moderator has removed legitimate posts supporting Tyndal, much less ban the poster.'
[NWN; Our emphasis has been added here in ths e-mail off Don Black.]

At 05:55 PM 9/20/2002, you wrote:
Hello Don, you may recall some correspondence via e-mail with me a few years ago. I have been denied access to your Stormfront Britain site. I have not used any bad language or indeed any other language that could offend. There are a lot of internal disputes within the BNP over here in the UK. It is for this reason that I believe that I have been banned from using the messageboard. I now support John Tyndall in his crusade, to rid the party of Nick Griffin. It rather looks like your board/ moderator, is taking sides in this dispute in the UK.

best wishes

Pete Barker
[NWN: Stormfront is still getting involved in UK internal nationalist politics, as is VNN, to a much smaller degree. The FOUR UK moderators, three for SFUK and the one for VNN UK, are all Griffin apologists . As if the non- consistent methods of Nick Griffin are the ONLY way the British nationalist BNP should be run.]

Sunday, November 19, 2006

This is an E-mail off BNP leader Nick Griffin 'slagging off' a dead man, my late brother, who was a sufferer of PTSD, having served more than three times in Northern Ireland in the 1970's, and had been awarded a War Pension by the MOD.

Griffins hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Post before this, we see the BNP under Nick Griffin , trying to use this emotional issue for the BNP.

But we see what Griffin really thinks about 'old soldiers who suffer PTSD' in the attachment/e-mail I have copied in this thread immediately below.

Nick Griffin
Sent :
Monday, September 9, 2002 11:57 AM
To :
"Terry Allen"
Subject :
Re: Nick !
Nick Griffin
Sent :
Monday, September 9, 2002 11:57 AM
To :
"Terry Allen" Rochdale BNP
Subject :
Re: Nick !

I thought your brother died of an overdose (no surprise given the things he
had to put up with in his life, so I'm not knocking him).
As for the rest, how can a college lecturer be so sub-literate? And how can
someone known by Searchlight and with your recrod hold down such a job
Exemplary history of service to our country

Now we come to the most appalling and disgraceful part of this story.

The man is actually aged 44, has spent 24 years in the Army and is broken by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - for which he is on constant medication.

He is managing to hold down a job in security with the MoD.

His Army career included 4 tours of Northern Ireland, Kosovo and the Gulf War. The plastic bag contained a scrapbook in pristine condition, with all his discharge papers and recommendations from his CO to any prospective employers, plus his service medals - including his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.

He has an exemplary record and has never been in trouble.By the most bizarre coincidence he also happens to be the father of the two youngsters assaulted and the estranged husband of the assaulted woman!

And, as he was walking past the scene, he was thinking of what had previously happened there when he was accosted by the reporter.Ex-soldier charged under Race Act He has now been charged and is due to appear in Court on 20th December.

He cannot even begin to think about Christmas as he is worried sick about what is going to happen to him and, as he was telling me all this, he was close to tears.

He then told me that only 5 days previously he was at the Remembrance Service standing proudly in his Sunday Best, wearing his Medals and remembering the mates he had lost.

At this point he burst into tears, threw his medals across the floor, and asked why no one cared about him when he had given his life and health to the service of his country?What could I say!

I was nearly in tears myself, as I am whilst I write this.

How a person, an old soldier be treated like this?

What is our country coming to?

Why did the Police not console him, take him home and make him a cup of tea?

My promise to him was that I would do all I could.We need to publicise this nationwide.We need to demonstrate outside the Court.We need to make sure that those in authority responsible for this travesty are held to account!

South East England BNP may be contacted by email

NWN : The scourge of shell shock/battle fatigue, or as it is now called, post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) this is close to my family's heart. We have to say that Nick Griffin is being very hypocritical here, as he slagged off my late brother who suffered PTSD and was awarded a War pension from the MOD.

The e-mail I still have from Griffin .

What this means is, Griffin has slagged off an 'old soldier' like the one mentioned on the BNP main website, even after he has died ! That is why I thoroughly despise the man.

Mind you the 'low life' that moderates VNN UK forum also has seen the MOD documents, and he slagged my Brother off too. Still you expect that from a low life chav that loves foul mouth garbage such as Chubby Brown .

"You shall know them by their works ......."

Hey, they have just opened a new jewish pub in Rochdale............ it's called the Kosher n Horses !

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bury BNP's latest new member !

An interesting post - the cost of immigration ?

John Bolton
11-10-2006 03:38 AM ET (US)
Edited by author 11-10-2006 03:39 AM

I would like to see the media publish details of: how many immigrants live in council housing or assisted (Housing Benefit) housing and it cost.

I would like a survey of all councils in Britain to ascertain howm many immigrant families receive any kind of subsidy from local government and how much it costs.

How much do all those State and local government leaflets cost which are printed in foreign languages?

How many schools designed specifically for immigrant children so that they can grow up different to British folk receive subsidies and what is the total cost?

I would like to know the cost of Social Security benefits to immigrants, sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, Income Support, Child Benefit and the litany of other State Benefits.

I would like a reliable estimate of how much immigrants costs the NHS, including GPs and dentists.

How many people of a non-indigenous British background have received Legal Aid over the past 30 years and its cost, and how many have passed through the court systems into prison in that period and what are the total costs associated with that.

If all these questions are accurately answered we will suddenly become aware of the real cost to Great Britain of immigration.

God and soldiers : Author unknown

God and soldiers and sailors all people adore. In time of war, but not before; And when war is over and things are righted,God is neglected and soldiers and sailors are slighted.
Subject: "In the Land of the Blind, the one-eyed Man is King"

Dear Mr. [deleted],

Thank you for your e-mail in response to my bulletin 'Electronic Loose Cannon' No. 8.

From the way your message was received by me, the e-mail software that my computer uses does not seem to be very compatible with yours. I hope this message gets to you in a readable form. Let me know if it does not, and I can send you the text as an attachment in 'Word' or some other text format which you computer can unzip.

There is not a simple one-sentence answer to your question ["Could you please tell me your purpose of wanting to expose Nick Griffin?"]

If you have been following my 'Loose Cannon' items from the printed version issued in September 1999 through the various issues of the electronic version up to the recent isue No. 8, you should be fairly well up-to-speed with my reasons for seeking to expose Nick Griffin.

Have you had all those items?

If not, let me know which issues you have NOT seen and I will e-mail them to you in separate messages.

There are many so many incidents in the life of Nick Griffin that I do not have the time to rehearse them all here, but which I will be covering in another (printed) issue of 'Loose Cannon' which I will be posting out in due course. (Let me have an address and I will send you a copy.)

However, a short(ish) answer to your question is that I have known Nick Griffin since he attended his first National Front meeting (at the Cavalier Hotel, Norwich, in 1975, at which I was guest speaker).

As the years went by I got to know him personally and then - to put no finer point on it for the moment - intimately.

The whole of my experience of him, which has been replicated by the experience of him of numerous other people, is that he is:(a) an unprincipled careerist-opportunist in politics;(b) a disreputable-unreliable-dishonest spiv in his management of funds;and,(c) a hypocrite in the matter of sexual morality.

He has switched, spasmodically, from one ideological position to another (diametrically opposite) position not on the grounds of a genuine intellectual and principled conversion, but for reasons of personal self-advancement.

I have time to give but two short examples of this:


Griffin began his political life in England as a convinced BRITISH nationalist. By 1982 he fell in with a subversive group then called 'Rising' (later the International Third Position). He judged the ITP was the "New Wave" of racialist politics and so abandoned his British Nationalism in favour of the ITP ideology which promoted the break-up of Britain, the independence of Wales and Scotland and the take-over of Northern Ireland by the Irish Republic.Because the ITP was dominated by Italians and Welsh and Irish nationalists, Griffin, the only Englishman among its co-founders, felt very out of place. So he abandoned his Englishness and moved himself and his family to Wales where, on account of his surname, he claimed his "ethnic roots" were to be found. His home is "Y Gribbin" and his children all have Welsh names and learn the Welsh language.His ITP colleagues were all fanatical "Counter-Reformationist" Roman Catholics and several of them were openly pro IRA. ITP supremo Roberto Fiore, with whom Griffin set up a business partnership, actually went to Dublin to meet the IRA leadership in the early 1982.
He boasted about this meeting to a Birmingham NF official who put him up overnight as he was en route to Dublin for the meeting in question.Griffin did not convert to the RC Church, but he dropped his once active membership of the 'Cromwellian' section of the Sealed Knot Society!

Then he got up to one of his bouts of financial shenanigans and the ITP and one of its financial supporters (an early friend of Griffin's called Tony Williams) got very badly burned over Griffin's purchase of dud printing equipment.

Griffin had to depart the ITP very quickly.

However, his political ambition still burned - but where would the gad-fly find its next perch?

In another split-second ideological back-somersault he decided that the BRITISH NATIONAL Party was the party for him!

This leads me on to my second example of his unprincipled opportunist approach:


Having decided to return to BRITISH nationalism, to which branch of the BNP did he turn?

To his NEAREST branch?


To the most ideologically MODERATE branch?

No again.

He turned to the Sutton and Croydon Branch which was the focus or hub for ultra-violent militant groups such as Column 18 and which, furthermore, produced its own magazine 'The Rune', which was overtly National Socialist in its editorial content and graphics.He joined that branch BECAUSE of and not DESPITE its "extremist" connections and, indeed, quickly jostled himself into the positon of Editor of 'The Rune' where he maintained its National Socialist tone. (No mention of celtic nationalism, the break-up of Great Britain, betraying Northern Ireland, etc., which had been his ideological life-blood whilst with the ITP!)

Griffin calculated that because 'The Rune' was distributed nationally within the BNP, it would provide him with a platform for self-promotion. He figured (rightly) that the membership calibre of nationalist movements being so low (at least in the area of educational attainment, social skills and monetary 'savvy') and so fast-changing, that anybody with a degree from Cambridge University would have an edge and that the rank and file would be too uninformed and dull to be able to grasp the implications of his ideological and financial past history.

Never was this old folk saying more apposite: "In the Land of the Blind, the one-eyed man is king".Because he believed that the ultra-militant 'biff-boy' tendency was on the rise, Griffin made speeches about "clearing the streets with fist, boot and bottle. . . " It was on the grounds of this approach to politics that he and his unfortunate 'Rune' publisher Paul Ballard got prosecuted for "publishing material intended or likely to incite racial hatred" contrary to Section 19 of the Public Order Act.Then, to his horror, Griffin discovered that the coming tendencey within the BNP was NOT the 'biff-boy' thug crowd, but people who called themselves the "Modernists".

It was their intention to drive John Tyndall out of the BNP leadership and to effect a public relations 'makeover' of the party with a raft of "moderate" policies.

The biff-boys were, in fact, on their way out.

Fortuntely for Griffin, the "Modernists" did not have anybody available to stand up as their leader and formally challenge John Tyndall in an election for the Chairmanship of the Party. Some of the leaders of the "Modernist" faction were, in fact OUTSIDE the membership (i.e. Adrian Davies and Eddie Butler) while on the inside Tony Lecomber was ruled out on account of his bad criminal record and Mike Newland ruled himself out as being too old. Quick as a flash, Griffin leaped in, announced his conversion to "Modernism" and "moderation" and was adopted as the "Modernist" candidate to challenge the ageing failure Tyndall.

In face-to-face meetings with Lecomber and, later, Davies, I warned of Griffin's unscrupulous political opportunism, financial unreliability and sexual hypocrisy and told them that "the only qualification Griffin has in your eyes is that he is not John Tyndall".

But I was told: "But that is a very important qualification!"

Their (understandable) desire to rid themselves of the will-hunting tyrant Tyndall blinded them to the facts about Griffin.

Within a year of my warnings, half the prominent supporters of the "Modernist" faction which had promoted Griffin into power abandoned the BNP as a result of Griffin's conduct all of which I had predicted.

This suited Griffin very well as he did not want too many talented people around him. Such people are a threat to a Leader's position (as he would be the first to know!).

He wants to be surrounded either by devoted ignoramuses - or cynical but competent people with such bad criminal records that they cannot have any public political ambition.


Griffin's unprincipled approach to political ideology and to finances is fully reflected in his hypocritical approach to sexual mores. He has regularly engaged in very intemperate attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality in general both as a member of the ITP and then later as a member of the BNP.

I made no comment about his even though he sustained a homosexual relationship with me for four years.(Yes! HE sustained it with ME. There are numerous witnesses to attest that he always insisted on staying at my home whenever he visited London from 1976 onwards to 1980. My sexual orientation was known in the NF in 1969 when I joined the party, and was known to John Tyndall by 1972 because I discussed the topic with him, and he then immediately discussed it with Frank Clifford, the octogenarian Tyndall appointed to be President of the party and who, unknown to Tyndall at the time, was also homosexual.)

I figured that private life should be kept private and did not make public the facts about Griffin's past sexual relationship with me (which ended in 1980) despite many opportunities and provocations.

I decided that enough was enough when he not only made personal attack on me (and my partner of, now, nearly 30 years) for being homosexual but also wrote an article for Tyndall's 'Spearhead' which constituted a plea of mitigation (if not an outright justification) for the nail-bombing of a Soho 'gay' pub in which a woman and her unborn baby were killed and her husband maimed.Griffin considered that I would be too embarrassed to confront him with his lies and hypocrisy on this and other topics. He was wrong.

I published the facts in the first (printed) issue of the 'Loose Cannon' which I issued in September 1999. (I have this on disc in a Plain Text format which I can e-mail to you if you request.) The facts were picked up and re-published in 'The Sunday Times' and later by the Jewish anti-fascist magazine 'Searchlight'.Griffin predictably said it was "all lies" but would not sue me for libel because I was "a man of straw" (i.e. have no money).

Putting to one side the fact that he has made himself a "man of straw" by signing over all of his assets to his wife for fear of litigation, Griffin could have sued 'The Sunday Times' and/or the enemy magazine 'Searchlight'. But he has not done so.

He has a Cambridge Law degree - he could sue me as a litigant in person if he did not wish to hire expensive lawyers. (I defended myself with some success as a litigant in person when the Anti Nazi League leader Peter Hain sued me for libel, using top lawyers, in 1982.)

Griffin elsewhere has said he can "prove" he is heterosexual by pointing to the fact that he is married with four children. This is absurd.

On that basis can we calculate that he is half as homosexual as Oscar Wilde, who was married with two children!?I am quite happy to accept that he is bi-sexual.

Whatever a person's sexual orientation, if as a private citizen they wish to keep their sexual inclinations private, that is their right. But if, as a politician striving for public office, they make public attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality when they have a background of homosexual and bi-sexual activity, then they makes themselves and their party a hostage to fortune.

Griffin's lies and hypocrisy on this topic have been so categorical that he has cut himself off from the possibility of being able to admit that he has "a past life, while a younger man, of homosexual activity" (four years cannot be written off as "experimentation"!) without also admitting that he previously told bare-faced lies on that subject.

This would then beg the question: on what other subjects has he told bare-faced lies?

He can now no more admit that he has lied about his past sex life than he can admit that he has constantly altered his fundamental ideological position in diametrically opposite ways or that he has continually been less than honest in handling other peoples' money.

This combination of character failings which are incorporated in Nick Griffin cannot but fail to exert themselves again and again in the future, just as they have done in the past.

The bigger he is allowed to grow, the more damage he will inflict on the cause which he presently claims to represent.

He cannot help himself.

He constitutes an unhappy fusion of Jeffrey Archer and Michael Portillo.

If I were in charge of the Establishment, Griffin is the very kind of man who I would wish to have in charge of the British nationalist movement at this, its eleventh hour of opportunity.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Webster.

---------->From: < [deleted]>To:
>Subject: expose>Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2001, 10:43 pm>Zero-Knowledge MIME Encapsulated Message>>------=_NextPart_000_0013_01C116ED.92245780>Content-Type: text/plain;> charset = "iso-8859-1" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable>> Dear Mr Webster

could you please tell me your purpose, =>of wanting to expose Nick Griffin?

BNP and Trafalgar Club accounts ........2000

29 August 2000

Dear Organiser

A meeting of the Advisory Council was held on August 26 which I attended.

Various points emerged concerning the finances of the Trafalgar Club, a matter concerning which I distributed a circular to organisers dated August 7.
Firstly, as a general issue concerning the management of party affairs,financial and otherwise, it was drawn to Mr Griffin's attention that the party's constitution had still not been reissued following changes voted on by members several months ago. Mr Griffin said that everyone present knew what the new constitution contained even if a printed version had not yet been issued. Since several changes to the suggested alterations presented to the meeting in Milton Keynes were made during the course of voting, and various drafts of the original proposals were circulated, it is not satisfactory to rely on memory for the details of the constitution, as Mr Griffin suggested.

A party without an issued constitution which can be referred to in its entirety inprinted form invites all manner of difficulties and disputes.

Concerning the Trafalgar Club finances specifically, Mr Griffin presented to the council a draft statement of income and expenditure, prepared by himself or on his behalf,and two reports about the matter, one by a qualified accountant, Keith Boyall, and one by Mr. Davies, who is a barrister.

Mr Boyall said in his report that the figures seemed reasonable for the expenditures described but that he had not seen either bank statements or receipts for the sums involved, and that valid back up documentation was needed before the figures could be accepted. In particular, no details were available to Mr Boyall at the time of preparing his report about a loan repayment to Mr Lecomber, and Mr Griffin would need to give a full explanation.

Mr Davies said in his report that he had seen copies of some invoices which I had sent him and which were never in dispute, although some minor matters needed to be agreed, but Mr Griffin had not provided to him any sight of invoices totalling £5850 for the purchase and repair of vehicles listed in Mr Griffin's draft accounts - the main item of concern to me as Treasurer referred to in my August 7 circular.

Mr Davies also said that Mr Griffin had told him that payments totalling £1500 to Mr Lecomber were not, in fact, repayments of a loan made by the latter to the party - as misdescribed in Mr Griffin's draft accounts (and also in an Emergency Bulletin sent by him to organisers and dated August 2000). Mr Davies added in his report that I, as Treasurer, was 'fully justified in pressing for a proper explanation' of both vehicle expenditures and payments to Mr Lecomber.

He said that 'Nick might very justifiably be reproached for dangerous and illegal risk taking which could easily cause serious political embarrassment to the Party'.Mr Griffin said during the meeting that he had with him receipts for £5850 to cover the vehicle expenditures.

I did for a moment see four documents concerning purchase of cars, but in the absence of any opportunity to review the entire bundle of invoices and receipts outside the meeting I cannot offer any opinion on whether they are satisfactory as backup documentation,although I have no reason to suppose otherwise with the exception that Mr Griffin told the meeting that a portion of the documents were dubious, or some similar word which he applied to them.

If £5850 has been spent on vehicles by the Trafalgar Club then that would largely explain and justify the £7000 needing to be accounted for to which I referred in my circular of August 7. In conjunction with payments to Mr Lecomber, the destination of the entire amount would be explained, although I would certainly not have authorised as Treasurer the payments to Mr Lecomber about which I knew nothing at the time of their transfer by Mr Griffin.

I emphasise that neither myself nor the authors of the two reports presented by Mr Griffin have had the opportunity to properly examine Mr Griffin's documents relating tothe £5850 vehicle expenditures - or indeed to examine them at all in two cases - and that Mr Griffin declined to provide many of the documents to me at an earlier date despite having had weeks to assemble them.

Mr Griffin suspended me from membership of the party for three months at the end of the meeting. He did not provide me with a copy of the various charges against me which he read out to the meeting, but one of the principal complaints was that I had not been prepared to wait until the Advisory Council meeting to bring forward my concerns about the finances of the Trafalgar Club. That is correct.

As Treasurer, I believed that there were substantial grounds for thinking that irregularities existed in the handling of the party's funds. It is the duty of a treasurer in such circumstances not to delay in investigating and dealing with the matter.

Do members wish to see a treasurer who is reluctant to take action regardless of the source of his concerns? If irregularities are found to exist in such cases, any substantial delay might simply allow further irregularities to occur and compound the problem.

It is clear to me that very significant irregularities were indeed occurring. Mr Griffin announced at the meeting that Chris Green, who members were told would be the new treasurer following my dismissal, had resigned from the position.

A third treasurer, John Brayshaw, had been appointed. Mr Brayshaw was present at the meeting.

Finally, the way forward for a patriotic party like the BNP is plain. It is for the party to be run in an entirely legitimate manner in which any enquiry can be answered satisfactorily if necessary, and members and donors are content that it is the case.

Sincerely Michael Newland

30 August 2000

Dear Organiser

A point I should have made clearer in my previous e-mail dated 29 August was that I was not the treasurer of the Trafalgar Club.

My position was national treasurer, which meant that with a fund like the Trafalgar Club I would need to incorporate its income and expenditures into the main accounts eventually, and thus to be in a position to do so, while I was not administering its funds on a daily basis or a signatory on its bank account..

Under the party's constitution the chairman can set up any local group or fund he likes and appoint a treasurer - who does not necessarily have to be the national treasurer. It would be impractical to run a national organisation otherwise. Thus branches have their own treasurers for example.

I do not know who is or was the treasurer of the Trafalgar Club but the bank statements I saw carried the address of Mr Griffin's father.

Sincerely Michael Newland

The 19th November will be the 70th Anniversary of the murder by Communists of Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera at Alicante Prison. There will be some big demonstrations in Madrid and elsewhere in Spain around that period.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Where is Muad Dib ?

There are a few rumours abounding as to the why and wherefore, of just why 'jack boot' banned Wayne/MD from Stormfront forum.

Let us here hazard a wild guess as to why.

Was it because MD was always attacking that 'snake in the grass' Andy Robertson/JohnJoyTree for JJT's support of jews ?

Now we all know why Don Black allows Robertson to get away with murder on SF, and that is down to money from Robertson.

We also have an e-mail off Don Black where he says "he likes Nick Griffin".

SF is being attacked by 'Zionist populism', as is the BNP. At least Griffin is junketing with Zionist top bods such as Barbara Amiel who has her hands on £millions.

But what is Don Black doing ? Or, who is he dealing with, would be more to the point ?

There seems to be a paradox here with Don Black and David Duke. Who is speaking for the white nationalist cause over there, in the USA ?

Both seem to be the very best of friends, and have been for many a year. In spite of some rather strange social family patterns . But Black allowing and encouraging attacks on Duke on Stormfront, must have been noticed by Duke.

In our opinion, Black is a 'bum', to use common American parlance. Just what is his right to presume a voice in the 'grand scheme of things', in the white nationalist world wide campaign ?

He just happens to own an internet forum, nothing more, and he has done very little else either .

He has also benefitted from the US Constitutions written Free speech laws.

(Just how did Black know that the internet would be a major thing in 1995 when SF was started ? Don Black is not known for his keen intellect .)

Something he and SF should hold close to their hearts and protect.

Banning people from Stormfront for no reason is too common place.

I know, I was banned SIX times by the BNP Griffinite lackeys that run/moderate, the SF UK forum.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

'We're no longer racist' says top cop

GREATER Manchester Police is no longer "institutionally racist", according to Chief Constable Michael Todd.

Mr Todd's predecessor, David Wilmot, first used the expression to describe his force in 1998.

NWN: Swap the names of the Chief Constable and Greater Manchester Police for Nick Griffin and the British National Party
Get your pens out folks !
Update on Kevin Hughes ..........

I have had a most disturbing letter from Kevin this morning.

He tells me that some of his mail is being withheld. One of my letters was stopped although the sae's I sent with it were given to him.

He has been refused 'Tagging' after it had been agreed previously and he had even been given a 'Tagging' date.

He also complains that his phone credit is being interfered with and he is convinced (as indeed I am) that this is a direct result of his political beliefs.

I have contacted the Governor, Mr. Hardwick, of Featherstone Prison, asking why this man is being discriminated against. I do not, however, expect a reply!

I would urge all nationalists to voice their complaints to the Governor; his address is:

The Governor,HMP Featherstone,New Road, Featherstone,Wolverhampton WV10 7PU.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Heads up !

[NWN: We are sure some of our Blackpool and Preston folk will ensure the Reds are kept on their toes ;-) ]

15/11/06: Blackpool demonstration against the BNP conference
Category: Events
Posted by: Antifascist
North West Region UAF together with Blackpool Fylde and Wyre TUC have called a demonstration against the British National Party holding their badly-named Annual Conference in Blackpool.

The demonstration is an opportunity to show the people of Blackpool that there are antifascists out there who will support those who oppose the BNP and similar fascist organisations, and to show the BNP that there is opposition out here that is prepared to stand up and be counted. We need a BIG turnout for this one - it's likely to be the only large demonstration that will take place in the region between now and the council elections next May.

* Please note venue change *Plan: If we discover the location of the BNP conference, we will relocate the demo on the day. If not, we'll have a number of speakers followed by a mass-leaflet of the shopping centre - particularly around where the BNP usually have their stall.Location: Following discussions with the police, the demo has been moved to a better location at the square at the top of Victoria Street at the side entrance to the Winter Gardens. A map that clearly shows the location (marked by an asterisk) is here.Directions: If you're coming from the prom, aim for Blackpool Tower and Victoria Street is just a few metres to the North of it. Victoria Street is pedestrianised so walk to the other end of it and you'll find us in the big square next to the Winter Gardens. For drivers, the best way is to park up in the Hounds Hill shopping centre multi-storey car park, go out through the shopping centre and you're in Victoria Street. Turn right and the demo is a fifty metre stroll.Time: 12 noonDate: Saturday November 25thNotes: Some speakers have to be confirmed but we'll cover that in updates over the next few days. Dress up warm. It's chilly in Blackpool in November.This is our one and only opportunity to show Blackpool BNP that we are here and we are opposing them. It's vital to stop the growth of the BNP in the region and this is our opportunity to make a great start on that. Let's make it big and noisy. Please spread the word about the demo as far and wide as you can.

Our ISP has been down for last 24 hrs !

Sorry folks, but we have suffered yet some more 'downtime' from our ISP.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A few people have asked for more info on the Nick Griffin /Barbara Amiel link. We re-publish this document that was put out by veteran nationalist Martin Webster, a couple of months back.

Another source is leading Griffin apologist 'EASTMAN' on Stormfront UK, where he casually uses the term 'Babs being in regular phone contact with Griffin' in a thread. This Amiel linkage is common knowledge among many BNP Officials, though most seem not to understand the relevance. Let us not forget that Griffin has been in contact with Rabbi Meyer Schiller since BEFORE he got himself elected to the BNP leadership in mid 1999. Rabbi Schiller was a member of the Trafalgar Club.

It is only in the light of these links, can we see the why and how, Griffin allows and encourages Lee Barnes to throw out his inflammatory incendiaries, to upset long term British nationalists and well read nationalists World wide.

The Electronic 'WATCH ON ZION'

Issue No. 8, Tuesday 1st August 2006.


Address: BM Box ICR, London WC1N 3AA, Great Britain.Phone: 07932 049019

"I support Israel 100%"says BNP polemicist(with Griffin's blessing)I have decided to use the "Electronic Watch on Zion" (EWoZ) heading rather than the "Electronic Loose Cannon" (ELC) masthead to continue my reporting and analysis of the activities of the British National Party because that party is increasingly being steered by its Chairman, Nick Griffin, in a Zion-wards direction, with the direct help and encouragement of leading Zionist propagandists.Consider this:".....As a Nationalist I can say that I support Israel 100% in their dispute with Hezbollah. In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood."

Nominally, this rant -- and much more besides [the whole malodorous thing is below] -- was written by Lee Barnes, a leading BNP polemicist.

The BNP web site says that Barnes writes with "vigour, honesty and passion". How that description can apply to the outpourings of an ignoramus oaf at closing time I leave the reader to determine.The kind of 'analysis' Barnes deploys and the "references" he cites (mostly out of numerical order; mostly to Jewish-owned / Jewish-influenced sources) are reminiscent of the output to be seen in the The Spectator and the Daily/Sunday Telegraph these past few years since they became Israel-worshipping sounding boards for "Right Wing" Zionist and Neo-Con opinion.

The ideological/polemical similarity (to say nothing of the lust for the blood of terrorised villagers) should come as no surprise since earlier this year Griffin had a telephone hob-nob with Barbara Amiel, as I revealed in the Electronic Loose Cannon No. 19 of 16th April 2006.Griffin has not denied that report.

His silence on that topic, plus the steady stream of pro-Jewish, pro-Israel items from various BNP sources, can be taken as confirmation that what I wrote was true.

In my report about the Amiel/Griffin phone conversation I mentioned that Amiel was the wife of 'Lord' Conrad Black (currently awaiting trial on charges of plundering the media companies of which he once had charge) and a long-term friend of Binyamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu.

I described Netanyahu merely as "an extreme right wing' Zionist ultra".


It was remiss of me not to mention that Netanyahu is the leader of Israel's Likud Party, which is the direct descendant of the Zionist terrorist organisation the Irgun Zwei Leumi which carried out numerous terrorist atrocities in Palestine in the 1940s including.....* the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. (A precedent for the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre in New York);* the slow-hanging with piano-wire of British Army Sergeants Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin in the eucalyptus groves of Nethanya, as well as the murders of countless other of "our lads" in Palestine on a League of Nations peace-keeping mandate;*

The slaughter of the people of Dir Yassein and of other villages, putting panic-stricken Palestinians to flight in a shocking orgy of ethnic cleansing.

I will deal with these and other incidents in greater detail in due course.The Irgun was headed by Menachem Begin who co-founded the Likud Party and became Israel's prime minister in 1977.Few doubt that the Irgun and its equally bloody partners in the Stern Gang, whose leader was also destined to become an Israeli PM, invented the techniques modern-day terrorism which have been employed by fiends ranging from the IRA to al-Qaida -- all enemies of everything for which the BNP is supposed to stand.

Nationalists with experiences of the 1960s onwards will also know that the 'British' Zionist terrorist organisation known as The 62 Group, led by money-lender Donald Calderhead and the Soho club owner Harry Bidney, was for the most-part made up of Likud supporters.

When the 62 Group dissolved, its remnant formed the Searchlight organisation. I mention these details not only because some ELC readers may not know them, but also to place on record that to my certain personal knowledge, Nick Griffin is fully aware of ALL of these facts.

Griffin has refused to deny that he hob-nobbed on the phone with Amiel, a leading apologist for the likes of Begin and Stern and an associate of their direct heir, Netanyahu, who advocates the construction of a "Greater Israel" using the bones of murdered Palestinians and the rubble of their bulldozed homes as hardcore.

I have little doubt that the substance of the article to which Barnes appended his name was in fact written and "researched" by one or another of the propagandists involved in Amiel's circle.

While Barnes may take the discredit for nominally writing the article, the blame for its appearance must be left at the door of Nick Griffin, Chairman of the BNP, who has been edging his party (and I do mean "his" in the sense of, say, the proprietor of a sweet shop) in a pro-Jewish, Zion-wards direction for several years now.GRIFFIN HAS USED BARNES LIKE A BIG TOE TO TEST THE WATER

Even so, Griffin is being careful, as there are still a (dwindling) number of British Nationalists within the BNP. So he used Barnes as his 'big toe' to dip in the tub of membership opinion. If the 'water' is too hot, then the 'big toe' can be withdrawn with an admonitory "tut-tut" for Barnes.

But if there are few complaints because.......1) so many genuine Nationalists have quit the BNP in disgust -- or have been expelled; and,2) so many of the new intake are Sun/Mail reading 'Populist' ignoramuses;........then Griffin will conclude that this bogus "debate" conducted via the web-site publication of the Barnes article with the post-script invitation for readers to respond to it, has indicated that he can get away with espousing the pro-Jewish, pro-Israel line quite openly himself without any ructions from the membership.

It is noteworthy that Barnes' genocide-inciting rant appeared not only on the day that news broke of the latest and, thus far, most horrific massacre by the Israelis of 50 Lebanese civilians -- mostly children -- cowering in a cellar, but also on the eve of the anniversary of the murder by Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorists of two British soldiers, Sergeants Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin.
Many of you will not know who Paice and Martin were, thanks not only to the deplorable suppressions of the Jewish controlled mass media, but to the cravenly pro-Jewish cowardice of the British National Party. The facts are these:THE RECORD OF JEWISH TERRORISM AGAINST BRITISH SOLDIERS AND ARAB VILLAGERS

After the First World War the League of Nations lumbered Britain with the Mandate to administer the land of Palestine after the Turks had been driven out by General Allenby (helped by Lawrence of Arabia and his Bedouin 'irregulars').

In the inter-war years the Zionist Jews started injecting themselves into Palestine claiming:
"It's OUR land! Our God has told us so! Look See! It says so in our Bible! What more proof do you need? Anybody who opposes God's word is by definition EVIL! God says we are entitled to smite those who defy Him/us."

I wonder how many of you thought of God as that 'Great Land Registry in the Sky'?
Immediately after the Second World War, this trickle of illegal immigrant Jews into Palestine became a flood and the Palestinians understandably became skittish.The Jews formed various terrorist organisations including the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang (or Lehi).

They mounted terrorist attacks not only on Palestinians but also on the British Mandate forces.The Jewish terrorists' strategy against the Palestinians was to instil such fear in them that they fled their land, literally terrorised.

The purpose was not just ethnic cleansing, but a propaganda device to enable the Zionist lie machine to declare that the Jewish settlers were "moving into an empty land"!One of the worst such massacres was at the village of Deir Yassein in 1947 where men, woman and children were put to the sten-gun and, in many case, the knife.The Red Cross found scores of bodies down the village well. What was left of the village baker and his sons were found in their own oven. A few petrified village girls who survived the massacre were paraded, naked, before a delighted, jeering Jewish crowd. For Arab girls, that treatment was worse than death. These people take modesty and chastity very seriously."

IT MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN" -- DID I HEAR A 'HOLOCAUST' PROPAGANDIST WAIL?When British forces managed to capture Zionist terrorists they were subjected to lawful trial and, if convicted, were sentenced to terms of imprisonment or hanging, depending on the severity of their crimes.On 4th May 1947 Irgun terrorists made an attack on Acre Prison to release some of its members who had been tried and convicted. In an ensuing shoot-out, five Irgun terrorists were captured, charged with capital crimes. On 16th June 1947 three of them -- Avshalom Haviv, Meier Nakar, and Yaacov Weiss -- were found guilty and sentenced to be hanged.On 20th June 1947, the two British Army Sergeants Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin, were kidnapped by the Irgun. Menachem Begin then issued the threat that if the convicted Irgun gunmen were executed, then Paice and Martin would die.(Yes! Paice and Martin were KIDNAPPED, in just the way Israeli soldiers have been kidnapped recently by the Hamas and Hisbollah. As yet, no kidnapped Israeli soldiers have been killed, let alone slow-hanged with piano-wire. Funny how in Israeli eyes, kidnapping of soldiers -- that is to say, JEWISH soldiers -- has suddenly become "terrorism" and the pretext for the outbreak of war; but that the kidnapping, roture and murder of BRITISH soldiers is "freedom-fighting". But I digress.)On 23rd July 1947 the three Jewish terrorists were executed according to law. Nobody argued that the trial these men had been given was not fair trial or that the death sentences for terrorist murders was unreasonable or unlawful.On the night of the 30th/31st of July 1947 Sgts. Paice and Martin were slow-hanged with piano wire. Their corpses were left to dangle from trees in the eucalyptus groves at Nathanya. As an added refinement, the terrorists mined the corpses in the hope that those who came to cut them down would also be killed. Fortunately, this vile trick failed.In his book, "The Revolt", Menachem Begin remarked:
"....the two Britons were hanged. We repaid our enemy in kind. We warned him again and again. He callously disregarded our warnings...."The Daily Express in London used a photo of the dangling corpses of Paice and Martin on its front page. Later, the negatives and all copies of the photo were mysteriously "lost" from the newspaper's photo library and have never been seen again.

The then owner of the Express Newspaper Group, Max Aitken (Lord Beaverbrook) had this to say about Jewish power:"They can tear the flesh from your bones! The flesh from your bones!" I have this account first-hand from A.K. Chesterton (at the time Beaverbrook's literary advisor, who later became the first Chairman of the National Front.) SOME JEWISH ATROCITIES AGAINST BRITISH PEACE-KEEPERS IN PALESTINE

Begin's and the Irgun's litany of terrorist murder against British personnel, includes the following, by no means a complete list:

1) April 1946, Tel Aviv:The murder of British soldiers sleeping in their beds in a military car park.

2) 22nd July 1946, Jerusalem:The blowing up of the King David Hotel, killing about 100 British military and civilian personnel.

3) December 1946:The kidnapping and whipping with metal cables of three Sergeants from the 2nd Parachute Brigade.

4) 1st March1947, Jerusaslem:Planting a bomb in the Goldsmiths Officers' Club, killing 10 military personnel.

5) 18th April 1947, Nathanya:Planting a bomb in No. 1 Field Dressing Station, killing one British soldier.

6) 20th April 1947:Throwing a bomb at a Red Cross convalescent depot cinema.

7) 30/31st July 1847, Nathanya:The slow-hanging with piano-wire of Sgts Paice and Martin.

8) 26th September 1947, Tel Aviv:Murder of four British Palestine Police officers during a robbery at Barclays Bank.

9) 29th September 1947, Haifa:The murder by bombing of nine British Palestine Police officers during an attack on their H.Q.

10) February 1948, Jerusalem:The murder by shooting of two British Palestine Police officers as they lay in their sick-beds at Wallach Hospital; and the similar murder of another Police officer at the Hadassah Clinic.Crimes against British personnel, doing their duty under a League of Nations Mandate, were of course also perpetrated by the allies of the Irgun: the Haganah and the Stern Gang.As ever, these Jewish terrorists had the full support of Hollywood's Jewish owners. One of them, the "famous" screenwriter Ben Hecht, wrote after the Paice and Martin murders:
"Every time I hear a British soldier has been killed, I have a little holiday in my heart!"

Yes! This was the same Ben Hecht who wrote that the killing of Christ was justified "......but trust the mob to make a mess of it! They should have fed him to the lions! They'd have never made a god out of mince-meat!"

Oi veh! Such wonderful, heimische Jewish wit already!

That delightful edge of Chutzpah !

How can anybody not love these people!?

THE JEWISH TERRORIST PLAN TO DIVE BOMB THE HOUSE OF COMMONS British Secret Service (MI6) archives have recently come to light which indicate that the Jewish terrorists had a plan, in an advanced state of preparation, to hire and plane in Britain, load it with explosives and perpetrate a suicide dive-bomb against the House of Commons In London when it was in session and when Foreign Secretary Ernie Bevin was at the Dispatch Box.Imagine exterminating not only the entire British government but a large portion of parliamentarians of all parties in one fell swoop.

An anarchist-loony's dream!

Not even the IRA Provos dreamed of that when they placed a bomb in The Grand Hotel Brighton with the intent of murering Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and many of her Cabinet Ministers. Only heavy pressure from the political wing of the Zionist movement that such a coup against "the Mother of Parliaments" might be "counter-productive" caused the terrorist wing, reluctantly, to abort the project.(Note, "counter-productive" not "an evil, unjustified, monstrous act of terrorism".)

A report about this Jewish terrorist plan was broadcast -- one might almost say hidden away -- on BBC Radio 4 at 8.00pm on Monday 24th July.

The recording was off the BBC web site within days.

There has been no TV coverage and almost no press attention.

Can we imagine such a plan being worked up against a Jewish target being given this light coverage? Can we imagine such a plan being worked up by contemporary Arab terrorists against the House of Commons today being almost ignored?

So the "9/11" suicide dive-bombings of the Twin Towers in New York by Arab terrorists decades later turns out not be have been quite such an "unprecedented act of mass murder" after all!

Don't think that the Israelis are incapable of perpetrating such unjustifiable slaughter as was envisaged in the House of Commons bomb plot.Forget -- for a moment -- the mass killings of the Lebanese. Turn to the deliberate extermination of the U.N. Observers near the Lebanese border, then cast your mind back to the Israeli attack of the American signals intelligence ship U.S.S. Liberty at the start of the 1967 Israel/Arab war.

Even though The Liberty was clearly identified, it was continuously bombed and strafed, and her crew were then continuously strafed while they were in the sea. U.S. President Lyndon Johnson ordered the U.S. Navy commanders in the area NOT to act to defend their stricken comrades, and not to speak of the matter if they wished to continue in the service and avoid proseccution!

Johnson, one of the most corrupt of all American presidents, was deeply in the pockets of the American-Jewish Lobby.Google-up "U.S.S. Liberty" and find U.S. Admiral Moorer's web site to get the full facts.The murders of those American sailors was perpetrated by Israel because they were afraid that the signals intelligence picked up by The Liberty would expose the fact that it was Israel, not the Arab nations, who started that war. The U.N. Observers on the Lebanon border last month were slaughtered so that no independent witness could be had concerning Israel's savage and grossly disproportionate attacks on the Lebanese people.


Bad though the record of Jewish terrorism against British forces in the late 1940s is, it pales into insignificance against the wholesale ethnic cleansing exterminations perpetrated against largely unarmed Palestinian villagers, innocent folk who were and are interested only in cultivating their olive and orange groves, as their ancestors had done for centuries.

If you seek a model or a precedent for what the Israelis are NOW doing to harmless Lebanese villagers (to say nothing of the downtrodden Palestinian remnant on the West Bank and in Gaza), you have only to study what the Jews did in the 1940sOf all this horror, this is what Menachem Begin wrote in the introduction to his book "The Revolt": "....And truth compels the author to ask himself: .... would you do again what you did then? The answer is definitely 'YES'!"

If we want to know why there are Arab terrorist, Arab suicide bombers and turmoil throughout the Middle East, it is because of the disgusting behaviour of Israel and the disgusting support and assistance given to Israel by the United States of American and Britain in particular, and most of the western world in general.This support for Israel has been contrived by the Jews by application of three elements:

1) Financial patronage:Putting to one side the reliance British Prime Minister Tony Blair puts on his Money Man, 'Lord' Michael Levy, (a leading Zionist, who has sweet-talked dozens of millions of pounds worth of "loans" for the Labour Party, and millions of pounds worth of grants to Tony Blair's "private office" -- whatever that is! -- and who has long been appointed Blair's "Personal Emissary in the Middle East" -- how impartial!! -- let us remember this crucial fact:At the last count, 45 per cent of the funds raised for the Republican Party and 55 per cent of the funds raised for the Democratic Party some from American-Zionist lobby groups.

Most of this money is part of the $3 BILLION a year the American taxpayer gives in "aid" to Israel -- 75 per cent of which is given in CASH! Cash means no 'paper trail' indicating the way the money was used.Some of this cash is syphoned back to various organisations within the American-Jewish lobby groups system, who then use the money to bribe American's two main political parties. So American taxpayers subscribe money to their government to "aid" the Israelis to corrupt the politician of both parties in America to support Israel against America's national interest! How the princes of Jewry must laugh at the Goyim!

2) Media Patronage:All of you should get hold of a copy of a booklet produced about 10 years ago called "The Mind Benders". It was a devastating exposé of Jewish control of the mass media in Britain, the United States and globally. Most of the work on this booklet was done by a brilliant academic called Mark Deavin.He, however, was happy for the booklet to be published as written by....guess who? NICK GRIFFIN!

If you want to learn how Jewish media control is deployed to warp the political systems of all the major political parties -- certainly in the English-speaking world -- then look no further than this book.

It's funny, but for a few years, I haven't seen that booklet advertised anywhere.

Can some of my readers please e-mail Griffin and ask him where they can obtain a copy of 'his' brilliant booklet? (Don't forget to take the sarcastic single inverted commas from around the word 'his' when e-mailing him!!)

3) Holocaust Propaganda and Threat of "Anti-Semite!" Smears:These propaganda and blackmailing devices do not need my explanation. They are known to all of you.WHAT IS GRIFFIN DOING IN THE COMPANY OF ZIONIST ULTRAS AND NEO-CONS?

All this brings us back to the point where we started: Griffin's ever-closer involvement with Zionist 'Ultras' and Neo-Cons?

Anybody who has followed Griffin's career since he entered nationalist politics (via the National Front) in 1975 will realise that he is:(a) An opportunistic gad-fly, who has flitted from party to party, cause to cause, ideology to ideology, like a butterfly. These causes and beliefs have been so unalike as to be chalk to cheese. They cannot be part of a principled intellectual development from fundamental principles, but simply a flitting from perch to perch, the sole objective being not truth but the attainment of a branch higher up the tree.(b) Obsessed by money, up to and beyond the point of being a criminal swindler.

He has swindled parties. He has swindled individuals.

In one case he justified swindling one man ( "C.T.", a fellow member of the International Third Position, publishers of the Final Conflict NewsEmail) by remarking that he was "a drunk". He swindled another man "T.W." -- at the time his sister's fiancé! -- by simply denying that the loan for bulk-buying CDs had ever been transacted by him. The list of Griffin's swindles and jiggery-pokery is almost endless.

I know Nick Griffin very well. For four years I knew him intimately.

But you can be sure that Jewry's and the Establishment's intelligence agencies know him even better than I do. They can tap phones. They can intercept post and e-mail. They can, directly or indirectly, interview everybody who has had anything to do with him -- and they ahve done all these things, you can be sure.

The fact that he is an opportunistic gad-fly, the fact that he is obsessed by money and is willing to perpetrate swindles against his own colleagues and even family friends, are not character attributes which will set Jewry and the Establishment against Griffin. Not at all. Such character attributes will COMMEND Griffin to them.

I expect that most readers of this bulletin believe that Tony Blair is an utterly 'bought-and-paid-for' opportunistic political crook who is out only for himself and who has used the Labour Party merely as a platform for his own personal advancement and enrichment.If you can believe this of Blair -- or of Bush, and a string of other trans-Atlantic political prostitutes -- why can't you believe that Griffin is much the same?

Indeed, I would depict Griffin as being a cross between Tony Blair and Jeffrey Archer.Is it because Griffin has attached the word "Nationalist" to himself; because you believe yourself to be a Nationalist, and because you a DESPERATE to see some signs of a surge for the Nationalist cause?

Are you so desperate that you will blind yourself to obvious truths, rather like a very young child thinks it can hide itself by putting its hand over its eyes?

It is by exploiting the desperation and unsophistication of decent ordinary idealists that the con-men who attach themselves to parties -- Blair with Labour; Cameron with the Tories; Griffin with the BNP -- are able to swindle their way to wealth and even "honours'.


Now read what Griffin has promoted Lee Barnes to say on the BNP web site.

Martin Webster. ============================================

[NWN: n.b. The Barnes article has been cut to save space........]

David Irving on the Churchill 'myth' -  a must view which tells the story of the hidden history that occurred then, and the very sam...